Returning Multiple Datasets From A Stored Process

Jan 19, 2010

I have an encrypted SQL Server stored proc that I run with (or the vb .net equivalent code of):[code]this returns 2 datasets and the output parameters for the results, the datasets are made up of various table joins etc, one holds the header record and one the detail records.I need to get the 2 datasets into a structure in VB .net (e.g. linq, sqldatareader, typed datasets) so that I can code with them, I don't know what tables any of this comes from and there are alot of them Whooopeee...I came close using Linq to SQL and IMultipleResults but got frustrated when I had to recode it every time I made a change to the designer file.

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Call Stored Procedures In Code Having Service-based Database Attached With A Form By Datasets?

Dec 23, 2011

I already know how to call insert, update, delete & select procedures in DataSet.xsd window. And I also know how to call queries by table adapters. But I just found out that its not possible to call all functions by queries (such as insert). It works when I test the query but when I try to add it, it says "Failed to get schema for this query". So I built a few stored procedures which do many functions (such as transaction, insert, update etc...). But I am unable to use these stored procedures in VB form. I found some tutorials mentioning that it can be done by defining connections and some other stuffs with which I don't want this to be. I want to call these procedures by writing code in VB code editor window with DataSets, TableAdapters, BindingSource etc...

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Returning Date From Stored Procedure In ASP.Net?

Jun 4, 2010

I want to execute a method on VB.Net to return a date which is in the stored procedure. I tried using ExecuteScalar but it doesnt work it retruns error

'Implicit conversion from data type datetime to int is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query'

below is the code

Public Function GetHolidaydate(ByVal struserID as String) As DateTime
Dim objArgs1 As New clsSQLStoredProcedureParams
objArgs1.Add("@userID", Me.Tag)


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Returning SmallDateTime From Stored Procedure

Sep 2, 2009

I am posting this here because the sql query seems to be fine, it is the VB code that is the issue. I am new to VB and I have a subroutine that imports a value for the strating and ending time of a report. The error I am getting is: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Aug 20 2009 12:00PM' to data type int. Here is the code for both VB and SQL:


View 3 Replies - ODP.NET Calling A Stored Procedure And Returning A RefCursor

Mar 27, 2011

This problem has driven me mad for over a day now. I can create a connection to the database, I can execute sql and return results from that but I can't seem to call a stored Procedure. Here is the code


it works ok but no results are returned. I've verified that the procedure returns results for the user I'm logged in as. When the query was executing I could see a refcursor in there but it was empty. I must be going mad.

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ExecuteScalar Isn't Returning The Return Value Of A Stored Proceedure?

Jun 4, 2010

I have an sp that deletes a bunch of rows and returns the number of rows deleted...

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteChangeLog]

@ChangeEntityType bigint,

@StartDate datetime,[code]......

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Returning A Dataset From An Oracle Stored Procedure?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm trying to get VB6 to access an Oracle (9i) procedure and return a dataset without much success.Not used VB6 that much but I need to do it for this application as we are not able to install the .Net framework on this particular server.Oracle procedure has an input param and an OUT param which is defined as a sys_refcursur

varchar2, p_recordset OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)[code].....

I get the same error message regardless of wetheror or not the second output parameter is enabled.3709 The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this to return a recordset from Oracle to VB6?

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How To Code Multiple Datasets

Oct 16, 2009

I have a report where I need the same data, but for four separate date ranges. Currently this data is based on one month, so it's just one dataset. But now I am trying to do this with four separate datasets, where each one is filtered on each of the four date ranges. I setup my WHILE loop to loop thru all four dates. But I'm having trouble now with distinct naming these datasets. Is this the best way to do this? It looks like if I used multiple datatables for one dataset, I'd have to define each datatable column. Here is my current dataset commandstring

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Addding Multiple Databases (datasets) Into One VB Project

Jun 28, 2011

I have a dilemma. The program I"m trying to complete is one VB project with three (3) forms. The first form will act as a menu dialog box. The other two forms will have a dataset (database) on each form. The first form will have a button when clicked it will pull up form 2 and the second button when clicked will bring up form 3. What I add the dataset to form 2 everything is fine. I can see my tableadapter, dataset and so on. Now, when I add the second dataset (database) to form 3, I loose my, dataset and so on. It doesn't appear on any of the two forms (in designer)tableadapter.

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VB 2010 And Access (Multiple Datasets And Adapters)

Nov 24, 2010

Im currently making a program. It loads data from database fields into an combo box. Everything works so far, It just seems to be a mess. Do i need to have all the datasets and data adapters? or can i get away with just using 1 of each. It seems like im doing it wrong, and although it works it seems like a difficult and messy way of doing it.

Also i would like to assign the firshermenID to a variable depending on the fisherman name that is selected in the combo box. When button is pressed: id = fishermanID of the current fisherman (cmbFisherman.text)


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Multiple DataAdapters - Changing One Dataset On A Form Cause All Of The Datasets To Show Changes?

