How To Multiply Hexadecimal Numbers
Aug 11, 2010I need to figure out how to multiply hexadecimal numbers in vb .net 2008.Ex / 7E1 x 2 == FC2I was thinking maybe converting the hex to bytes, multiplying that, then back.
View 13 RepliesI need to figure out how to multiply hexadecimal numbers in vb .net 2008.Ex / 7E1 x 2 == FC2I was thinking maybe converting the hex to bytes, multiplying that, then back.
View 13 Repliesi have 6 groups of 5 textboxes each one with numbers 12345 i want to know how i can multiply them and how to see the 15625 numbers
View 31 RepliesI have 4 radiobuttons hex dec oct bin all the buttons works perfectly except the Hex.When i calculate or press a number in decimal, and i check the Hex, the number will perfectly change into hexadecimal, but when i try to calculate within Hex, its a calculation in Decimal.So i repeat.. i can calculate in base 8 octal, base 2 decimal, and base 10 decimal, but i cant calculate in base 16... and i think it has something to do with the letter notation...
View 4 RepliesPossible Duplicate: How to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal in C#? In C, you can do something like int x = 255; printf("x is: %d and in HEX, x is: %x", x, x); How can I do that in C# or print the variable's hex equivalent
View 7 Repliesi m trying to write a program that displays in a textbox a table of the binary, octal, and hexadecimal equivalents of the decimal numbers in range 1-222.
View 3 RepliesI have a Form with 4 Text Boxes, 1 label and one button. What I need to do is: Make all the text boxes and label only except Hexadecimal inputs.when I press Button1
Label1 = TextBox1 AND TextBox2 ^ TextBox3 MOD TextBox4
Once again every all the numbers are in Hexadecimal format.
I'm using VB 2010 and need to multiply 2 user input numbers in forms, so basically: TextBox5 = TextBox2 * TextBox3 That obviously didn't work but it shows what I want it to do.
View 3 RepliesI am a student in South Africa. We have had a long strike in our education department. Thus resulting in our lecturer not teaching code adequately. I have managed to stumble using the text given but I cannot figure out how to multiply or add two values?
View 1 RepliesI have built a small VB.NET Calculator but whenever I add, subtract or multiply by 0 the answer is always 0. Here is my code:
Option Explicit On
Public Class Calculator2
i have a problem for put in multiply input
Dim StrSQL As String = "INSERT INTO boranga" & _
"(IdBorangA,Answers)" & _
"VALUES (@B_IdA,@B_Answer);"
by adding more parameter "parameterB_IdA.Value = Label1.Text" for IdBorangA
and "parameterB_Answer.Value = TextBox2.Text" for Answer but the result i get that the table only filling with the data from Label2.text and Textbox2.text.
My problem is printing multiply pages. The below test code prints from a ListView display, being populated from a database, which works fine for the first time, however, all subsequent times page two data is printed over page one data. Is there some way of resetting for successive printing.
Private Sub pd_PrintPage1(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal ev As Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)
Dim printFont As Font = New Font("Courier New", 11, FontStyle.Bold) Dim linesPerPage As Integer = 0 Dim yPos As Single = 0 Dim leftMargin As Single = ev.MarginBounds.Left Dim topMargin As Single = ev.MarginBounds.Top Dim
how to send multiply files over FTP with Visual Basic 2008 (.NET).
Here is the code I'm using:
Dim clsRequest As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = _
DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create("ftp://FTP server here/" & "FTP output filename here" & ".txt"), System.Net.FtpWebRequest)
I'm having trouble using Visual Basic. It's my first time with the program that my college course is requiring I use. I'm having problems programing the script for an application. It's suppose to take the rate of a bunch of employees that are programmed into the application using an array, and multiply it by a decimal number that the user inputs into the application.
View 5 RepliesSuppose I have a string, if I want to basically write it multiple times, depending on some integer value. How I can do that?For example:
dim STR1 as string = "</li></ul>"
dim INT1 as integer = 4
dim STR2 as string = " "
I would like to see the output as
STR2 = "</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>";
Can I achieve it in VB.NET?
