Time Out Expired Error While Executing A StoreProc That Retrieves 7000+ Datas?

Oct 19, 2011

I have written a store procedure which retrieves more than 7000 rows. While executing the store procedure in my VB.NET winforms application, I'm getting an error like as follows."Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."I googled and tried like using these lines of codes which wasn't useful.

sqlCmd.CommandTimeout = 0
sqlCmd = New SqlCommand("waitfor delay '00:00:60'")

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Asp.net - IE9 Gives Page Expired Error

Jul 12, 2011

IE9 gives webpage expired error suddenly on any process of my page. Any action I do like edit, add or delete.. after some operations .. page suddenly says expired message in IE9 only.

Our website developed in ASP.Net VB version.

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Getting An Error While Fetching The Records From Sql Server To Datagridview - Timeout Expired

Jun 8, 2011

I am getting an error while fetching the records from sql server to datagridview. Ex. I have 10 rows in datagridview first five are with one table and next five for another table. When loop goes for next table it throws an error like "timeout expired. the timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The statement has been terminated."

for (int h = 0; h <= dtgqueformat.RowCount - 2; h++)
string avl_subject = dtgqueformat[8, h].Value.ToString();
string avl_chapter = dtgqueformat[9, h].Value.ToString();


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VS 2010 - ThreadPool And SqlConnection Pooling - Error: Timeout Expired

Jul 21, 2010

I am working on uses the ThreadPool class and specifically the QueueUserWorkItem method to launch its background tasks. I am however having an issue related to SqlConnection timeouts. My error is this: "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached."

This code is using all available ThreadPool threads because it is processing nearly 100,000 items, each on a threadpool thread, and updating an SQL database. So my question is this? Has anyone ran into a similar problem or could shed some light on a resolution to this issue? In testing, if I use the threadpool. setmaxthreads function and give it a value of 100 (to match the default Sql connection pooling count) then all runs just fine, but much to slow to process this much data.

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Two Function Executing At A Time?

Jul 1, 2011

There are two location one main form and other is communication class which use comport to send command.Everything is good in VB6 but same code fails in vb.net actually program behavior is really different.in vb6 one function execute at a time but in vb.net it execute two function at a timeeg. In form there is function to write command over comport once command is posted one event is raised by serial port in this function byte array is formed and the statement immediate next to raise_event use this array to show on formbut when event is raised control is toggle between first function and event function it execute one statement from second(COMMUNICATION CLASS) function and one statement from f

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Add 7000 Strings To AutoCompleteCustomSource In A TextBox?

May 18, 2010

I'd like to learn how I can add a bunch of strings into the AutoCompleteCustomSource property of a TextBox. Actually that doesn't seem to be possible.. What I actually want to do is to make the textbox suggest and append 7000 strings. I can do suggest and append stuff already but AutoCompleteCustomSource can contain a limited number of strings, so I have to find another way to add my strings.

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Executing More Than One Stored Procedure At A Time?

Jun 6, 2011

I am trying to run several stored procedures from my code and I get the error message that my sp's can't be found, but if I remove all of them but one, my code executes fine.

I've tried this way to run my sp's:
Dim oCmd2 As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim oDr2 As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader


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Executing Several Rss Feed Calls At One Time?

Jan 12, 2010

I've created a page that makes several calls to different rss feeds based on the keywords I pass to the page. The problem is that each call takes .5 - 2 seconds to get a response and display the results. If I multiply the number of keywords by the time I end up with a very slow loading page. Is there a way to execute all of the calls at one time?

