Multiple DataAdapters - Changing One Dataset On A Form Cause All Of The Datasets To Show Changes?

Jul 12, 2010

I have a form with multiple DataSets (filled by multiple Stored Procedures) and corresponding DataAdapters. Associated with the DataApters are commands for UPDATE, INSERT......... Before using the DA Update I am using 'If DSxyz.HasChanges(). It seems that when I make a change anywhere on the form affecting 1 dataset, all of the datasets show this to be true. Why should changing one dataset on a form cause all of the datasets to show changes?

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Multiple DataAdapters With One Stored Procedure

Apr 7, 2010

I have a form which displays related data from three different tables. There is a foreign key between the master table and the two related. Currently I have three stored procedures to return the data based of the return key value from a search becuause I am using DataAdapters to select and modified the recordsets. This works great, but I'm sure adds a lot of overhead. In VB 2008 with SQL 2008, is there a way I could use only one stored procedure to accomplish this?

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Multiple DataAdapters With One Stored Proedure?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a form which displays related data from three different tables. There is a foreign key between the master table and the two related. Currently I have three stored procedures to return the data based of the return key value from a search. Because I am using DataAdapters to select and modified the recordsets I need three sepearte datasets. This works great, but I'm sure adds a lot of overhead. In VB 2008 with SQL 2008, is there a way I could use only one stored procedure to accomplish this?

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Merging 2 Datasets And Show It In Grid?

Apr 8, 2010


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Multiple Forms - Declare And Instantiate Second Form On Program Start - Use Button Simply To Show Form?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a program that uses two forms. The program opens to the Main form, and the user can navigate to the other form from the Main form through use of a button. Here's the way I've currently written it: When the Main form loads, it declares and instantiates the other form during the load procedure. When the user presses a button, the second form is displayed by means of the ShowDialog method. On the second form, there is a Return to Main Screen button which closes the second form, bringing the user back to the Main form.

So, here's the structure of the code:

Public Class frmMainForm

Dim frmSecondForm As New SecondForm

Private Sub btnSecondForm_Click(blah, blah, blah) Handles blah, blah, blah


Here's my reasoning: Originally, I wrote the code so that a new instance of the second form was created every time the button was pressed. The problem was that whatever data was displayed on the second form, previously, was lost when the user returned to it a second time. Since the user would be switching back and forth between these forms, frequently, I needed that data to persist.

What is the best practice for accomplishing this:

1) Declare and instantiate the second form on program start, as I have done, and use the button simply to show the form?

2) Declare and instantiate the second form each time the button is pressed but maintain the variables on the Main form and pass them ByRef to a custom constructor for the second form? Is this even possible?

3) Something else?

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.net - NUnit Testing Show A Form And Populate Its Textbox From Dataset In TestClass

May 20, 2011

I have written my and in a test class for and it works as follows:

A stored procedure is executed and the result is saved in an xml file with the help of a dataset. What I need to do now is , Information of this dataset should also be redirected to a textbox in a form so that I can copy this information in clipboard and create dynamic assert statements for instance I want


and same to get columnType. All of this info would be shown in the form but I am unable to open a form in NUnit test class.

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VS 2010 - BindingSource And Dataset - Show Attributes In Textboxes Inside A Form

May 16, 2011

[Code] Somewhere my system haves a function that returns a DataSet with the books of a certain subject and all the Authors that wrote such books. I need to show the book's attributes in some textboxes inside a Form. I use a BindingSource to display the ISBN, Name and Subject of the books in a textbox, yet I don't know how to display the author name of the book I am currently viewing in a TextBox, taking into account I already fetched the Author into the DataSet.

Its pretty much the Child/Parent display problem somewhere discussed in the codebank, but kinda backwards, the thing is that I;m navigating through the CHILD records here, not the parent, yet i have all the data needed in my Dataset.

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How To Code Multiple Datasets

Oct 16, 2009

I have a report where I need the same data, but for four separate date ranges. Currently this data is based on one month, so it's just one dataset. But now I am trying to do this with four separate datasets, where each one is filtered on each of the four date ranges. I setup my WHILE loop to loop thru all four dates. But I'm having trouble now with distinct naming these datasets. Is this the best way to do this? It looks like if I used multiple datatables for one dataset, I'd have to define each datatable column. Here is my current dataset commandstring

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Show Multiple Images On A Form?

May 24, 2009

Is there a simple way to show multiple images on a form?

(Somting like this?

-> Movie (American Gangster) = Picture 1
-> Movie (American Pie) = Picture 2

the data must be variable....

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Show Same Form On Multiple Monitors?

