Searching File In Coumputer?

Aug 28, 2010

I How can I search a specific file using and store the path in a variable? For example if I need to know where I have *.abc files in my entire computer, how can this be done?

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Opening An Excel 2003 File Then Searching That Open File For Data

May 22, 2012

I need to open an excel file from and then search it for specific data. I then need to take those data and insert them into text boxes on a form that i have created. This is all controlled by a button click. I already have some code that will open a file dialog box and let me navigate to the correct file, but I am having trouble with the search portion. I have tried the Find function but I am not sure of the proper syntax. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Excel 2003.


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Text File Searching And File Path Retrieval

May 1, 2011

Im trying to get a list of all the text files present (there file paths) in a certain folder (lets say C:\Users\podypodpod\Desktop\textfiles) and then add them to the list box (lb_Entrys)

ive manage to find this code to get all text files from the desktop , but i cant manage to edit it so i can give an actual filepath for it to search


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Searching One XML File For A Set Of Nodes And Inserting Them Into Another XML File?

Aug 21, 2011

I'm trying to do some simple XML manipulation by searching one XML file for a set of nodes and inserting them into another XML file at a specific location.I'm able to succesfully create a node list from one of the files using the following xpath statement [code].....

I'm struggling to see how I can easily select any node I want within the first XML file but the second file refuses to play ball! I've attached the second XML file should anyone wish to check that I've interpreted the structure correctly.

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Searching A File Over A Network?

Feb 25, 2010

i would want to make an application that searches a file in a network.

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Searching And Reading .txt File?

Jul 30, 2011


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Searching File For Text?

May 28, 2011

I'm trying to make a script that searches for multiple .TXT files in a directory, and then searches the text of each file for a matching string(ie. "turtles"). It will search each file for the word "turtles". I've been on google trying to figure this out for a while, I'm guessing StreamReader is the way to go?

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim l_Dir As IO.DirectoryInfo
l_Dir = New IO.DirectoryInfo(MyPath)


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Searching For A File By Numeric Value?

Aug 26, 2011

This is an veriation on a previos thread of mine (les complicated I think)

All .png Image Files in a Folder is named as 6 diget numbers.

Forinstance a "2" wil apear as "000002"
"22" as "000022"
"42" as 000042"

Can this files be searched by numeric value insted of a string?

So if I then searced fot the value of 2 I will get file named 000002 and not file named 000042 or 000022

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Searching For A File On A Drive?

Oct 29, 2011

I have been searching all over the forum and internet, but seems to have a hard time finding some help on how to search for a file at unknown location.

The reason is that, I made an easy form that helps some friends of mine find around a website more quickly.

Now this is what I want.

They have a game installed on the computer, and I want my program to search for this file and execute it afterwords.


I have 4 HD's and WOW is on the 3rd. I want this software to search all the HD's to search for Wow.exe.

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Searching For File Names?

Aug 18, 2009

I have some code that does what I need it to do, But I am going to have make changes to accommodate the user request. Basically the program searches a folder for a paint code, ex. 351X035. When the code is found it displays a link so the user can click it to open up a PDF. The way I have it setup now is that they have to know the exact paint code for it to pull the link to the file. I need to search to find the file(s) with less than the exact code.

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms


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Searching Text File?

Sep 7, 2011

in vba i would use vlookup on an excel table. How do you search a text file in that is formatted like this


I want to search for the two letter string and retrieve the integer that follows the comma

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Best Way To Proceed With Searching A File Content

May 28, 2009

I need some guidance on the best way to proceed with searching a file content.I have a large file (see attachment) that is in text form, some of these files could be upto 50 times as big, therefore creating a huge file.These files contain information that is produced from another application and therefore I am unable to change the format of the file.This file contains information that I want the user to be able to be able to enter search criteria in a form that then searches this file and returns information. The individual information is split into sections of data and this is defined by the section start label lbl{ and the end label }} Therefore the below information highlighted in bold is an individual section

lbl{-32768 21 12 0 text {Equip no: P-102BDescr 1: RECYCLE PUMP-BDescr 2:}}lbl{-32768 21 28 0 text {Equip no: D-100Descr 1: COLUMN RECIEVERDescr 2:}}Now comes the hard bit, in the bold section above you will notice that there is some text Equip no: P-102B I want the user to be able to enter in a form *102B* and for it to return -32768 21 12 0 which is after lbl{ and before text.Now obviously I could loop through the whole file to do this, however I am very concerned about RAM usage and also the time it will take to do this. Obviously the user could use this search option over and over again and therefore we would be searching the same file over and over again. One of my thoughts was to read the file once and output the content in an Access Database table and then use SQL to get the information? However would the user require Access on there machine to be able to do create the database or could I just ship a blank Access database with my app and then copy this and populate? Also I am not sure if Access is the best database, obviously I don't want people to have to use Oracle of SQL as this would require server configuration etc. but are there better free databases out there?

