using the code below to save and reload the contents (text and images) of a Listview to a single file. The images are about 100x100 pixels.The problem is that if I save the images as JPG (they are already JPG when adding them to the ImageList/Listview), then after saving and reloading the data a dozen times, the images get distorted. When saving/reloading the images as PNG a dozen times, white spots starts to appear on the images. I guess this is because the images are converted over and over again when saving them.Is there a better to way save the contents of the Listview to a single file? I do not want to save the text and images seperately, because then the user has more to tamper with.
<Serializable()> Structure TB_INFO
Public stdPic() As Byte
I am trying to get the information inputted from multiple textboxes to save to a single text file.
Here's what I got. Private Sub btn_done_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_done.Click Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:UsersTrevorDocumentsDraftAC est.txt" Dim i As Integer Dim aryText(2) As String [Code] .....
I need to open some HTML file, then replace exact line of text with another, and then WITHOUT SAVING THE FILE (WriteAllLines(HTML01, lines)) to display in WebBrowser. My code in private sub of replacing the line is next:
I've got 1 form that has the user enter 7 fields of data.When they click my "Save" button those values are stored in a .DAT file.On that first form there is a button that brings up a second form with a listview control.I have all the headers set up but can't figure out how to populate the listview control with the contents of the .DAT file.A friend of mine told me I may need a Do while loop but this is my first time doing this and I am so lost. I don't even know where that loop would go and whether or not I need extra variable for it.
i have multi columns that i want to save. i'm missing something here...just dont know what. I can get one column to save only. but i have columns like "name", "address", "phone number"
here is my Form1 code
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ListView1.Columns.Add("Name", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left) ListView1.Columns.Add("Phone", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center)
I have a subroutine which saves data from a listview to a txt file which is named "listview.txt". I want the file name to change each time I run the program, by putting the date and the match number into the file name instead of the word listview. I have a global variable called Todayda for the date and one called MatchNum for the match number. Is it possible to have variables in a file name? If so, how can I do it?
Attached is the code, which works fine otherwise. Sub PermMatchRec() Dim outputstream As New IO.StreamWriter("c:listview.txt", True) Dim newstr(10) As String Dim st As Short Dim myint As Integer [Code] ......
I have one form which calculates something and displays it into the listview but then when Print button is clicked another form will appear which has a differently layout but same information. And on that print form there is another listview, how I would load the contents from the first listview to the printout lsitview which is on a different form.
i'm having some trouble with most likely the simplest of reg ex i'm trying to get thew contents of a form: <form action='I NEED TO RETRIEVE THIS DATA' id="questionaire" method="POST"> i need to retrieve the contents of the action which is between 2 ; (single quotes rather than doubles) i have:
Dim regexSource As New Regex("(?<=action=.*?"").*?(?="")", _ RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Singleline) Dim regexSourceMatches As MatchCollection = regexSource.Matches(HTMLResponse)
I got a string array & I need to show the contents of it to a single label. It acts like a clock. The thing is I tried with everything I could but I failed. This is the code I've been trying. Its in And theres a thread running to slow down the loop so I can display the contents in a label for 2 seconds.
Dim j As Integer For j = 0 To readText.Length label.text=readText(j) Thread.Sleep(2000) Next
make a diary style application where a password must be typed in then when that is typed in it is possible to view and edit the text. I have it all working but the only problem is that I don't know how to save the text box's contents. I have read a few threads and haven't found an appropriate answer. The problem is that since it's supposed to be a diary I would like to save the text so that it may not be read, preferably not by making another file but by storing it in the program?
Here's the code I have for it so far:
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Password As String Password = TextBox1.Text
Textbox1 is where the password is entered, Textbox2 is where the actual text for the diary would go, Button1 processes the typed in password, Button2 hides the text and clears password box, Button3 does nothing and has the text "Save" and I would like to use this button to save. Is there also an automatic way of saving?
I've got a textbox using a custom auto complete source, which gathers info from what the user has previously typed. Problem is, I can't figure out how to have that source saved when the application closes and loaded when the application opens.
rewriting a class I use for saving Treeview data to a XML file for use of saving ListView data I can't really figure out the rewrite, I'm stucked, unfortunately Listviews seems to be a big problem for me in general.
