Unable To Add AD User Into SQL Table?

May 24, 2012

Dim myprincipalcontext As PrincipalContext
Dim samaaccountname As String
Dim firstname As String


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[2003] Update Unable To Find TableMapping['Table'] Or DataTable 'Table'?

Sep 26, 2008

An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in system.windows.forms.dllerror in line: dbAdp.Update(dbDset) in btnSave_Click, (elseif editflag = true) blockdescription: Update unable to find TableMapping['Table'] or DataTable 'Table'I was also wondering if I could simply use the ExecuteNonQuery for the delete statement, but since I've placed my data in a datarow, I'm not sure if i can actually use it. Any thoughts on this? Btw, this is my first time using a datarow, and I've recently been studying how to use ADO.net.

dr = dbDset.Tables(0).Rows(CurIndex)


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Update Unable To Find Table Mapping Or Data Table

May 23, 2010

While am using the below code it was throwing an exception update unable to find table mapping [Customer] or data table customer.


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Filter Out System Table And Only Return User Table?

Oct 12, 2011

I would like to know how to filter out system tables and only return user tables .when i run the code it displays lists of system tables with user tables list in combobox.I have just gotten into vb.net and have tried few ways to do this but dont understand well enough.


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Unable To Find Table Mapping?

Jun 12, 2011

I have created a form for a user to create a booking of a meeting room, I need this form to do 3 things.have print functionality update the new booking to a dataset view the current bookings screen I seem to be struggling with the second task, when I try and save my new booking I get this error

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="Update unable to find TableMapping['mtrbookings'] or DataTable 'mtrbookings'."
Please see the code for my form.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


I have not declaired any data sources, like a data grid view or the text boxes from which my information is typed by the user (text boxes).

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Unable To GRANT SELECT To A Table?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a program that I wrote that creates a database in SQL Server called States_02 as a sysadmin user. Later on I want to grant SELECT permissions to that database to another user, web I always get an error that it cannot find States_02 or I don't have permissions to do it. My Code:

Dim Conn As New OleDbConnection(ConnStr)


The user has public and sysadmin server roles and is the same user who created the database. This user can also login to SQL Server and grant the permissions manually.

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Unable To Insert Data Into Access Table?

Mar 13, 2011

I am trying to insert data into access table using VB.Net 2008. But each time I am getting error: "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". I typed following code.

On Error GoTo errores
Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand


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Unable To Create A Table & Insert Values In The Database

Feb 24, 2011

The below code is suppose to create a database and a table with a column "FirstName" which is assigned a value "James"

Imports System.Data.SQLite
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


But for some reason the app only creates a a database which has a size of 0 bytes. Why is it not working . I am using I am using SQLite ADO.NET Provider. , VS 2010, Winforms

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Unable To Link The Inventory Table To A Datagridview Object

Jun 1, 2011

I successfully connected a remote MySQL database and it is listed in the Data Connections. My database has two tables, inventory and history, both work and I can retrieve the data from each.The problem is when I try to link the inventory table to a datagridview object. As soon as I enter the configuration wizard a red x appears in my data connections. Regardless of this, however, I can still successfully add my history table. The problem is that the inventory table name isn't visible and I get this error:<``>Could not retrieve schema information for table or view ``.The inventory table is what I need and I don't understand why it blanks out.

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VS 2008 Unable To Do A Case-insensitive Query On A Table?

Jul 13, 2009

I'm having trouble when trying to do a case-insensitive query on a table. Right now the query is:

txtQuery = "SELECT Status, RankingSearchEngines FROM [tbl-DATA-Client-Keywords] WHERE [Client-ID-Code] = '" & clientNo & "' AND lower(Keyword) LIKE '" & sField(0) & "';"

The actual query executed is:

SELECT Status, RankingSearchEngines FROM [tbl-DATA-Client-Keywords] WHERE [Client-ID-Code] = '1402' AND lower(Keyword) LIKE 'flyer printing';

I have an entry 'Flyer Printing' in the database, and this query works perfectly without the case-insensitive check.I'm not sure if this is an OleDB issue, as I've never had this sort of problem with SQLPlus, or anything else

The exception being thrown is:

IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_FAIL(0x80004005).