Aug 13, 2010

I am creating a Jeopardy type game and I want to be able to have the same form show on multiple monitors at times and at other times show a form only on one monitor. I have no problem getting a form to show up on the second monitor, but when I try to show the same form on multiple monitors I run into problems.[code]...

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Display (show) The Same Form Multiple Times?

Oct 28, 2009

How can i display (show) the same form multiple times? Lets say Form2. This code only shows the form once: Form2.Show()

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Addding Multiple Databases (datasets) Into One VB Project

Jun 28, 2011

I have a dilemma. The program I"m trying to complete is one VB project with three (3) forms. The first form will act as a menu dialog box. The other two forms will have a dataset (database) on each form. The first form will have a button when clicked it will pull up form 2 and the second button when clicked will bring up form 3. What I add the dataset to form 2 everything is fine. I can see my tableadapter, dataset and so on. Now, when I add the second dataset (database) to form 3, I loose my, dataset and so on. It doesn't appear on any of the two forms (in designer)tableadapter.

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Returning Multiple Datasets From A Stored Process

Jan 19, 2010

I have an encrypted SQL Server stored proc that I run with (or the vb .net equivalent code of):[code]this returns 2 datasets and the output parameters for the results, the datasets are made up of various table joins etc, one holds the header record and one the detail records.I need to get the 2 datasets into a structure in VB .net (e.g. linq, sqldatareader, typed datasets) so that I can code with them, I don't know what tables any of this comes from and there are alot of them Whooopeee...I came close using Linq to SQL and IMultipleResults but got frustrated when I had to recode it every time I made a change to the designer file.

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VB 2010 And Access (Multiple Datasets And Adapters)

Nov 24, 2010

Im currently making a program. It loads data from database fields into an combo box. Everything works so far, It just seems to be a mess. Do i need to have all the datasets and data adapters? or can i get away with just using 1 of each. It seems like im doing it wrong, and although it works it seems like a difficult and messy way of doing it.

Also i would like to assign the firshermenID to a variable depending on the fisherman name that is selected in the combo box. When button is pressed: id = fishermanID of the current fisherman (cmbFisherman.text)


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Accessing Datasets Loaded In Main Form From A Child Form?

Aug 11, 2009

I have a program I've been working on for some time now and I'd like to try to streamline it somewhat. I have a main menu form that has a split panel, in the left panel is a treeview that displays forms you can open and when one is selected, it opens in a child window in the right panel. Each time I open form I called DWNForm, it does a series of dataset loads which are the populating items for a series of listviews.

What I would like to do is have these datasets load once during the mainMenu load and then have the DWNForm be able to access the datasets once it is called from the treeview selection.

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.net - Combine Multiple Dataset Columns To One Dataset?

May 19, 2010

I have multiple datasets that I would like to combine into one. There is a common ID field that can be associated to each row. Calling Merge on the dataset will add additional rows to the dataset, but I would like to combine the additional columns. There are too many fields to do this in one query and therefore would make it unmanageable. Each individual query would be able to handle ordering to ensure the data is placed in the correct row.

For Example lets say I have two queries resulting in two datasets:

SELECT ID, colA, colB
SELECT colC, colD

The resulting dataset would look like

ID colA colB colC colD
1 a b c d
2 e f g h

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VS 2005 Use The Insert Command Of The DataAdapters?

Dec 27, 2009

DataReaders are read-only forward-only but DataAdapters have their own insert,update,delete and update command.then how to use the insert command of the DataAdapters?

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.net - One Dataset With Multiple Results Sets (multiple Select Statements) SQL Reporting Service?

Oct 15, 2011

I have a question regarding the dataset usage in Reporting Services. I have a stored procedure which returns multiple select statements (result tables), and I created a Dataset in Reporting Services 2005 with this stored procedure. The problem is that I can not reference the second or third result table, and I can only use the first select statement fields. Is this the limitation on Reporting Services Dataset or is there a way to use multiple table results in one dataset?

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Changing ConnectionString Of Dataset?

Aug 31, 2009

Im trying to make a query inb a dataset (to fill a report) Why it dont let me do a select (that will return rows)?

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VS 2008 Opening Up New Form Instances With Different Datasets?

Mar 24, 2009

I�m fetching data from an access db, filtered by date and an ID. The data is then charted on a form (form1).

I want to be able to "duplicate" the form so that the data that is shown on form1 is shown on a different form. That forms data is not supposed to change when I change the data on the first form.

So far I�ve put som code in a contextmenustrip that opens another form1, but the chart is not showing on that form at all.

I'm thinking that I'm going about this the wrong way so I thought I'd ask you guys what you think I should do?

