Text File Handling With SQL Database/

Jan 20, 2012

I have a text file contains delimited records.


I need to replace the value of 4th part of every record with the value returned from SQL database (Select X from T where C='4Th part from the flatfile').

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.net - Text File Handling In VB?

Jan 19, 2012

i have a text file contains delimited records.


i need to replace the value of 4th part from every record with the value returned from database or someother source.

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Efficient Text File Handling?

Jun 24, 2011

I'm trying to create an application that reads in a log file, then converts each line to a class(I'm databinding a datagrid to the finished ObservableCollection).The implementation I've done but I'm struggling to reduce the time it takes to itterate the lines and convert them to classes.small log files are fine its the larger log files (25k lines +) which is my concern. I'm wanting to do this with say a max delay of around 5secs from loading the text file.my current implemenation of a log file I have of size 85k lines is several minutes which isn't great.


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[2008] Text File Handling?

Jan 29, 2009

i am using vb.net 2008 what i want to do is 1. send a selected list of records (with about 10 or 11 fields each) in a text file 2. this text file will b used by another prog. and it will add some data at the end of each record. 3. these additions r to be used by me again by reading it from the text file and then updated again in my database

i have gone through a lot many text file handling eg. but not able to understand what ihave to do.
i know i would somehow have to get the fields in parts but cant get how lset will give me the entier string till a fixed length which i can use for the first field but how do i jump to the 2nd field and so on

pls. note that i cant give any spl. character to diffrenciate the end of 1 field and start of 2nd field.i have to gather and send the fields for each record just 1 after the other.

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Create The Basic Functionality Of A Text Box Like Drawing The Text Box And Handling Input?

Feb 19, 2011

I'm making a custom control that needs to look like a Text Box but I can't Inherit Directly from text box since I need to add, Change and Override so many things that it would be more practical to just inherit Control and start new.

But now my question is: Is there an easy way to create the basic functionality of a Text Box like drawing the Text Box and handling input ?

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Sql Server - Convert A SQL Database To A DBF Database Without Provider Using Text File?

Jun 8, 2011

I work with vb.net I have a sqlServer database and i need to migrate to a DBF database.I know that a dbf file sctructure is a hexadecimal text file.I want to generate this file without a provider...building this file with this hexadecimal structure.

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Handling Database And Class

Jan 8, 2009

I haven't done any programming in a while, and I have pretty much 0 experience with databases, so I'm hoping I can get some guidance with what I'm trying to achieve.I have a class (or want to have) which represents a person, for each person there's multiple dates, and for each date there's multiple events which have properties like time, place, duty, etc. I want to be able to save and load this from a database using a form. I want it to be able to function where I can type in the person's name and it will load all the data into the form, which has a combo box for the different dates and events, and when I select a different date and/or event I want the data to change correspondingly.

If someone could just give me a push in the right direction as to where I should be looking for help in achieving that I would really appreciate it. I don't have the class made to do any of that, just an idea of how it will function. I haven't worked much with classes, so I'm not sure how to approach it. Meaning I need guidance with classes and databases alike.

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Database Programmer Handling The Connecting?

Apr 16, 2010

I need some basic assistance understanding how to mess with bytes. And when I say basic, I mean dumb it down for me, I'm a self taught hobbiest mostly and only spent 4 years proffessionally in development. And that 4 years was a database programmer handling the connecting, retreiving and inserting of data into various databases.

I can't honestly think of the last time I had to do anything with Bytes, but I do know that when I did, all of the functions that actually did anything were written by someone else. So start off, I've been trying to handle them like strings, and that's not working for me (you probably guessed that).


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Convert From Pdf File To Text And Save This Text On Database?

Apr 4, 2012

how to convert from pdf file to text and save this text on database using vb.net

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VS 2010 Database Connection Error Handling?

