Sorting Numbers From Lowest To Highest In DataGrid Table
Mar 14, 2012How to sort numbers from lowest to highest in my datagrid table?
View 3 RepliesHow to sort numbers from lowest to highest in my datagrid table?
View 3 RepliesHow to sort numbers from lowest to highest in my datagrid table?
View 1 RepliesI'd like to know how to sort an array that has entries with numbers after text.
I have a list of four entries:
Book 1
Book 2
Book 11
Book 12
Using Array.Sort(aBooks) returns
Book 1
Book 11
Book 12
Book 2
Is there a way to have it sort lowest to highest like 1 2 11 12 instead of 1 11 12 2?
label10 displays which is the highest number
label12 displays which is the lowest number
label14 displays which is the number that is duplicated
My codes don't run 100% correct.:'(
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Label6.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text)
Label7.Text = Val(TextBox2.Text)
Label8.Text = Val(TextBox3.Text)
[Code] .....
The application I'm doing requires me to "enter the size of an array in a TEXTBOX, then click a button, a list of random number would show up, then re-arrange from Lowest to Highest".For ex, i enter "5" in the TextBox, then an array or list of 5 random number will show up vertically on the ListBox. I already got this part done. Now the thing is, I have to make a For...Next statement to rearrange them from Lowest to Highest.
View 4 RepliesI have a group of 3 numbers:
I need a way to detect which one is the largest, and which is the smallest, and assign them to a variable.If SideA is the largest, then it is variable C, and SideB is the smallest, so its variable A, leaving SideC as variable B
Dim MyVal As Integer
Dim MyVal2 As Integer
MyVal = Val(TextBox4.Text)
i have a structure array how can i sort the array from highest bid to lowest?
Structure mystructure
Public name As String
Public bid As integer
Public Scores(19) As Decimal
Now This Array is populated with decimal values and i just want to get the index values of the highest and lowest scores.i.e. if the [[scores(3) = 90]] and [[scores(7) = 90]] are equal and highest scores, i want 3 and 7 as integers in return..and same for the lowest scores..I retrieved data from a text file and stored it in Classes.. now i want to relate the above Array and these Classes..
Dim Student1 As New Student
There are total 20 of these classes.. Student2.vName, Student3,vName.. etc etc
Student1.vName = SplitterArray(0)
Student1.vID = SplitterArray(1)
Student1.Score1 = SplitterArray(2)
For example, After i get the highest score indexes from scores(19) array i would like to get the name of the related person from Student*.vName Class (If i get 3 and 7 index i the related names would be Student4.vName and Student7.vName consequently)?
I am new to using VB2010 (and coding in general). Also brand new to these forums . Okay so I am making a program that: allows the user enter the number of customers served for each of 12 months into an array. The application should calculate and display the following statistics: total number of customers for the year, the average monthly number of customers, and the months with the highest and lowest numbers of customers. Use inputBox to get user input. Do not accept non-numeric or negative numbers.
The problem that I am having is that I do not know how to display which was the best and worst month. I imagine I need something that targets the highest/lowest number and finds the text in the corresponding index but I'm not sure how to do this.
I have a chart in visual studio (winforms) with sql serverr2 as the database, how do I rank the "Rate" from highest to lowest? Like,
Dim sqlProducts As String = "Select ID, rate fromAdvancedQuizModule1"
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlProducts, conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
da.Fill(ds, "AdvancedQuizModule1")
Chart1.Series("Advanced").XValueMember = "ID"
[Code] .....
I have this values
tablename: AdvancedQuizModule1
ID Rate
1 43
2 5
3 87
4 23
When I plot the points (rate) it will just shows the order of the table from ID(1-4). How do I plot it in the chart that when the values displayed it was ranked from highest to lowest.
Entered an 5 elements of an array so is has 4 index? I need to find the lowest and highest element of an array and their index position
Example: I enter 1 2 3 4 5
The output should be like this
The lowest is 1 and position of index is 0
The highest is 5 and position of index = 4
How can I sort data in a sorted list using values instead of keys from highest to lowest?[code]...
View 2 Repliesbest way to sort an array of doubles into a lowest to highest array of the same length.
View 10 Repliesi think i have a similar problem with this post..
