Sliding Window Over 2d Array ?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm having problems with sliding a variable sized window over a 2D array in my porblem is when I take the first element of the array at 0,0 what ever the size of the window is it needs to be smaller because the element in question has to be the center of the sliding window. ex: arrar size(40,43) window size 5x5 ( window size is NxN N=3 wins size is 3x3) so array(0,0) with win size 5 so 2 col and 2 rows need to be cout out and a new window size of 3x3.

Public Function getPIXELSinWINDOW(ByVal Wsize As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

Dim tempARRAY As New ArrayList()
Dim Xwidth As Integer = Wsize[code].....

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Panel Sliding And MouseEnter ?

Jun 10, 2011

I am having two issues with making my Maze Game in VB.NET. I want the levels to be difficult to solve so I am making some *sliding* (NOT MOVING) Panels to interrupt the players.These are my problems:

1. I want the Panel to slide (Sliding Up and then Down, then Up and Down, then Up...) forever, but it doesn't. It will only slide the times I have written the code.

2. I want the MouseEnter event to work when the mouse touches the Panel during the Panel is sliding.

3. Is it right to use a Timer?

Here are some details and the codes which I have used:

I have first made an Integer = 6 for the speed of sliding.The timer is not enabled and started. It will be started and enabled when Button1 is clicked.

Timer's interval: 100
Panel's name: Panel1
Timer's name: Timer1

When the user clicks Button1, Timer1 starts, which will slide Panel1. (My code is for moving the panel. I need to slide the panel. IT'S WRONG![code].....

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Sliding Control Within A Form?

Apr 23, 2009

My tabcontrol is in the center of my winform.I need to get the control to smoothly slide to the form's left border on button click.

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Sliding Pane On A Form?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a Form called 'Form1' and I want an addition pane/panel that slides over the Form from left to right which has additional controls on it. But I cant get the desired result.For example - the exact thing I need is in the .NET environment you have many sliding panels such as the 'Toolbox' that slides over on the Form. I want this exact replication so that it slides over 'Form1' from left to right when the user hovers over it

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Sliding Pane On Form?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a Form I have alot of controls on it. Some of the control I want to place inside a sliding pane (somewhat like a docking pane thats the same as the "Toolbars" sliding pane in .NET) how can I add one of these sliding panes to my Form?

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Forms :: Getting Smooth Sliding Animation?

Mar 17, 2009

i have a panel which in runtime would slide to show it.. but the animation seems not visible...

Dim intanimate As Integer
Private Sub btn_delete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_delete.Click
Me.Label7.Text = "Delete Criminal Record"


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How To Make TabControl With Different Textures And Sliding Look

Mar 19, 2011

I am making a TabControl with different textures and a sliding look. But I am having trouble with following points :-

1. How to make buttons click able at Design time, so as to switch to different tabPages [which are panels in this case]
2. How to add a property ex. TabPages() as Panel collection Editor [like TabPages Collection editor in case of TabControl]

I tried,
Public ReadOnly Property TabPages() As List(Of Panel)
TabPages = p
End Get
End Property
Where p is another List of panel and ref() checks new addition of control in p -> adds it to UserControl.

3. How to get the upper-right corner arrow to quickly add a tab in Design mode.

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Sliding And Fading In Effect, Pushing Others Down?

Oct 17, 2009

OK, if any of you use Facebook, you'll know what I mean, you click Share after you type in what you want, and it pushes everything else down, fades in, and slides. I need that to happen, and I need it to happen with labels because I can get the code for a textbox to work, but without the awesome effect.

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Sliding Drawer Effect In WinForms?

Mar 15, 2012

I am looking to add a sliding drawer effect in a Winforms project.To explain myself further, I am looking to have a tab on the bottom of my form, then when the the tab is clicked the rest of the tab or tab control is shown. Any ways on how to do this or even having a docked tab will work as long as the docks/tabs width does not span across the whole form like all the other examples I have seen.I seen an example of a sliding panel when clicked by a button although I cant find the example anymore.

