Subroutine For Squares And Cubes Gone Wrong?

Nov 4, 2009

I have this programming assignment to have a text box list all the squares and cubes from 1 to {$value} however when i run my subroutine only {$value} is displayed here is my code:

Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
If txtNumber.Text = String.Empty Then
MessageBox.Show("Enter a Number", "Can not Calcuate Squares and Cubes")


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Show Cubes Data In Grid Control Of Program?

Dec 30, 2010

I am student of MCS and i am working on my final project i face some problems regarding to show cubes data in grid control in around with dimensions

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Datagridview - Remove Wrong Columns And Display The Wrong Data

Jan 12, 2010

I've got a DataGridview I want to remove columns from as it greatly increases performance when I format the DGV. The first time I remove columns in a loop (using the removeat) property, everythings fine. But when I try to remove more columns in another loop, it appears to remove the wrong columns and displays the wrong data. In other words, it displays the wrong data and headers; and the columns it does show has headers and cells that don't match.


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Display Squares Of Odd Numbers Between 1 To 50?

Apr 29, 2010

display squares of od numbers between 1 to 50?

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Finding Squares In An Array?

Oct 9, 2010

I have an 2 dimensional array that is full of 1s and 0s such as

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0


Also the array must be able to have more than one square.

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Outline Squares Once Have Created A Map?

Oct 30, 2011

[code]This colours the squares on the map, but I wish to have an outline between them so as to make it a grid. Also is there any way of getting a thicker border?

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Removing Squares In RichTextbox?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm retrieving data info from comments in a website. Everything is fine (I can show correctly the words with accents), but in most of the phrases it comes with a square: How can I remove it?

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Resize 4 Applications Into 4 Squares?

Jul 26, 2011

Is there a way I can resize 4 external application windows into 4 different blocks so they make up a 4x4 block that covers my screen?

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Checkers Game - Moving In All Squares?

May 12, 2008

I have been working on a checker game. So far I have code that allows all the white checkers to move properly. The only problem is that this code is about 5000 lines long. I am sure there is a quicker and easier way to do it.

Here is the code for one checker to move in all squares possible for it to go into:
elect Case str1
Case 1
If picCheckers1.Location.X < 271 And picCheckers1.Location.Y > 114 And Open5 = True Then
picCheckers1.Location = square5
str1 = 5
Open1 = True
[Code] .....

The case is the square that the checker is currently in. I also will attach a zip file of the game so that you can understand it more. There are no errors and everything is working fine but I am trying to find a quicker way to code that doesn't take another 5000 lines of code
Attached File(s) (430.85K)
Number of downloads: 1266

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Move Ellipses On An Array Of Squares?

Jan 7, 2009

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing


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.NET Localization: Japanese Characters Display As Squares?

Jan 18, 2010

I don't do much .Net programming, but I do have one that I maintain, so the answer to this may be obvious.

Windows 7 Ultimate with All Language Packs Installed
Visual Studio 2008 Winforms VB.Net project.

I'm in the process of localizing this project, and when I'm making the Japanese version of the forms, the characters display as squares, though they render in my browser correctly. I'm guessing that this is because the default font does not have a glyph for those characters.So, my questions:

Are winforms UTF-8, or some other character encoding?

Is there a way to change the character encoding?

Should I change the font for the Japanese forms, or will Windows do it?

What's the general best practice here?

I want to know that I am copying the characters correctly into my forms, and I want to be able to test them.How can I do this?

Arial Unicode MS does have all the glyphs, but I wasn't using it, because it wasn't in the VS2008 list of fonts. I manually edited the font box to use it, but then Visual Studio throws the message, "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted." I'm guessing that's because VS doesn't have permission to access that font for some reason. I go back to the default font, scary error message goes away.

Then, even when using Arial Unicode MS, the text renders as blocks in the forms titles.Same text renders correctly in labels.I think I want to use the default font, and let Windows handle it. I think I've read that everything from XP on will handle it. Windows 2000 won't, which is a shame, but what ever, I don't know what font I should use, and whatever font it is was excluded from VS.I don't know how to add it without getting lots of error messages about protected memory.Now the problem is, resizing the labels in the form, since the translated text is often larger.

Also, I don't have a support team to do this for me, but I could maybe install extra copies of Windows 7, and change to the Japanese language pack and try to run it.But that becomes a major pain.I thought I read that you could change the language while the application is running, but that doesn't seem to be true.MS docs talk about how to do this, but Windows 7 also tells you that you have to log out to change the language.MS Gothic seems to work, and it's part of VS 2008, but the title bar is still squares. That's really odd, since the same glyphs are in the winform.Is that because title bar fonts are set at a system level, and not the application level?

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Compressed SQL Doc Opens With .NET FileStream As A Page Of Squares?

Mar 9, 2012

I wrote a program that can view the documents It uses a reader and decompresses the sql blob to an outputStream and displays the document after a Response.Flush.We sent the code and databases to another group to host this website themselves. They can run the website but when they view the documents the documents open with a page full of small squares.

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CSS Layout Creator - Create Resizable / Dragable Squares?

May 12, 2012

I am making a CSS layout creator. You can create reziable/dragable sqares. And when you press a button it get the css code for it. How would i get the locations and size of each box? And then spit that all out in a rich text box?

