Screenshot Of Form Controls?

Jul 6, 2009

am wanting to create a blur effect kind of thing, so when I download a file asynchronously in the background the form would be blured. I couldn't work out how to do this, or if it was even possible so I can up with this.1) Take screenshot of form2) Blur the image3) Put the image in a picturebox which is ontop of all the controls (Topmost)So say I had a form like thi

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Crop Form Screenshot - Screen Capture Of Twindows Form And Display Only A Certain Specified Area

Aug 2, 2010

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


So I'm trying to take a screen capture of the windows form and display only a certain specified area of that screen capture in a picturebox on a different form. Kind of like this. First, take the screen capture of the form: Then get a specified area of that form through x,y coordinates or something and display it on a picturebox on a separate form.

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Take Screenshot Of Screen BEHIND Form?

Apr 4, 2010

I know how to take a screenshot, but how can I take a screenshot of the screen behind my form without hiding the form, taking the screenshot, then showing the form again?The reason I can't simply hide the form to capture the screen behind it is that I need to take the screenshot repeatedly, and hiding the form each time I need to take the screenshot would cause the form to flicker.

Here is the code I'm using now:

Me.Opacity = 0 ' Hides the form. Can't use this!
Dim bounds As Rectangle = Me.Bounds
Dim screenshot As New Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(screenshot)


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Screenshot Still Captures Invisible Form?

May 22, 2009

I'm working on a project, and one thing it's supposed to do is make itself (the form) invisible, take a screenshot of the current screen, and the make itself visible again.[code]I made the 'FinishScreenshot function to call the 'TakeScreenShot' function, courtesy of AdamSpeight2008 and save that result as a specified image file in a specified location. the problem is, the screenshot ends up usually showing the form that was supposed to be invisible, but sometimes not (usually on the first form). I'm guessing this is because the FinishScreenshot and Take ScreenShot functions aren't finished working until after the form becomes visible again, but I'm not sure.

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VS 2005 - Taking Screenshot From A Region In Form

Aug 19, 2009

I need to capture a screen image of a region in my form. So to say it easily me.captureimage.region (X,Y,Width,hight). I need only to take a screen-shot of the region on my form. So i can set the X adn Y and Width , hight to for example my button. so it has to take an image of my button.

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[2005] Screenshot Of Small Area On Form?

Feb 10, 2009

I have a form with a webbrowser and other things. I want to know how to take a screenshot of just a small area on my form. I searched and only found how to do a screenshot of the entire screen. how can i provide X and Y values of where I want my screenshot?

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Add Controls To A Form In Code And Set The Properties Of The Controls?

May 24, 2009

How can I add controls to a form in code and set the properties of the controls using the With statement?Also I would like to know how to add a container control and then add a control to that container.

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Controls Not Return All The Child Controls For The Form?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a slight problem With an enumaration of child controls on a form. The following code will not get but about have the controls that are on the form. The controls show that the count is correct but when it goes through the loop it skips over some of the controls. If you run it through the enumeration two or three times it will get all the controls a few at a time. The solution uses two forms, one that has the controls and the other that labels are made and displayed on. The Tx is just a index to add a number to the and rename the label. So each label is identified seperately. This works for all the the controls that are seen in the for each loop.

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Pass Usercontrol Controls Or Form Controls?

May 11, 2009

I created a class that can take either usercontrol.controls or form.controls as a parameter,how can i pass either to that class? as a property or how?

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Accessing Controls Within Controls On A Form

May 26, 2012

I have a module level sub that I use to clear text fields etc on my forms:


The problem I have is in the last few lines of code as I'm not really sure how to access the text boxes contained within the tab controls (of which there are many tabs and many text boxes).

This is the closest I've got but I am getting an "option strict on disallows late binding" error on the tabCtl in the following line.

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Write Controls Text Into A .txt File And Read Them Form .txt File To Controls Again?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a form. And some controls(such as TextBox,ComboBox,etc.) on the form.Now,I want to store the controls' Text into a .txt file(or any other formarts).Then I want to read the text in the .txt file to my controls.

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VS 2010 Display Pdf File Inside A Form That Gets Some Values From Form Controls?

Sep 27, 2010

Inside a form, I would like to display a pdf file which is already available in my resources (template file "untitled"). In this pdf file, I have some fields which get their values from some texboxes in another form. My aim is, when the user triggers the button to call this form, it should insert the values inside the pdf file and display the output pdf inside the form.I have written the code to an extend but could not finish it myself after my many trials... Now here are the two things I cannot manage:I can use a directory to read the template pdf "untitled1.pdf". But my aim is to use the file inside my resources. can save the output file in a directory but this is not I want to do. I want to display the output pdf.