A little info: When Form1 opens up, it loops through selected dates in a listbox, querying each date. This takes a little time, so I decided to put the data in a dataset on form_load, and then do the drawing from the dataset on form_paint, thus not having to query the database each time the form needs repainting. why the second (or third, fourth etc) form1 doesn�t display the chart?

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Dataset - Multiple Tables - Multiple Columns

Sep 18, 2009

I have a small project i am doing for work to compare our website catalogue to our actual inventory in our financial software. To do this, i have exported the online catalogue as a delimited text file using "^" as the delimiter. I then want to go into our Accpac data a find out if all the items are still active, the current price and the stock on hand.


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Call Stored Procedures In Code Having Service-based Database Attached With A Form By Datasets?

Dec 23, 2011

I already know how to call insert, update, delete & select procedures in DataSet.xsd window. And I also know how to call queries by table adapters. But I just found out that its not possible to call all functions by queries (such as insert). It works when I test the query but when I try to add it, it says "Failed to get schema for this query". So I built a few stored procedures which do many functions (such as transaction, insert, update etc...). But I am unable to use these stored procedures in VB form. I found some tutorials mentioning that it can be done by defining connections and some other stuffs with which I don't want this to be. I want to call these procedures by writing code in VB code editor window with DataSets, TableAdapters, BindingSource etc...

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Fill A DataSet On Application Startup And Use Dataset Other Form?

Jun 5, 2010

I need to pick all data in my application from my database and use it in my form

my question : how to pick all data in my application then i use it

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Combobox - .net Cascading ComboBoxes Connected To DataSet From Access - Changing Units And Decimal To Fractions?

Oct 2, 2011

I have a DataSet with a DataTable that has several numeric columns of Data. The numeric data is composed of distances given in U.S. Standard units. I currently have my ComboBoxes set up and working, but I need to expand on what I currently have in two ways.I need to be able to convert the Decimal numbers in my data column being displayed to Fractions, is there a way to do this and maintain databinding? In this case its the Display Member of the data source...I need to be able to display my drop down options in different sets of units... I've written Unit Conversion classes to help take care of this, but I don't know if I can somehow do this as well and maintain databinding? I'd like to convert the units on the display members as well...

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectionChangeCommitted
Select Case ComboBox1.SelectedItem


What is the best approach for using ComboBoxes when dealing with issues such as displaying fractions and units...

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Other Way To Show Top 100 Record In Dataset

Apr 16, 2012

Syntax error: Missing operand after 'top' operator.on line below dg.DataSource = dsResult.Tables("aTable").Select("RowID in (select top (100) [RowID] from aTable)")

Does anyone other way to do this.

BTW the rowID is just a unique id.

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Changing Multiple Controls During Runtime?

Mar 15, 2012

I need to change size parameter of OvalShape, I have about 100 of them, named like OvalShape1, OvalShape1...... OvalShape100

This example works for Label, but throws error for OvalShape, following is my modified code that giving error;
For Count As Integer = 1 To 100


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Populate Data From Dataset And Show In Datagridview

Aug 11, 2009

I am working in and i have a simple requirement. I have added a MDB file to a dataset and it contains 21 tables. I have a datagridview and a combobox on my form. I was able to get the combobox populated with the table names available in the dataset by iterating through dataset.tables. Now i want to add the feature where the user can select the table name from the combo and then it should populate the contents of that table. I tried the following Code


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Show Information From A Datagrid Cell To Show Up In A Text Box In Another Form

Jun 8, 2011

how do you show information from a datagrid cell to show up in a text box in another form, this is for a college project.

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Changing And Keeping The BackColor For Multiple Buttons?

Dec 16, 2011

Using VB/VS 2010 and am trying to provide the user with a way to change the color of the control buttons on my main windows form. I'm starting with the button click event that then calls another sub-form (code shown respectively below).

I was testing with DirectCast as I need to deal with a multitude of button controls (i.e., will have more than the two shown below).

I would like to know how to deal with the following:

1. How do I save the BackColor so when the user opens the form for the first time (or any other time thereafter) the color set earlier appears (the default via properties is green).

2. When I click on the button for the first time and change the color it doesn't change until I click the button again.


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Changing Multiple Ovalshape Size During Runtime?

Mar 13, 2012

I am using the PowerPack and trying to change multiple ovalshape size, I have used the following code for changing multiple labels,

For Count As Integer = 1 To 100
Me.Controls("Label" & Count).Text= "Hello World"
Next Count

If I do the same for OvalShape, assume I have OvalShape1, OvalShape2.... OvalShape100

For Count As Integer = 1 To 100
Me.Controls("OvalShape" & Count).Size = New System.Drawing.Size(20, 20)
Next Count

The above throws error when executed.

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