Turning A 32bppBitmap Into A 8bppBitmap With Indexed Color Table

Jan 8, 2012

If I have a 32bppBitmap (Bitamp01) which I have reduced the colors to <=256, I then create a new bitmap02 Bitmap02 = New Bitmap(W, H, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)


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Working With Indexed Color Palettes?

Sep 9, 2008

Can I have multiple 8 bpp Indexed Color Palettes and change them on the fly? And how would I refresh the image to the new colors? What I have is 8bppIndexed image, 256 colors.

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.net - Most Accepted Method Of Turning A Table Into A String?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a table of chars. What is the most acceptable method of turning this array into a string.


Array: ['a']['b']['c']

-> abc

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.net - Turning Off Excel Pivot Table Sub Totals?

May 2, 2012

I am creating pivot tables in VB.NET and have run into a problem I did not think would be as difficult as it is turning out. When I create a pivot table it adds in subtotals for each row and I do not want that. In excel you just drag down the subtotals option and tell it to not display subtotals. I looked into the VBA for it and it is several lines long of this format:

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Main Highway Pivot").PivotFields("Division"). _
Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, _


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Changing Table Back Color?

May 13, 2009

I had the following code in my table,I would like to make alternate color in each row of my table,how can I do it??

Private Sub TableDetails(ByVal MydinProdNbr As String, ByVal OldStockCode As String, ByVal SupplierPrdNbr As String, ByVal Description As String, ByVal Packing As String, ByVal ListPrice As String, ByVal Disc1 As String, ByVal Disc2 As String, ByVal Disc3 As String, ByVal TotalOrderQty As String, ByVal DeliveredQty As String, ByVal SelectedQty As String, ByVal FOCQty As String, ByVal DiscountAmt As String, ByVal NetUnitPrice As String, ByVal Amount As String)[code]......

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Color A Datagridview Cell Based On Data From Another Table?

May 18, 2012

I am having a loading problem, the problem is my formating code takes way to long to load.

What I have is a datagridview that is loaded by one table and I want to format the cells based on data from another table, the following code works, but it gets slower and slower as I add more records to the data.[code]...

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Dynamically Changing A Table Cell Background Color In Aspx?

Oct 25, 2010

I have the following table row on my .aspx page.

Initial Requirements:

<td valign="bottom" id="ReqStatus" runat="server" style="background-color: Gray">
<%#ReqStatus(CType(CType(Container.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Row, DataSet1.DataTable1Row))%>


I can change the color of the return value based on conditional statements but cannot figure out the correct syntax to change the table cell back ground. My attempt is commented out.

How do I correctly declare the table cell? Findcontrol must not be the correct way.

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Turning A Number Around?

May 21, 2010

Some of you might remember that my application got data from a PLC which is a Short. That is converted into his base 2 equivelant and turned into a boolean array.Problem is, this 16 bit word i'm getting is little endian (right to left) and I want to turn it into a big endian (left to right).

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.net - Turning What If Into Select Case?

Apr 11, 2011

Question is, I basically wrote a Rock Paper Scissors game in VB.NET using If statements and wondered how exactly I would try and work this into a Select Case instead.Professor was pretty awful at teaching things and didn't let us know until today that it had to be Select Case(its due tomorrow

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C# - Turning Tracing Off Via App.config?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm trying to use System.Diagnostics to do some very basic logging. I figure I'd use what's in the box rather than taking on an extra dependency like Log4Net or EntLib.

I'm all set up, tracing is working wonderfully. Code snippet:

Trace.TraceInformation("Hello World")
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


That doesn't make sense to me: I just have to declare an instance of the BooleanSwicth to be able to manage (disable) tracing via the .config file? Should I like ... use ... the object somewhere?

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Page Turning Like Animation?

Aug 24, 2010

This shows a form, header and footer are to be kept fixed. In the middle there is a Group Box that hold a question with different option. When user clicks Next button at the bottom, Group Box loads next question. I want

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Turning An Array Into A String

May 16, 2011

I'm trying to turn a string array that contains string , numeric and date values some of the string values are in hebrew when turning them to a single string (using join or through a loop) the order of the values comes out wrong


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Turning An Array Into A String?

Oct 7, 2011

Basically, my program is supposed to display the list of students that have been entered. (Into a listbox.) Here's the AddStudent code (which works as far as I know)

Public Sub AddStudent(ByVal FullName As String, ByVal Gpa As Integer, ByVal Major As String, ByVal SocialSecurityNumber As String)
_FullName(ENROLLMENT) = FullName
_Gpa(ENROLLMENT) = Gpa[code]......

Here's where the problem comes in...I need to return a value from "GetAllStudents" that can be used with the lisbox. Here's the code for that:

Public Function GetAllStudents() As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim aryStudents(50) As String[code]....

This obviously doesn't work. It gives an error that I can't convert a 1dimensional string to an array.

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Turning List Into Array

Feb 1, 2009

i have a simple list Format


Its extracted from a text document and put in a multi line textbox in the same format. What I want to do is read each line and put it in an array, however i couldn't find code to read line by line, so I have a series of questions

1. What code do I need to put in an If statement so if it is a return (i.e. the next line) Then it runs

2. Is there a simple way to read line by line in multi textboxs so I don't need to do question 1

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Turning String Into An Array?

