Set Focus To A HTML Textbox Or Button In A WebBroswer Control?

Jun 24, 2012

I am opening a website in a WebBrowser control using VB.NET 2008. On the fourth page of the website, I want to focus the control by triggering the tab key programmatically. [cod]e...

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Make More Than One Element Active In A Webbroswer Control Specifically With Html Table Cells?

Nov 27, 2009

how to specifically identify all the specific table cells that are selected in a webbrowser control. To be specific once I load a page into the webbrowser control and it is displayed I simply want to be able to click and drag with the mouse over multiple cells. Once I have selected the multiple cells I want to be able to do something to them such as adding an attribute. I can do this with a single cell. With the follwoing code:



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Set Focus On The Keydown Event So After The Button Control, Sets The Focus Into The Keydown?

Dec 15, 2010

Is it possible to set focus on the keydown event so after the button control, sets the focus into the keydown? although says often control can have focus,.Putting a button and a keydown event on a form...

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VS 2008 : Webbroswer Control Upload Image With Post?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to use webbrower control to upload a image without a user manually pointing to it. I have setup the multipost information, but I need the actually sending the image. How can I accomplish this task? Here is the multipost code I have so far:

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
Dim boundary As String = "---------------------------" & DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)


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Cursor On TextBox And Focus On Button?

Apr 28, 2009

if I click on the SearchSearch Textbox, I want the highlight to be on the Search Button and not on save without using AcceptButton or any TabIndexing so if whenever i press ENTER and the 'I' cursor is on the SearchSearch Textbox, the search button will be triggered.

function getFocus(textboxName,e) {


before i made the Search button on focus whenrver i click on the Search textbox. so what happens is everytime i click on the textbox it instantly focuses on the Search button making me unable to type anything. I tried also making a Panel for the Search textbox and button having a DefaultButton but it doesnt highlights the Search Button

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Set Focus To A Button As Well As A Textbox In VB 2010

Apr 13, 2011

I have a form that has mutiple buttons and textboxes. When the form is loaded, I want to set focus to a button as well as a textbox so when the person presses the Enter key the actions within that button must be processed.


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Redirect Image Load Requests In A WebBroswer Control To A Different Location?

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to make a html editor that allows you to preview the code as you type.

The users are able to see a live preview of the text they're typing. What I'm trying to do is get the webbrowser to load images from a different location. So, when the user changes the text in the richtextbox, the webbrowser.documenttext is changed to the text of the richtextbox and the page is loaded. But, if the code contains images, the webbrowser won't load them because there isn't any file, just the documenttext. The richtextbox is linked with the actual file itself, but I can't make it constantly write text to the actual file because that would make the save function pointless. Writing the text to another file in the same location isn't an option either, because that is too slow.

So, how can I make the webbrowser read the images from a self-selected directory?

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Textbox Focus Out Of Control?

Jan 15, 2009

i have a window form which has text boxs, buttons and radio buttons.when the form is loaded i want to put the cursor focus to TextboxA. But what i got is it didn't go to textboxA although I call TextboxA.Focus() at Form_Load event.In my Form_Load event() i have:

1) assign a value to a global variable.
2) hide a panel
3) set this TextBoxA.focus.

What i found is if i didn't checked the radio control to True in Form design time, the focus is go to that place, textbox.If i set the radio checked = True in form design time, focus is go to this radio button although i set TextBoxA.focus in form load line end.In my radio_checkedchanged() event, I have:

1) clear all textbox and set the focus to textbox. ( i even tried remove the set textbox focus line in this radio event but it didn't work)

But i must at least set this rdo button checked = true to carry on.if i set true, focus get lost.My program is a simple user registration form. Here is the
Private Sub rdoNew_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rdoNew.CheckedChanged
If rdoNew.Checked Then


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.net - Remove Border On Focus From Button Control?

