Setting FileUpload Value Inside Of A WebBrowser Control

May 18, 2012

I'm setting up a program that displays a website that has a FileUpload object.I wanted to have my program set the default path for the FileUpload object but I can't seem to get it to work.[code]It doesn't seem to be working, however.Does anybody how I can get my desired result?

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ADVERTISEMENT - FileUpload Control Inside Gridview (ajax Updatepanel)?

Mar 11, 2011

I've got a fileupload control inside of a gridview so that each row (item from the database) can have an attachment associated with it. I've got a button next to the fileupload control (besides the default browse... button to select the file) to actually take the file and upload it to a file server.This works great if I use this button "Upload". However, underneath my gridview I have another imagebutton that is outside of the gridview, its just sitting on the form / page.The idea of this "Update" button is when end users make changes to the grid I can simply loop through the grid and update the values they have entered to the database. This also works great.

Now here is my issue assume a user has 3 rows in the grid view. On 2 of these rows he decides to add an attachment but he never clicks the "Upload" button he only uses the standard browse button to select the file. Now instead of clicking the "Upload" button that is on the grid view he ends up clicking the "Update" button outside of the grid thinking that it will save his attachments.

So I decided to write code to grab the fileupload control from the grid using .FindControls("NameOfFileUploadControl") in my Update button loop where I loop through all the rows. Then I check if myFileUploadControl.HasFile property to see if there exists a file and if there does upload the file then continue with the code.

The issue is when I click this "Update" button .HasFile always returns false even though I can see the text string of the path in the fileuploadcontrol textbox (the standard one next to the browse button). Is it because this goes back to the page load event and checks if it is a post back? What causes this and how can I fix it?

edit:Im adding some code because im still confused with this

Protected Sub SaveGrid()
For Each Row As GridViewRow In Me.gvLineItems.Rows
Dim f As FileUpload = CType(Row.FindControl("fuAttachment"), FileUpload)


This method gets called on a click of a button... The fileupload control is in an of a gridview that is wrapped inside of an UpdatePanel:

<asp:FileUpload Width="90px" Font-Size="xx-small" ID="fuAttachment" runat="server" />

So why is this property always returning false?

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VS 2010 Setting A File To Upload Inside The WebBrowser Component

May 12, 2011

im using a loop to enter text into text boxes using the following:

Private Sub FillTextbox(ByVal sElement As String, ByVal sString As String)
Dim z As Integer = 0
While Not SiteIsLoaded


But i have a file property, the website has the following code

<input type="file" size="30" name="torrent" id="torrent"/>

How can i use a loop similar to above to insert the filename

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Xml - Setting The Filetype In Fileupload?

Feb 17, 2010

Is it possible to limit the fileupload dialog to view only XML files?(Filer, .xml only)

Note: Not to check whether the extension is .xml, but to actually only let the user view xml files in the dialog.

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C# - WebBrowser Control Inside IE

Oct 24, 2011

I have a .NET ActiveX/COM Object which has a WebBrowser control (among other controls such has buttons, etc) inside it.

This object seems to load fine, the buttons are displayed and working but, for some reason, the WebBrowser control doesn't show up!

Is there some limitation for this in IE (e.g., is IE afraid of something recursive, etc.)? Is there a way that I can overcome it?

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Setting The HTML For WebBrowser Control?

Jan 26, 2011

I am currently trying to be able to set the HTML in a WebBrowser control. The bit that I am having the trouble with is that when I go to put the HTML in the WebBrowser control on Form.Load or Form.Activated the WebBrowser1.Document.Body is Nothing. This means when I try to do; WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerHtml = value I'm getting an exception as I am trying to use it.I have also tried setting the HTML on the DocumentCompleted event for the WebBrowser control, but that event doesn't fire when I load the form (to be honest I didn't think it would but it was suggested somewhere on the Internet).

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Forms :: Setting Value Of A Textbox In A Webbrowser Control?

