VS 2008 Error Executing Query?

Oct 20, 2010

i am using vb.net 2008 and msaccess i have given the following query to fill a dataset but it is giving me an error. mCmd = " SELECT OfficialInfo.*, "


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Asp.net - Parameterized Query - Error When Executing A Query?

Nov 2, 2010

I've recently been trying to figure out a way to get parameterized queries to work and i think i'm almost there but seem to be getting an error when executing my query

Here's the code


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Executing Sql Query In Visual Web Dev 2008?

Jun 2, 2011

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Configuration


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VS 2008 Creating A Sql Query With A String Variable And Executing It In VB

Feb 15, 2011

Ok I'm creating a sql query with a string variable and executing it in vb. The string would look something like: Insert Into Table (vara,varb,varc) Values ('vara','varb','varc') This works fine.


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VS 2008 Unspecified Error When Executing Published Setup.exe

Aug 15, 2010

I have published application before and they all (3 setup files) work fine. The problem is I don't know anymore how I exactly did it. Now I am trying to publish another form which has a connection to my sql database. The publishing goes fine: publishing folder is: C:Movie-databaseApplication 4 and installation folder is the same, and I therefore leave it empty. Application is available only online. But when I execute the published setup.exe I get two windows with no info about the error: see attachment.

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VS 2008 Unspecified Error When Executing Published Setup.exe?

Oct 2, 2008

I have published application before and they all (3 setup files) work fine. The problem is I don't know anymore how I exactly did it.Now I am trying to publish another form which has a connection to my sql database. The publishing goes fine: publishing folder is: C:Movie-databaseApplication 4 and installation folder is the same, and I therefore leave it empty. Application is available only online.But when I execute the published setup.exe I get two windows with no info about the error: see attachment.

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Code For Executing Sql Query

Dec 31, 2010

I`m now at the point calling server from vb.net, and run query inside vb.net code.I have write two codes on button click. One button is checked server connection, other should execute query for server table.Connection code is working, as I have set two messages, and getting successfull message. Second code is not working, as nothing happened when press button. Sql statement is very simple, and it works if I run it manually.[code]

View 19 Replies

.net - InvalidOperationException For Executing LINQ Query?

Sep 3, 2011

'Initialize The Database Connection'

Dim dbTRCoreDatabase As New TRCoreDatabase
'Query For Get The Employee ID'
Dim listEmployeeID As IQueryable(Of Long) = (From EmpMaster In dbTRCoreDatabase.EmployeeMasters Where EmpMaster.Email = [code]....

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DB/Reporting :: Executing Query In TableAdapter

Jul 17, 2008

I have a string qText with the text of a query in it, say qText = "select * from Data". how can I execute it to fill a TableAdapter I have in my form with the resulting data?

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Insert Query - Executing On Phpmyadmin ?

Feb 22, 2011

What's wrong with my code, the query seems to be fine, I tried executing it on phpmyadmin.


I got this error: ERROR [42000] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.1.36-community-log]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

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Updating A Listbox After Executing A Query?

Mar 11, 2010

I am writing a program that has a listbox which is bound to a dataset. When I click a button (e.g. delete) the item is deleted from the database ok using an SQL query but is still shown in the listbox. How do I get the listbox to refresh/update its display?

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Change A Global Variable Value Based On Linq Query While Executing?

Nov 27, 2010

I have two module-level variables and Linq query. I want the results of the Let clause to change the global variables - is this possible?

For example:
Dim X As Integer = 0
Dim Y As Integer = 0


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Error When Executing My Application

Apr 7, 2009

Since i set my 3rd party addins to be copied local i am now getting an error which is below.

When i selected Build i set the build to release. Why is it so difficult to get your application published and running? It runs fine in debug but when you come to do a release build it wont run.[code]...

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Stop Other Sub From Executing After Error

Jan 31, 2011

I am having a problem with my try catch block runs in the error "dastabase is not available". My problem is the try catch runs and catches the error, but it will not redirect to my error page. The code continues to execute the other subs. I have tried adding: exit, return, response.end. None of them worked.