May 14, 2010

I am setting my Winforms Button control properties to appear as a hyperlink would on a web page. I've formatted everything fine, except the border in the FlatAppearance object. I have code to act as pseudo-CSS (FormBackColor is a string constant.):

b.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat
b.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(FormBackColor)
b.ForeColor = Color.Blue


The code removes the border from the flat Button control except on MouseOver, where I add a 1 pixel border. On MouseLeave, I remove the border. This is to show some visual feedback. This works fine when the button does not have the focus. However, if I click on the button, giving the button focus, mousing out and over again now shows a greater than 1 pixel border around the button. I'm imagining it's combining my button's explicit 1 pixel border with the traditional "Winform Button has the focus, so add a border" border around the Button.How can I disable/remove the "Winform Button has the focus, so add a border" border? Or, should I just do a check in ButtonMouseOver to check if the control has the focus, being a condition of adding the border, and just be done with it?

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C# - Setting Focus Onto Another Control From Button Click?

Sep 24, 2009

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 and VB.NET

On top of my page I have a button called btnViewRecords. When the User click on the button I want to set focus to another button or label further down on the same page. How can this be done.

This code does not work for me..............


Even if my code did work, i dont want to reload the page every time.

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Give Focus To Previous Control After Click Of Button?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a form with few text boxes and other control on it like button etc. On click of a button on form i do some validation (like x = 2) if yes then it gives warning message and i want to give the focus back to the previous control (the control which was having focus before clicking button). I tried following on click of button

dim prevcntrl as control = asctivecontrol
if x = 2 then
Magbox("not valid")
activecontrol = prevcntrl


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Focus On A Form - User Control With Textbox

Feb 9, 2012

I make a user control with textbox. When user press enter and textbox doesn't have any text then a search form open. Search a data and select some think and return to main form where my textbox control insert. I write a code below :

If txtIsbn.Text = "" And e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
Frm_Book_Search.FormLoad = True


But problem is that when Frm_Book_Search close and it must be focus in textbox but it not happend. when user close the frm_Book_Search form then not focus my application another software if open at that time it will be focus that software. if there is not open any software then it is not any problem it will be focus my application in my textbox. how can i write code to focus current form after close frm_Book_Search form.

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C# :: Set Up Winform Textbox Field Focus So A User Can Go Through Them By Clicking Tab Button?

May 31, 2010

UI is created in VS 2008. I'm using C# .... I need to let the user move/focus between text fields from top to bottom by clicking tab button. How can i do it?

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ToolStrip - Set Focus On The Button When User Enters Data In Textbox

Apr 22, 2009

i have a textbox and a button on tool strip. i wan to set focus on the button when user enters data in textbox. after enter key is pressed it shoul focus on the button.

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Fter Selecting An Item From A Drop Down List Focus Can Move To A Button Control

Feb 20, 2009

after selecting an item from a drop down list the focus can move to a button control with example code in .Net

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Fill In An HTML TextBox, Click A Button, And Check A Checkbox?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm working on a project in Visual Basic 2008, a web browser, and I've been looking up how to fill in an HTML textbox, fill in a check box, and click a button, I haven't found anything that works. So I know the names of the textboxes, that I want to fill, the check box that I want to have clicked, and the buttons I want clicked, how would I do this?

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Write Html Tags In Textbox Control?

Apr 3, 2009

I have following text box control on my web page.[code]...

now i want to give my users the functionality to make their text bold or appear in different colors by using html tags when they enter text in this textbox.

then i insert this text in sql server 2005 database table. but whenever i use any html tag like <b> it gives me following error.

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (txtTitle="<b>jjj</b>").

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Find Out If The TextBox Control Contains A HTML Comment But Without Closing Tag?

Aug 24, 2010

I need to find out if the TextBox control contains a HTML comment but without closing tag. e.g. <!-- content here notice that it's possible that they can enter more than one comments so all of the comments have their closing tag except one (or even more).

I just need to find if there is ONE or more html comments without closing tag.

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Forms :: Changing The Backcolor Of A Control When It Has Focus And Lost Focus?