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Make Controls On Form Resize When Form Resizes?

Nov 21, 2009

How would i make so when the user resizes the form the controls on the form resizes to what ever(ex: form become full screen textbox is full screen.

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Controls On MDI Form To Display Child Form?

Apr 15, 2010

I took picture box and some container controls on my MDI form but when I am opening my child forms it going to backside of my MDI forms controls.

How can I resolve this issue because I cannot remove my controls from my MDI form but at the same time I want to use my child form worked properly.

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Scale Controls On A Form To Fit Form Proportionately?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a visual basic 2010 form with various group boxes, buttons, and labels. i want to be able to have the form maximized but when i do that the controls stay where they are at and they do not resize with the form. i want them to resize proportionately with the form.

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How To Get A Screenshot

May 30, 2012

I know how to get a screenshot but how to I add the cursor into the picture (including when the cursor changes)? [code]

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Take A Screenshot In .NET?

May 13, 2003

how to take a screenshot in Preferably in a JPG or GIF format, but if not any format will do.

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Get A Screenshot Of Everything Behind Another Window?

Mar 30, 2010

I want to get a screenshot that is behind Firefox.

That means. I want to hide firefox in that picture so i can see everything behind it.

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Screenshot On Click?

Feb 11, 2012

Here I am once again, trying to make yet another program. am currently looking for a method to screenshot when the user clicks.?Example: When you open the program, and click, it will capture a screenshot and automatically save it to a folder. This will continue until the program is closed.

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Take A Screenshot Of Panel?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a program that has the ability to take a screenshot of a Panel on a form.I provide the user with a Save File Dialog box to choose the path of the saved .png image.My problem is that if the user does not move the modal Save File Dialog box out of the way before clicking the save button, the screenshot includes the box over the top of the panel.

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Take A Screenshot Of Screen?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm trying to take a screenshot of my screen, and get the picture from memory. Then convert it to a string so it can be sent over a network. So far I've tried to adapt this code.

ScreenSize As
Size = New


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Take Screenshot WITH Cursor?

Feb 19, 2010

welll everyone knows how to make a screenshot app...but wat about a screenshot that includes your cursor in the bmp image?

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.net - Dynamic Use Of Form Controls?

Mar 7, 2010

I have 10 labels named lbl1, lbl2, ... lbl10

I'd like to change their propriety (using a cicle) with the cicle index

for i as integer=1 to 10 step 1
lbl (i) = PROPRETY 'I know this is wrong but it's what I would do...
end for

I'm using a workaround, but I'm looking for a better way..


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.net - Go Through All The Controls On A Form In Vb2005?

Sep 28, 2011

Whats the best way to go through all the controls on a form in vb2005? Im writing a program that can edit a string of bytes based on the information on the form. each control is tagged with the hex address it modifies and values it can be, what is the best way to go through all the controls on a form even those controls embedded in other controls?

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Accessing Controls From Another Form?

Jan 19, 2011

how can i access the controls that i made from another form? i'm also going to also use function (on the same form as the controls) that access that controls?

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Add Controls At Runtime To Form?

Mar 29, 2012

I have created a form Dynamically at run time using this below code but how can i add controls to it.

Dim NewFm as Form

how can i add treeview to this form and populate with data during runtime?

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Add Controls To Form After App Is Built?

Apr 26, 2009

let's say my app is buit and i want to add xtra controls to the app.[code]...

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Add Dynamic Controls To Your Form?

Oct 12, 2009

How would you add Dynamic controls to your form, from an array which size may vary depending on how many controls the user has selected and has been retrieved from a database?

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Adding Controls To A Form?

Apr 1, 2010

I have been working on a VB 2005 applications for the past week and now I'm not able to add a control to the form. It's a very basic app with only one form and I can add the control in design mode but it does not appear on the form in run mode and is on the verge of driving me nuts. Pretty new to programming by the way.

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Arrange Controls On A Form?

Sep 3, 2011

I have a simple form. In the top left corner I have a numericupdown box. Under that I placed a panel that holds a picturebox. I did that so I could use the panel autoscroll feature if I resize the picturebox to be bigger than the form. To set this up, I set the panel to dock fill. If I do this, it covers up the numericupdown box. The docking on a form is very, very sensitive. How can I make sure I set this up correctly.

btw - If I place the numericupdown box on the panel and I scroll later. The numericupdown box scrolls away also. I am trying to make sure it stays fixed.

Also - I looked to add the numericupdown box to a toolstrip, but the box is not available to be placed on it - This would be my first choice.

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