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Unable To Capture The Value Of A Cell When The User Selects A Row?

Jun 12, 2011

How would you be able to Capture the Value of a Cell when the User Selects a Row?

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WMI WIN32_Account, Unable To Retrieve SID Of Local User?

Sep 17, 2007

i'm trying to retrieve the SID of user to eventually set sharing permissions. I somehow missing how to properly set the parameters for win32_account so it autom. retrieves the SID and makes it available through account("SID").

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Asp.net - Unable To Add Text Along With <%# Container.DataItem %> In Repeater In User Control

Nov 26, 2011

I have a User Control which is dynamically placed by CodeBehind as follows:

Dim myControl As Control = CType(Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/mainMenu.ascx"), Control)
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("url"), "/Login.aspx") <= 0 Then
End If

As per an example from my previous question on here.

Within this Control is a repeater which calls a database to generate values.

My Repeater mark-up is as follows

<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="locationRepeater" OnItemDataBound="getQuestionCount">


The example above works fine, but I want to be able to prepend text to <%# Container.DataItem %> in the title attribute of that <p> to print to the browser like this is some text DATA_ITEM_OUTPUT

When I try to do that though, it prints this is some text <%# Container.DataItem %> exactly like that, ie, turning <%# Container.DataItem %> into text, NOT the value from the repeater code.

It was working fine before I made it into a dynamically inserted control, so I am thinking I might have something being generated in the wrong order, but given that it works without any prepended text

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Unable To Check The Exercise Answer One By One As The User Inputs The Info?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a form that has 10 addition execises. The user has the option of using a timer or not. I have the timer part correct, but now I want to be able to check the exercise answer one by one as the user inputs the info.


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Unable To Start Process Under Different User Context From Windows Service?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a Windows Service that needs to start other processes under a user context other than that used by the service. I've seen other posts related to this but have seen no resolutionI've tried many things and have been unsuccessful in starting the process from a Windows Service when a username, password is supplied. orking as it's a requirement of our system to do this and it worked fine until recently and only fails on Vista and Windows 7 (works on XP).

The following code is used to start the process.
Dim P As New Process
P.StartInfo.Domain = Domain


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VS 2008 DataGridView Populated By LINQ Query - Unable To User Edit

Dec 12, 2010

I'm using a DataGridView to post the results of LINQ-from-SQL query. I was hoping that the data would be editable in the DataGridView, but it isn't. I made sure that DataGridView.readonly = false. I'm using VB.

VB 2008
DB = New CXToolDataContext()
Dim Systems = (From TBLSYSTEMS In DB.tblSystems, TBLSYSTYPES In DB.tblSystemTypes _
Where TBLSYSTEMS.ProjectName = projectnumber And TBLSYSTEMS.SystemType =


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Asp.net - Unable To Update Column In Oracle 10g Table Having The Name "PURPOSE"

Feb 24, 2011

Trying to update an oracle 10g table using asp.net and the oracleclient connector Here is the sql syntax:


everything works fine. The column PURPOSE does exist and I am able to INSERT information into the PURPOSE column.

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type X To Type X On Setting DataSource To A Table?

Feb 19, 2012

Columns 0 & 1 are filled from a DataAdapter from Access Database and three are added. I had this working, but I changed it to check for the column "Feed" so I could add several Locations. At first this worked,but I did someething in perfecting it and it now fails after filling the first row of the datagridview (dgvFdMed).I ran a check and the table LotsTab has 8 rows filled. Column 1 & 2 are strings and the database appears they are fine. The added columns have just been created with no value. My plan is to enter the values and then use the data from the grid.

Private Sub sfillGrid(ByVal Loc As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim column As DataGridViewColumn


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Unable To Debug Project - Warning    1    Could Not Find Type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time Table'?

