Saving Data From A Custom Designed Richtextbox?

Oct 18, 2009

I have encountered a problem at the end of my project. I basically have a really nice RichTextBox control which I have made with help from others, which supports images, text colors, text higlighting, text size, background colors, etc. My problem has come when I try to save the data from the file - it loses text color, formatting, images etc. Is there any format in which I can retain the formatting or should I make my own file type with all the data embeded in a HTML-ish sort of structure, eg:


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Saving Richtextbox Data Inside A Database Along With The Formatting?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a rich text box in one of my applications (WPF). Now I want to store the data of the rich text box along with its formatting (e.g. bold, colored etc.) into a database (SQL Server). Currently I am storing the whole XAML of the text box in a database field. however, I am not sure whether this is the right approach.

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Saving Data To A Custom File?

Feb 15, 2009

I have an application that collects data from the user and reads data from the serial port. After the user has entered the data and the data from the serial port received, I would like to be able save those data into a file, preferably in some database format (e.g. Access mdb file) Can anyone help me with this, I am very confused with I have created an Access database and connected it to my "solution", I also have created a datagridview on the form that connects to a table in the database. Now I basically want add two buttons (or menu items) on the form, one that does a "Save As" and allows all of that data to be saved into a separate mdb file, and one "New" button that opens a blank copy of the mdb file for more data to be entered.

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[2008] Rewrite Class (Saving TreeView Data) For Saving Listview Data

Mar 9, 2009

rewriting a class I use for saving Treeview data to a XML file for use of saving ListView data I can't really figure out the rewrite, I'm stucked, unfortunately Listviews seems to be a big problem for me in general.

Option Strict On

''' <summary>
''' The TreeViewDataAccess class allows the nodes within a TreeView to be
''' persisted to xml for later retrevial.
''' </summary>


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Saving Richtextbox In Access

Jun 11, 2011

I'm doing project using richtextbox and want to save the contents in Access. But my contents is a list and when I saved it, the list become one line, with a square to space it. Can it actually be done? I set the column with memo type. Here's my code for save it.


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Detect New Line When Saving A File Using Richtextbox?

Aug 16, 2009

Basicaly as image shows this is how my richtext box displays the info.[code]...

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VS 2010 Saving Data From Applications By Saving A Text File Via A Stream Reader As A String

Feb 12, 2012

Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:


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Possible To Have A Hyperlink In A Richtextbox With Custom Text?

Sep 7, 2011

I have quite an interesting question that could either be extremely simple or quite hard. I would like to know:is it possible to have a hyperlink in a richtextbox with custom text? Eg I want the hyperlink URL to be and the text to be Google.

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Saving A Control (Custom) From A FlowLayoutPanel

Aug 6, 2011

I've been working with controls and a flowlayoutpanel (see image) to provide a user a good looking "Menu" from a list of items on my server. Anyway, since there will be a lot of custom controls (The boxes inside the flowpayoutpanel) I am trying to save them some how on the user's settings so it won't have to request the list from my server every time. Thus making the program load faster and saving my server a heavy load of bandwidth. I'll go into a little more detail what the controls consists of. Its mainly just labels, pictureboxes and some hidden strings, when the program gets the list of all items from the server it will grab and separate the info for each control.

So the main question here is, is it possible to save a control and load it again even after the program is closed / reopened? The first thing that came into my head was to write a code on exit, that will go through all the controls in the flowlayoutpanel, get the label's text and picturebox's image locations, etc.. save all that info to a setting, and on the next program startup, it will load the setting instead of fetching the data from my server.

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.net - WPF - Disable The Default EditingCommands Behavior On Custom Richtextbox?

Mar 26, 2010

I want to disable the majority of the built-in functionality of the WPF Richtextbox that is found in "EditingCommands"

How can I go about disabling them?

