Upgraded Project From 05 To 08 - Can't Install On New PC Now

May 13, 2010

Why upgrading my project from 05 to 08 would stop it from working on any new computer. It will install fine on my computer and users that currently have it installed. I assume it's the crystal prereq issues. It always fails with crystal errors now on install. The prereq's are checked in the properties.

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.net Express 10 Speed In New Project Versus Old Upgraded Project?

Feb 24, 2012

If I put this piece of code in a new fresh vb.net form, add a button and two labels and start debug I get execution time of about 11.5s.If I put the same piece of code in a new form in an old project upgraded from an earlier version of vb.net, start debug I get an execution time of 7.5s.So I do exactly the same in the two projects but get different execution times.

What do I have to do with the fresh new project to get the same execution time ?I am not interested in improving the code to be able to calculate primes faster. I just want to know what is the significant difference between an old upgraded project and a new fresh one. I am using windows 7 64bit on a 2,4 Ghz Intel quadcore.

Public Class Form2
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim l, h, p As Integer


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Upgraded Project Looks Different When Run?

Jul 21, 2009

I upgraded my project to VB 2008 and in the designing window, everything looks new and updated. When I run the program, however, it appears to look the same old way it looked in the old VB I upgraded it from. Is there something I can do to make it appear the new way during run time?

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FieldAccessException When Class Accesses Its Own Field (.NET Project Upgraded From 3.5 To 4.0)?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a VB.NET solution, just upgraded from 3.5 to 4.0. One of the classes has a private field:

Private _Projection As ICalculatedPath.At runtime, any time the class containing that field accesses that field, I get a FieldAccessException. The first time that field happens to get accessed is a null check in a method, and one of the things I randomly tried is changing the above line to:

Private _Projection As ICalculatedPath = Nothing.When I do this, I get the FieldAccessException on that line saying that the class's .ctor() cannot access that field. I've also tried making the field protected and public, clean/rebuild solution, restarting VS, targeting x86 and .NET 4.0 specifically on every project in the solution, and other non-sensical measures to get rid of this Exception but to no avail. This code worked fine before the upgrade, of course.

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SQL Install Using VS 2005 Setup Project?

Jul 6, 2009

I've an application developed in VS 2005 vb.net I need to install the SQL 2005 express edition thorugh the set up and deployment wizard.I need

1.SQL installation

2.Product installation.

3.Custom form open to set some DB settings in config

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Include Excel File In Install Project?

Jun 22, 2010

I need to include an excel file in the installation project of an application. I've added it to the install project under application folder. I need to read that file into a dataset during runtime. The file needs to be included on install so that the customer can change the file as needed.

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Set Setup Project To Install Program As Administrator?

Jul 20, 2009

Is there any way to force a setup project to install the program with administrative rights? (or asking the user por permission each time it runs)I coded an application on XP, and now I have problems on Vista/Win 7.

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Install Windows Service Via Setup And Deployment Project

Apr 27, 2009

I've been busy with work and other bits and bobs and not really had much time for programming... but anyway, I have just written a fairly simple windows service in VB.NET and although I can install it on my PCs/servers using the command line InstallUtil.exe component, this isnt ideal for other people that may need to install it without my assistance.

So basically I just need to know how to get a normal Setup and Deployment VS project to install this service itself... I thought it would be as simple as selecting the service assembly to include in the deployment project and building it, but unfortunately that seems to do naff all. Do I need to use a 'Custom Action' in the setup project (and if so, how/what do I do?)

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How To Install Application Project Into A Client System With Sqlserver Database

May 3, 2012

i am doing school software projects in windows application. now i want to install. this project to my client place. i can able to convert my application in to EXE using setup project. The problem for me is the database. i am using sqlserver 2005. i don't how to install my database and table into the client computer. is there any way to copy the database. if anyone have any idea about how to install my database i have create for that application into client computer.

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Making A Setup Project - Install Directory, Not In C:program FilesmyApp?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm making a setup project for my application. I have a file, dbconnection.xml, that I want to be installed to C:Program filesmyAppdbconnection.xml regardless of where the user chooses to install the application. I've added the program files 'special folder' and have a subfolder, myApp, under that where I place this xml file.

For whatever reason, no matter where the user installs the application to, the XML file is placed in the install directory, not in c:program filesmyApp.

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Setup Project For A Windows Service - Pre-Install Custom Action?

Jan 4, 2012

I need to install a windows service via an .msi for many tablets which is nooooo problem. The problem is, the tablets currently have the service running which was installed by installutil. So when my installer runs, regardless of Remove Previous Version is true, it stops stating the service already exists and to uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs.So I wrote a console app which preceeds the primary output as follows:

Sub Main()
Dim filename As String = "C:Program FilesRSCProjectServiceSetupRSCProjectService.exe"
'Dim filename As String = "C:RSCProjectServiceRSCProjectServiceinDebugRSCProjectService.exe"
If System.IO.File.Exists(filename) Then


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Cerate Installer Project - Install Framework 3.5 SP1 From Local Source Instead Download It?

May 7, 2009

I created a small application and an installer project for it. I can install and also run it, only thing htat i dont like is that during setup, it downloads .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and this takes long sometimes. I want to have it on the installation CD later.