Option Strict On
''' <summary> ''' The TreeViewDataAccess class allows the nodes within a TreeView to be ''' persisted to xml for later retrevial. ''' </summary>
I am saving a text field that may contain a single of double quote.' or "If i use a double quote in my SQL save funciton I can save and use single Quotes. When I use a Single quote I can save Double Quotes. Yet not both.People use both, so I would like to know how I could change the delimiter to something other than a Double Quote for my text saves
I have been working on a project which is used by a company's sale team, to combine all the wanted input data in one place allowing the sales team to show customers, where switching to them could save them money.
Basically what i want is a program which can save single records, which can hold data added in other text boxes, or indeed take the data from the list view boxes which is the intended output. I want to be able to save that data, then be able to Open it up again at a later date, and even modify it.
enabled me to save the three ways to identify a single record, the index number, company name and the date it was added. However I now need a way to save the data entered in my other forms to these single records.
I am trying to print the contents of a listview to paper from a toolbar button. In the code below I can get the printer to function and print but cannot get the listview contents to print. I found an old post by Martyr discussing printing listview contents in debugger that was helpful but have not been able to figure out what part of the code to modify for the print sub to recognize the listview contents in the handler. This is what I have so far:
Private Sub PrintToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintToolStripButton.Click Dim prn As New Printing.PrintDocument
The printer portion of the code that runs on the strip button works without any problems. If I use that button click code above and add something to the PrintHandler Sub like this:
args.Graphics.DrawString("Hello World With A Printer", New Font("Arial", 20, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Black, 150, 125)
It prints the "Hello World String" with no problem. The issue is I am not sure what or how to refer to the contents of the listview in the Print Handler Sub or if this is even the correct way to attempt this.
I'd like to go through all the items of a ListView control in order to ... well execute some code. I suppose I have to use the "For i=1 to ..." statement , but I am not familiar at all with this control. As I said , I'd like to check all of the items (the elements in the first column) and for each of them that has "Yes" on the third column , I would like to run the rest of the code .
ok Here is a little code I've been working on, now what I want is for the same icon/image to be shown for each item in my listview box. I want it to work kinda like when you have a group of images in a windows explorer folder and you press 'tiles' they each have the same icon indicating that they are an image. I am trying to do it the same way I produced my thumbnails so to speak but it doesn't work, it still just only shows the file name. I know there is probably something little but i can't figure out what is wrong,ideas?
Public Class frmVid Dim Load_ID As String Dim loader As String
However I need to interact with a program designed in vb from perl (yes I MUST do it this way....)
The control I need to get text from has a class TL80.C1List32.20 I believe this is a listview. I can get a handle to the control just fine.
I have access to the SendMessage function via a wrapper with this prototype: SendMessage( $hwnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam ); (A $ denotes a variable in perl)
The listview also has 2 child windows of class: TL80.C1List32.20_SC which I believe are scrollbars.
I need to retrieve (but not set) the items in this listview via the wrapped SendMessage function.
I can provide any other information you'd like from Winspy++ or can probably dig it up on my own if you let me know what you need.
Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:
I have a listview with three columns: Employee ID, Firstname and Lastname. When the user selects a row in the listview, I would like to have the Firstname and Lastname for the selection chosen to be output to a label. I know how to select a single item from the listview and output it as text. How do I output two items from the listview to a single label? Firstname listview item is: EmployeeListViewSelectedItem(0).SubItems(1) and Lastname is SubItem(2)
I can't claim credit for this code but I think it's cool. It will show the entire contents of an item in a tooltip even when the columns are truncating it. Drop a tooltip and listview container on your form with the default name.
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ListView1.Clear() ListView1.View = View.Details [Code] .....
saving a listview with its subitems. I have 2 buttons when one is clicked it loads listview items and then when I click the other button it clears the listview and loads more listview items. My question is how do I save a listview before the listview is cleared and also loading a saved listview?
I have a three column ListView.The first column has all the items in it, but if I save it to return later to put data in the other two columns it won't save the blank columns.The only way I can do it is to put a space or a character in those columns.[code]
I'm trying to save each item in the listview to the database.Below is my code in saving items in the database. The MISSING CODE HERE is where I should place the listview item.
Dim commandText As String = "INSERT INTO tblBorrower (TransactionNo, IDNumber, SerialCode, DateBorrowed) VALUES (@TransactionNo, @IDNumber, @SerialCode, @DateBorrowed)" Using connection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=GAMER-6SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=dbInventory;Integrated Security=True"), _ command As New SqlCommand(commandText, connection) command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TransactionNo", intTransaction)
I have run into an issue and need help solving it. I know how to go about adding items to My.Settings and I have already created the Specialized String Collection to My.Settings called List but I am having some trouble getting the items and the subitems to save to the list.