Something That Can Show The Number Of Active Applications?

Apr 5, 2012

is it possible to make something that can show the number of active applications? For example some code that say: Label1.Text = Number of running applications

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Find Active Windows - Open Taskmanager Under Applications ?

Jun 18, 2010

Im currently working on a taskbar, in which you can totally control:

* Processes
* Services
* This feature I want to add: Windows, that are currently being runned like in the taskbar. or e.g. when you open your taskmanager under applications.

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Show Only Currently Active Window

Sep 8, 2009

i am making a windows application using visual studio 2008. there are many forms in it and at a time more than one form may be open in the application. i want that at such a time, only the currently active window is shown in the taskbar instead of the taskbar becoming full of different windows for the same application.


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Show An Explanation And For The Addition And Subtraction - Show It On A Number Line

Mar 7, 2010

I'm writing a program for my algebra students to practice integers.Stuff like....

-4 + (-5)
-15 � 3

I want to show an explanation and for the addition and subtraction, I want to show it on a number line. For example, if the problem is 3 - 7, the number line should show and arrow to that goes right to 3, and then left 7 units (starting from 3). Then the student can see that the answer is -4.I could probably do this with some string manipulation, but what would be the easiest way to do it in a picture format? Maybe a bitmap.

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Get A Text Box To Show The Word The Same Number Of Time As The Number Selected Using Loops?

Nov 2, 2011

In VB if you prompt the user for a number between 1-20, then a word, how do you get a text box to show the word the same number of time as the number selected using loops?... Ex: please select a number: 4 / select a word: cat....the text box should display ::: catcatcatcat ........

I am doing this for a class and my brain has locked up. Prob. just over thinking it though. Thanks in advance for any help!

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Cell Phone Active Call Number

Aug 18, 2010

IF cell phone is connected with PC over BlueTooth or Wireless and someone call that cell phone is it a possible to get caller person number from cell phone ?

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Conditional OrderBy - Number Of Columns User Can Sort By (Name, County, Active)

Jun 17, 2010

I've got a number of columns the user can sort by (Name, County, Active) and that's easy but messy. Looks something like this...

Select Case e.SortExpression
Case "Name"
If (isDescending) Then


What I would LIKE to do, is something more ... like this

Private Function SortThatList(ByVal listOfStuff As List(Of Stuff), ByVal isDescending As Boolean, ByVal expression As Func(Of Stuff)) As List(Of Stuff)
If (isDescending) Then


But it doesn't like the datatype (Of TKey) ... I've tired Func(Of stuff, boolean) (got something in c# that works nicely like that) but can't seem to get this one to do what I want.What's the magic syntax?

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Without Using Third Party Active X Controls To Embed A Power Point Slide Show In A Form If Office Is Installed On The Client Computers

Sep 16, 2010

I am looking for away to include a power point slide show inside a form in 2005. Office 2007 will be installe on all of the client machines which run the program. I have found ways to launch and control a power point slide show in an exteral window, but no way to attcah it and place it on the form window.

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VS 2008 Mobile Applications - Device Board Serial Number In Vb 2008

Oct 15, 2011

My some problem for vs 2008 in mobile applications How to learn mobile device board serial number in vb 2008?

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Controlling Outside Applications - Resize Multiple Applications And Send Keystrokes To Each One

Sep 12, 2011

I am working on a project that is used for key broadcasting. Don't worry nothing illegal, I'm making a multibox application for world of warcraft. However I am having trouble when it comes to launching and manipulating other applications from another.


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Format A Number To Show As 10.00?

Oct 29, 2010

All I try to do is to display 10 as 10.00

Dim amount As Double = 10
lblAmount.Text = Format(amount, "##,##0.00")

And what I am getting is this


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How To Show The Automatic Number

Sep 28, 2010

i want a automatic packet number in text box if there is no data in database...if there is a data i want to add 1 in packet number to next packet in text box'packet no= JA0001

q = "select max(mid(pack_no,3,4))as max_pck_no from mef_info where mid(pack_no,1,2)='"JA "'"
cn = New OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=Database Path ;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=*********;")


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Show A Number In One Form And Making It Appear In Another?

Feb 5, 2009

I have form 1 (User Details) and form 2 (Transport Usage). Now in form 1 there is a textbox which shows the user's ID and when i click a button that links form 1 (user details) to form 2 (transport usage) i want another textbox in form 2 to have the same user ID as in form 1. (the user ID always changes)

View 9 Replies

Show Only 1 Number In The Result Of A Division?

Mar 11, 2010

i have a division of 2 integer that give me a result as2,3944534 i can give e result as

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Show Running Number In Text Box?

Jul 31, 2009

is there a way to show my running number in a text box. the logic is like this, i have 1 button once i click on that button,the textbox start running a random number start from 1-47. when i click again the running textbox is my code.

If lb_count.Text = "0" Then
Dim RandomNumber As Integer
RandomNumber = RandomClass.Next(1, 47)


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Unable To Show Correct Log Id Number?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a form (FRMQUESTIONNAIRE). It contains, a listview table, a panel and picturebox, 2 combobox, 10 questions with 5 radio buttons each question ( A survey),A log number id (I just used Label in here) and 2 buttons ( save and skip).

Problem: When I click one item in listview table, the picture captured realted to the item click in listview table will be shown in panel beside it. However, the problem start to happen when the log ID is not appear accordingly based on user selection on listview table.

