Search For A Specific Word On A Txt File?

Jan 31, 2012

Im working on a program that need to found the password line and the user one, here is my code. Im kinda confused about the method to search for the line wich contains the words "sa" and "platinum"[code]...

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Search MS Word Binary File For Specific Content?

Mar 4, 2011

I have some .doc binary files stored in my database and i would like to now search them all (without converting them to .doc) to see which one contains the word "hello" for instance.

Is there any way to do this search in the binary file?

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Search Specific Word In Text File Within A Directory?

Nov 26, 2007

Am writing a windows app using 2005. The app captures a string variable from the user. As each file within a directory is read, I want to match the stored string within each file. If I find a match to the string, I want a list box to be populated with the name of the file. I have added Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions and tried using the match collection.

For example: My direcotry has 5 text files. I want to match a string "PARENT" in the text of all these 5 files. The list box should output the name of each file where the string was found.

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Search / Find A Specific Word / Text In A File Or A Textbox?

May 15, 2009

I am using visual basic express edition 2008.How can I search for a word in a file then store that word?Also, how can I search for a Phrase in a file or a Textbox and store it in a different place?

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Search A Specific Word And The Number Of Occurrences In A Text File?

Sep 20, 2010

its like this if we think the original textfile like this [its meaning less] dim original as string = "myname is not thename wasthe notthe nameisnot nere!" i want to see what words are recurring, like name, the, was, not but i cant use split(), substring because they may even exist as combined words like thecat and i need to know the number of time it has recurred

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Search Text Box For A Specific Word?

Jun 11, 2011

how I search text box for a specific word and if text box contain words msgbox shown (text founded) or (text not founded) ???? for exambel I have text and I want to search if this text contain ( for visual basic and web development) if text is [URL] visual basic for msgbox (text not founded) but if text is [URL] for visual basic msgbox ( text founded)

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Search A Webforms Textbox For Specific Word (VB 2005)

Sep 30, 2011

I have been searching all morning for a sample showing a simple "find" example for an ASP.NET Webform, where a "find" button is used to find a string in a Textbox, and then Highlight it, like Word does. The following VB6 code worked perfectly, but I couldn't find .Selstart or .SelLength properties in the Text property of the ASP.NET textbox.

'find the first instance
Private Sub Command14_Click()
Command36.Visible = True


Is there a way to Select the Length and Start of the string in ASP.NET. The Winforms code is very similar to the VB6 code, so maybe I'm just missing something simple.

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Search Text File For A Word?

Apr 9, 2011

I hav 2 forms the first form has 5 textboxes and second form is only for searching and display the result so I would like a sample code to perform a search in text file for a word but also display the results but all the data is entered from form one

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VS 2008 Search A Word Within A File

Jul 25, 2010

I am using this to read the contents of a file and displaying it in the RichTextBox:


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Detect Specific Word In Text File

Feb 16, 2009

I have a function read the text file line by line, i have to detect a specific word in the text file befere proceed to another action. But I can't use substring because i not sure exact location of the word.

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Extract Specific Text From A Word File?

Dec 31, 2010

I have a Word document that has font sizes of 14 and 18, and the document is of 1500 pages.

I have to make specific changes to the font 14 and font 18, and so after searching, I came across VBA for Word that would allow me to do this easily.[code]...

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Read A Specific Word From A Text File?

May 6, 2009

I wanted to read a spefic word from the text file and if the word exist i wanted to copy the content under that specif word and place it in textbox.For Example My specific word will Top. Under the top it has number like this:12.3.45. So i wanted to coppy that number and place it in text box.I did something to serch for the specic word but it aslways come out false this is my

Private Function IsFileContainsSrting(ByVal SearchWord As String, ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
Dim FileContents As String = String.Empty


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Search For A Image File In A Specific Folder?

Aug 19, 2011

How can I Search for a Image File in a spesific Folder. I need the code to be able to find an Image File by searching for an string in the Image File's name. For instance if the string I am searching for is "26" the resalts will bring up a file with a name like "Nick's Pie 00026" Hendri Bissolati [URL]

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Method To Seach In Xml File But It Returns Search By First Word

May 23, 2010

Iam using this method to seach in xml file but it returns search by first word for example i have a name [url] and i write in seach box word "forum" then it will not return any result but if i write "vb" then it will return the result how to solve this problem code is here

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Dim b As Integer
If TextBox10.Text <> "" And ComboBox1.Text <> "SELECT" Then
Call sorting()


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VS 2008 Save A Text In Visual Basic In A Word File With Specific Format

Jan 31, 2012

How I can save a text in visual basic in a word file with specific format like font size or color or other format??

