How To Insert DateTime To Database

Jan 15, 2009

When I want to insert datetime to database. Sometime is good but sometime is error. This is the code:
datetimesales = format(now,"dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm")

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Insert A Datetime Field Into The SQL Server Database?

Aug 12, 2011

I am not sure if this should be in the SQL or section.But, Basically I have a application from where I insert a datetime field into the SQL Server Database. Now for some reason the SQL server field(which is datetime) will not display AM/PM, I have referred this link where my code looks like this:

Dim dateToDisplay As DateTime = DateTime.Now dsNewRow.Item("date_created") = dateToDisplay.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")

I tried stepping into the code by debugging and it seems to be inserting the PM but is not displayed in the table QuotedateToDisplay#8/12/2011 6:01:06 PM#Date

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Passing DateTime With INSERT INTO In Access2000 Sql?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a simple table 'tblTest' with 3 fields:


testDB.Execute sqlNOTE: If I run the query without the Date field and Date variable it executes properly. I know that its all in the date formatting.

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Manually Sets Datetime During Insert Query?

Feb 21, 2012

inserting date/time to database manually using sql query.


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Insert Programmatically Datetime Value Inside Datagrid Cell?

Apr 3, 2009

i have datagrid bind to datatime that has one coloumn datetimeI want that user press space bar inside datagrid cell and i want insert current datetimei try so

If e.KeyCode = Keys.Space Then
dgrdVisite.Item(dgrdVisite.CurrentRowIndex, 4) = DBNull.Value
dgrdVisite.Item(dgrdVisite.CurrentRowIndex, 4) = Now.Date.ToShortDateString


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VS 2008 - How To Insert Null Value Into SQL Server DateTime Field

May 7, 2009

How can I achieve this. Insert Null Value into SQL Server DateTime Field?

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Insert Command Dont Insert Into Database?

Dec 18, 2010

could someone tell me what i am doing wrong in this codeProtected Sub insert_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Insert.Click


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Insert Into SQL Database With Tableadapter.insert Not Working

Mar 3, 2009

Visual Studio 2008VB.NETFramework 3.5Windows Application

I have a SQL database names TestSQLVB

In it a table called tblTest2, with a three fieldstest2id , int, pk, increment by 1field1, varchar(50)field2, varchar(50)

I have a dataset named Dataset2.xsd

A tableadapter named tblTest2TableAdapter

A insert query names InsertTest2 with fields @f1, @f2 and ExecuteMode = Scalar

When I run the following code per MSDN [URL] the database does not get updated.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim testds As New DataSet2TableAdapters.tbltest2TableAdaptertestds.InsertTest2("One", "Dog")
End Sub

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INSERT Query - Insert Data To Database?

Jun 22, 2010

im in the middle of doing sql queries i can search my data base usingGetDateFrom (Select, from, where) Me.nameTableAdapter.FillBy(namenDataSet.descip, Me.box1TextBox.Text,Me.box1TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text)i have this working fine im struggling with inderting data to my databse i have made the query ..

INSERT INTO `details` (`Forename`, `Surname`, `Username`, `Password`)
VALUES (''& ForenameTextBox.Text &'', ''& SunameTextBox.Text &'', ''& UsernameTextBox &'', ''& PasswordTextBox &'')


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Filter SQL Database By Datetime?

Oct 12, 2009

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim esql As String


i am trying to run the code above but once the date filter ([DocumentDate] = '12/10/2009 00:00:00'") is applied the results count = 0 any idears how to filter an SQL database between 2 dates.

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VB2010 Datetime To Sql Database?

Apr 22, 2012

When I insert a datetime into a datetime field in a SQL Database I only get for example 22/04/2012 06:31:33 instead of 22/04/2012 18:31:33 no matter how I format the field either in Vb or on date time on pc I only get am times

MyArray(MyClientHandles(f), 4) = Format(Now, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")

This is my typical code & have tried many formats the string shows as correct when looked at on breakpoint.

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Changing The Type Of Datetime In Database?