Jul 12, 2010

I have a form with multiple DataSets (filled by multiple Stored Procedures) and corresponding DataAdapters. Associated with the DataApters are commands for UPDATE, INSERT......... Before using the DA Update I am using 'If DSxyz.HasChanges(). It seems that when I make a change anywhere on the form affecting 1 dataset, all of the datasets show this to be true. Why should changing one dataset on a form cause all of the datasets to show changes?

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Returning Multiple Values From Function

Mar 17, 2009

I am working on a project I would like to use a function in a class I created to return multiple values in order to populate a listbox. I wanted to use a do until loop to achieve this. I will just post a simplified example of what I am doing :

Public Function Listboxfiller
Dim astring As String = "This is a string"
Dim Counter as integer = 0
Do until Counter = 5
return astring
Counter += 1

Then on the form I would do something like :

What happens right now is that the listbox only gets the first value, when I ran through in debug mode I found the loop only runs once, even though it should go multiple times.

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Web Services And Returning Multiple Values

Jan 14, 2009

I am struggling here with introducing web services into a site I am currently working on. The background is as follows.

- I have a page switchboard.vb which will recieves incoming xml requests.
- I parse these xml requests extracting its values, then setting them equal to the relevant global variables in switchboard.vb.
- One of these variables will determine a 'requestType'. Based on this requestType I want the page to call particular web services that I will add.
- These web services will then validate the user calling has permissions to access and execute it.
- The switchboard.vb page will then generate an xml respose which will post to the client.

Here is a summary of the process

The ways I can see to do this are:
1. Pass the variables into the required Function allowing it to pass back a pre formatted xml string.
Pro: Simple
Con: It is not really using the web service as it should be.

2. Pass the variables into the required Function as 'ByRef' values hense changing the original value on switchboard.vb
Pro: allows me to format the outgoing xml on switchboard.vb and gives me more functionality with more individual variables as opposed to one string being passed back.
Con: Is this taking advantage of a web service? When I tried this the web service form didnt give options to input test data. Possibly because I am using ByRef?

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C# - MVC: Returning Multiple Rows Of Data To Controller?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a table with several rows of data that I need to return to the controller. In my view, I initially load the table by selection of a time period and clicking a button. The table loads all my relevant records but one of my table cells contains a dropdown list. So I should be able make a selection in the dropdown click "update" and my controller saves the changes.

So everything works until I try and save. The model that is sent to the controller is completely null. The list property I have tied to the table cells returns to the controller null.


NOTE: This is written in VB.NET but C# help is welcome. I am familiar with both languages in MVC.

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Returning Multiple Results (UDT?) From An Interop Call - VB6?

May 7, 2012

like an Interop user control (VB.NET) to return and to accept multiple values from a get/set call. I assumed a user defined type (UDT), would be the correct way but I keep getting a "Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic¯ from the VB6 compile. How is passing multiple values between an interop control and the VB6 application done?VB.NET (Interop) code, a control with a .NET ListView

Structure Employee
Dim Firstname As String
Dim Lastname As String


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Returning Multiple Values From A Function Call?

Apr 1, 2010

I have an active directory search function:

Function GetAdInfo(ByVal ADDN As String, ByVal ADCommonName As String, ByVal ADGivenName As String, ByVal ADStaffNum As String, ByVal ADEmail As String, ByVal ADDescription As String, ByVal ADTelephone As String, ByVal ADOffice As String, ByVal ADEmployeeID As String) As


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Sql Server - Returning Multiple Columns From SQL Procedure With .NET

Feb 21, 2010

I am using this code file to call a procedure to get dates (among other things). When I execute this procedure in SQL 2005 Server Management Studio, I get about 10 columns. However when I execute this code, the dataset seems to only have one index value, maybe I am misunderstanding something. When I change this



ds.Tables(1).Rows.Count.ToString <---changing the index value to 1
(or higher)

I get no information. So my question is;

Does the DataSet contain the other columns, only not indexed like an array? What I want to do is choose which of the columns to filter out and turn the rest into JSON formatted strings.

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Tsql - Execute A SQL Stored Procedure And Process The Results?

May 13, 2011

In VB.NET, how do I do the following?

Execute a Stored Procedure
Read through the DataTable returned

View 2 Replies - Returning Multiple Values From A Function In An Parcial Class In VB?

Sep 6, 2011

show me how to return multiple values from a function? I have my function in a seperate file within App_Code and here it is:Public Function GetQuoteStatus(ByVal QuoteID As String) As String

Dim quoteStatus As String
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("quotingSystemConnectionString")


However this is all good and well for one returned value but what If I wanted to return multiple values.How do I access them?

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Parsing A Textbox String And Returning Substrings To Multiple Textboxes

Nov 17, 2010

i've done some basic parsing with text files before.

