Runtime Error 217 Appears When Close The Last Form Of An Own Made Program?

Jul 13, 2009

I've made a project with serveral forms and instances of classes.The program works fine until the last form close.2 messages were shown:1. The exception unknown software exception(0x0eedfade) occured in the application at location (?????????)2. Regular dialogue "Runtime error 217 at (????????)

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Close Program But Still Appears In Task Manager?

Oct 30, 2009

I tried to build my project but it failed and said the exe was already in use by another process. So I looked in the Task Manager and saw several instances of this exe and several instances of another exe that I wrote. Why wouldn't the processes be stopped after I close the programs I wrote. Is there something I can do so that the processes end after I close the program?

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Add A Control (which I Made) To Form During Runtime?

Jul 29, 2009

I have made a custom Control in and I want to add it to my form during runtime but have no idea how to do it in

I am used to working with vb6.0 and now trying to learn how to do it in

I need a fast and simple way of adding a control (which I made) to a form during runtime..

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Made To Load A Program With An Incorrect Format" Error

May 3, 2010

My pc is 32bit and run vs2008.Once I try to install my windows app into a client laptop which is 64bit, I got an error said that

An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

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When Push Close Button On Top Right Of Exe Made / Process Still Runs

Nov 29, 2010

When i push the close button on the top right of the exe i made, the process still runs. How can i make it to where when i close the exe it closes the process too? Also, (this is for shits and giggles) if i wanted to make a button that closed certain processes, what would the code be? For example, the button would close explorer.exe, googledesktop.exe, ect.

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Close Program And Run Form?

Mar 18, 2009

I am created two projects with two different executive files, which the one are for the normal program to create and the other one is for an update. I want to separate these dialogs. I have already added the update executive file as reference in my program. I would like you to help me to resolve this issue as I have problem with open the update dialog when I clicked on the menu item. When I clicked the menu item which are suppose to close the program and load the update form from the update executive file but they did not show up.[code]...

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How To Handle Controls Made At Runtime

Mar 19, 2012

If I have the following code, which adds combobox's to a tableControlPanel.How do I handle the index changing in the combobox?The second code shows what I am trying to do, except for multiple combobox's that are made on runtime.


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VS 2010 Unexpected Error On Program Close With A Wait Loop?

Dec 1, 2011

In my MDI Application code I have a form that launches a second form then hides itself until the spawned form closes. It works great unless I choose to close the application while the spawned form is still up.

The following is some example code.

Dim ChildForm as New frmTaskWindow With { .MDIParent = Me, .AddingNew = True }


Me.Show() ' error occurs here because my form is already closed by the system. Is there a way to get around this without just an error catcher?

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Close A Form That Has A Validation Error?

Oct 10, 2011

A wrong entry into a textbox causes the errorprovider to appear (set in the validation event e.cancel=true).Can I close the form (X in the upper right corner)?

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Error On Me.Close() Event Of Form

Sep 15, 2010

I have a VB.NET application writtene using VS 2008 and have been receiving a weird error when a form is closed - it gives me the following error message:

Windows has triggered a breakpoint in MyApplication.exe.

This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in MyApplication.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded. This may also be due to the user pressing F12 while MyApplication.exe has focus. The output window may have more diagnostic information.

The immediate window then has this error message:

Critical error detected c0000374

I tried fixing this by just hiding the window, but this simply moves the error up the chain and I get an error when exiting the program as it tries to close the form:

Unhandled exception at 0x7700e29b in MyApplication.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.

I don't think I'm doing anything particularly strange in my application - reading from and writing to a database is about as complicated as anything gets for me. I've tried using AppVerifier, but then the program won't even open. I'm at a real loss as I don't know anything about memory management, or what a heap is. I just can't work out why this error is happening

By the way, the application compiles and runs fine on my old 32-bit computer running WinXP professional, but my new 64-bit Windows 7 computer is just not having it, even though I have targeted the compile for x86 and followed every bit of advice I could find on geting it to work in Windows 7. Should Windows 7 and VS 2008 really be incompatible? Do I need to get VS 2010 instead?

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Error When Hiding And Close A Form

May 1, 2012

I have a log in form, and once you log in, it's supposed to show a new form.

The problem here is...if I use Me.Close(), then both of the forms close, and the application terminates.

If I use Me.Hide(), than the first form doesn't actually stop running in the memory, and proceeds to run in the background even after you're done with the program.

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Threading Error On Form Close

Aug 15, 2011

I'm upgrading some code from VB2003 to VB2010. I'm now getting an error when I try to close a form from a media player event.


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Form Validation Error, Does Not Allow To Close The Form

Jun 8, 2012

I am using the following code

Private Sub txtAIT_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtAIT.Validating
If txtAIT.Text <> "" Then


In form I have a close/Cancel button, and I set Causes Validation = false, and on its Click I used "Me.Close", but form can not be closed.

Button Works fine, but form can not be closed until text field has been validated.

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Running .bat File Through Code ... Get Error "An Attempt Was Made To Load A Program With An Incorrect Format"

Dec 7, 2010

I have a batch file. It includes two lines, as follows: pkgmgr /n:unattend.xml pause I have run this batch file manually and it works (installs IIS on the local machine). But when I try to run it in code I get an error: "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format". Here is my code to run the batch file:


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Close A Form Without Exit The Program?

Jun 4, 2011

I've been working on two projects, one needs to have multiple forms, but when I open one form, it needs to close the sender.

But, when I try it, the program exits! I don't want it, I just want to close the form, not the app.

I tried the 'Form1.Hide()' too, but it doesn't sound good to me. There is other approach?