Feb 28, 2009

i'm unable to debug my project that i made. i save it and everything, but it just won't playit says Warning 1 Could not find type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time table'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built. C:SchoolIPTTime table, using 2 loopsTime table, using 2 loopsForm1.Designer.vb 123 0 now when i open it up and try to debug it , it comes up with an error, i even try referencing it but it does nothing ,

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Error - Setup Was Unable To Create A DCOM User Account In Order To Register 'C:programs FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonToolsVS-Ent98Vanalyzrvalec.exe

Sep 10, 2009

When i try to install the Visual Studio 6.0 in Vista , am getting following error message,"setup was unable to create a DCOM user account in order to register 'C:programs FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonToolsVS-Ent98Vanalyzrvalec.exe"

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Sql Display Only Specified User Records From Table?

Jul 31, 2011

I have a table called tbldebt which I am trying to use the binding navigator to display only records that match the curent username the following code works but displays all users records?

Dim dbConnection As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.loginConnectionString)
' create the data adapter


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.NET Multi User With Auto Increment Table?

Jun 14, 2011

I have a teradata backend that uses auto increment. The form is databound i.e dragged a column to the form which gave me the navigation header etc.The problem I'm having is when user 1 opens a record the auto increment goes +1, let's say we're at 45 now, then user 2 opens a new record and it also goes to 45 as user 1 has not saved. Why is the databinding not locking 45 when the first user opens it

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C# - Query Table Data Only For The Current User's ID (VWD Asp.net 3.5)?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm using the Details View control of VWD asp.net 2008

I have a users database table. One of the columns contain the "uniqueidentifier" user's profile ID, created by VWD (from the automatic profiles table).

From my table, I would like to select only the data pertaining to the logged in user.

How do I get the current unique user profileID in general and then how do I use that for my query?

In the configure data source option of the control, I select the check box for "Return Only Unique IDs" and the WHERE option. In this new window I select the Column to the profile userID ... "=" and then assumed I should select Source: "Profile".

Now what should the parameter properties or value be to select only the current logged userID?

OR how can I do this just in C#? There doesn't seem to be any code behind after instering a DB with the VWD controls?

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Create Table When User Creates Account?

Jan 15, 2012

how can I add a user to a table in a mysql database without datagridview? [code]

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DB/Reporting :: Unique Username In User Table

Aug 25, 2008

how do i create restrictions whereby there cannot be two similar username in the table, while registering? i am using SQL server.

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Display Userid From The User Table On The Welcome Form?

Oct 1, 2009

I have developed an Access database and would like to display userid from the user table on the welcome form.

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Iterate Through Database Table To Compare User Name?

Mar 23, 2010

I am quite new to programming and I want to be able to check whether the user logged on to the system is in a table or not. I am not quite sure how to iterate through a table.

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Update A Specific Row In The Table Depending On The User?

Feb 25, 2010

basically i am doing a golf scoring project in vb.net express 2008 and im trying to update a specific row in the table depending on the user i am updating. however it doesnt work and the error message that appears says that there is a syntax error in the update statement but i have no idea where the error is. msgbox(sql) shows that all of the variables are what they should be so i dont think its that.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Console
Imports System.Data


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User Defined Array To Populate A Table?

Jun 16, 2011

I am very new to programming so sorry for the simple question, but I am at a lose. What the program needs to do is take a user defined starting and ending range, and then build a table based on that range. Inside the table each record will need to have two check boxes.

So for example the user enters in a starting of ABC01 and ending ABC03 and clicks the button the table is populated like this;


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Create A User Control Which Is Intended To Be Something Like A Table View?

Sep 26, 2010

I have to develop a small app for which I have to create a user control which is intended to be something like a Table View.On Form Load, the user should be asked about the number of rows of columns required on the form.Once the user sets the number of cells, each cell should have a button and a Text Box inside it (grouped together).

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