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How To Read And Write Txt File And Searching

Jul 11, 2011

I am new with VB 2008. I want to use txt file to store some parameters which is used entire of the application. I want following tasks;

1. creat the text file and give particular path where file must be saved.

2. Write values like TEXT{Tab} Value.
close the file the file.

4. open the file and read the only values and set into particular textbox on the form.

5. close the file.

Some times i need to search the particular value or TEXT. How i fullfill this task.

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Open File Via Searching In The Text?

Feb 16, 2012

I need to open a file everyday which is located in the V drive However the file renames itself daily such as DAA123 DAA128 So I cannot do a Data Refresh What I need to do is create a Macro to search the text document and if it prices PRICES365 and as at todays date Then it opens?

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Searching A File And Displaying Results?

Nov 29, 2010

I have to write a program that allows a user to input DVD info such as DVD Name, Year produced, Running Time, and Rating. The user then clicks a menu item "New" to save that info to a file. Then the next time the user inputs new DVD info it has to append the new data to the same file. (I got this far and everything is working writing and appending data)Next the year has to be able to search by DVD Video name and it has to print the info in the text boxes on the form, if not found then a messagebox should say not found. When I use the sub procedure that I have created to search the record it always comes back as record not found although the record in in the file.

Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
'Class level variables


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Searching Text File From Certain String?

Feb 1, 2010

I've got two text files. The first has got a list of certain keywords. Each one if these keywords are fed into a combobox. Now, when I choose one of the items from this combobox, I want to search the other textfile for the same keyword and read from that point to the next keyword. And then feed each line into a listbox. Perhaps I should use an INI-file for this purpose, doesn't really matter for me.

The textfiles have this structure;
New York

The second textfile has this structure;


'New York'

Is this possible? The reason I want to do it this way is to create a fully dynamic system. One which relies fully on whatever information is stored in these textfiles. I'm gonna build pretty complex strings from these results later on. So far, I've got this to read the first file and add each line to the combobox:

Dim oReadMenuFunction as System.IO.StreamReader
oReadMenuFunction = IO.File.OpenText("textfile1.txt")
Do While oReadMenuFunction.Peek <> -1
Dim LineIn as String = oReadMenuFunction.ReadLine()

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Searching Things Out Of Text File

Jan 6, 2011

I'm trying to get help or idea how to get certain things out of text file. I don't know even if it's possible, but I hope so.[code]I need to get that number what is after /kick "nr". Also I need to get last /kick "nr".

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VS 2005 - Searching For File On Disk?

Jun 1, 2009

Given a filename, how do I efficiently search for that file on disk?
(Visual Studio 2005, i.e. .NET 2.0)

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VS 2008 Searching A Sequential File

May 2, 2010

I'm trying to get a program running that loads a sequential file such as "records.txt" into a two dimmensional array and searches the "records.txt" for the data that the user enters into a text box. Not quite sure how to go about doing this.

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Way To Proceed With Searching A File Content ?

May 28, 2009

I need some guidance on the best way to proceed with searching a file content. I have a large file (see attachment) that is in text form, some of these files could be upto 50 times as big, therefore creating a huge file. These files contain information that is produced from another application and therefore I am unable to change the format of the file.

This file contains information that I want the user to be able to be able to enter search criteria in a form that then searches this file and returns information. The individual information is split into sections of data and this is defined by the section start label lbl{ and the end label }} Therefore the below information highlighted in bold is an individual section


Now comes the hard bit, in the bold section above you will notice that there is some text Equip no: P-102B I want the user to be able to enter in a form *102B* and for it to return -32768 21 12 0 which is after lbl{ and before text

Now obviously I could loop through the whole file to do this, however I am very concerned about RAM usage and also the time it will take to do this. Obviously the user could use this search option over and over again and therefore we would be searching the same file over and over again.

What I am wondering is if anyone has an idea on how best to do this?

One of my thoughts was to read the file once and output the content in an Access Database table and then use SQL to get the information? However would the user require Access on there machine to be able to do create the database or could I just ship a blank Access database with my app and then copy this and populate? Also I am not sure if Access is the best database, obviously I don't want people to have to use Oracle of SQL as this would require server configuration etc. but are there better free databases out there?

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Finding A Match When Searching Text File?