I have 5 numbers, each ranging from 0 to 100. Each number changes from time to time. I have to sort them as highest first and smallest last. How would i do it?
View 3 RepliesI am trying to write some Linq to SQL that will bring me back a list of rows containing a single instance of BaseQuestionIDs but I want the row with the highest version, so, from the following table of data:
Id CreatedDate Version BaseQuestionID
2 2009-10-07 13:47:27.687 1 2
3 2009-10-07 13:49:35.010 1 3
4 2009-10-09 16:03:45.973 1 5
I want to return:
Id CreatedDate Version BaseQuestionID
2 2009-10-07 13:47:27.687 1 2
3 2009-10-07 13:49:35.010 1 3
I have tried a variety of things, but have not nailed it yet. I am working in
I got a problem with dataview that get data from datatabel (Col1 : ID,Col2: Time) and I'm sorting by Time in desc ... when the values for example {40.21,80.21,70.25,25.2} the dataview sorting them as I need but when one of values goes above 100 for example {40.21,80.21,100.25,25.2} the dataview always sort the highest number is the buttom, I don't know why ..
This is a sample code
Dim dt As New DataTable
how do i do bubble sorting with numbers?
View 1 RepliesI have an Access table which has a Number field and a Text field.I can run a query like this:
//outputs 1,2,3,10
But when I try to run the same query through the .NET OleDB client, like this:[code]......I get items in the order 1,10,2,3.What's going on here, and how can I have the data sort "naturally" (1,2,3,10) in both places?
I used a ListBox control, and I assifned to it a list of random numbers, then I sorted the ListBox by usign ListBox1.Sort = True BUT the sorting operation is NOT right! Example of Random numbers: 1,5,7,11,12,4 After sorting: 1,11,12,4,5,7 Whixh is not right, How to make it: 1,4,5,7,11,12 Q: How to make a ListBox deal with numbers as numbers NOT as text!?
View 7 RepliesI need to sort three numbers that are entered in three different textboxes and display these numbers ascending and when I press a different button display them descending. Now I think that I need to put these three numbers into an array, sort and display, but I'm not really too proficient in code to accomplish this. Is there a way to do this without putting them into an Array.Which is not much of anything so far.[code]
View 13 RepliesLets say I have the following String Array:
dim strArr(3) as String
strArr(0) = "15 Joseph"
strArr(1) = "24 Nick"
strArr(2) = "3 Mike"
I have a datagridview with a column called "Total Price". This is set to a string value type because I need to always show 2 decimals. For example:
must be in the datagridviewcolumn:
So I use string.format for this. However, now I have a problem with sorting because the column is a string value type and numbers get sorted like this:
How to override the sort method or something that is called when a user clicks on the column header and the most effective way to sort it programmatically?
I have 20 textboxes. each contains a particular number . I want the textbox1 to textboxN to have the numbers in the descending order. If any of the textbox has a zero value then I want to leave that textbox as it is. A sample code in needed.
View 2 RepliesIs there a way to sort a datagrid by one coloumn and then by another? For example by column 1 then by column 2. I have managed to sort it by a single column, however this doesnt give consistent results.
View 12 RepliesThis is my data stored in table1,
I am using a datagrid in order to allow users to complete a worksheet which then gets submitted to an excel document. The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to stop the user from sorting the column by clicking on the different column headers. I have tried setting the AllowSorting property of the datagrid to false but this does not stop it.
I have also noticed another problem regarding sorting within the grid. The grid contains numerous combo box columns and occassionally when a value is chosen from a combo box the grid sorts itself by the combo values in that column.
So I guess what I want to know is how do you stop any sorting within a datagrid.
can someone give a example of doing bubble sorting with numbers the simplest way if possible.all i know is that it uses a boolean to stop sorting, a variable which records how many swaps are done in a run if its 0 it stops swapping but other than that i dont know how to write a program doing bubble sorting?
my teacher didnt give me any examples of bubble sorting other than a algorithm, and before u ask no its not for homework i am looking bck at my computing notes and i just dont understand any of it!
if u could explain it to me step by step and give a simple brief exmaple using numbers
i need to sort out rows having todays date in the datagridview in 2008
View 1 Replies