Imports System.Data
Imports EUC
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class mpMain
[Code] .....

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When Creating A Query Error "The Schema Returned By The New Query Differs From The Base Query"

Feb 29, 2012

When Creating a query using the sear Criteria Builder . I keep getting the error : "The schema returned by the new query differs from the base query" what does that mean and how do i avoid this problem in future

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Identify A Process That Is Executing But Has An Error?

Sep 22, 2010

We have several programs that run during off hours and I want to write a program to monitor them. I have defined a list of priority programs and have written code to verify that they are running using 'Dim instance As Process'. The problem is that I can't figure out how to determine if the program has a pop-up error window like "unhandled exception" or similar window. The instance.responding still shows 'true'. How can I identify a process that is executing but has an error?

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Runtime Error When Executing WaitForExit()

Aug 29, 2011

I'm trying to execute the following code, but the debugger is failing at myProcess.WaitForExit() [code]....

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Executing A Sql Command - Number Of Values Provided Must Be Equal To The Number Of Placeholders In Query?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a problem with a sql query. Through the query I am trying to search database for any occurrences of string (can be anything) in a column using the SQL LIKE command. The problem is that it works fine for most of the strings say john, jim, ji"m , but does not work when i include the following characters which are ( ' , { , } , and a single quotation mark). MYSQL query takes care of these special cases by putting them in [] block whenever user enters them .But i am getting the following error when i go to query the database using the GetSelectCommand() in VB.NET

Exception Details: System.ApplicationException: Number of values provided must be equal to the number of placeholders in query.I have checked the query over and over again .. but its fine .My database server is Sql Server 2008.So my application throws the exception in this command:

Using reader As MustDisposeDataReader = _
pmSystem.DatabaseManager.GetSelectCommand(selectStatementBuilder.ToString(), New Object() {})

Where MustDisposeDataReader is an instance of a class in an internally developed library, which inherits from System.Object. pmSystem is an instance of the class PlanManagerSystem which implements the commandlayer. GetSelectCommand() takes the select command

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VS 2008 Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Apr 11, 2009

I have program, which takes scripts (RGSS) and inserts them into a database. These scripts have lots of quotes and things like that inside them, but I don't think thats the issue here.

The error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression


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VS 2008 Table Adaptor - Error Occurs When Adding Column To Query

Aug 10, 2009

I have a table adaptor that pulls from the sql database, when I edit the table adaptor query it makes this specific table adaptor not a part of the dataset. I have added a column to my database which will contain an integer, when I try to add this column to the query this error occurs, i am using the configure area of the table adaptor.
Error 'AuditProductsTableAdapter' is not a member of 'MemKingClient.MemKingDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager'.

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Correct SQL Query: Error "Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Find The Input Table Or Query 'IF'?

Aug 27, 2010

The database:
"ID (Primary key)" | "Title"
0 | "title1"


OK, before adding values to database, we should check if a row exists with this values :)TO do this, creating a Stored Procedure is a best way to deal with the database fastly.So... The problem now is, at the runtime, Miss OleDB throw this error:Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'IF

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Correct This SQL Query: Error "Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Find The Input Table Or Query 'IF'?

May 29, 2009

i should say hi experts :D . Help me with this pretty code :)

The database:
"ID (Primary key)" | "Title"
0 | "title1"


OK, before adding values to database, we should check if a row exists with this values :)TO do this, creating a Stored Procedure is a best way to deal with the database fastly.So... The problem now is, at the runtime, Miss OleDB throw this error:Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'IF

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Runtime Error '424' When Executing FileSystemObject.CopyFile In Script In Excel 2007

Sep 23, 2009

In my office they installed Office 2007, since then I am having several problems with my macros / VB script routines, in this occasion I am trying to use the FileSystemObject.CopyFile function to copy several files from one directory to several directories depending on the files code.Based on the file's code I build the destination path and then I try to copy my files from the original path to destination path, but when executing this sentence I receive an error message that says "Run-time error '424' Object not fund".