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VS 2008 Using The Sliding Panel Menu?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a panel that I have made double-buffered so that any controls on it don't flicker when it slides in and out from the left side of the form.The problems I'm having is:SOLVED When the MouseHover event is triggered, the panel doesn't slide out, it goes from its initial size to its full size without incrementing.SOLVED The MouseLeave event is triggered when I mouse over any control inside the panel.

The MouseHover event of the panel:

Private Sub pnlMenu_MouseHover(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pnlMenu.MouseHover
If blnDocumentsMenuExtended = False Then
Do Until Me.pnlMenu.Width = 28


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How To Array Textbox On Form (in Property Window)

May 21, 2011

I have 50 textboxes,
for i = 1 to 50
textbox(i)="This is " & i
Next i
This is very simple. But I cannot put textboxes on FORM1. How can I array (index) them on FORM1 (in Property Window)?

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Understanding Length Of An Array - Follow The Execution In The Immediate Window?

Sep 21, 2011

I have the following statement: ReDim lsDataMergeStart(lsDataMergeRange.Length)When I follow the execution in the immediate window, I get the following results: lsDataMergeRangeLength =1 lsDataMergeStart = 2 Why?

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Sliding A Form From Bottom Of Default Main Form Up?

Jun 18, 2012

i have the following code sliding from the bottom of the main form position to the middle of the main form.

main form
Dim Viewform2 As New Form2
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2008 Sliding A Form From Bottom Of Default Form Up?

Jun 18, 2012

i have the following code sliding from the bottom of the main form position to the middle of the main form.

main form Dim Viewform2 As New Form2


no code, just a form thats width 292 and height 266 This code works but its very choppy when the slider form slides up. Also, i am unable to get the opacity correct as well where it fades in and then out when it leaves.

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Find The Handle Of The Child Window For The Yes Button In The User Account Control Window?

Mar 20, 2010

I am trying to find the handle of the child window for the Yes button in the User Account Control window so i can click it. This window has a structure with a few child windows with the same name.

Dim hwnd As IntPtr = FindWindow(Nothing, "User Account Control")
Dim hwnd2 As IntPtr = FindWindowEx(hwnd, 0, "DirectUIHWND", vbNullString)
Dim hwnd3 As IntPtr = FindWindowEx(hwnd2, 0, "CtrlNotifySink", vbNullString)
Dim hwnd4 As IntPtr = FindWindowEx(hwnd3, 0, "Button", "&Yes")

There are multiple CtrNotifySink with its own Button child window or other child windows. How do i search thru the different CtrNotifySink window to find the one that contain the Yes button so i can send a click to it? I do need to find it before i can send a click, right? because i try just sending it to the main window with sendmessage and nothing happen.I even try sending it directly to the handle found by spy++ of the yes button with bm click but nothing happen?

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Passing Unicode Query String To Popup Window Using Method?

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to pass query string from one page to popup window as follow:

Dim popupScript As String = "'cFinder.aspx?cName=" & c_TextBox.Text & "','', 'width=420,height=200,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes');"
If (Not Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("popup")) Then


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VS 2010 : Close A Third-party Window (application) If A Specified String Was Found In The Window Title?

May 2, 2012

Excuse me for posting this, but I have searched both Google along with this forum before asking this question, maybe I'm not using the right keywords but I apologize if it's easy to find.I would like to know how one could close a third-party window (application) if a specified string was found in the window title.

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Capturing Audio Stops When Main Window Is Minimized Or Obstructed By Another Window?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a VB.NET application that uses Managed DirectSound to capture audio.Everything works just fine until (a) the application is minimized or (b) the application is completey obstructed (covered) by another window.

The thing is that the CaptureBufferDescription structure does not include a GlobalFocus property so I don't know what to do to let my application continue capturing when the main window is hidden.

