Sliding Drawer Effect In WinForms?

Mar 15, 2012

I am looking to add a sliding drawer effect in a Winforms project.To explain myself further, I am looking to have a tab on the bottom of my form, then when the the tab is clicked the rest of the tab or tab control is shown. Any ways on how to do this or even having a docked tab will work as long as the docks/tabs width does not span across the whole form like all the other examples I have seen.I seen an example of a sliding panel when clicked by a button although I cant find the example anymore.

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Sliding And Fading In Effect, Pushing Others Down?

Oct 17, 2009

OK, if any of you use Facebook, you'll know what I mean, you click Share after you type in what you want, and it pushes everything else down, fades in, and slides. I need that to happen, and I need it to happen with labels because I can get the code for a textbox to work, but without the awesome effect.

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WinForms - How To Create Typewriter Effect

Jun 20, 2012

I want to make typewriter effect like: [URL]
dim s as string = "123"
label1.text = s.substring(0,1)
label1.text = s.substring(0,2)
label1.text = s.substring(0,3)

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How To Open A Drawer

Jul 16, 2009

how i can open a drawer using vb .net code.

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Open USB Cash Drawer?

Dec 4, 2011

I have a USB cash drawer that acts as a com port (lets assume com2)

any ideas on how I can open it? there is not really any documentation with it.

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Check Whether Or Not The Cash Drawer Is Closed

Dec 16, 2009

I am still working on a POS application in VB.Net 2003. What I need to do is check the state of the cash drawer. I want to make sure the drawer is closed before a cashier is allowed to move on to the next sale. The cash drawer I am using is a MMF ECD200 (not sure if this will make a difference). Here is the code I am using to open the drawer:


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Cash Register Program - Opening Drawer?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to convert an ancient cash register program to .net. Conquered everything else, but I can't pop open the cash register. Its connected to COM1, you are supposed to send a "trigger" text down COM1 that will cause the register to open.

Here is the .net code.
MsgBox("Opening Drawer")
Dim port As System.IO.Ports.SerialPort
port = New System.IO.Ports.SerialPort("Com1")
port.PortName = "COM1"
port.BaudRate = 9600
[Code] .....

I get msgboxes "Signal Sent", "Done Pop Drawer". It just won't pop. It's an MS-Cash Drawer (EP125KC). Definitely connected to COM1, definitely has power. Chr(65) is the old code used to pop drawer and it works:
Open drawerComPort For Output Access Write As #1
Print #1, Chr$(65); "A";
Close #1
The above code worked successfully. The root problem was caused by a reversed power cord (negative was on the wrong side).

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Open Cash Drawer For Receipt Printer TM-U220?

Apr 29, 2010

Prob 1: While the printing is going on, the whole system hangs. I would like the printing to go on while in spooling and not monitor its status.

Prob 2: To solve Prob 1, I removed the try..catch block and all the error messages BUT.. now my cash drawer does not OPEN.

Below is the whole set of code I used for testing. It is really very urgent request. (This code makes the whole system hang till printing is complete)[code]...

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Panel Sliding And MouseEnter ?

Jun 10, 2011

I am having two issues with making my Maze Game in VB.NET. I want the levels to be difficult to solve so I am making some *sliding* (NOT MOVING) Panels to interrupt the players.These are my problems:

1. I want the Panel to slide (Sliding Up and then Down, then Up and Down, then Up...) forever, but it doesn't. It will only slide the times I have written the code.

2. I want the MouseEnter event to work when the mouse touches the Panel during the Panel is sliding.

3. Is it right to use a Timer?

Here are some details and the codes which I have used:

I have first made an Integer = 6 for the speed of sliding.The timer is not enabled and started. It will be started and enabled when Button1 is clicked.

Timer's interval: 100
Panel's name: Panel1
Timer's name: Timer1

When the user clicks Button1, Timer1 starts, which will slide Panel1. (My code is for moving the panel. I need to slide the panel. IT'S WRONG![code].....