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WPF - InvalidOperationException On Second Time Executing BackgroundWorker

Sep 3, 2011

I'm making an app using wpf and vb.net in vb2010 express and having a problem. I have a timer that execute a backgroundworker every minute:
Private Sub timer_Tick() Handles timer.Tick
If Not bworker.IsBusy Then
End If
End Sub

The backgroundworker is working with xmlelement and xmldataprovider:
Private Sub bworker_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles bworker.DoWork
Dim source As XmlDataProvider = Application.Current.Resources("r1")
Dim sometext As String = "something"
Dim elemento As XmlElement = source.Document.CreateElement("elemento")
elemento.InnerText = sometext
e.Result = elemento
End Sub

Then I'm using e.Result on RunWorkerComplete to add the XmlElement to source. It works perfect the first time I execute the backgroundworker, but when the timer calls it the second time it throws a InvalidOperationException in the line "elemento.InnerText = sometext" why is that and how can I solve it?

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Connection Leaking Causing 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout Expired' Error In SQL Server?

May 19, 2010

My application requires a user to log in and allows them to edit a list of things. However, it seems that if the same user always logs in and out and edits the list, this user will run into a "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired." error. I've read a comment about it possibly caused by uncommitted transactions. And I do have one going in the application.


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[2008] Pause To Give Form Time To Show Before Executing Routine?

Feb 10, 2009

Is there a command in vb that can be used to pause a routine to give time for the form to show before the routine starts as my routine is running and completing before my form shows up?

View 13 Replies

Check If A String Exists In Html Code By Executing A For Loop Which Executes Each Time A Different Url?

Apr 4, 2012

I would like to know please how to check whether a string exists or not in a html code. I'm executing a for loop. Each time it checks a different url, so I want to be able to check each time if for example "<img" exists .

P.S: What's the difference between using



dim request webrequest
request = WebRequest.Create

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Prevent Background Thread "Timeout Expired." Error?

May 31, 2011

I have the following portion of code on a Click Event on my page:

Dim ts As New ThreadStart(AddressOf SendEmails)
Dim t As New Thread(ts)
t.IsBackground = True


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Error - Timeout Expired - The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Completion Of The Operation Or The Server Is Not Responding

May 3, 2011

I'm not sure if this is a VB.NET error or SQL Server. But I get the above error with following stack trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout
expired. The timeout period elapsed
prior to completion of the operation
or the server is not responding.]


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Receiving Error "connection Timeout Expired" When Deal With Huge Amount Of Data

Dec 9, 2009

The following is my connectionstring: server=(local);database=JnJ3;uid=sa;pwd=sa May I know how can I avoid timeout expired because I keep on receiving error message when deal with huge amount of data. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

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Error When Executing My Application

Apr 7, 2009

Since i set my 3rd party addins to be copied local i am now getting an error which is below.

When i selected Build i set the build to release. Why is it so difficult to get your application published and running? It runs fine in debug but when you come to do a release build it wont run.[code]...

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Stop Other Sub From Executing After Error

Jan 31, 2011

I am having a problem with my try catch block runs in the error "dastabase is not available". My problem is the try catch runs and catches the error, but it will not redirect to my error page. The code continues to execute the other subs. I have tried adding: exit, return, response.end. None of them worked.

Imports System.Data
Imports EUC
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class mpMain
[Code] .....

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Identify A Process That Is Executing But Has An Error?

Sep 22, 2010

We have several programs that run during off hours and I want to write a program to monitor them. I have defined a list of priority programs and have written code to verify that they are running using 'Dim instance As Process'. The problem is that I can't figure out how to determine if the program has a pop-up error window like "unhandled exception" or similar window. The instance.responding still shows 'true'. How can I identify a process that is executing but has an error?

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Runtime Error When Executing WaitForExit()

Aug 29, 2011

I'm trying to execute the following code, but the debugger is failing at myProcess.WaitForExit() [code]....

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VS 2008 Error Executing Query?

Oct 20, 2010

i am using vb.net 2008 and msaccess i have given the following query to fill a dataset but it is giving me an error. mCmd = " SELECT OfficialInfo.*, "


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VS 2008 Unspecified Error When Executing Published Setup.exe

Aug 15, 2010

I have published application before and they all (3 setup files) work fine. The problem is I don't know anymore how I exactly did it. Now I am trying to publish another form which has a connection to my sql database. The publishing goes fine: publishing folder is: C:Movie-databaseApplication 4 and installation folder is the same, and I therefore leave it empty. Application is available only online. But when I execute the published setup.exe I get two windows with no info about the error: see attachment.

