Select From Database 1 And Insert Into Database 2

Nov 29, 2010

I have 2 Database in my application. I am using 1st database for daily operations. I would like to send one of the table records to online database. How Can I do that? First database is MSSQL Online database is MYSQL. I have created connections already using MYSQL .net connector.

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.net - Using Select Statement From 1 Database To Insert Into Another Database Using .NET?

May 1, 2009

I am currently writing a VB .NET application where I am trying to open 1 database, create a select statement and then post the results into another database file using Microsoft Access database 2003.

The code seems to stop executing at the statement cmdJetDB.ExecuteNonQuery()

I am using the following code:

Dim conn1 As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source=C:Sample.mdb")

Dim conn2 As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source=C:db2.mdb")


Question: What is it that I am not doing. I opened both connections, stated my two SQL statements, yet it is still not working. I really need to get this application working. Please Help.........

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Use Insert To Database After Select?

Sep 27, 2010

I need to insert data in a new column ,first I use select and do some calculations on the data,then I want this data to be inserted to the database in anew column I used Insert query but no data inserted

[ Dim sql, sql2, var As String
Using conn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\AymAN\Documents\Database13.accdb"


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Database Update - Using OleDbDataAdapter To Insert New Values To Access Database

Jun 6, 2010

I created a dataset and i am using OleDbDataAdapter to insert new values to access database. But when i close the program and after open it, values are not in the database. How can i solve this problem? Also, i have another problem. When i write codes that


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VS 2008 Database Insert ID Using A OleDB Connection To A Access Database

Jan 2, 2010

I'm using a OleDB connection to a access database. I'm entering a row into the database to set some user preferences. What i need to get is get back the row ID of the row I just entered. I'm more familiar with PHP and with PHP I use use this entry


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VS 2005 Multiple Database - When Select First Database Then Can Work In That Particular Db Only

Dec 15, 2011

I am making a window based application in Now i have work in two sql databases, so i when the window opens it will show two databases..when i select first db then i can work in that particular db only..if select 2nd db then i can work in second db to do that?

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Insert, Delete, Update The Data Into Database And The Data From Database Will Be Display Using Datagrid?

Sep 17, 2010

I got a system which i want to insert, delete, update the data into my database and the data from database will be display using datagrid. The below is the coding for one of my button, delete.

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
btnSearchEmpNo.Enabled = False[code].....

Now I wanna set when user click on this button to delete a employee (for example) then the datagrid that i have in my application will not show the data of the deleted employee but in the background, the employee haven't been deleted from database.The employee only will be deleted from database when the user click on SAVE button.I know this application have to use RowState but how?

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VS 2010 Remove Previous Data Of Database Then Insert New Data To Database From Textfile

Dec 14, 2011

What I want to happen is that the button from my system will remove the previous data from database and then insert new data to database from text file. Im done with inserting new data. The thing is that I dont how to control or where to put the Delete Command from my code.


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Insert Command Dont Insert Into Database?

Dec 18, 2010

could someone tell me what i am doing wrong in this codeProtected Sub insert_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Insert.Click


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Insert Into SQL Database With Tableadapter.insert Not Working

Mar 3, 2009

Visual Studio 2008VB.NETFramework 3.5Windows Application

I have a SQL database names TestSQLVB

In it a table called tblTest2, with a three fieldstest2id , int, pk, increment by 1field1, varchar(50)field2, varchar(50)

I have a dataset named Dataset2.xsd

A tableadapter named tblTest2TableAdapter

A insert query names InsertTest2 with fields @f1, @f2 and ExecuteMode = Scalar

When I run the following code per MSDN [URL] the database does not get updated.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim testds As New DataSet2TableAdapters.tbltest2TableAdaptertestds.InsertTest2("One", "Dog")
End Sub

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INSERT Query - Insert Data To Database?

Jun 22, 2010

im in the middle of doing sql queries i can search my data base usingGetDateFrom (Select, from, where) Me.nameTableAdapter.FillBy(namenDataSet.descip, Me.box1TextBox.Text,Me.box1TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text)i have this working fine im struggling with inderting data to my databse i have made the query ..

INSERT INTO `details` (`Forename`, `Surname`, `Username`, `Password`)
VALUES (''& ForenameTextBox.Text &'', ''& SunameTextBox.Text &'', ''& UsernameTextBox &'', ''& PasswordTextBox &'')


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Insert Doesn't Insert To Database?

Oct 15, 2011

why my insert doesn't insert into mysql database


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Database - ID Select ,select Statement?

Mar 23, 2012

have a table with following fields

Emp_id varchar(50)
Emp_Name varchar(50)
Emp_surname varchar(50)


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Cannot Insert New Row To .mdb Access Database, "Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement" Occurs

Feb 20, 2011

here is my code so far:

Public Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
Dim i As Integer


when i click the button, i get a error message saying "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". as far as i can tell, i have everything i need to insert a new row into the database, and i dont see why this problem is occuring.

item(0) is an autonumber key field, so that should make a new record by itself, and i have declared the input textboxes as the data() array

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Database - Compare Two Fields In An SQL SELECT Statement To Then Select Other Fields Based On This Result?

Apr 8, 2012

I have a table which contains a list of products for a company. They input data about how much stock they have and also the level at which they want to be reminded that they need to order new stock.


