Text Check - Color And Word Order

Jan 12, 2011

I recently started wondering about how Microsoft would go about checking the text and checking its color, word order (spell check), etc. and I was trying to think of how they would do it if they were forced to write something, like Word or the text editor in Visual Studio, in Visual Basic.NET. Ways that I thought of could be using an array, setting a string to a word in that array, and check if that word is in the text. However, after I tried it, I realized I had to set the .SelectionStart property to zero, which got annoying if the document was long. Also, with arrays, though I could store the strings in a text file and read from that, I was limited to the number of items I could have, and I'm sure it would get frustrating if I added or subtracted a word (then having to back in the code and replace all of the instances of that array.)

Then I started thinking about streams. Though I have not tried them yet, I would imagine that if they had to be used, the problem of speed would come up again. But what if the stream only checked say 30 characters before and after the current selection start? Well, that would solve the speed problem, but it would bring up another. Every time the caret position changed, (if we were checking for color changing) we would be limited to those 60 characters. Say the word is "hello". What if "hello" began 31 characters behind the current SelectionStart? "h" would remain the same color, but "ello" would turn the default color (this is because we would have to reset the color everytime just in case the user changed a certain word.)

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Change Color To Some Word From Text?

Feb 1, 2009

I'm using VB 2005 .NET and I want to make an application that will use Rich Text Box.For example I write "IF something Then" I want to change color to all words IF and Then in blue for example.And some other words in different colors?

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Change Color Of One Word When Appending Text To RichTextBox

Apr 15, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to change the color of one word when appending text to a Rich text box. So if I append the sentence "This is a sentence with a specific word in one color" The entire thing will be in black except for the word "specific" it will be in red or any color I choose. The same thing will happen if the next line appended is "Please be specific in your request". All back except for the word "specific". I don't want the text added then someone has to click a button to change the color. It should happen as it's appended.

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Word Check - Code That Will Make Possible Check If The User Typed A Word

Mar 11, 2010

Is there any code that will make possible check if the user typed a word i want in order to show him something ? something like , if the user types time , or tim or timing or the word time and transformated to show him up the time ..

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How To Check If Particular Word In Text File Is Available

Mar 1, 2012

I have stored all the elements in a xml file in a text file. I don't want to store all the elements but the distinct values.

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VS 2010 Check If A Text Or Word Exist In A Webpage?

Oct 12, 2011

I want to know how to check if a word or sentence exist or not exist in a webpage. For example I want to navigate in the interior pages of a website and stop my app for read the content only where appear the sentence " Contenido en espanol" ..

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Pull A Random Word From A Text File And Check Against User Input?

Apr 19, 2011

I need to pull a random word from a text file in my resource folder (visual Studio 2010) and then have a user enter a letter to see if it is in the word. Yes, Hangman game. There is more, but right now I need to pull from that text file for a start. I know what I have is not even close to right under "Get Word Button", but I'm kind of confused about the process.

Public Class hangMan
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim word As New Random
End Sub


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Check Each Letter Of A Word If That Word Doesn't Contain (AEIOUY)

Oct 28, 2011

I am trying to check each letter of a word if that word doesn't contain (AEIOUY) then I have to append (-way) to the end of the word. Now I have this if statement and it doesn't work:

If OriginalWord.ToUpper Like "*[!AEIOUY]*" Then
Label1.Text = OriginalWord & "-way"
End If

I need to append a (-way) to the end of a word that doesn't have (AEIOUY)

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Check The Word If Both The Given Word Pronunciation Is Correct?

Oct 7, 2009

How to check the word if both the given word pronunciation is correct Is there any function to check this using vb.net2.

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Checking For Vowels In Each Word And Order Them

Nov 13, 2011

The text file words.txt contains a list of words. Write a program that displays the words in a list box sorted by the number of different vowels, they should be ordered first by their length(descending) and then alphabetically. The display should show both the word and the number of different vowels in the word.

So I have
Private Sub btnDisplay_click handles(...) btnDisplay.click
Dim Words() as string= io.file.readalllines("words.txt)
I can use for each word in words to check each word but I don't know how to check how many vowels are in each word or how to order them.

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Sort A Word In Its Alphabetical Order?