Feb 16, 2011

Is there a more efficient/easier way changing the backcolor of a control when it has focus and lost focus? Let's say I've got 10 text boxes. Right now I would have 20 different events...10 for Enter event and 10 for Leave event. Of course, entering would change the back color to "green" and leaving would change it back to "white".


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VS 2010 Using The Gecko Web Browser Control To Display Textbox Input As HTML In VB

Dec 2, 2011

I'd like to use the GeckoWebBrowser control to display HTML code that I type (or paste) into a TextBox. Here is the (nonworking) code I have:

GeckoWebBrowser1.Text = textBox1.Text()

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Lost Focus Event, What Control Is Getting Focus?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a textbox on a form that when it loses focus it updates other text boxes on the form. But before it updates the other textboxes I check the input value in the textbox lostfocus event if it is undesired I return focus to the the textbox and alert the the user with a msgbox. However where my problem is, is that when the cancel button is clicked I don't care what the input in the textbox is because the changes are being canceled but if the value is undesired the it keeps returning focus to the textbox instead of canceling the changes. Is there a way to see what control was clicked on before or in the lost focus event? Can't seem to figure it out tried enter and leave events but no luck!

So for example something like this...

Private Sub TextBox1_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.LostFocus
If Control that was clicked <> btnCancel then


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Unable To Use Textbox And Button Control?

Feb 5, 2009

i made 3 textbox and 3 button. when button click, button name can put textbox. but when i try to run it, button name can go only 1 textbox,the other 2 textbox does not working. I will put my code, Please chk it what is wrong.

Private Sub b_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btna.Click, btnb.Click, btnc.Click
Dim btn As Button
btn = sender
If TextBox1.Focus() Then


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C# - Add Custom Property And Events To A Control Say Textbox Or Button

Jan 13, 2010

I want to add a custom property to a button in window form. Currently i am using following code to create my logic. but i want to create an enum value for a button control.

btnPartyDetails.Text = "View";
btnPartyDetails.Text = "Add";


I want to do something like this, where ActionType will be my enum.

I also want to create custom event based on the value set. How can i do this ?

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Gathering Textbox Text From A Listview Control After Button Click

Nov 16, 2010

Creating a shopping application using ASP. Using a list view control to display 6 items per page. Each item has details such as picture, name and price. I have a textbox to enter the quantity desired and a add to cart button to create the "cartItem" (saves the selected item to a cart item object)


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Update A Textbox On Form From A Click On A Button On User Control?

Nov 20, 2009

I need update the text of a textbox when I do click on a button on a user control.

How I can do that?

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Update A Textbox On Form From Click On Button On User Control?

Nov 19, 2009

I need update the text of a textbox when I do click on a button on a user control.

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Current Date Is Inserted Into A Textbox And The Focus Is Transfered To The Textbox?

Jul 1, 2009

when clicking a button, the current date is inserted into a textbox and the focus is transfered to the textbox.

the problem is that Textbox15.focus() select the text inside the textbox. i wish to give that control the focus but place the cursor at the end of the text, with no selection.

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
TextBox15.Text = TextBox15.Text & DateTime.Now & " "
End Sub

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Rubber Band / Focus Rectangle To Select HTML Content?

Apr 9, 2010

What is the best way to implement a rubber band /focus rectangle on a web page?In other words, I want to be able to navigate to a web page like and use the rubber band / focus rectangle to some html content (images and/or text)......and I do realize I can simply highlight the content that I want but I am trying to do this via the rubber band / focus rectangle...

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Remove The Textbox's Focus When Mouse Is Clicked In The Textbox?

Jul 18, 2009

Is there any way to remove the textbox's focus when mouse is clicked in the textbox? the blinking focus in the textbox is not needed for kiosk system. so i try remove it with


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Get Facebook Alerts From Webbroswer?

Nov 15, 2011

HOW TO GET FACEBOOK ALERTS FROM WEBBROSWER I have web webbrowser i want get the elerts

if i have new messege or new elerts then icon change

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