Mar 4, 2011

I want to handle errors that might occur when user tries to connect to database. I don't know how to do that.This is my connection string used all over the program:

Using connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + txtFilePath.Text + ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" + txtFilePassword.Text + ";")
There are a few errors that i faced them myself:


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VS 2008 File Handling - Create A '.txt' File And Then Fill In The Dates And Times When The Program Is Opened

Oct 25, 2009

I want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file when it is run for the first time, with the date and time the program was accessed, and to be able to add new 'logs' of program history every time it is accessed. What i mean is that i want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file, and then fill in the dates and times when the program is opened.

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.net - Handling Different DbType Enums In Database-Agnostic Architecture?

Apr 17, 2012

Here's my current set-up:

Public Interface IDatabase
Function CreateParameter(name as String, dbType as <dbTypeEnumeration>)
End Interface


The problem here is what exactly is dbTypeEnumeration. In the example above, it's simply a placeholder to what my problem is. Since we use both Oracle and SQL Server databases, the DbTypes are different depending on the database being used. For Oracle, the OracleClient object has its own OracleDbType enumeration with types. SQL Server also has its own enumeration.

My question is: is it possible to show those database-specific enumerations depending on which repository is injected into the DatabaseService constructor? If not, what's the best way to go about this? I want to separate the two databases, share logic, and allow for future development, ala the interface as a code contract for that development.

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Handling An Exception - MDI Text Editor ?

Aug 13, 2010

I have written a MDI Text Editor and I have written sub routines for print preview, cut, copy and so on, when testing my program, I click print preview when there are no documents active and the program crashes, the same happens with cut, copy, paste.

I know this is because I have not handled any error exceptions, the truth is im not sure how to.

I have got the code that makes print preview work with my mdi documents, but what code can I use or how can I add it to my existing sub routines to possibly show a message box saying something like "This Function Cannot Be Used With No Active Documents" something like that.

Could I use an If Statement? or Try, Catch, Block? - I am using a different computer as I am currently at work but if anyone needs the code I currently have for my sub routines.

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VS 2005 Error Handling In Empty Text?

Aug 26, 2011

what is code i should use if i want to prevent user not to leave empty word in text box after user click save button.Oh ya, i am using visual studio 2005, databse sql 2005 .Here is my code

Private Sub btnregister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnregister.Click
If MsgBox(" Are You Confirm", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = vbYes Then


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Forms :: Beginner Text Based Game Location Handling?

Mar 18, 2009

I am just for learning purposes trying to develop a one player text based game.

I have a rich text box (GameWindow)
I have a text box (InputWindow)
I have a button (InputButton)
and a bunch of labels that aren't really important

I have two questions first is easy probably. How do i get InputWindow to respond to me hitting enter when text is in it?


But if i plan to have more that is only going to increase the size and code needed and im sure there is an easier way i just don't know how to do it.

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C# - Handling File Download In ASP.NET?

Oct 25, 2010

Suggestion in either in C# or VB.NET is acceptable.

I have a class to handle file download link ASP.NET project like the following:

Public Class AIUFileHandler
Public Shared Sub DownloadFileHandler(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal filePath As String)


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Handling A File Exception In .NET?

Apr 6, 2012

for the program I am creating I want the computer to check if the configuration file has been created or not. I wrote this function to do that but I don't how to handle a file exception. Here's my code currently but obviously it returns an error if the configuration file doesn't already exist. So how do I add a check for an exception?

Public Function CheckIfRunBefore()
Dim ConfDirectory As String
ConfDirectory = ""
Dim StreamReader As New IO.StreamReader("C:\VRAI\Conf.txt")


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Database From Text File?

Nov 11, 2010

I am making a project for college and I would like to be able to get the data from a text file into a datagridview. The different values are split with a ";". I also want to be able to edit the datagrid, probably by editing the original text file.

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Error Handling - Prevent User Not To Leave Empty Word In Text Box

Aug 10, 2011

what is code i should use if i want to prevent user not to leave empty word in text box after user click save button. i am using visual studio 2005, database sql 2005.

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Check If A File Is In Use Without Exception Handling?