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Create An Auto-sized RichTextBox In Custom WPF Control

Jan 6, 2010

I have previously used the arguments of a contentsResized event on a Winforms richtextbox to get the new size of my RTB. I am now developing a WinForms app with a custom WPF RichTextBox. My whole reason for doing this is to use the out-of-the-box spellchecker. I need my RichTextBox to expand and collapse vertically as the text is changed. The elementhost will also have to resize to allow the whole RTB to display on-screen.

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Textbox - Make Custom Intellisense For A Word In A Richtextbox?

Mar 3, 2012

I was wondering if anyone knew how to create a intellisense type form for a rich text box word. Really I only need help with the code that gets the highlighted words location and places my form under the word to the left.For example: When I highlight a word in my RichTextBox and click on a button, a form of my choice would popup under the word to the left.

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Saving Custom Colours In A Colordialog Display?

Aug 2, 2012

If you are working on a project that requires non-standard colours for text, it is possible to choose your colour by specifying the RGB components in the boxes on the colorpicker or by moving the mouse around until the desired colour is obtained. This can be put into one of the custom colour boxes and used until the program is shut down. Is it possible to save that colour to the custom colour box so that the next time the project is run, the chosen non-standard colour re-appears in the custom colour box?

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Custom WPF RIchTextBox Will Not Accept User Input - Even After Setting IsReadOnly=false

Feb 3, 2010

I have written a custom Bindable RichText Box, so I can bind to the Document property. However, as soon as I set my document content, the only keyboard input it accepts is the backspace key (???). No other keyboard input is acknowledged (including the arrow keys).


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GPIB Communication - Sending Data - Receiving Data - Saving Data

Sep 19, 2010

I need to control a device with a GPIB port. I have the commands that I need to use to do this; but I don't know which is the sintaxis in Visual Basic.

For example if I need to send a instruction like "START:0.01" to the external device which are the libraries that I have to include?, how should I write the programming line to do this?

The main tasks that I need to program are sending data, receiving data, and saving data

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Wireless API Designed For C / C++

Nov 27, 2008

I am trying to use the Windows wireless API to automatically configure wireless settings in VB .Net. The documentation url... states 'The Native Wifi API is designed for C/C++ developers'. can I use this API from within VB and will I have to use a C/C++ wrapper and if so how? [code]

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Designed In The Other Systems And Run The Application?

Apr 16, 2012

I have designed an Application tracking details and I have deployed it. The records are updating the way I need. I want the same application to be used in other three different systems which do not have MS Visual Studio. How can I do it ? Is it enough that I create a similar table in the path I have designed in the other systems and run the Application ?

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Making A Designed Form In .net?

Apr 2, 2009

how can i devolope a form in which can have autohide property at a time of mouse move away from button and give me the idea about devoloping attrective form for

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Create User Designed Application?

Oct 2, 2009

I need to create a prg. in that user can designed the form based on their requirements (like add delete buttons, textbox, labels, change its properties, location) and save the form changes permanently.

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Web Cam Program - Designed With Malicious Intent?

Jun 6, 2012

I found a VB WebCam program from Africa on this site [url]

However one of the instructions is to "add a reference to WebcamControl.dll ". I've researched that .dll and it appears to be able to "Silently record users' sensitive personal information, identity details and business files, make traces of the users' online activities and browser habits and then transmit them to insecure remote servers".

I haven't downloaded this .dll or found a location to download it. Am I correct in assuming this program was designed with malicious intent?

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Saving Replicated Data - Current Data Saved To Appear In Page Within All The Relevant Fields?

Jun 2, 2010

What I am trying tot achieve is the following:User inputs data in one form that saves to the dataset table no problems. On an edit screen I want the current data saved to appear in this page within all the relevant fields but when saving I want this data to add to the dataset table as an additional line of data so the transaction records are kept.I want to add a new datarow regardless of it saving one change or all 7 changes that are possble.

e.g. Line 1 - user inputs 7 cells of data Line 2 - user amends 2 cells of data Line 3 - user amends 1 cell of data an so on. Unfortunately the terminology for certain items above may not be correct as I am still new to this programming and still on a massive learning curve.At the moment I do not have the code for what I am trying to achieve as I really dont know where to start with it.I am currently able to save the data and have it appear in the "edit" panel however only the cells changed are saved an it overwirtes the initial input.