Sep 20, 2011

I am having one heck of an issue with a webbrowser control I am using. As part of my job, I am working on creating a tool to automate an older system that we still use. The part that is being automated is web-based, and the group running the automation does not have access to any automation tools like QTP. In order to give them something they can use, the idea was to build an application just for them. In this application, I have everything working perfectly, with the exception of the most important part: the entry of a policy number. The policy number goes into a textbox, and then the user presses a button. A part of the automation sequence involves the use of a timer.

If I manually navigate to the appropriate page and put the .SetAttribute statement in a button action on my form, it works perfectly fine. However, if I put the .SetAttribute statement anywhere that is being controlled by the timer ticking, it does not work.So, this works:

Private Sub btnTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTest.Click
Me.wbPrestige.Document.Window.Frames("WORKSPACE").Document.GetElementById("policynumber").SetAttribute("value", "1234567")
End Sub

but this does not:

Private Sub timerLoad_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles timerLoad.Tick
Select Case currentStatus
Case Status.wait_for_retrieving


As a note, I do not have the Select statement in the Tick action; I have it in its own little sub. However, since it functions the same way no matter where it is, and to save space, I combined everything here. Also, at the time of the timer firing and setting things into motion to enter the policy number, the page is already fully loaded, so I don't think it is an issue with that, though I could be wrong.

It does not throw an error. The "1234567" above is passed in as a string, and doing a watch on it at run-time does show that the value is actually in there. It just seems like the .SetAttribute is not registering on the textbox. I have tried a few things ranging from "what-if" all the way to "that-is-so-dumb-it-just-might-work." Nothing seems to do the trick. I have tried sleeping everything for a few seconds just to see if there was an issue there. I have tried issuing the .SetAttribute command a few times in a row thinking it just wasn't taking the first time. Since setting .Focus() didn't seem to work for it, I even went so far as using SendKeys to move focus to the textbox on one attempt and API calls for mouse clicks (to click inside of the textbox) on another attempt. As a last crazy attempt, I had the Select statement doing a .PerformClick on btnTest (which works if I navigate to the page manually).

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VS 2010 Loop And Setting In WebBrowser Control?

May 2, 2011

I am passing a function a parameter of browser_id, when i try to add it to my function, it throws an error

WebBrowser + browser_id + .Document.....

I dont know how to make it gerneric...

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Find A Link Inside Iframe In Webbrowser Control?

Feb 15, 2012

I want to find a url webbrowser control inside iframe.

1) my webbrowsercontrol opena url

2)that url has one iframe inside it

3) That Iframe has a link which I want to grab programmatically using

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Open Word Doc Inside WebBrowser Control On Win7 Machine?

Jan 3, 2012

My application is in VB.NET and environment is Window XP. We are using WebBrowser control to display data of Word doc files i.e. we are opening word files always inside the WebBrowser control and then modifying word file using bookmarks by VB code.Our VB code is perfectly working. We are doing following changes in window registry via VB.NET code for temporary basis:1)..HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesWord.Document.8updating BrowserFlags value to H800000242)..HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWord.Document.8

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Open Word Doc Inside WebBrowser Control On Window7 Machine?

Jan 3, 2012

My application is in VB.NET and environment is Window XP. We are using WebBrowser control to display data of Word doc files i.e. we are opening word files always inside the WebBrowser control and then modifying word file using bookmarks by VB code.Our VB code is perfectly working. We are doing following changes in window registry via VB.NET code for temporary basis:


Now we are migrating environment from WinXP to Win7. I have following query for Win7 environment We do not have rights to change registry on Win7 machine , so without changing values of BrowserFlags and EditFlags , how word docs files will always open inside webBrowser control? Currently I am getting below popup dialog box

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WebBrowser Control - Clicking Element Inside Of HTML Table

Feb 13, 2012

What I'm trying to do is click an html link inside of a html table via code in using a web-browser control. The link I want to click can be anywhere in the first column of the table so I need to cross reference with another column in the table to make sure I have the re way I'm going about this is to loop through the html elements till I find the table I want (multiple tables on the page) then dump that table to an array. Then loop through the page again get to the table I want and then start comparing the link and another column in the now array. I need to check to make sure that the url of the link contains a work and that another column in the table contains a specific or lower numerical value. Basically where I'm stuck is while dealing with the html element "Table" wanting to identify and interact with another html element inside it.