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Sliding Control Within A Form?

Apr 23, 2009

My tabcontrol is in the center of my winform.I need to get the control to smoothly slide to the form's left border on button click.

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Sliding Pane On A Form?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a Form called 'Form1' and I want an addition pane/panel that slides over the Form from left to right which has additional controls on it. But I cant get the desired result.For example - the exact thing I need is in the .NET environment you have many sliding panels such as the 'Toolbox' that slides over on the Form. I want this exact replication so that it slides over 'Form1' from left to right when the user hovers over it

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Sliding Pane On Form?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a Form I have alot of controls on it. Some of the control I want to place inside a sliding pane (somewhat like a docking pane thats the same as the "Toolbars" sliding pane in .NET) how can I add one of these sliding panes to my Form?

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Sliding Window Over 2d Array ?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm having problems with sliding a variable sized window over a 2D array in my porblem is when I take the first element of the array at 0,0 what ever the size of the window is it needs to be smaller because the element in question has to be the center of the sliding window. ex: arrar size(40,43) window size 5x5 ( window size is NxN N=3 wins size is 3x3) so array(0,0) with win size 5 so 2 col and 2 rows need to be cout out and a new window size of 3x3.

Public Function getPIXELSinWINDOW(ByVal Wsize As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

Dim tempARRAY As New ArrayList()
Dim Xwidth As Integer = Wsize[code].....

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Forms :: Getting Smooth Sliding Animation?

Mar 17, 2009

i have a panel which in runtime would slide to show it.. but the animation seems not visible...

Dim intanimate As Integer
Private Sub btn_delete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_delete.Click
Me.Label7.Text = "Delete Criminal Record"


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How To Make TabControl With Different Textures And Sliding Look

Mar 19, 2011

I am making a TabControl with different textures and a sliding look. But I am having trouble with following points :-

1. How to make buttons click able at Design time, so as to switch to different tabPages [which are panels in this case]
2. How to add a property ex. TabPages() as Panel collection Editor [like TabPages Collection editor in case of TabControl]

I tried,
Public ReadOnly Property TabPages() As List(Of Panel)
TabPages = p
End Get
End Property
Where p is another List of panel and ref() checks new addition of control in p -> adds it to UserControl.

3. How to get the upper-right corner arrow to quickly add a tab in Design mode.

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VS 2008 Using The Sliding Panel Menu?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a panel that I have made double-buffered so that any controls on it don't flicker when it slides in and out from the left side of the form.The problems I'm having is:SOLVED When the MouseHover event is triggered, the panel doesn't slide out, it goes from its initial size to its full size without incrementing.SOLVED The MouseLeave event is triggered when I mouse over any control inside the panel.

The MouseHover event of the panel:

Private Sub pnlMenu_MouseHover(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pnlMenu.MouseHover
If blnDocumentsMenuExtended = False Then
Do Until Me.pnlMenu.Width = 28


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Sliding A Form From Bottom Of Default Main Form Up?

Jun 18, 2012

i have the following code sliding from the bottom of the main form position to the middle of the main form.

main form
Dim Viewform2 As New Form2
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2008 Sliding A Form From Bottom Of Default Form Up?

Jun 18, 2012

i have the following code sliding from the bottom of the main form position to the middle of the main form.

main form Dim Viewform2 As New Form2


no code, just a form thats width 292 and height 266 This code works but its very choppy when the slider form slides up. Also, i am unable to get the opacity correct as well where it fades in and then out when it leaves.

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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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Changes Won't Take Effect?

Aug 22, 2011

Wrote a custom stand alone engineering program to do some very basic repetative design calculations. This program also does pricing by taking each design element and asigning pricing to it based on the parameters given. All the individual elements are added together to get a unit cost. (All this works well without any problems or issues)


My eventual goal once I can prove that my changes work is to control the pricing by using the YEAR so that the program increases the cost by a set multiplier based on the actual YEAR the system is set for. ie: 2011
10% increase, 2012 5% increase, 2013 5% increase, etc.