Jan 13, 2011

I've been writing a socket application in which the client sends a user/pass combination which the server compares to a local text file. I'm only hacvin a problem with a small section where I have a do loop which does this comparison:(the string 'fromclient' has been defined earlier, as the information was received from the client)

fromfile As String
Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText("C:PASS.txt")
Do While sr.Peek <> -1


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Ini - Searching For A Specific String In A Text File ?

May 18, 2012

There's an INI file that I want to access and read information from. This is the complete content of the INI file in question: http:[url]....I believe it is because of the [ ] tags in that INI file. Because they work if I remove the tags.My program has a bunch of comboboxes, trackbars and checkboxes. These items will be filled by the information taken from the INI file.For instance, ini file has these lines;


Example: I want the checkbox8 in my form to get checked if bFXAAEnabled has a value of 1 or unchecked if it is 0.

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Searching A Text File And Returning Results?

Nov 25, 2011

I have been taking a class in Visual Basic and am currently working on my final project which I am having some trouble with. I am using Visual Basic 2010 express The project is to create an application that will store data in a text file, specifically, Last Name, First Name, Customer Number, Address, City, State, ZIP Code, Telephone Number, Account Balance, and Date of Last Payment. I have gotten everything done except the ability to search the file by Last Name or Customer Number. I have no idea how to go about this? I was thinking of ways to use indexof or Readline to be able to search the data, but I'm not familiar enough with the code to come up with a good solution. Below is a picture of how my form looks..As you can see, I'm currently using 2 separate forms to get the data from the user. Here is the code for Form1 which is the "Customer Accounts" form in the picture.

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Public customerFile As StreamWriter ' Object variable
Public customerFile1 As StreamReader ' Object variable
Public strFile As String


There isn't enough room to post the code for my secondary form, but you get the idea. I would like to be able to enter a search term in the textbox on the bottom right of the form, and either search the data as its displayed in the listbox, or search the actual file? I was thinking that the results would be displayed in a messagebox?

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Searching Then Reading A Line In A Text File?

Mar 15, 2012

I need to be ble to know how to search a text file in VB for a particular line and then display it. the files I'm trying to use are set up as: ID, Name, Address, Birthday, Pay-Roll TypeSo I need to know how to search the file for the ID number and then display the rest of that line

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Searching TXT File And Getting Data When Clicking In ListBox

Nov 24, 2009

I will include a link to a copy of my source Code. The Problem is that I have to create a user management system. I have almost all my features working but there are one or two I can't get working. When the program loads a text file is read and the program lists the first name of everyone in the text file into a list box. I want to be able to get so that when you click a name in the list box, the persons information will be displayed in the text boxes to the left. And also when you edit those text boxes you can click the button for modify current and it will modify that persons data. The other problem I'm having is being able to search that text file for the users e-mail and return the first names of people who have that e-mail into the listbox.
Link to Source Project: [URL]

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VS 2008 Searching For A String Inside A File?

Oct 24, 2010

How would I use FileStream.Read() to search for a string inside a file and then return the string's offset? (basically like a Hex editor)

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Searching A Text File Then Deleting That Specific Line?

Mar 15, 2012

I know how to search a text file for a specific line, but what I don't know is then how to delete that line?My text file is set up as such:

021,Donovan,56 Eynesford Crescent,Bexley,SE5 1TR,09/08/1967,13 March 2012,Bronze
062,Fredrikson,6 Freil Road,Gravesend,GR9 TRB,12/06/1995,13 March 2012,Silver

So I know how to search for the 3 character integer at the beginning of each line, but how do I then delete this line?

I'm currently using this code

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form6
Private Sub SearchBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchBtn.Click


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Searching And Displaying Data From A Sequential Access File?

May 27, 2009

Im working on a program that will display a price when an item number is entered in the search box. I have the information in a text file for the program to find it but am unable. I have successfully made it so the items show up in a list box and will show the price when clicked on, but cant get the other one to work.

Here is my code for searching from a search box:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class TryonServices


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Searching Then Reading A Line In A Text File, VB 2008?

Mar 7, 2012

I need to be able to know how to search a text file in VB for a particular line and then display it. the files I'm trying to use are set up as: ID, Name, Address, Birthday, Pay-Roll TypeSo I need to know how to search the file for the ID number and then display the rest of that lin

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VB 2008 - Sorting And Searching An Array From An External .txt File

Jul 25, 2009

In the past, I have learned by reading three or four other people's coding and once I gained understanding of how it worked, I could easily write my coding. I've got I will say this is a school project, so I don't expect anyone to just throw coding at me. I'd like to actually learn this stuff! Also, I HAVE read my book (over and over) and also requested help from the instructor, but as I'd like to meet the deadline on this project, I'm having problems waiting on his availability or lack thereof.


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