'Flag to say dump to array
Dim RecordFiles As Boolean = False
'The last two headers in the table are blank so need to skip them
Dim FirstBlank As Boolean = False
Dim SecondBlank As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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C# - Printing From WebBrowser Control Prints To Wrong Printer After Setting Default?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a WebBrowser control in a VB.NET WinForms app. I am able to set the default printer from code and print without prompting the user. However, there is also a print button that shows the PrintDialog. If this action is done first the page will print.Then if I try to programmatically print later (again setting the default printer to some other printer) the it will print to the last printer selected in the PrintDialog box even though I am resetting the default and see the default printer being changed in Windows.It works fine unless ShowPrintDialog has a printer chosen first. Once that occurs it seems to always use that printer no matter what I do.

For Each strPrinter In PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters
If strPrinter.Contains("My Printer") Then


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ASP.NET/.NET FileUpload Control?

Apr 28, 2011

I have a problem with FileUpload, when I select a file from the local machine, it will not bring the real path of the file, it will use the path for the project files and assume the file I am selecting is there, any ideas?

Example:File name is "Q.JPG" and is in "C:" when I browse to "C:" and select "Q.JPG" and click open, I get the following Error Could not find file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEq.jpg'.So when I fire up the code for Uploading the file to FTP for example, it will return an error because file doesn't exist


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My FileUpload Control Freeze

May 22, 2012

First off I'm using aspx pages with Visual Basic .net 2008 for the code behind.

I'm using a FileUpload control on an aspx web page to upload files to the server.

When I click on the Browse button I get a dialog box to select the file. I select the file and click the Open button and the entire file path populates the textbox portion of the control, just as it should.

However, when I use the same process to select a second file, after clicking the Open button it takes over 2 minutes for it to populate the textbox portion.

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.net - FileUpload ASP.NET Control Not Working Under Windows 7

Apr 28, 2010

I have a User Control that contains a System.Web.UI.WebControls.FileUpload control as well as a button to 'Submit'.

When the button is clicked code similar to the following is executed:

If FileUploadControl.HasFile Then
'Save the file and do some other stuff
End If

This code works just fine with Windows XP. However, if I run it from a Windows 7 64-bit machine using IE8 32-bit the HasFile property always returns false and nothing is saved?!

View 1 Replies - FileUpload Within A Wizard Control, Processed At The End

Oct 17, 2011

how to upload to FTP, however when using the FileUpload control inside a Wizard control, when you move to the next step, the File you selected gets cleared because of the postback. I need to be able to rename the file according to the results from the Wizard before uploading. So...

I finish my wizard It uploads some stuff to a database Renames the file according to those results Uploads the renamed file to the FTP server

I suspect I will need to follow a procedure something like this, having an upload button next to FileUpload

On "Upload" button click stream the file to the Web Server. Complete the Wizard. If the wizard completes successfully, rename file and stream to FTP server. If the wizard fails, what? Delete the file from the web server? How?

I think I understand the process, how to split my FTP Upload function into two parts with the proper error handling for when the wizard fails.

Protected Sub UploadFile(ByVal NewFilename As String)
Dim myFtpWebRequest As FtpWebRequest
Dim myFtpWebResponse As FtpWebResponse


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Border-Radius In FileUpload Control

Jan 11, 2012

I have file Upload Control on my web Page,

i want to apply border radius for input,

i tried following:


but it doesn't work,how can i apply border-radius.

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Max File Size Of Fileupload Control

Apr 11, 2012

I have deployed my Website on Windows Server 2007. in IIS..I have added asp:FileUpload control..i have set <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="60000"/> under the <system.web> in my Web.Config file but website doesn't allowed to Save the the file of maxlength as specified in web.config file.

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Search In A Particular Folder When Using The Fileupload Control?

Jul 23, 2009

I want to force my user to only search in a particular folder when using the fileupload control. Is that possible?

