SQL - When I Open Up The Table In The Management Studio The Record Is Not There?

Jul 7, 2010

I am writing a program to record patient info for a local ambulance company. My problem is when a patient is added it does not write to the SQL server. When I open up the table in the Management Studio the record is not there. Here is the other thing that is weird to me. I open the program, add the patients info, clear the search box, type in their info and the record shows up. When I close and reopen the program I search the same record and nothing comes up. I tried redoing the string command, then thought maybe I needed to use parameters but that didn't work either.

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Visual Studio Causes Error In SQL Management Studio

Apr 17, 2011

This is my first try of Visual Basic 2010 Express, though I have 10 yrs+ experience in VBA. I'm running Windows XP SP2 on a desktop pc with following installed: Visual Basic 2010 Express... just installed! SQL Server 205 Express ... been running on pc for 12 months I've created a new DB in SQL for my test application, but have not added any users or permissions to it as I'm using Windows authentication.

I've created a new Windows Forms Solution in VB2010EXP and tried adding a new Data Source for my new SQL DB, but it keeps giving error message about not having rights ot the db. 2 days of searching on the web has confirmed many others with similar issues, but no obvious solution. Eventually I find a few threads about permissions and moving the mdf into the root of the HDD, so try moving my mdf file up closer to the root of the Hard Drive msf was in C:Documents and Settings\_SharedDataApplication_DataMSSQL2005Data now in C:SQL2005Data


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Coping The Active Record In A Form To Another Table And Then Deleting The Record From The Original Table?

Aug 18, 2011

I am leaning VB and have created a basic inventory app for work that consist of 4 tables, CurrentInventory, Surplus, Staff and Category. Each of these tables have a corresponding form. My question is with the CurrentInventory and Surplus form/tables. I want a button on the CurrentInventory Form that when clicked the current record would be transferred to the Surplus table and deleted from the CurrentInventory table.I am assuming that I could somehow use the INSERT command to copy the current record to the surplus table but I am not sure how to accomplish this.

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Sql Management Studio For Vs2010?

Jul 13, 2010

which version of sql management studio express should i download for visual studio 2010

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Asp.1.1 - Publishing - Put Database Up From SQL Management Studio

Nov 5, 2009

Using Vb.net 2003 Asp.net 1.1 Sql Server2005 Express Vs.Net 7.1. I have Vb.Net Standard and there is no Web Set Up with this version. I have FTP things along time ago but not asp just basic stuff. I have read about xcopy,copy project, I have XP and IE that I can FTP from. I also have to put a database up from SQL Managment Studio. I need to know HOW WHAT WHEN WHERE on how to do this right. This is an interactive site that I made, very similar to a Forum like this site. Do I just upload the dll.

I don't want my source code available for everyone to see, do I have to obfucate it if I am using [url] as a host. The site can't really be down all the time, I have read that I could work on thesite while it is up but I believe I will have to have all the source files up and open.

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Application Along With Database Created In SQL Management Studio

May 24, 2010

Please how can i publish an application created in vb.net along with a database which i created in SQL Management Studio?

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Visual Studio 2008 Collaboration & Management

Mar 11, 2010

I write as a systems administrator and own VS Team 2008 Team Suite. I would want to learn about the features within the package that allow developers to collaborate with other developers either real-time or otherwise.Additionally, I would want to learn about the features that would allow me to assign and monitor the progress of projects.

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Install SQL SQL Server Management Studio Express Silently?

Sep 28, 2009

where that i find the commands for make an silent install of SQL Server Management Studio Express.The same thing i did with sql express 2005:

infoSQLExpress.FileName = DirectoryGet + "appsSQLEX05.EXE"
infoSQLExpress.Arguments = "/qb INSTANCENAME=" + txtInstanzname.Text _
+ " ADDLOCAL=SQL_Engine,SQL_Data_Files,Client_Components,Connectivity" _[code]......

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Data From Excel 2007 To Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express?

Jun 22, 2009

How do I transfer data from Excel 2007 into Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express as shown below? I try copy and list of data in excel as shown in the screenshot.. But when I paste in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.. Only the first result is past inside..

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Deployed And Installed Application / Want To Attach Database Within SQL Server Management Studio

Mar 9, 2009

I've developed an application in VB2008 express and have installed it to another PC. The installation has put the mdf file in c:documents and settingsuserappsdata.I want to attach this with SQL Server Management studio but when I try to browse to the file in order to attach it, I find I can't browse further then C:documents and settingsuser.

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Get The Stored Procedure Have Created At SQL Server Management Studio Using Code Behind The Files?

Aug 3, 2011

How can I get the output data of sql procedure from SQL Server to my asp.net[vb.net] page dropdown list?<asp:DropDownList ID="DdLocation"></asp:DropDownList>

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Start Writing A Store Produce And Function In SQL Management Studio Express

Oct 23, 2009

i grow familiar with statements queries of SQL. Now, i have to start writting a store produce and function in SQL Management studio express.

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Updating A Data User 2008 And Sql Server Management Studio Express

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to update a data user using vb.net2008 and sql server management studio express for my backend. the error says "must declare the scalar variable "@username"

Here's the code .

Private Sub btnupdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)Handles btnupdate.Click
Dim connstring = New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=MISD-


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Creating A Database Management Software Using VB IN VISUAL STUDIO 2008 As Front End And ORACLE 10g As Backend?

Jul 6, 2010

I am an absolute newbie in both oracle and visual basic. I have covered some basics as tutorials and want to develop a database using Visual basic as front end and Oracle as back end. I have Visual Studio 2008 installed and I will use Visual Basic from that. I also have Oracle 10g express edition installed on my system.