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VS 2005 Changes Does Not Take Effect?

Aug 15, 2009

I have fields with " monday, tuesday,wed, thu, fri, sat and sun". I am trying to add the hours of each day on a separte field " week total hours "..Everything works fine but say if i make any changes again to "monday hours" it does not take effect on " tot hours "

eg.. mon 2hrs, tues 1 hrs, wed 1 hrs, thur 0, fri o, sat 0 and sun 0, then the total hours is 2+1+1 = 4 and it displays well ....but if i change ( mon= 1 ) then it should be 1+1+1 = 3 but it remains 4


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Add Wait Form Effect?

Jun 30, 2010

I want to add a wait process form instead of the wait cursor effect while the method block execute codes.[code]...

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Create A Spinning Effect?

Feb 23, 2010

I have to create a slot machine. i have 3 picture boxes and i need to know how the program can randomly select from the 7 pictures i have but still create a short delay where there is the effect of spinning. my teacher said that it would be easy to assign each picture a number but i didnt get what he means.

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Effect Of Openform On Subforms?

Jun 12, 2009

When I use a control button on a switchboard to open my form which has subforms, the subforms open in datasheet view. When I open the form directly the subforms open in single form/continuous form view - which is what I want. Is there something I can do to the event procedure to make the subforms open properly?

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Forms :: Which Statement Has NO Effect

Nov 1, 2006

I was recently asked a multiple choice question: According to the sample code, which one of the following statements has NO effect and should be moved to another line to accomplish its purpose?

dim tb as New TextBox
g_row as Integer = 0
tb.Text = CType(g_row, String)


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Glow Effect To Mouse Over?

Dec 22, 2009

I am not an advanced VB programmer as I create applications for fun at home, so am hoping someone can help me with this. I would like to add a mouse over glow type effect to a control (doing this on a picturebox at the moment). I did this very simplistically by creating a user control and having a picturebox within a picturebox, one of which is not visible. On the mouse over, I just make it visible and it does look cool as it has rounded edges and all that. But I assume this is not a good technique and really limits you. I would like to do it so I can define the color, glow size, etc... kind of like the glow effect in Flex.

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IDE :: Why Click On A Button Twice To Take Effect

May 5, 2010

I have a few routines that they loop forever if they are not interrupted.Selecting any of them sets the "seq" to True.This would leave them in the tight loop to do whatever they do.Its different patterns of LED flashing.I use another button to stop and that makes the "seq" go False.Interesting that I need to click the stop twice to take effect.I can click the stop now and the 2nd click could be after a long time but there is always the 2nd click on Stop that takes effect.


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New WebBrowser1 Won't Be Effect With WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted

Jan 20, 2011

I use to remove wb1 at some point after work Is done

Dim WebBrowser1 As New WebBrowser


p.s the reason I'm doing it because even if you delete cookies, index.dat will have cookies saved for the current wb1 and won't be deleted only if you reopen the app.

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PageSetup.FirstPageTray Not Having Any Effect?

Mar 11, 2009

I am try to control which tray to print to from a VB form. (VS2008)The target printer is HP laserjet 4200 with a 4 tray TowerTray added. The test is below just cycles through the 16 options, but they all go the botton tray on the printer. The default tray is the top tray on the printer.Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.WordImports System.Drawing.Printing

Public Class PrintTest1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click testprint() End Sub
Private Sub testprint() Dim oWord As Word.Application Dim oDoc As Word.Document = Nothing


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Picturebox Fade Effect?

Dec 20, 2011

i am making a marriage bureau desktop application software and i have set 12 pictureboxes in a groupbox...i have set timer to change picturebox in groupbox but this does not feels impressive so now i am trying to give fade effect to these pictureboxes i tried a lot but not succeeded...

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