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C# - Change Button Style In Fileupload Control?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a Fileupload control on my Page. I want to change browse button's style.

<asp:FileUpload runat="server" ID="fuAttachment" CssClass="mediumResolution required"
size="50" Width="100%" />

how can I do that?

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Using A FileUpload Control In A Website Which Should Only Be Able To Upload Images?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm using a FileUpload control in a website which should only be able to upload images. To that end, I'm checking its MIME type before accepting the upload.Does anyone know whether the FileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType property comes from the file itself or the request? The latter is insecure, since the request can be spoofed. If that's the case, does anyone know a good way to validate a file securely?

View 3 Replies - Calling Browse File Window Of Fileupload Control?

Oct 5, 2010

I have an ImageButton and a FileUpload controls in a child page of a master page. I would like to achieve something like when user click on the ImageButton, the browse file window will pop-up like what we did when we click on the Browse button of the FileUpload control.How can call the browse file window of the FileUpload control when i click on the ImageButton?

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File Upload Error In VB - Add A Fileupload Control To Aspx Page

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to add a fileupload control to my aspx page so the user can add pictures, but when I am implementing the code behind on VB the fileuploader controler is not recognized. I have this on aspx page inside a formview:


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Handle Value Change Of Control Inside UserControl Inside FlowLayoutPanel?

Apr 30, 2012

I am making an invoicing application. I have a label (lblCost) inside of a UserControl (InvoiceEntry) inside of a FlowLayoutPanel (pnlEntries). InvoiceEntry represents a line item on the invoice, and pnlEntries is the "body" of the invoice. pnlEntries can hold several InvoiceEntry controls.

I am attempting to sum all of the lblCost values from each InvoiceEntry control to make a subtotal, and I want that subtotal to change automatically if costs are changed (e.g., a change in quantities being ordered). Is there a way to handle when the lblCost.Text property of any of the InvoiceEntry controls contained within pnlEntries changes?


' Instantiate objects of the various database interaction classes.
Private mCustomer As New Customers
Private mItem As New Items


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Setting All Controls Inside A Panel To Visible?

Dec 30, 2009

But I don't know if i posted this at the right place. I am making 40 textboxes inside a panel. And this textboxes I set it to visible=FALSE. Then I have another textbox named txtNoteam in which once the user will enter a number in this txtbox which is less than or equal to 40, those textboxes will be set to true starting from textbox1 to textbox40 depending on the number entered by the user. Example: user enters 3, then textbox 1 to textbox 3 will be set to visible.

I was successful in doing this except one thing, instead of textbox 1 to textbox 3 will be set to visible, it's the textbox 38 to textbox 40 will be set first. This means it will start from the last textbox to the first textbox instead of from textbox1 to the last textbox.

I need your help on what should I do for this to be able to set it to visible from the 1st textbox to the last textbox or is there any other ways of doing this?


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XML To Variables - Setting Label To Equal Text Inside Tags

Jul 29, 2009

I have an xml document on the internet right. Lets say it contains:
What I want to do, is when the user clicks a button in my vb form it looks for the "tag" tag and finds the text inside the tags which is goose. Then it sets a label to equal goose, or whats in those tags.

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Access To Datalist Event Inside Another Databound Control & Finding Controls Inside Nested Datalist?

Oct 27, 2011

I have a DataList inside another DataList. I want to access the child DataList "dlQuestion" events, ItemDataBound event. Also, I'm tring to find the control LableControl "lblQuestion" in the child datalist. How do I do that? Here's the mark-up:

<asp:DataList ID="dlSection" runat="server" Width="100%">


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Setting Focus On Textbox Inside A TabControl Works With Shown Event?

Dec 16, 2011

The only way I found to set the focus on a TextBox inside a TabPage is:

Private Sub Form1_Shown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
End Sub

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Setting Text Of Textbox In A Webbrowser?

May 26, 2009

I have this code which should set the text of the E-Mail textbox when you login

CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).document.GetElementById("email").SetAttribute("text", "")


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