I still want to be able to show my code in front of the class/receive feedback. I originally had a program that would calculate the number of calories in your alcoholic beverage.Because I was new at it, I only had one of my beverages listed. I now want to create a combobox/ dropdown menu so that the user can select a standard alcoholic beverage (I have 6 to choose from). All the beverages have different average calorie counts. Once the user selects their beverage from the menu, they can type in the number of servings they consumed (standard size). They would then push a calculate button and would receive their total calorie count. I have everything up and working but everytime I enter a random number of servings and push calculate, it only multiplies by "100" which is the average calorie count for a serving of Light Beer-- the first listed.[code]
I just added the If/Then/Elseif stuff a couple of minutes ago, hoping it would work, but it doesn't. I know this is something simple but like I said, I'm brand new but I have searched everywhere trying to figure this out. I've watch 9 tutorials so far but they all don't really pinpoint what I want my program to do.
im using vb 2010 and currently working on a program that senses and displays values in hexadecimal, i have already done this part, but now im required to convert the value that is in the textbox, for example 006d to 109.
View 12 Repliesif i had say 10 labels with 10 textboxes how would i save all those labels accosiated with that text box as one text file
say example
label = name ---- textbox1
label2 =surname ---- textbox2
label3 address ---- textbox3
so in the text file it saves it to look like this
name = hayden
surname = doh
address = johnston hwy
How can we multiply the values of the text boxes(reportitems) in rdlc report?
Ex. The expression of TextBoxResult report item is:
=Reportitems!TextBoxPrice.Value * Reportitems!TextBoxQuantity.Value
I'm trying to figure out how to multiply two text boxes but also after they are multiplied, they need to be added at the same time. For example, if in one text box I put 120000 and in another I put .06 - the answer multiplied together is 7200, but the final answer should show 127200.
I am going to blend two images together using multiply blending, and will iterate through all pixels. I have search in wikipedia that the calculation of multiply blending is:
resultRGB= src * dst / 255
but it didn't mention about alpha, how does alpha affect the result?
For y = 0 To fsrc.Height - 1
For x = 0 To fsrc.Width - 1
Dim d As Color = fdst.GetPixel(x, y)
Dim da = d.A / 255, dr = d.R / 255, dg = d.G / 255, db = d.B / 255
How would I get a button to divide and multiply?
View 7 Replieshow i can convert from Hexadecimal to Ascii ? like this ez : a hex text "6d 65 68 64 69 33" will became a ascii "mehdi3"
View 2 RepliesI'm just wondering how to convert a string from a textbox into hexadecimal. I looked all over the internet and only found ways in c#. Does have the ability to do such a thing? If it can then I'd like to know how to convert string to hex and hex to string.
View 4 RepliesI'm writing a small program that will convert a negative number (e.g. -200) to a hexadecimal number (e.g. FF38). And back to a decimal number. FF38 back to -200. (I can only use two bytes when converting back and forth.)
Question: is there a function in VB that will help?
I have question about hexadecimal operator and the question what does this mean:(Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal) = Hexadecimal What does the , mean and how can I put this operator in VB form .
View 4 RepliesI am trying to display the register contents in a textbox in hexadecimal. I would like to always display 4 characters. The register is 16 bits wide. I have 4 byte parameter variables (param_a_1 through param_a_4) for containing the incoming register value. Because of the way the packet is communicated into the VB app, I pick out the bytes I want displayed and convert them to a string for displaying. The values I get in are not always converted correctly
View 1 RepliesSearching this forum and google turn up things which seem too complicated(more then 4 lines of code), but maybe it needs to be that way.I have two text boxes. A 1 byte hexidecimal value would be entered in to each of them (0-FF). How can I add those two values together to come up with an integer?I have tried this several ways. At one point I got it to work but only for numeric characters.
View 2 RepliesI am currently working on a software that will convert a string to it's hexadecimal equivalent and back. I have created the following code to make the convert the string to hexadecimal, but I cannot figure out how to get it back.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim skill As String
skill = RichTextBox1.Text
Dim skillfullbyte() As Byte
I currently doing a project..Using VB2005 To convert hexadecimal to decimal. Something to do with serial port..
View 14 RepliesWhat's the trailing ampersand on VB hexadecimal numbers for? I've read it forces conversion to an Int32 on the chance VB wants to try and store as an Int16. That makes sense to me. But the part I didn't get from the blurb was to always use the trailing ampersand for bitmasks, flags, enums, etc. Apparantly, it has something to do with overriding VB's fetish for using signed numbers for things internally, which can lead to weird results in comparisons.
So to get easy points, what are the rules for VB.Net hexadecimal numbers, with and without the trailing ampersand? Please include the specific usage in the case of bitmasks/flags and such, and how one would also use it to force signed vs. unsigned.