Here's the basic initialization code I'm using:

' Create a buffer description object
bufCapDesc = New CaptureBufferDescription()
With bufCapDesc


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ClipCursor To Lock A Mouse In A Window / How To Detect Height Of Window's Title Bar

Nov 24, 2010

border of that said window so the only place the mouse can't click the titlebar and the minimize,restore, and maximize button. The height of the titlebar depends on what OS the user is using so I'm having trouble because I can't give a definite value for this. How do I detect the height. and also for border i'm not sure if the borders have different widths with different operating systems. I'm using windows XP on classic mode, when I change to the themed mode, the height of the title bar changes so it won't work.

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Close A Third-party Window (application) If A Specified String Was Found In The Window Title

Nov 30, 2010

I would like to know how one could close a third-party window (application) if a specified string was found in the window title.

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Wpf - Fire A Custom Event From A Child Window Back To Parent Window?

Feb 13, 2012

I am looking to close the application when I click a cancel button in a login page, but I don't want to do it in such a way that Window 2 closes itself, but by sending some notification to Main Window, and Main Window closes the application. Here's the code that I have so far:

(in loginPage)

Public Event CloseApp As EventHandler
Private Sub CancelButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles CancelButton.Click


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Child Window Open Inside Of The Main Window Form?

Oct 12, 2010

I have create a project with one main form window and also i have to use a number of other forms as well. now i want to open these other forms inside the main window and not outside. I'm using Visual Studio .NET 2010 as developing environment.

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IE Window - Size The Window, But Not Change The Windows Location On The Screen?

Jun 21, 2011

im using to open IE and go to a website... i can figure out how to size the window, but not change the windows location on the screen... how can i make the IE window position always 0,0

Dim oIE As Object
Dim hWnd As Long
oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")[code].....

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Make A Window Not Associated With The Application Minimize Or Maximize Its Window State In Vb?

Dec 12, 2011

If you have ever noticed in the Task Manager, when you right-click on the running task, you have many options which include 'Minimize' and 'Maximize'. Is there anyway to do achieve this in vb?

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Prevent Minimize Of Child Window When Parent Window Minimizes?

Dec 19, 2011

If I show a new non-modal child window using .Show(frmParent), and then the parent window is minimized, the child will get minimized automatically as well.

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Use Window Like A Function / Pass In Parameters / Use Window / Get Data Out When It Closes?

Dec 13, 2011

I am creating a window that is a generic keypad for editing numerical values on a touchscreen. I would like to press an 'edit' button to create a copy of the keypad window/bring up a reusable version of the same window (I don't care), but pass in parameters: the old value I'm manipulating, and a title to be displayed above the number pad. I would like the user to be able to type in the new value, then press the 'done' key to submit this value and have it sent back to the main application window into my custom control that contains a text box.(I have the number pad's layout sorted out already; I'm already using a variation on it to set a global password 'access level'. It's getting the information in and out that has me scratching my head.) [code]

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VS 2008 When Logon Window Is Run The Splashscreen Still Open Like Maximized Window

Mar 29, 2011

When I run project splashscreen is popup and then Logon window is run. But unfortunately when Logon window is run the splashscreen still open like maximized window and I cannot see Logon window. How to fix that problem?

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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window

Apr 14, 2009

how to retrieve microsoft access filenames from a particular folder on my computer? Within my project the user can create a database, and i want to be able to display all of these databases in a combo box?

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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window?

Jan 23, 2012

I have application with 2 forms (Form1, Form2), when i click in a button in form1, form2 open.when form2 opened & I switch to other window and try to switch back to my application (By clicking in its icon in taskbar), it switch to form1.I need when form2 open & click in taskbar, it switch to form2 & also when form2 open I can't edit or type anything in form1.Exactly the same as the below scenario in windows:when I open any new window from "Windows Properties" (Right click my computer), and switch back to windows properties, it will switch to the new window not to the main Windows properties window

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MdiChild Window Snaps To Edge Of MdiParent Window

May 12, 2009

MdiChild window Snaps to edge of MdiParent window

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