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Pass Data Between Forms Made At Runtime?

Aug 3, 2009

How to pass data between forms made at runtime? I need to check the data in the form at runtime and accordingly use it in SQL queries to retrieve data from database.

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VS 2010 Save Those Controls Made At Runtime

Jan 16, 2012

I'm making a video editor program and I'm getting kinda stumped at the save portion, I've worked with openfiledialog so I figured save would be sorta the same. What I'm doing is adding files(music,videos, and pics) to a flowlayoutpanel. I just don't know how to save those controls made at runtime, this code is my import code. It's pretty much the same for music, video and pics with the exception being the format and openfiledialog being used:


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Form Close After An Error Occurs During A SaveFileDialog

Oct 13, 2009

I am having an issues with my code causing my forum to close after an error occurs during a SaveFileDialog. My problem is if the form closes after an error occurs that doesn't save the file, the person would lose their text they made. If there a way I can embed the code in an If statement or Try catch so it only closes if the file was saved? Here is my


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Runtime Error Program Cprogram Files (X86) Incredimail

Nov 11, 2011

I have incredimail that was working fine but now I get a runtime error Program Cprogram files (X86) incredimailinin app.exe This application has requested the runtime to terminatet in an unusual way.

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Make Buttons Made During Runtime With A Click Event?

Sep 6, 2009

I am trying to make buttons made during runtime with a click event. I have figured out the click event, by using addhandler, but is there a way to get info from the button, and use it in the sub? Here is my


the buttons will be created according to a variable that changes during runtime, so I won't know the names of the buttons.

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VS 2008 Accessing Button Properties Made In Runtime?

Apr 6, 2010

how to handle movement of buttons that are made in runtime. What my program does is writes the name of a button that is made in runtime, the left, and top cordinate into a textfile. When the user reopens the program it needs to load the button in the same spot. So far i have a streamreader reading the file in each line. There is a one sentence split by ",". Each of the three components are loaded into an array. how can i call the buttons it i am unsure of the name. Possible answer could include using sender, addhandler.

Private Sub LoadBuildingToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadBuildingToolStripMenuItem1.Click
Dim File As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog


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Close Form = Cannot Access A Disposed Object Error?

Jul 17, 2010

By default my app loads the activation form. On the form load it checks if the license is valid and if so i want it to close/hide the registration form and open the form that starts my app.

When i try to do this it crashes my app with the following error


Cannot access a disposed object

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'check if a valid license is available


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Close The Form Without Entering Any Input And Not Generate An Error?

May 8, 2011

i am using validated function and i would like to close the form without entering any input and not generate an error. is there a method that changes the exit command to allow this?Sometimes the answer is so blindingly obvious i fail to see it.

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Designer Generated Lookup Throws Error On Form Close

Jan 17, 2011

I have a project with multiple forms that are used to edit tables in a project data source (access DB). All the forms work fine, except the ones that use designer generated lookups.

When I am editing a row in a bound DGV on the lookup forms, they function fine, and the save button works fine. However, once I go to close the form it starts throwing "System.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid." multiple times.

I've created applications similar to this in VS2008 without any issues.

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VS 2010 : Close And Open A Form - Make A Login For A Program?

Jul 16, 2010

How do I Close a Form and then open a new one straight away? Im trying to make a Login for a Program, but I want the Login Box to open first, then disappear when the credentials are correct and a new Form to load.

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VS 2008 : Modal Form Hide Instead Of Close - Main Form Does Not Close

Mar 20, 2009

I have a main form that has a button with which a smaller form is shown. Think of the smaller form as the Find/Replace dialog in many applications, such as Notepad. It's important that the form is (what I believe is called) modal. What I mean is that it always stays on top of the main form. I ensure that by calling the Show method with "Me" as the owner argument. Whenever the small form loses focus it will not disappear into the background but stay visible (albeit out of focus). If you don't understand open up Notepad and have a look at the behavior of the Find/Replace dialog.

Here's my problem: instead of actually closing the form when the X is pressed, I want it to simply Hide itself, so its position and the state of any controls (checkboxes etc) is preserved automatically.To achieve this I simply cancel the FormClosing event and Hide it:
Private Sub Form2_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing


To show the form, I use the following (note the (Me) to make the main form the owner of the form; this ensures that it remains visible even when it is out of focus):
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Now. When I run my project, and open the Form2 (small form), then hide it again (by 'closing' it), I can no longer close the main form (Form1)! It seems the main form cannot close when the small form still exists (albeit invisible)...?? When I don't use the Me argument in the Show method, I don't get the behavior I want. I know I can set the TopMost property to True but that will also cause it to become visible on top of all the other forms, even windows not part of my application.

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VS 2008 Form OnClosing Even Called After Runtime Error?

Jan 3, 2011

When an application "crashes" when the form is forced close is the closing even called and executed or is the process just terminated?

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Dialog Box Appears With Error

May 23, 2009

I can't seem to get my 'Save' feature to work properly. It lets me choose save and lets me choose my desired save name but when i click on 'Save', a dialog box appears saying

"problemIllegal characters in path."

I'm not sure if it's code that i'm missing or code that shouldn't be there.

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MDI Form Size - Child Form Doesn't Appears In Maximized State

Mar 15, 2012

I am developing a application where I have 1 parent from (windowstate of Parent from is set to Maximized) and 2 child forms. In my Parent form I have a menustrip with following code to activate child -


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Error : Private Function Close() As Integer Implements IVsPersistDocData.Close Has Multiple Definitions With Identical Signatures?

May 12, 2010

I have two Close() functions in same class as below:


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