Apr 28, 2009

Currently to check if a file is in use (before attempting to move or send it by FTP etc) we try and open it with exclusive right and trap the System.IO.IOException that would occur if anotehr process is reading or writing the file.

However - how can we do this without the bad paractice of using an exception handler for unexceptional process flow?

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Update Record In File Handling?

Mar 11, 2010

How to update a record in file handling?

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DB/Reporting :: Database From Text File

May 13, 2009

Sitll teaching myself how database and all that works. Need someone to make this easy program for me so i can study it better. Here. Here's what im looking for: Load Database from Text File - read a file called stationsin.csv and add the records to the database pupulating the stationID, station name and the state fields,clear Database - delete all records from the database .Load Listbox from Database - clear and populate the listbox from the database.Listbox click event - populate the labels with the data from the database for that specific location.

Create a class called dbUpdt with the following functions: Constructor - accepts the file name of the database and stores it in a class variable. Opens the database and connection. Query - accepts an SQL command and executes it.MoreRecords - returns a boolean variable indicating if there are more records left in the dataset getField - accepts the name of the field and return the contents of the field from the current record close - closes the connection deleteAll - deletes all records in the database addRecord - accepts the table name, the key field name and the key field contents and adds a record to the database with just the key field filled in. setDBField - accepts the table name, the key field name, the key field contents, the field to be updated along with the field's contents and updates a single field within a single record.

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How To Import A Text File Into A Sql Database

May 18, 2011

I have a table into my database(Paydb) call additionPension. There is a textfile(AdditionPension.txt)on my c: drive. I want to import this text file into the additionpension table in my database.

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Save A Database To A Text File?

Jun 11, 2011

I have everything done, but I forgot one simple little thing, how to save the database to a textfile, I have two forms with this application, the first one has all the information in it (textboxes) and a listbox in it to see all the contacts, then the second form has all the textboxes (contact ID, First name, Last name, telephone, address, city, zip code, and email) that the user can put information in and hit add item to add it, it has a save button that will save it to the application, but I forgot to add a save button so it saves to a text file and loads from a text file,


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Save A Text File Into A Sql Database With Vb?

Jun 27, 2011

How to save a text file into sql database with visual basic?

I am saving text from a text box and now I want to save that file into database with visual basic?

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Save A Text File To A Sql Database?

Jun 11, 2011

i know how to save a text file to a sql database, the problem is on when will be the process is executed because i need to monitor the operation of an existing system..

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Write A Text File From The Database?

Feb 3, 2010

Using VB.Net and SQL Server 2005

I want to write a text file from the database like

Open a text file, read the data from the database then write into the text file.


cmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT ID, Name, Dept from table", con)
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
While dr.Read()


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Writing To A Database Instead Of Text File?

Apr 3, 2012

I am creating a fault tracker AKA issue tracker. It is going to be very simple in functionality. As of right now I am using a text file as a database for the end user to store current issues.

The reason for me using a text file is that I do not know much about database programming and I cannot find any simple examples in the same usage. My question is, is it really going to become a problem as more issues are added to this file and it becomes larger? I.E using up more resources, application getting slower etc?

If so, could anyone point me in the right direction to creating a simple database application. Most examples I have seen require ask to download their pre-made database. Although I would like for the program to create a database if one is not there.


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Obtain Data From A Text File To Sql Database

Jun 24, 2011

My aim is to obtain data from a text file to sql database.I have already created my database. database name is: "musteridb.mdf" and tables are: "kimlik" and "sehir"lets assume i have those lines in my text file:

-1060 34
-1070 06

as it seeni i want to place "1060" to "musteri" table and "34" to "sehir" table. but im new to visual basic..[code]

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Encrypt The Text First And Then Save The File To Database

Oct 20, 2010

This is what i need my program to do...I have a form with 1 textbox and 2 buttons (save and load) If i type information into the textbox and then click save, i need it to encrypt the text first and then save the file to database If i click the load button i need it to decrypt the file and display the decrypted data into the textbox i just need a way to save my text files so the information inside them cant be changed without using my program but yet again i find myself at a loss as to how i do this.

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