Trailing Ampersand In .NET Hexadecimal?
Jul 22, 2011
What's the trailing ampersand on VB hexadecimal numbers for? I've read it forces conversion to an Int32 on the chance VB wants to try and store as an Int16. That makes sense to me. But the part I didn't get from the blurb was to always use the trailing ampersand for bitmasks, flags, enums, etc. Apparantly, it has something to do with overriding VB's fetish for using signed numbers for things internally, which can lead to weird results in comparisons.
So to get easy points, what are the rules for VB.Net hexadecimal numbers, with and without the trailing ampersand? Please include the specific usage in the case of bitmasks/flags and such, and how one would also use it to force signed vs. unsigned.
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a Form with 4 Text Boxes, 1 label and one button. What I need to do is: Make all the text boxes and label only except Hexadecimal inputs.when I press Button1
Label1 = TextBox1 AND TextBox2 ^ TextBox3 MOD TextBox4
Once again every all the numbers are in Hexadecimal format.
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Nov 16, 2010
I have a string which looks like this 512.3 is there a way to add a trailing zero so it looks like this 512.30 Just to clarify (sorry I didn't know there where different ways etc.) My string is an amount which is passed so changes all the time I only need the trailing zero on amounts like 512.3, 512.4,512.5 etc. as some of my amounts will pass values like 512.33 and 512.44 and so on
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Nov 7, 2011
I'm having difficulty with some strings of varying 'meaningful' length from a different database (not under my control) that I am trying to trim in my code.
I only want to remove TRAILING whitespace... therefore, I can't really use .trim method.
The reasoning behind this being that the field sent from the french database usefully uses a <space> to represent a 0 (as you do).
The string is always the same length but the meaningful length can vary, an example being 95WO<space>5CA<space><space><space>...etc
Or it could be this...
<space><space>WO<space><space><space>... etc
Or this...
I've got my methods in place to split the string into pairs and perform various lookups but until I can remove the trailing whitespace I'm a bit stuck
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Jun 12, 2012
For removing trailing part is I use the code
str.substring(0,str.length -2)
Is there a better way? I especially dislike using str.length.
Edit I wanted the question to be as short and simple as possible and I supposed that I just overlooked some String method. I try to be more precise.
I need to remove given number of characters from the end of a string. I don't want to care what the characters are and I don't want to introduce a risk of removing more characters.
If the number is larger then string length let's there is an exception (the string should be validated earlier).
I don't have the problem especially with length, but with referencing a variable twice (imagine a function instead of a variable). I also don't like necessity of subtraction but it is only a personal preference.
The question is taged so there is code (should be in a module):
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension> _
Public Shared Function RemoveFromEnd(stringValue As String, removedCharacters As Integer) As String
Return stringValue.Substring(0, stringValue.Length - removedCharacters)
End Function
View 5 Replies
Oct 2, 2011
Is is it possible to add trailing text after the checkbox for a Datagridview CheckBoxColumn?
The situation is like this. Say the DataGridView shows name of employees from datatable. The user can select employees from the displayed list in the DGV. For the selection, I inserted a checkboxcolumn into the datagrid. Everything OK.
But just want to know whether it is possible to merge the two column into 1, so that the check box precedes the name of the employee in the same cell rather than in a different column.
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Nov 24, 2011
In my program I have a linklabel that is used for local directories and it gets the directory from an XML file, but whenever there is an ampersand in a directory name I get errors. I've tried adding "ToString", having two ampersands (&&), and puting quotes around the directory in the XML file, but it doesn't work. Is there any way for it to treat the ampersand as a regular character? Here's the code that pertains to the directory path
'this part loads the xml file and sets the inner text to the proper variable
'let's pretend the directory in the XML file is "C:\foo & bar\"
doc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\Anime\" & title)
View 9 Replies
Apr 18, 2012
I've tried:
Const amper As String = "" & ""
ToolStripButton1.Text = "Save " & amper & " Close"
and also replacing the "amper" with Char(38), but it doesn't show up. This is the full
Private Sub Dialog1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Save and close button text
Const amper As String = "" & ""
ToolStripButton1.Text = "Save " & amper & " Close"
End Sub
Am I using both methods wrong?
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Jun 15, 2012
I have a winform which allows people to edit data from a database, to simplify things assume there is a Customer table in database with 3 fields - Name, City, Country. Through winform(s) people can Add/Edit/Delete customers.For each of these actions we need to save:
What the field names are (Name,City,Country in this case)What the field values were before they were modified What the field values are after they are modified.If the action is Add or Delete then 2 and 3 will be the same.I have already implemented this using XMLSerialisation (but not using any of the design patterns) and my XML output looks like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ActivityItem xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
The solution can handle different areas of the system with different number of fields (i.e the same thing works when you are modifying Products for instance).is there a well defined design pattern to deal with this kind of behavior?