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to do a bubble sort using arrays and i am trying to sort a word in its alphabetical order... and my problem is that. i could not assign a value into my array from my textbox and get the length of the word from the text box... i do have this alogorithm'dim asd () as string'asd() = Text1.text'Len(asd()) but it seems that it doesn't work that way as what i am thinking.how to do it? it has been bothering me for days now and even if i do a lot of library sessions for this but still i could not find what i want to know.

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Switching Order Of Words In VBA Word?

Jan 4, 2012

I need my VBA Macro to locate text throughout a document and move it. The information that needs moved can easily be detected by the font colors. For example:

"Celica Toyota": Toyota would always be a specific Green font and Celica would always be a specific blue. There can be more than one word in the range that needs swapped (ie: "Monte Carlo Chevrolet").

I have some really long drawn out code, but there's got to be something more efficiant.

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Using A Stack To Reverse Word Order?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm trying to use a stack object to reverse the order of words (not letters) in a sentence. I'm fairly sure that the split and push methods are working, but I can only get the first word (i.e. the first word in the original sentence), to be displayed.

I have the following code:

Private Sub btnReverse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReverse.Click
Dim s As New Stack


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Check Specific Pixels In A Picturebox To Check The Color?

Jan 17, 2010

Is there a way to check specific pixels in a picturebox to check the color? Basically what I have is a black square with some white dots, and I want to find the position's in the picture of the white dots.

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Word Automation - Write To Word And Have Normal Text And Bold Text In The One Line?

Mar 30, 2012

All i want to do is write some text into word... some of the text is normal text the other is bold... how do I achieve this?The samples I have seen, they either do normal text or bold.. but in different lines utilising InsertParagraphAfter()I need to have both in the one lineie how do i do the following line? using vb.net and word automation (word 2010)

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Permission Conflict - Close Word Or Visual Studio In Order To Save The File

Jan 8, 2010

I write an HTML file with MS Word, and use it on my application. The problem is that I need to close Word or Visual Studio in order to save the file, or compile the code, because each one reserves the file permission rights. The html file is only written by word, and only read from VS. At compile time, the file is copied to execution directory. Is there a way to give both programs simultaneous permission rights?

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C# - MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge

Sep 3, 2009

experience on how to create an engine using C# (VB.NET is okay too) that is generic enough to handle most cases of MS Word text fields I need to fill with data I'm getting from a database? In short, I'm about to embark on this little Office automation excursion and I'm hoping a little bit of feedback here.

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Change Item Text Color Or Background Color In ListBox In .NET 1.1

Jun 17, 2009

I am using .NET 1.1, so I don't have the access to listitem object. I would like to change the text color or the background color of certain items in a listbox. can it do it in .NET 1.1?

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Color.FromName To Return A Solid Black Color When The Function Doesn't Recognize Any Text In The String Passed To It?

Jan 29, 2012

[URL] That way if the string that is not recognised that is passed to Color.FromName it returns a SolidColor of

Color.Black = Color.FromARGB(255,0,0,0)

That way, Forms and controls that only support SolidColors are supported.Installing VB6 on Windows 7?

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Change A Single Rtb Word Color?

Jul 5, 2010

I am trying to change the color of a word in a rich text box.e.g. if u type if, and, end, sub into the vb code editor it will change blue.

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How To Change Color Of A Letter In A Word

Jan 9, 2012

I want to Display many commands in a listview or a listbox. I want to change a specific letters color for exampleThere will be a command : 'Quit' i want to display 'Q' as red color and 'uit' as black color. 'Q' will be the Hot Key for this command. Ho

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RichTextbox Change Color Of Word

Dec 6, 2011

I'm trying to find a few words and i want them to be for example in red.this is for a Html Editor. so i need it to list all words. for example i would need it to highlight "div", and "table", and lots of other words. all of them need to be red. or if it could highlight all words that are in "< >" would be amazing. iv been searching google and the internet for like 4 days. there is code out there but it will only highlight one word.

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Searching For A Word In A Text File Returns The Word And The Sentence Plus A Bunch Of Other Weird Characters?