I want to list all the true results in a form which the user is then able to navigate through. What would be the best way to go about doing this?

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Database And Insert A Value Using ID?

Jan 10, 2009

I am trying to connect my code to a database and insert a value using ID as a way to access but when compiling, the catch part always shows up, If any body can give me a hint for that, here is the code,

Private Sub btnSumit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSumit.Click
Dim intId As Integer
Dim strAnswer As String = comboCountry.Text
If strAnswer = strCountry Then


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How To Select A Value In The Database

Jun 22, 2010

I am using Combobox, when i select the value in combobox, the date value should display in datetimepicker where date = combobox id

vb6 code
cmd.CommandText = "select distinct Name from T_Person where personid = '" & txtno & "'"
Set rs = cmd.Execute


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Another SqlCe Database Insert

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to add a new record to a table, well first it checks if there is already a duplicate record in the table, and if not it makes one. If there is a duplicate, it tells the user.[code]

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Can't Insert Value In Acces Database?

Dec 16, 2011

This my code in VB.NET. My try catch says there is a syntax error in the instruction INSERT INTO. I don't know what happened to my INSERT. I searched for the error for over an hour... I'm not an expert in VB.NET, I'm better in C#, but I need to do this anyway in VB..


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Cannot Insert Textbox Row Into Database

Jun 3, 2010

I have the following code, which its aim is only to insert a row formed by 4 fields (textBox) in the DB. The database is created by Access.

Private Sub Insert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Insert.Click
Dim connectionString As String
connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and Settings
obertoMis documentosVisual Studio 2008ProjectsDiccionarioDiccionarioDiccionario.mdb"
Dim dicDataSet As New DictionaryDataSet1()
[Code] .....

But unfortunately it doesn't run, when I debug, the code passed through all the lines without problem, but it doesn't insert the row in the DataTable. One curious thing is that when I run the application the database which remained connected It disconnects automatically, and I don't know why.

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DB/Reporting :: Can't Insert To Database Using SQL

Jan 24, 2010


Thought I should probably say im using Windows 7 and the 2010 beta Visual studio

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DGV Add New Rows Insert To Database

Mar 15, 2012

Load from database to datagridview
Call ConnectAccess()
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT ProductName,Quantity,UnitPrice,Extention, InvNomer,ProductId, InvDetId " _
+ " FROM InvoiceDetail where InvNomer ='" & pbInvNomer & "' ", mConn)

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How To Insert All Value Of DataGridView To Database

Jan 10, 2012

How to Insert all value of datagridview to database
For x As Integer = 0 To (Val(admncal.DataGridView2.Rows.Count) - 2)
Dim item As String = admncal.DataGridView2.Item(0, x).Value
Dim price As String = admncal.DataGridView2.Item(1, x).Value
Dim qty As String = admncal.DataGridView2.Item(2, x).Value
[Code] .....
How can I insert the values inside the datagridview to database.

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How To Insert DateTime To Database

Jan 15, 2009

When I want to insert datetime to database. Sometime is good but sometime is error. This is the code:
datetimesales = format(now,"dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm")

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How To Insert Image From Database

May 20, 2012

This is my code can't insert the image from the database
Dim str As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:UsersJayhsondocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsCBASCBASdata_file.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
Dim con As New SqlConnection(str)
Dim sql As String = "INSERT INTO tblData VALUES(@Bcode,@ItemName,@Description,@BcodeImage)"
[Code] .....
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: encoder

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How To Insert Image Into Database

Oct 2, 2011

I am trying to create a martial arts school management program with a database. The Database contains student details and I am wanting a photo in the database but am unsure of how to do this. I want it to be able to pull the photo off of my computer rather than have it in the database as I am building the program.

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Insert A Data Into The Database Sql?

Aug 7, 2011

how can i insert a data into the database sql when i choose one radio button and one chekbox i have 4 radio button and chekbox?

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Insert A Row Onto DataBase Using VBasic?

Mar 5, 2010

I want to insert a row into a 10 row database. with 5 fields: 1) text 2) text 3) text 4) text 5) decimal


I want to delete a row from my 10 row database.

I want to insert and delete records If necessary...

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Insert An Image Name Into A Database?

Apr 18, 2009

I succeed to upload and image and resize it. Now I want to insert my image's name into the database.

I'm using SQL Server. The table is named images and has two columns, an integer imageid and imagename as string(invarchar(max)). I need the file name saved in the imagename column and imageid must be an identity.[code]...

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Insert Checkbox Value To Sql Database?

May 20, 2010

I have the following query which inserts values from a form to sql database. I have checkbox (chkactive)which will be checked onload and I want to send a true value to the respective field in the database. This doesnt work any help pls.. Instead it inserts a false value eventhough the chkactive is checked.. Why doesnt it insert a True value??

query = "INSERT INTO dbo.tblProjects (ProjectDesc,ProjectTypeID, ISACProtocol, ClientOrg_OrganisationID, ClientNme_EnquirerID, LeadPerson_StaffID, StartDt, CompletionDt, FullFee, PartFee, projectstatus) VALUES ('" & _
txtProdesc.Text & "', '" & _
txtprojtypenw.Text & "', '" & _


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