What I reckon start of the problem: - Previously The listview table(listview1) in frmquestionnaire was in frmqlist(another form). But to suit user requirement, it has to combined with frmquestionnaire. In frmqlist, I use a label Image. This form contains the similar details in frmquestionanire except there are no 2 combobox, 10 questions with 5 radio buttons each question ( A survey),A log number id (I just used Label in here) and 2 buttons ( save and skip) But it have a button(Proceed to survey). Having said that, when user click an item in listview(Frmqlist), the picture will be shown beside it. User will click button proceed to survey and frmquestionnaire will pop up. Here, It shows the correct Log ID based on user selection in frmqlist.

But now....

I have combine everything in frmquestionnaire. I am facing as the LOG ID is not showing according to the selection. As a result, I can't save the questionnaire answer as well as this log will be used to save in database.


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VS 02 / 03 - Show The Number Of Each Code Line

Jun 24, 2010

How can I get VB.NET to show the number of each code line, so that I can more easily keep track of where things are in a lengthy program?

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VS 2010 Show A Big Number With The Commas?

Feb 12, 2011

I mean, a big number like million in this way: 1,000,000? I know i have to parse the number somehow and add the commas there and stuff, but how?

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1 To N Thread - Show A Definite Number Of Threads?

Sep 3, 2009

Does anyone have a 1 to n thread example in which n threads are created dynamically? There are a number of examples that show a definite number of threads, and some that imply n threads by using a tcp ip listener or a file system listener. However, I'm looking for a 1 to n created in response to a dynamic requirements, provided purely by and for my program.Essentially, my requirement is to be scalable. 1 to n threads based on application throughput should make this pretty easy to satisfy.

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Format A Number To Only Show Decimal Places?

Apr 7, 2010

how i can format a number to only show decimal places if needed?For instance...

string.format("{0:SomeFormat}", 26.9) = "26.9"


string.format("{0:SomeFormat}", 26.0) = "26" 'Drop decimal for whole numbers

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Retrieve Auto-number To Show In Vb Field

Mar 26, 2012

so below is my code. I am trying to get the autonumber generated in newdb into txtcallid field. the error i get is that the field is not unique. What i am trying to do is to get the form to fill the db witha new blank record, assign the auto number and then display that number with the blank record info in my form. I will be making it so that the data must be changed before saving so that the form will not be blank save for when it is loaded.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports ChessyFunk1._5._1.ADODB
Public Class frmNewCall


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Show Number Of Lines In Rich Text Box?

Aug 31, 2010

I have 2 panels set up, one contains the rich text box the other one contains a single label. The am currently using the following code however it is not working.

Dim line_count As Integer = mainEditor.Lines.Length
Dim linecounter As Integer = line_count
linecounter += 1
line_count = 0


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Show The Top Number Of Result On A Crystal Report?

Sep 22, 2009

When logging into my system, I select the number of result that needs to appear on the report. In my stored procedure it selects count of all the data for a period. It returns all in the information, but I only want the number of records to appear on the report that I selected at the beginning.

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Show The Track With The Greatest Number Of Sales?

Apr 5, 2010

i have a database shown on VB 2008 showing music information. i am trying to show the track with the greatest number of sales however it is only displaying the current information on the screen (i am showing the access database in multiple text boxes) rather than searching the database.

this is the section of code i am struggling with:

Private Sub Btntopseller_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btntopseller.Click
Dim index, largest As Integer


i also would like to add to this, i would like the user to be able to select a year from a list box to show the track with the greatest number of sales in that year.

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Com-visible Dll Don't Show Version Number In Windows Explorer

Sep 29, 2009

I have created a com dll in vb 2005 and used in vb6. It's working fine.

I have a question why Windows Explorer does not show it�s version number? I have properly set both the Assembly version and File version.

Again I did create a test com dll - windows explorer does show it's version number properly.

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Save And Show Next Number In Succession On Form Load?

Aug 26, 2011

I need to know how create a number that increases every time my main form is loaded. This would go in succession. So the first time after putting this code in it would show the number 1. The second time I open my main form it would show a number 2, and so on.

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Show Number In Textbox On Label - Loop With Timer

Jul 2, 2009

I have a form with a textbox, a button and a label. If I put a number in the textbox this number shows in the label but after that the label start to countdown from that number to zero.

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VS 2008 Random Number Generator - Show In Msgbox

Dec 4, 2011

i follow this script Quote:


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VS 2010 ComboBox - Show A Number In The File I Am Making?

Jun 29, 2010

I am trying to convert watever is in the ComboBox to a number. So say I select "Grey" in the ComboBox I want it to show a number in the file i am making. My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(TextBox_ChooseFolder.Text & "" & TextBox_ItemID.Text & "-" & TextBox_ItemName.Text & ".sql",<ComboBox Number Here>, True)

I have tried

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(TextBox_ChooseFolder.Text & "" & TextBox_ItemID.Text & "-" & TextBox_ItemName.Text & ".sql",If ComboBox1.Select = "Grey" Then "0" ElseIf ComboBox1.Select = "White" Then "1" ElseIf ComboBox1.Select = "Cream" Then "2" End If,True) ...I am new to Visual Studio!

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Forms :: Randomly Choosen Number To Show In Label Text?

Mar 25, 2010

i have a loop in here what suppose to add a rondomly choosen number and show it on the label .text increase every time by the the same number when appear. It does not do it correctlythat is the

Private Sub licz()
Dim pbs() As PictureBox = {PictureBox1, PictureBox2, PictureBox3, PictureBox4, PictureBox5}
Dim las() As Label = {Label1, Label2, Label3, Label4, Label5, Label6, Label7, Label8,


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