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Mar 24, 2010
I am using the following code to write lines to a file. I seem to get Zero's after my text.Any suggestions to get the trailing zeros out of my text file? [code]
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Jan 11, 2011
I have a data table being returned that populates a repeater. One of the fields has the & character in the data and displays perfectly within the asp:literal on the screen. The source shows the & character un-encoded.My question is this: Does it NEED to be encoded? A co-worker is insisting that it must be encoded in order to be "HTML compliant". But it works perfectly for display purposes. Is this REALLY required for any type of compliance that I should even be worrying about?
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a cookie saved to the user as follows.[code]...
The SearchText stores a value they have input in a previous page. We have observed if there is an ampersand in the cookie (eg Tyne & Wear), then the cookie doesn't save subsequent values (SearchType).
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Nov 24, 2009
I am running the following code but it is not replacing it:
Dim stItemName As String = txt1.Text
stItemName.Replace("&", "")
txt2.Text = stItemName
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Dec 21, 2011
Is there a problem with an ampersand in the name of an MSSQL table name.? I'm converting an Access db to MSSQL and a table like Ta&ble1 gets upsized to SQL Server no problem. Do you guys see this as a problem in subs that use a reader when used with a stored procedure that uses this table?
View 3 Replies
Jan 29, 2012
what is the meaning of the Ampersand after Boolean in "Result as Boolean"? Also I have seen a question mark after Boolean in some 'Dim' statements. What does that mean?
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a form with 2 radio buttons where the "checked" property is false, yet when the form loads the first radio button is selected. I tried .refresh and no positive results... Grrr! Also, the ampersand in the "text" property is not showing the underscore during runtime. This is with the entire project.
View 16 Replies
Aug 11, 2011
im using vb 2010 and currently working on a program that senses and displays values in hexadecimal, i have already done this part, but now im required to convert the value that is in the textbox, for example 006d to 109.
View 12 Replies
Sep 29, 2011
I have a question on button display text.
I would like to but the & character, and not the shortcut in the text property of a button. Is there a way to do this?
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Aug 18, 2009
I have 4 radiobuttons hex dec oct bin all the buttons works perfectly except the Hex.When i calculate or press a number in decimal, and i check the Hex, the number will perfectly change into hexadecimal, but when i try to calculate within Hex, its a calculation in Decimal.So i repeat.. i can calculate in base 8 octal, base 2 decimal, and base 10 decimal, but i cant calculate in base 16... and i think it has something to do with the letter notation...
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Jun 14, 2009
how i can convert from Hexadecimal to Ascii ? like this ez : a hex text "6d 65 68 64 69 33" will became a ascii "mehdi3"
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May 8, 2012
I'm just wondering how to convert a string from a textbox into hexadecimal. I looked all over the internet and only found ways in c#. Does have the ability to do such a thing? If it can then I'd like to know how to convert string to hex and hex to string.
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Nov 25, 2009
I'm writing a small program that will convert a negative number (e.g. -200) to a hexadecimal number (e.g. FF38). And back to a decimal number. FF38 back to -200. (I can only use two bytes when converting back and forth.)
Question: is there a function in VB that will help?
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May 10, 2009
I have question about hexadecimal operator and the question what does this mean:(Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal) = Hexadecimal What does the , mean and how can I put this operator in VB form .
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Aug 9, 2010
I am trying to display the register contents in a textbox in hexadecimal. I would like to always display 4 characters. The register is 16 bits wide. I have 4 byte parameter variables (param_a_1 through param_a_4) for containing the incoming register value. Because of the way the packet is communicated into the VB app, I pick out the bytes I want displayed and convert them to a string for displaying. The values I get in are not always converted correctly
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Jan 31, 2011
Searching this forum and google turn up things which seem too complicated(more then 4 lines of code), but maybe it needs to be that way.I have two text boxes. A 1 byte hexidecimal value would be entered in to each of them (0-FF). How can I add those two values together to come up with an integer?I have tried this several ways. At one point I got it to work but only for numeric characters.
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Mar 1, 2010
I am currently working on a software that will convert a string to it's hexadecimal equivalent and back. I have created the following code to make the convert the string to hexadecimal, but I cannot figure out how to get it back.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim skill As String
skill = RichTextBox1.Text
Dim skillfullbyte() As Byte
View 1 Replies
Jun 18, 2009
I currently doing a project..Using VB2005 To convert hexadecimal to decimal. Something to do with serial port..
View 14 Replies
Aug 11, 2010
I need to figure out how to multiply hexadecimal numbers in vb .net 2008.Ex / 7E1 x 2 == FC2I was thinking maybe converting the hex to bytes, multiplying that, then back.
View 13 Replies
Jun 1, 2010
I have the following code:
Private Function ReadRequestedSecurityToken(ByVal rstr As XDocument) As RequestedSecurityToken
Dim requestedToken = (
From rt In rstr.Descendants(WSTrust13Constants.NamespaceURI.ToString &
Select rt).FirstOrDefault()
If Nothing Is requestedToken Then
View 3 Replies
Jun 21, 2012
Possible Duplicate: How to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal in C#? In C, you can do something like int x = 255; printf("x is: %d and in HEX, x is: %x", x, x); How can I do that in C# or print the variable's hex equivalent
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