May 3, 2010

I want to turn a string into an array like so...

dim str1
str1 = "hello world"
arr1(0) = "h"
arr1(1) = "e"


just assume i declared all those vars. it doesnt seem to like my i variable in the Mid function

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Turning Text From Textbox To A Key?

Sep 5, 2011

How do turn text from a textbox say w into a key to be sent?

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.net - Turning Off Automatic Stop On Exception?

Nov 6, 2011

My coworker's installation of visual studio 2008 breaks every time there's an exception, mine doesn't.

We've been looking for how to stop his from doing this but haven't had any luck. The only difference is that mine was initialized for C# while his was initialized for VB.

Other than reinstalling and choosing the option that says "Optimise for C#" when VS2008 sets up the environment for the first time

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Programming Buttons/Turning Light Off And On?

Jun 10, 2011

I am supposed to be writing a program for my instructor using VB 2008. It is sort of like a quiz program. You build the "light bulb" program but instead of names and colors, it consists of two forms. Question 1 with a "next" button and the second form for Question 2 with a "previous" button. I have no idea how to link the two so that when you click "next" it goes to the second page and vice versa.

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Radiobutton Checked Turning To True?

Nov 29, 2011

When I run the apps, one radiobutton is checked though the checked properties is set to false. No code setting it to true either I tried deleting and creating a new one but it is still setting checked to true at

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Turning A File Into A Collection Of String?

Jan 17, 2010

Notice that some files use vbnewline, some use unicode encoding, and so on and so on.

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Turning Multiple Pictures Into A Video?

Dec 13, 2009

I need a way to turn a whole folder full of .JPG Files each named 0 - Infinity(each numbered) into a video of some type. I really don't care what type of video at this point as long as its a video.

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Turning Option Strict Off In-Line

Mar 11, 2009

Is there a way to turn option strict off for just a single line of code?

I'm doing some maintenance work and I need to "cheat" in just one place and I don't want to lower the standard for the entire file.

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VB Listbox Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Value?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a listbox and I want to loop through each of the items to see if the string im looking for is inside. I know I could do .contains but that wouldnt look at substrings. The code im using looks like this:

While tempInt > Listbox.items.count then
if searchString.contains(listbox(tempInt)) then
end if
end while

Everything in the loop is fine but VB gives an error on the listbox(tempInt) part. The error is "class windows.forms.listbox cannot be indexed because it has no default value". get around the default value crap? I tried putting in a blank string but no change.

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Make A Transition Effect Of A Page Turning

Jul 20, 2009

I'm trying to build an application to increase my understanding of visual basic. I may have set the bar too high for myself but it's the challenge that makes it fun right? Anyway, I'm trying to make a transition effect of a page turning. The application is a brewing database which looks like a book. I think the transition would make it look more professional. Dose anyone have on how I might be able to accomplish this? A basic example even would go a very long way.

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Page Turning Animation On Button Click

Aug 24, 2010

I am building an application. This shows a form, header and footer are to be kept fixed. In the middle there is a Group Box that hold a question with different option. When user clicks Next button at the bottom, Group Box loads next question. I want to make this change animated. I wish to show a page-turning animation that runs when Next button is clicked.

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Serial Port Communications: Turning Of ECHO?

Feb 16, 2011

During Serial communications, is the echoing back usually done by the serial port interface or is it done by the UART at the far end?

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Turning A Boolean FALSE If The Right KeyData Isn't Pressed?

Aug 2, 2010

A week or so ago, you folks really taught me how to use the KeyData event. I adopted some of the coding to make my new code so much better. A few days ago, I thought I figured out how to run my little game. You see, you have two buttons. Comment and Uncomment. You Press Control + K and then after that, you press Control + (C or U) to activate the buttons. And I thought it worked! But my buddy figured out how to break it! The thing is, I need to figure out a way to make IsCtrlK (Look below) False if any key that isn't Control + C or U is pressed right after it. What would you suggest I look into using?


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Turning The Number From An Array Into A Single String?

Nov 3, 2009

ow would I go about turning the number from an array into a single stringsay for example I had:

Dim MyArray(4) as Integer
MyArray(0) = 1
MyArray(1) = 2


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# Of Indices Is Less Than # Dimensions In Indexed Array?

Oct 11, 2009

Public Sub LoadFromFile()
Dim sr As New StreamReader("CoverageArea.dat")
Dim strAreaLine As String[code].....

I have a question about that strAreaInfo()...I left the () with no number in it so that it wouldn't have a set # of values, and then I tried to give it 3 values, but I get the error in the title. Am I doing something wrong when I declare it?

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.net List(of T) Not Returning Indexed Object?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm working on a small game that is based on a map of grid squares.I have a class (clsGrid) that stores a few properties for each grid square.The grid square objects are organized into a list(of clsGrid).A loop and stream reader are successfully reading properties from a text file, putting the properties into grid objects, and adding the grid objects to a my list of grids. When retrieving a grid from the list of grids, I'm getting unusual results. Regardless of the index I give the list, I always seem to get the last indexed grid in the list.The debugger seems to suggest that the right numbers are being read into the stream reader and they are being added to gridHolder. However, the message box at the end will always show me the LAST grid.id, regardless of the index I give it.

'A subroutine that generates a map (list of grids)
Sub GenerateMap()
Dim reader As StreamReader = File.OpenText("map1.txt")[code]....

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