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Create Msi Installer For My Designed Project In Program 2008?

Dec 26, 2009

How can i create msi installer for my designed project in vb 2008

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Implement Wizards Designed Dataset In MVC Designer Pattern?

Nov 8, 2009

I have written this code implemeting MVC design pattern.... for simplcity... i have create Model with BLL having a two classes Employee and Designation and i have created the DAL using the Dataset designer tool....thus i've implemted all relationship bewteen the two tables Empoyee and Designation connected to each toher using field EmpIndex.

In MVC design pattern i should return objects to the controller (in this case i used only the view- win form) becuase of my Designer created DAL i cannot return objects of Employee and Designation to the View... this is becuase in BLL: the following method

Code: public TestMVCWithDataset.TestDataSet.tblEmployeesDataTable SearchByIndex(int iEmpIndex) { try { empAdapter.Fill(dtEmployees, iEmpIndex); return dtEmployees; } catch { throw new Exception("Employee not found!"); } }


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Program Designed To Convert A Simple JPG Other Image Formats?

Mar 15, 2009

Simple program designed to convert a simple JPG (or possibly other image formats, BMP, TIF, Et Cetera) to text.

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Saving Data From A Data Grid To An Access Database (2008 Express)?

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple Data Grid that will automatically save changes. So far I have a data grid connected to a MS Access 2007 Database that reads the data. I can create new fields in the Data Grid, but I need to program to save the data automatically to the database on update (or on close).

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Query Designed For MySQL Translated To Work For SQL Server 2005?

Apr 10, 2010

I've spent a whole day on this already without figuring it out. I'm hoping somebody can help me translate the following MySQL query to work for SQL Server 2005:

SELECT MAX ( ) AS maxdate, AS topicid, topics.*, users.*
FROM messages, topics, users WHERE messages.topic_id
= AND topics.user_id = AND
topics.forum_id = " . $forumid . " GROUP BY
messages.topic_id ORDER BY maxdate DESC

$forumid is a QueryString value defined in the following VB.NET code-behind code:

forumName.Text = "<a href='ViewForum.aspx?forumid=" & & "'>" & & "</a>"

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Saving The Text In A Text Box With A Custom File Extension Using The SaveFileDialog?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a textbox that is filled with some carefully formatted text. I need to save the text in that textbox as a text file with the extension of '.scr' eg: File1.scr instead of File1.txt

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Game Programming :: Program Is Designed To Generate A Random Hand Of Cards Out Of Our List?

Aug 19, 2008

Below is the code that we have been working on. We have bolded the parts which we are unsure about - they are producing errors. (its near the bottom)The program is designed to generate a random hand of cards out of our list of them. This program is a smaller version of what we hope to have in the full one - ie. It tries to get a random hand of 3 cards out of a possible 5.

The part we are having errors with is getting the images to display on each of the 3 'picturebox' objects using a loop (so we don't have to type each picturebox individually).


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Have A List Box With A Custom Data Template Populate With User Data?

Jul 2, 2011

I am working on a project and I want to have a list box with a custom data template populate with user data. My question is, when I click on an item in the list box, how can I tell what item I selected? Basically, if I select "kevin", I want to display his data. If I select Dave, I want to display his data. I do not know how to get the data our after it is bound...

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Data From Testbox To Richtextbox

Apr 14, 2009

I have a text box, in which the user types some numbers. I want the numbers that are typed in to be diplayed in the richtextbox next to it. I got it to work, except for it types on a new line every number I press. Say i want to type in 1.0, as soon as I type 1 it displays in the richtextbox, then I type "1." and it displays "1." on the next line of the textbox, then I finnaly type the last number "1.0" and it displays all three numbers on the next line. I want to be able to type everything first and then have it display in the richtextbox.

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