Aug 21, 2011

I am using a sql server database and i am storing the time value in the datetime variable. I am developing a booking system application in When I want to view already made bookings using datagridview and by implementing dataadapter and dataset it shows the time column with system date which was saved with time when the record was inserted. Now I want to view only time in the Time field when extracting the data....What should i do now??

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DateTime - Cannot Assign Properties Value From Database

Jul 27, 2011

I need to have a property that is a nullable date as the datestamp is used for when a process is completed. If there is no date this is a way to determine if the process has occurred. I have created a Nuallable DateTime property (DateTime?) However when I try to assign a value from my database entity (when debugged has a date value) I am not thrown an exception however my property still reads a null value after assignment. How can I get a DateTime? type to accept a DateTime value?

I thought this would do the trick
_object.DateStamp (type = DateTime?) =
_entity.DateStamp (Type = DateTime?, Value = DateTime) o
Or for more understandable syntax
Ctype(object.DateStamp, DateTime?) = Ctype(entity.DateStamp, DateTime?)

Strange thing is I can assign the properties value like this.
Ctype(object.DateStamp, DateTime?) = Now
I am using LinQ Entities.

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How To Retrieve DateTime Object From Database

Feb 23, 2009

I have a problem in retrieving dateTime object from the database. I have this :
Return CBO.FillCollection(Of ObjectInfo)(CType(DataProvider.Instance().ExecuteReader("sp_SelectAll"), IDataReader))
Then When I want to display the date from the collection I get from the stored procedure. the date was truncated. It shows only the timein the ObjectInfo..there is a field call _mydate as DateTime.

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Inserting DateTime To MS Access Database?

Apr 10, 2012

Dim purchasedatetime As Date = Now
str = "Insert into Customer_Order (Order_Date) values ('" & purchasedate & "')"
cmd = New OleDbCommand(str, cn)
exe = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery

I am trying to insert Default dateTime into my databse however when I run this code it stores date but stores time as 10:00:00, Is there a way I can store the time without the seconds so it is like 10:00?

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Send Value DateTime To SQL Database From Application

Oct 29, 2010

I have an application in which I have one textbox (in this one I write a date like 23.07.2010 ) and a combobox in which I insert a time from the list of combobox (like 12:30, 14:45, etc). I want that when I press a button to send this datetime value in a column of an sql database. I want to send something like (in VB.NET)

sql=" INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, date_time_column) values ( val1, val2, '23.07.2010 12:30') "

So, I have problems when I want to send date/time into sql tables because of the different Regional Settings.

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Insert Doesn't Insert To Database?

Oct 15, 2011

why my insert doesn't insert into mysql database


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Cannot Insert New Row To .mdb Access Database, "Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement" Occurs

Feb 20, 2011

here is my code so far:

Public Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
Dim i As Integer


when i click the button, i get a error message saying "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". as far as i can tell, i have everything i need to insert a new row into the database, and i dont see why this problem is occuring.

item(0) is an autonumber key field, so that should make a new record by itself, and i have declared the input textboxes as the data() array

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.net - Comparing A Date Value Taken From Textbox With The Datetime Value Stored In The Database?

Aug 25, 2011

Actually I have datetime value stored in the database. What I am taking from the textbox is a time value. I want to extract those results from the database which are between the given time value....To be more concise, my application is a booking system for a sports club and provides an option to view alreaady made bookings.. Here i offer two options either to view all bookings for a specific game or to filter bookings. In filter bookings one option is to filter through date and time...Date option is running okay but problem lies in time part...I provide two times but unable to view bookings between them...