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VS 2005 Change Image In Picture Box To Simulate Coloured Squares Lighting Up

Dec 15, 2010

I am making a game based on "Simon" where the computer creates a sequence and the user then has to then replicate it. To create and show the sequence I am generating random numbers between 1 and 4 then based on what numbers come out I change the image in a picture box to simulate coloured squares lighting up. The problem however that I think I am having is that the loop I made is executing too fast as all I see when I run the program is the last light in the sequence. For example is the sequence generated was 2341 all I see light up is square 1. I have stepped into the program and it goes through everything correctly so the only thing I can think of is that it runs too fast to see? [code]

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Where Has The Subroutine Gone

May 9, 2010

I am trying to get the hang of this stupid, but it won't even let me create a subroutine or function, it use to be in the tools menu in VB6. I have spent £50 on 2 books that rabbit on about objects, property's classes etc: but tell me nothing of what I want/need to know, what a waste of money.

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Don't Understand What This Subroutine Is Doing

Dec 4, 2011

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim d As Integer
Dim price(20) As Double ' Adjusted close price


What is the for ... next loops in the second subroutine doing? What is the sim() array meaning?

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Get X Value Form Another Subroutine?

Jul 23, 2009

Does anyone know how to get x value form another subroutine?

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Subroutine Triggering Too Soon?

May 1, 2010

I have a form that is bound to a table of data. I have a typical binding navigator. When I go to a different record such as next, previous, first or last I need a subroutine named "LayoutAdjust()" to execute "after" the new next record data is loaded on form. I tried calling the subroutine in the "BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem_Click" action but it executed the procedure before the next record data was loaded

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Array Passing To Subroutine In VB

Feb 7, 2010

I have an old program written in VB6. I upgraded the program with VB 2008. The updated program works fine except when the program tries to transfer an array to another subroutine. The old VB6 program sends arr(0) as an argument to the subroutine, the address of arr(0) is passed to the subroutine. The array arr() address is the first of a block of consequent addresses one by one, arr(1), arr(2), etc.

Now when running VBnet, the address of arr(0) is not the first of all consequent arr(1), arr(2), etc. It is an isolated number, just like if arr(0) were a variable instead of an array. The addresses of arr(1), arr(2), etc do not exist in the subroutine. [Code]

The variable of y1 passes to the subroutine oK, whilst arr(0) passes also like y1 into an isolated address. So VBnet interprets arr(0) like a variable rather than the first value of a long list. I haven't been able to find out why the above sample does not work. I got stuck in my programming effort, as I cannot proceed to to further development. how the code should be modified to enable the whole array information passing through the subroutine.

View 3 Replies - Call Subroutine From Javascript?

Jun 27, 2011

Problem is, I need to call a VB.NET function from javascript, no two ways around it. This is a bit harder to find.BTW -- Web/Page methods won't work. I have to be able to reference a listbox and it's selected items when the VB code-behind fires.

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Call A Subroutine By Variable Name (In .Net)?

Jun 21, 2010

what I need to do is to call/run/execute a subroutine using a varaible name from a subroutine.

Public Sub Main(ByVal subName as String)
Call subName ' subName may be contain the value AAA or BBB
End Sub


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Call A Subroutine In An IF Statement?

Jun 16, 2012

I am trying to make a counter go up by 1 every time a subroutine is called But i dont know how to word it. Here is the code. [code]...

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Ending Application From DLL Subroutine?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm writing a class library and I need to be able to shut down the main code in certain cases.

I know I could raise an event and listen for it in the form called by but I would like to find a way around it.I wouldn't be opposed to try to throw an exception that if unhandled would close the application... but would prefer to come up with a more elegant soln.

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Execute Subroutine At Startup?

Feb 4, 2011

I am trying to execute the "Data()" subroutine at startup. This did not work:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Call Data()
End Sub

Is there a way to call the subroutine at the begining of debug?

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How To Open Form1_Load() Subroutine

Dec 11, 2011

I'm following this tutorial [URL] and it says to Open form1_Load() subroutine. What does this mean and how do I do so? It is really important.

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Incrementing When Accessing A Subroutine?

Feb 1, 2010

When you access a subroutine by one or more other subroutines each time the variables are zeroed like 'n' below. How can I keep n saved so main can increment n each time.

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Page_Load Subroutine Is Not Being Called?

Jan 19, 2011

have a look at my VB/ASP code and tell me if you can see what's wrong (I highlighted the important segments in red):

<%@Page Explicit="true" Language="VB" Debug="true"


Basically, I'm trying to get the Page_Load subroutine to execute on the page load, but it doesn't seem to be called. I'm assuming that because I set my feedback label to "feedback" in the Page_Load subroutine, I should see it displayed on the page saying "feedback" on first loading the page and every time I refresh. But this doesn't happen. I'm lead to conclude that the Page_Load subroutine is not being called on the page load.

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Page_Load Subroutine Not Being Called

Jan 19, 2011

VB/ASP code and tell me if you can see what's wrong (I have bolded the important segments):


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Pass List To Subroutine?

Jan 24, 2012

How do I pass a list as a parameter to a subroutine? I don't know how to specify the variable type in the receiving routine.[code]...

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Pass The Value Of Dataset From One Subroutine To Another One?

May 12, 2009

I have two subroutines that consists of two datasets. I am not sure how to pass some data in first dataset named dsGoodStudent to second dataset named dsBestClass.

Private Sub Classification()
Dim SqlSelect As String
SqlSelect = "Select Name, Age, grade from tblStudent where grade = 'A'"


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