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Searches Specific Folder For Text Files Which Contain Specific Word

Jun 14, 2009

I have search system that works like charm: 1> Searches specific folder for text files which contain specific word 2> Puts those text file names and/or paths to listbox However i want it to put (instead of InputStr) the specific line where word is found in text file to listbox.


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Replace The Word After A Specific Word?

Aug 30, 2011

make a program to replace the word followed by the selected. But I got stuck at the start..An Example:"My name is Dunley Mike and my father, Dunley Robin are on a holiday at the mountain. There they will meet the uncle Dunley Harry." So what I want to do is to loop through the text for the word Dunley (Underlined) and replace the First name (Bolded) (Mike, Robin, & Harry) to 'family'.

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Search Between Words Or After A Word?

May 12, 2009

complete coding newbie, but I'm trying to make a program that displays how many people are in a telephone queue by reading from a log file. and havign a timer update the number every 3rd second.

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Search For A Word In A String?

Dec 5, 2009

im trying to search for a word in a string, when i find that word i want to enter into my if statement based upon dim position = 1

im aware that postion is 0 by default and -1 when the word is not there and 1 when its there.

'find covers and back drop
Sub findfiles()
Dim file_names As ReadOnlyCollection(Of String)


i get alist of directories and store them in an array. I step through the array (i) while search the string for the correct word.

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Search Richtextbox For A Certain Word?

Aug 3, 2009

How to search richtextbox for a certain word?

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How To Open Specific MS Word Document

Jan 19, 2011

I create Ms word document MyWord in C hard disk then I create this code to open it but didn't success without any error.
Dim oWord As New Word.Application
Dim oDoc As New Word.Document
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(Application.StartupPath & "c:MyWord.doc")

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Split A Line After A Specific Word?

Oct 3, 2010

I would like to split a line after a specific word. there is my line : bern attack -drive (there i would like to split all the rest , i mean put it in a other line)

would be : bern attack -drive
(the rest of the line)

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VS 2008 Get Specific Word In Textbox?

Aug 14, 2011

in textbox ex. DRM100 i want to get specific text "DRM" then if the textbox search it have a DRM in textbox then the textbox2 will be visible is this possible?

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How To Search For A Specific Folder

Apr 25, 2009

I have a big problem finding out how to delete a file in a folder when i dont know the name(s) on the folder before this one. Like this one, but what if i dont know the folder "test1" and "test2"?


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Search And Zip Specific Files

May 18, 2010

I am trying to write a program that would search for specific files and then zip them up. Is that even possible in I am using vs2005.

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C# - Search For A Word In A Book Programmatically?

Jul 29, 2009

I need to develop an application that can search through a book and list out all the pages and lines that contain a given keyword. For books that are split up in some other way, such as a bible which is split up by chapter and verse; they would be able to search for all verses that contain a certain keyword. Or alternatively, search within certain chapters and verses for a keyword. What format should I store the book into? Should it be stored into a SQL database? What format would be easiest for searching as opposed to easiest for storage?

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IDE :: Search For String / Word In Strings

Dec 6, 2010

This i what i have so far:


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Search A Word In A Block Of Text?

May 29, 2009

May I ask the code as follows please,


I have a block of text in the txtbox1. I wish to input a word in txtbox2 and press btn1 and it searches the word in txtbox1 and a msg shows ez:word found.

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Search A Word In A Db And Display It At Gridview?

Dec 30, 2008

I'm trying to build a page in which the users should be able to type a name into a search box, click search and the name will be displayed. My problem is that I also want them to be able to edit the name and update it, and this is not working for some reason. I'm using GridView and because of the way my search function works, I can't link the GridView directly to data source. What function do I need to add to make the uploading work, or what do I need to change in my search function so that I'll be able to link to data source a(nd have the upload function be automatic) ?

My code for my search function is :

Sub btnSearch_onclick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If (txtSearch.Text = "" Or txtSearch.Text = "Enter Search Here") Then
Response.Write("enter a search value!")


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Search For Character And After Copy Whole Word?

Oct 18, 2011

i am trying to copy the whole word after finding the character that i want.

I have managed to find the character i want quite simply :

With Selection.Find
.Text = "@"


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