Nov 8, 2010

I can search for the word Love in an .rtf file and return every occurance of the word into a RichTextBox. It returns the word and the scripture the word is in, but it also isreturning a bunch of weird text like: archan78988yykp etc etc. How do I onlyreturn the scripture with the searchedword, in this case the searched word is love. The code I am using is as follows:

If Line.Contains(Me.rtbSearch.Text) Then
'show search form


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VS 2008 Add The Word To A Text File And Create A Folder With The Word As Its Name?

Apr 25, 2009

The following code allows words to be added to a listbox. Add the word to a text file and create a folder with the word as its name. The second part undoes the actions.If I try to delete the word immediately after adding it one of two things happen.

1.An error is reported stating the path cannot be found. Although the listbox index value is correct according to the code the error is pointing at that index +1.

2.The code continues to the point of requesting conformation to delete the folder, still pointing at the index value +1. I the action is confirmed the wrong folder is deleted.

However if I stop debugging, then run the code again all works correctly.Is it likely to persist when the application is compiled?

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim pathlist As String = "M:Visual Studio 2008ProjectsEnvironment and Conservation GlossaryEnvironment and Conservation GlossaryGlossary List.txt"


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Forms :: Find A Particular Word And Change Color Of It

May 19, 2009

im making a currently making a program called BATCH Studio.Theres just one particular part im stuck with which is changing is changing conditions and loop words to another color. Just like how vb changes the IF and FOR to blue and String. Iv managed to come up with this but doesent really work.[code]

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2010- Sorting A Set Of Labels Against The Previous Set In Order To Check The Answer And Accuracy?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a program which is made with 12 labels, the first set of six are randomly generated and the second set are values obtained from the first set and the user has to choose in ascending order the numbers on the first set.The values chosen will be trasferred to the second set and then with a "check" button that set of labels have to be rearranged and compared to the user input.If the user for example manage to choose the right order, he will obtained a 6 of 6 and he will recieve a message.My problem is on the rearrage and compare part.

The code I made is very simple but is not working, basically it only check if the next value is smaller that the previous and changed its back color according to the case.

Here the code:

'check button
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim Score As Integer
Score = 1


I would like to have a correct rearrange of the numbers and introduce a message according to the accuracy of the user.

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VS 2010 Make A Program In Which If The Textbox Text And The Listbox Text Are The Same Order?

Apr 25, 2012

im trying to make a program in which if the textbox text and the listbox text are the same order, which they are in the picture, a bluie fonted text saying well done appears. However only the red text appears which is only meant to come when the order of the text in both listbox and textbox isnt the same.

Here is the code that i used for this:

listarrays = name of listbox
textbox1 = name of textbox

l is the name of the label for correct answer(blue font)label3 is name of label with red font which should only appear for wrong answer

Dim text As String = Me.TextBox1.Text
For Each item As Object In listarrays.Items
If item.ToString = Me.TextBox1.Text Then


use another textbox instead of the listbox but thats just making itmuch harder for me as I already made the full code working with the listbox. My lecturer told me i need to convert both in string so both textbox and listbox are compatible and i did so (see code above) but the correct label doesn't show?

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VS 02 / 03 - Check Backcolor Color Of Object

May 23, 2009

Simple question...is it possible to check the backcolor of an object, like a label for instance? What I want to do is check if a label's backcolor is green (or some other color) then have something else happen based off the color. Here is what I tryed, but neither worked...


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VS 2010 Check If Object Is A Color

Sep 29, 2011

I'm curious to know if there's a good way to see if an object is a System.Drawing.Color before I try casting it to one. Right now it seems the only way I can do that is to put it in a Try/Catch block and if it hit's the catch part then I know the object isn't a color.[code]I really don't like this because there's a slight flicker while it fires up the Exception handling and I would really rather use an If Else End If for this than a Try/Catch.

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Check For Hyperlinks In MS Word?

Jul 31, 2010

I want to add an if statement that checks if there are no hyperlinks in the document and if there are no hyperlinks display a message that there are no hyperlinks in this document.The problem is that Word is divided in stories, so the body of the document is a separate story from the footnotes story of the same document.So when I attempt to check for hyperlinks the if statement checks the body of the document first and if there are no hyperlinks in the body, then exits the program even though there may be hyperlinks in the footnotes story.

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