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VS 2008 Unspecified Error When Executing Published Setup.exe?

Oct 2, 2008

I have published application before and they all (3 setup files) work fine. The problem is I don't know anymore how I exactly did it.Now I am trying to publish another form which has a connection to my sql database. The publishing goes fine: publishing folder is: C:Movie-databaseApplication 4 and installation folder is the same, and I therefore leave it empty. Application is available only online.But when I execute the published setup.exe I get two windows with no info about the error: see attachment.

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Delay In Server Response Time While Executing Stored Procedures On Mysql Db Server?

Sep 7, 2010

I am using stored procedures in my application using vb.net, while executing stored procedures on mysql database server thru application, the response time from the server is more. Is there any settings that i need to set on mysql db server or any changes in connection string or in code.

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Runtime Error '424' When Executing FileSystemObject.CopyFile In Script In Excel 2007

Sep 23, 2009

In my office they installed Office 2007, since then I am having several problems with my macros / VB script routines, in this occasion I am trying to use the FileSystemObject.CopyFile function to copy several files from one directory to several directories depending on the files code.Based on the file's code I build the destination path and then I try to copy my files from the original path to destination path, but when executing this sentence I receive an error message that says "Run-time error '424' Object not fund".

Sub prepara_2007()


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Login That Retrieves Hashed Password From SQL Database?

Oct 15, 2011

I'm attempting to create a program where the login and password will be verified on an SQL database of user information. I keep getting the error "SQL Execution was unhandled" I marked the code that was causing the error in red. I'm using Visual Studio 8.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click


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MDataGridView In Method Which Retrieves Data From The SQL Database?

Sep 2, 2009

I have a tabcontrol with a number of tab pages each of which contains a DataGridView control. I populate each DataGirdView form a local SQL Server. The method which does this works fine. The problem I'm having is I want to use the same method to populate each DataGridView control. I created a private member variable called mDataGridView as a DataGridView and use the TabControl SelectedTab property to determine which tab page the user has selected. I then try the following


I then use mDataGridView in my method which retrieves data from the SQL database. Although the compiler dosn't gag at this it doesn't work. Am I right in thinking that mDataGridView references dgvQuoteTemplate?

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Retrieves Data From SQL Database By Selecting Value In ComboBox?

Feb 3, 2010

how to retrieve data from SQL Database using SQL Connection by selecting the individual value in a ComboBox which the data in the ComboxBox is also retrieved from the SQL Database using DataBound. A 'Display' Button will be clicked to display the data in a TextBox, based on which value the user had selected.

Below is my current

Private Sub displayBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles displayBtn.Click
'Create Connection


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Retrieves Item Information From A SQL Express Database?

Apr 5, 2012

Two questions:

1) I have a stored procedure that retrieves item information from a SQL Express database. Should I attempt to do the rounding the stored proc or client side in the app?

2) My rounding needs to be custom. I have a figure that goes down to the 4 place meaing x.0000 if the 3rd digit is 4 or more then I would round up to the nearest cent x.00 if it is 3 and below I would round down. I have looked at the math functions in vb.net and I dont see right out the gate how to accomplish this.

So my question is should rounding be done in SQL or client side and if it is client side do any of you have pointers on how to slice and dice this?

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VS 2008 : Have A Progressbar That Shows The Progress When It Retrieves?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm writing a program that retrieves certain lines from a textfile. This textfile is rather large, so is it possible to have a progressbar that shows the progress when it retrieves?

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Forms :: Writing A Program That Retrieves Certain Lines From A Textfile?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm writing a program that retrieves certain lines from a textfile. This textfile is rather large, so is it possible to have a progressbar that shows the progress when it retrieves?

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