Scenario is i have 4 textboxes String (which contains the string i'm wanting to parse) sub1, sub2, and sub3. so the string is ex. 500000-1-2

- is the char that is the seperator

so the aim here is to get

500000 into sub1
1 into sub2
2 into sub3

the real string i'm wanting to parse is much more complex, but i'm keeping it simple here for a jumping off point so i can figure the rest out.

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Creating Multiple Sql Stored Procedures From .net?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm creating a database installer where I have some code to create database, tables, stored procedures, etc.I don't have problems when creating the database, tables and inserting required data. My problem is when my code gets to the stored procedures section.

Here is what I do:I have different text files (database.txt, tables.txt, insertdata.txt, storeprocedures.txt) where my sql syntax is located.I execute every process/text file using the following:

ExecuteSql("master", GetSql("database.txt")) ' Creating 1 database.
ExecuteSql("mynewdatabase", GetSql("tables.txt")) ' Creating 15 tables.
ExecuteSql("mynewdatabase", GetSql("insertdata.txt")) ' Inserting data to many tables.
ExecuteSql("mynewdatabase", GetSql("storeprocedures.txt")) ' Creating 6 stored procedures.

Here is part of the error:In exception handler: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PROCEDURE'. "This is the second stored procedure because the variables I get below belong to the second one"

Must declare the scalar variable "@intVariable1".
Must declare the scalar variable "@intVariable1".
Must declare the scalar variable "@intVariable1".
Must declare the scalar variable "@intVariable1".

When trying to create 6 or even 2 stored procedures using the same file 'storeprocedures.txt' is not possible. If I leave just 1 it works but I really want to keep them together.

Creating 15 tables using the same file 'tables.txt' works, inserting data in different tables using the same file 'insertdata.txt' works.This is the general syntax I use:

Create Procedure sp_stored1
@intVariablex int


Is is possible to create more than 1 stored procedure the way I'm trying to?Do I need to end every stored procedure with specific sql syntax, other than the 'end'?

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Creating Multiple Sql Stored Procedures?

Aug 15, 2010

Creating multiple sql stored procedures

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Execute Multiple Stored Procedures?

Jan 26, 2011

I have the following code:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Main.payrollButton.Enabled = True


and I'm trying to execute several stored procedures and it doesnt seem that it is.

On my final form that this connects to, I'm trying to fill data that is summed by these stored procedures and I'm getting the error of :

'The SelectCommand property has not been initialized before calling 'Fill' ... which I'm told is because there is no data in my query.

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Multiple DataAdapters With One Stored Procedure

Apr 7, 2010

I have a form which displays related data from three different tables. There is a foreign key between the master table and the two related. Currently I have three stored procedures to return the data based of the return key value from a search becuause I am using DataAdapters to select and modified the recordsets. This works great, but I'm sure adds a lot of overhead. In VB 2008 with SQL 2008, is there a way I could use only one stored procedure to accomplish this?

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Multiple DataAdapters With One Stored Proedure?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a form which displays related data from three different tables. There is a foreign key between the master table and the two related. Currently I have three stored procedures to return the data based of the return key value from a search. Because I am using DataAdapters to select and modified the recordsets I need three sepearte datasets. This works great, but I'm sure adds a lot of overhead. In VB 2008 with SQL 2008, is there a way I could use only one stored procedure to accomplish this?

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Multiple Stored Procedure, Single Transaction?

Jun 22, 2010

i get an "This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable." error everytime i run my code:

the main code

If DBOpen() = True Then
'begin transaction


i specified the transaction of sqlcommand named cmd via the Public Sub BeginTranscation. but, is this correct?

also, the error points to the Public Sub RollbackTransaction if the insert to the stored procedure fails. : "This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable."

how can i perform multiple stored procedure calls within a single transaction correctly?

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Multiple Stored Procedures From 1 Table Adaptor

Jun 3, 2010

Can I use different stored procedures from 1 table adaptor that has all the stored procedures in it?

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SQL Stored Procedure Return Multiple Tables?

Jun 9, 2010

Like the title says I want to create a SQL (2005) stored procedure where I say:

Select a, b, c from A
Select b, c, d from B
Select c, d, e from C


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Stored Procedures Will Not Work In VB With Multiple Tables

Jun 2, 2009

So I pulled out my SQL book and I think I am doing this right but VS don't seem to like it. Here is what I got:


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Wpf - Stored Procedure That Stringifies Those Multiple Expertises To Fit For Each User?

Aug 17, 2010

This is my main table structure:The expertise column is a many to many relationship with another table that has a list of available languages.I wanted to have a flattened structure to display all the languages that a person expertise's, so I wrote a stored procedure that stringifies those multiple expertises to fit for each user. When I called this sp from my wpf application, its not showing the values. I tried the 'preview data' from object browser which showed only one row of my table.

(Expected result: What is the problem with my approach?

my Sp:

create procedure myView as
DECLARE @count INT,@finCount INT,@result varchar(50)[code].....

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