Sub prepara_2007()


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Time Out Expired Error While Executing A StoreProc That Retrieves 7000+ Datas?

Oct 19, 2011

I have written a store procedure which retrieves more than 7000 rows. While executing the store procedure in my VB.NET winforms application, I'm getting an error like as follows."Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."I googled and tried like using these lines of codes which wasn't useful.

sqlCmd.CommandTimeout = 0
sqlCmd = New SqlCommand("waitfor delay '00:00:60'")

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SQL Query - Get A Syntax Error In My SQL Query If The Division Name Is More Than One Word

Oct 31, 2011

I have 7 company Divisions that sit in an access database.I then use this list to populate two comboboxes in my windows form.However I get a syntax error in my SQL Query if the Division name is more than one word.For example in my access database I have two columns one is a status column and the other is a division column. If for example the Division is called 'Corporate' the status column is called 'Status Corporate' and the division column is called 'Corporate'.The SQL query works fine in this scenario.However if I have a Division that is more than one word, lets say 'Operations Division' I get an error in my SQL Query that says -

Quote: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Operations Division'.Here is my code

sqlNewTenderDetails = "SELECT " & Me.DivisionBox.SelectedValue & " From BidRefCodes Where " & "[Status " & Me.DivisionBox.SelectedValue & "='Active'"
daNewTenderDetails = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sqlNewTenderDetails, NewTenderDetailsTableCon)[code]....

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VS 2008 : Update Or Remove Record From Database : Syntax Error (comma) In Query Expression

Mar 17, 2010

When I'm trying to update or remove record from database I'm getting this error:

Syntax error (comma) in query expression 'Ime='Blagojce', Prezime='', Adresa='', Grad='', Telefonski_br='( ) -', Fax='( ) -', e_mail='''

Here is my connection string:

command.CommandText = "DELETE * FROM podatoci WHERE Ime='" & ime & "', Prezime='" & prezime & "', Adresa='" & adresa & "', Grad='" & grad & "', Telefonski_br='" & broj & "', Fax='" & fax & "', e_mail='" & email & "'"

where ime, prezime and so on are ListView selected items.

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VS 2008 Why Sub Executing Twice

Jul 31, 2009

I have a sub in which I call different subs, depending on a value I pass through. It works fine for all but the last one. It executes the sub I call but then comes back to the first sub and runs the second one again


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VS 2008 - Executing Subroutine From Another Sub?

Sep 4, 2009

I am working with a datagridview and 2 text boxes.TextBox 1 is for entering time of the day and TextBox2 is for entering time duration in that order. After TextBox2 looses focus I am converting the times into index numbers in my DGV1 and filling the selected indexed rows with some data. The data then is checked and if there are issues message is display prompting the user to correct it. However, all my codes for checking the data and selecting options are in the DataGridView1 event handler:

Private Sub Datagridview1_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MouseUp

Is there a way to execute one Subroutine from another Sub. Sort of simulating a mouseup click programmatically ? Correction: there are 7 sets of those TextBoxes representing 7 days of the week. I am trying to avoid duplicating all that error handling codes in all 14 boxes. I have read that MouseEventArgs are protected so it may not be easy.

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VS 2008 ExecuteNonQuery Not Executing?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm trying to execute a SQL command, but I just can't find out why this is not working. This is how I defined the "execute" function in my class named "clsSQL":


Probably, I just need another pair of eyes, 'cause I can't see what am I doing wrong Could this be related to the database and not to my code?

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VS 2008 Executing Javascripts With VB?

Jun 24, 2010

So, I want to execute a javascript on WebBrowser1 when I press a button. Normally, I'd just navigate to the javascript to execute it. Like this:

Private Sub WebPageEditorToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles WebPageEditorToolStripMenuItem.Click
WebBrowser1.Navigate("javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0")


This makes it where I can't leave the website and it keeps me on that one website. But the problem is that navigating to the javascript is not like [URL] so it won't let me execute javascripts that way. So, basically, my question is:

Is there any other way to execute a javascript with Visual Basic 2008 without navigating to it?

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