My code is:

Dim prmtimefrom As New SqlParameter("@booking_time", SqlDbType.DateTime)
prmtimefrom.Value = TextBox3.Text
Dim prmtimeto As New SqlParameter("@booking_tim", SqlDbType.DateTime)


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OleDB Parameter - Inserting DateTime Entry Into Database

Nov 25, 2011

I am inserting data from to oracle but I am unable to insert datetime except date into oracle. I want to insert date and also time of entry into database:

cmd.Parameters.Add(":STARTING_DATE", (OleDb.OleDbType.[Date].))
cmd.Parameters(":STARTING_DATE").Value = DateTime.Now()
cmd.Parameters(":STARTING_DATE").Value = txtStartDate.Text

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Database Update - Using OleDbDataAdapter To Insert New Values To Access Database

Jun 6, 2010

I created a dataset and i am using OleDbDataAdapter to insert new values to access database. But when i close the program and after open it, values are not in the database. How can i solve this problem? Also, i have another problem. When i write codes that


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VS 2008 Database Insert ID Using A OleDB Connection To A Access Database

Jan 2, 2010

I'm using a OleDB connection to a access database. I'm entering a row into the database to set some user preferences. What i need to get is get back the row ID of the row I just entered. I'm more familiar with PHP and with PHP I use use this entry


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Conversion Errors To A MYSQL Database - Converting A String To A Datetime Format

Jan 5, 2010

I'm having a problem converting a string to a datetime format. the string is depicting an hour, for example 08:00, but in the mysql database it stores that as 2008/00/00 00:00 any idea how to solve this?

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Convert String To Datetime & Calculate The Datetime?

Mar 23, 2011

how to convert string to datetime and calculate date

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Match A Certain DateTime Value With Current System DateTime

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to match a certain DateTime value with the current system DateTime. I have a timer and a label on a form. Timer interval is set to 1000. When the form loads, the timer starts ticking. As soon as the current DateTime matches the value of the variable, it shows a message in the label. When I'm writing the following code, the values don't match even if the current system DateTime is equal to the variable. Label1 isn't showing 'Times Matched':[code]The default format of 'Now' is the same as I have stored in dtmVar variable. So there's no question of format mismatch. Does that mean 'Now' is not actually a DateTime property? Provided, my O.S. is Windows Vista Ultimate and all date/time settings are set to default.

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Match A Certain DateTime Value With The Current System DateTime?

May 1, 2010

I'm trying to match a certain DateTime value with the current system DateTime. I have a timer and a label on a form. Timer interval is set to 1000. When the form loads, the timer starts ticking. As soon as the current DateTime matches the value of the variable, it shows a message in the label.

When I'm writing the following code, the values don't match even if the current system DateTime is equal to the variable. Label1 isn't showing 'Times Matched':

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim dtmNow As DateTime


Why is it so? The default format of 'Now' is the same as I have stored in dtmVar variable. So there's no question of format mismatch. Does that mean 'Now' is not actually a DateTime property? Provided, my O.S. is Windows Vista Ultimate and all date/time settings are set to default.

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Update Datetime Field With Empty Datetime?

Aug 8, 2011

datetime1 and datetime2now two fields are have data ( date )in table recordi want to update only datetime2 is an emptyi am using visual basic 2010 ( visual studio 2010

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.net - Using Select Statement From 1 Database To Insert Into Another Database Using .NET?

May 1, 2009

I am currently writing a VB .NET application where I am trying to open 1 database, create a select statement and then post the results into another database file using Microsoft Access database 2003.

The code seems to stop executing at the statement cmdJetDB.ExecuteNonQuery()

I am using the following code:

Dim conn1 As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source=C:Sample.mdb")

Dim conn2 As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source=C:db2.mdb")


Question: What is it that I am not doing. I opened both connections, stated my two SQL statements, yet it is still not working. I really need to get this application working. Please Help.........

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C# - Compare Datetime.Now With A Datetime Variable

Dec 27, 2010

I try to compare Datetime.Now with a Datetime variable I set, using the Datetime.CompareTo() method. I use a timer to compare these every second and display the result, but as the current time approaches the time I set, the result changes from 1 to -1, but never 0, which means these two are never equal. I'm suspecting the Datetime structure contains milliseconds?

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Challenge - DateTime Minus DateTime?

Mar 14, 2011

Assume the following program is started at 1:59:01 AM on 3/13/2011 in the United States. The first time Timer1 ticks what will be the value of the TimeSpan (ts)?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As System.Object, _
e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


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