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Free Open Source Document Management System .net

Apr 30, 2011

I am looking for an open source .net DMS. I know in the post below there are some c++ but am not familiar with it so that would be much help.I found this post but is was asked back in 2009 so there might have been some progress or additions to this? Open Source Document Management System in .net? The reason for open source is that I would like to be able to integrate it into something else later on. I would also need it to be a desktop based system and not web based.

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Management Always Wants More Features: Requesting Outlook Cleint To Open?

Jun 27, 2011

First good Monday to all and thanks for the suggestions on path I got it working somewhat.Problem: When a user clicks the comment button I would like outlook client to open so they can submit their comments. We run outlook client 2010 and exchange 2010 server. The Network Administrator is somewhat helpful but I am responsible for coding. Code specifics needed, did some research but not a lot of examples. I originally designed a cute little form with pages that folks could view to answer questions about how to use office software, the boss saw it and now they want more.

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Table Management In Point Of Sale (POS) Using VB 2005?

Apr 28, 2010

May I know how to code a Table Management for a Restaurant Point of Sale system by using VB 2005? what engine or features in the VS that I should be using for this. Or if there is any place where I can find some example source?

Table Management feature in the POS should be able to have an editor to put in tables/chairs/obstacles and etc. Each bill that been open via the POS will be able to assign to the particular Table in the Table Management and to save it.

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Adding Association (link Table Record) Without Creating A New Related Record?

Jul 31, 2011

I have two tables Products and Categories with a many to many relationship. I am trying to copy the categories linked to one product (OriginalProduct) to another product (newProduct). The problem is when I execute the SaveChanges() method, I not only get the records in my linking table, but it also creates another copy of the categories in the categories table. I've tried this in many ways but here are the last couple that I've attempted:

' Copy Product/Categories
For Each oneProdCategory In OriginalProduct.Categories
Dim relatedCategory = _productContext.GetObjectByKey(New EntityKey ("ProductInfoEntities.Categories", "RecordId", oneProdCategory.RecordId))


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Display Record From Table To Gridview On Page Load And Also Search Record For Particular Fields Using Textbox.

Jan 23, 2011

My database : table1

1 Sumit 22
2 Sanjeev 23

i have gridview 1 and textbox1 and button1 i want when pages load the gridview displays the all records from table1 and also ...i i wanna search record for firstname by typing sumit in textbox1 and click on button1 then in gridview the record of sumit will be shown ..by default gridview display alll records from table1 How to do this My Selct Query is below : but it doesnot display all record ...but it can display record if you search for a particular record .


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Save Data In Table First Delete Record Then Insert Record

Dec 3, 2011

I use This Code To Save Data in Table First I delete record Then Insert record

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Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is Required In Table?

May 11, 2011

I'm receiving the following error:"You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'FORN_NIB'."

I cannot understand this error fr the related record really existe on the FORN_NIB table. It is even picked up from there. Here's the code where the error occurs at the .Update instruction:

HTML With rst
.Open("DADOS_RECIBOS", conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)
.Fields("NUM_FORN").Value = Me.TextBox1.Text


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Open A Table In SQL Server 2008 Table From VB Using ADO Error "Recordset.Open Fatal"

Dec 8, 2009

I am a newbie and am trying to open a table in SQL Server 2008 table from Visual Basic using ADO and its throwing up a weird fatal error. The error message is:'A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated. For more details, see the Microsoft Help and Support web site. HRESULT = 0x80131c08. ErrorCode: 0x0' The code I am running at the time is:


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Error When Deleting A Record From Table (table Which Stores Username And Password)

Apr 26, 2009

I got an error when I tried to save a deleted record in a table which I use to store username and password.

I can delete with no problems but the error message popped up when I clicked on the update icon

My login code is like this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Open Visual Studio Express Files With Normal Visual Studio?

Apr 11, 2011

Is it possible to open visual studio express files with normal visual studio?

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Inserting A Record From One Table To Another New Table?

Feb 22, 2011

i have some sample code on inserting a record from one table to another new table? Making the record on the first table to be deleted and been transfered to another table ..

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Move A Record From Table To Table?

Dec 18, 2009

i don't now where to but my question so if this is the wroung section i am sorry

i am designing a web site with a database using visual studio

and the code i use is visual basic

i use this code to insert in to tabel temp1

MySqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
MySqlCommand.CommandText =
"Insert into temp1 values(@id_card,@city,@name)"


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Update One Table With Another Table Record?

Oct 6, 2010

am having a query regarding updating a table A records from table b on a button click...have created connection sting and commandtext to exexute d query am tryn ds query bt it seems to throw some syntax error

cmd.CommandText =
"UPDATE stockno_table SET(product_id,Sold,Rec_No)
=(SELECT product_id,Sold,Rec_No from stockno_temp_copy
where stockno_temp_copy.stock_no=stockno_table.stock_no) where(exists)(stockno_table.stock_no=stockno_temp_copy.stock_no)"

basically the fields are same bt the stockno_temp_copy is a temporary table which i want to empty always while it updates all the table records to stockno_table...all the records except the Sold which is YES/NO field changes...NB: Access DB is used?

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Link A PDF Document To A Record Using Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011?

Sep 14, 2010

I'm Stuck the following problem: How can I link a PDF Document to a Record in a Data Grid using Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 and Visual Basic?

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Add A New Record To Table 3?

May 12, 2010

I have two tables (unrelated) and a third table that is related to both the others by their id's. When I add a new record to table 3, I want both these related fields to be filled. I can only get one or the other to work (depending on which I set as the parent) but not both. Is there a way to do this or do I need to have a word with myself?

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Add New Record To A Table Using ADO.net?

Dec 11, 2010

I am trying to add a new record to my database, using the code below; however nothing happens when i try to execute the code.


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