I have seen in the installer's detected dependencies, that there is the 3.5 framework contained and it has a InstallURL property = [URL]..I am a little confused about all the Framework stuff on this site - so just 3 simple questions:

1) which file exactly do i have to download,
2) where to put it and
3) what to write into the property InstallURL then? (Maybe needed to change also other properties)?

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Windows Service Shown As Automatic But Wont Start On Initial Install With Deployment Project?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a service projecwith a deployment project in a solution. The installation is successful, service runs ok. However each time after installation I will have to use ervices.msc to start up the software or restart the machine, any idea how I can start the services as soon a

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IDE :: Upgraded VS2008 To VS2010 / IDE Does Not Work Correctly

Dec 14, 2010

After upgrading my solution with both c# and vb.net projects I have encountered some problems:

1. When for example writing Public Property MaxDate As Date and pressing enter it does not create the Get/Set values

2. Refactoring is not available

3. The properties window is blank when viewing classes (normally I would see Serializable and COM properties to the right)Intellisense works and the above problems work in new projects.

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IM014 -Term Server Upgraded To 64bit?

Sep 6, 2011

Public Sub theConnection()
con = New OdbcConnection(conString)
MessageBox.Show("Connection to the Spec Database was not made")


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Upgraded To Crystal Reports 2008 For The Barcoding Functionality

Jul 26, 2010

I recently upgraded to Crystal Reports 2008 for the barcoding functionality. When we use the barcode in the report designer, it renders as expected, so we installed the Crystal Reports 2008 redistributable package on our dev server to test deployment, but we receive the error message listed below. I cannot locate any information about this issue on the business objects site, or azaleas site, or any info regarding deployment of barcoding functionality.


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Create A Setup Installer To Auto-install Fonts When User Install Apps?

Jan 26, 2010

Is it possible to create a setup installer that will auto install fonts when user install the applications?

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Deployment :: Create Install File Without The Need For User To Install SQL Server?

Jun 6, 2009

I have a project that i have created in Visual Studio express and SQL server express. i want to create an install file so that i can send to others to install. Currently it is requiring the user to install SQL server Express and 3.5 .net framework.what steps can i take to stop the user having to install these 2 so that it is a simple install for them.

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Make A Simple Install Wizard To Install The Program?

Nov 10, 2009

I'm looking to make a simple install wizard to install my program (I know Visual Studio 2010 already has an installer) but anyway, I would like to make it myself, kind of line reinvent the wheel?

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Create Package And Deployment (setup File Or Install File) File In VB 2010 Project?

Jan 8, 2011

I do one project in visual basic 2010.In visual basic 6 project can be make Package and deployment (setup file or install file) file using Package and deployment wizard.But in visual basic 2010 express edition does not have Package and deployment wizard.how to make Package and deployment (setup file or install file) file in visual basic 2010 project?

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Click Install Feature Will The Application Install On A MAC?

Mar 30, 2010

With the on-line one click install feature will the application install on a MAC?

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Install Application, When System Tries To Install .Net Framework?

Aug 27, 2010

While trying to install my application, when system tries to install .Net Framework, it gives an error.Is there any source where I could download uninstalled .Net Framework 3.0 and provide my clients with application?

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My.Settings.Upgrade Stopped Preserving Settings After Visual Studio And Framework Were Upgraded?

Jan 13, 2011

The company has been using Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 2.0 for approximately 2 years. During that time we released several versions (4.x.x) of our program to the public and were able to preserve the user's settings using My.Settings.Upgrade.During the past development cycle we upgraded the program to Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 and changed the version to 5.x.x. Now, when a user upgrades from 4.x.x to 5.x.x they lose all of their settings.However, in all upgrades after that point (ie 5.0 to 5.1) all the user's settings are once again preserved.I checked C:Documents and Settings<USER_NAME>Local SettingsApplication DataCompanyName and it contains two directories:

ApplicationName_Url_aaa ApplicationName_Url_bbb

where aaa and bbb are 32 character strings. All of the user.config files for the 4.x.x releases can be found in the ApplicationName_ Url_aaa directory. All of the user.config files for the 5.x.x releases can be found in the ApplicationName_Url_bbb directory.Based on this information it seems like something changed when we converted our program to VS2010 and Framework4 that is now causing a different 32 character string to be generated. However, we have been unable to track it down.

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Install Windows Service Using A ProjectInstaller And A Deployment Project ("Specified Service Already Exists")

Mar 10, 2009

I've created a windows service and started a deployment project for it. I have the project installer class in the service project and I've added the "Standard output etc.." from the service project as custom actions for the Deployment Project. When I attempt to install it, I get the error "Specified service already exists", which shouldn't happen (even though the service does exist) because the installer should be removing the old service and installing the new one.

I've checked that the versions are different, and that the Product Code is also different, also RemovePreviousVersions is set to true. Can anyone tell me why it isn't uninstalling my old service when I update then install again? .S: MODS: DO NOT MARK MY POST AS ANSWERED, IT IS RUDE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA IF YOU'VE ANSWERED MY QUESTION!Sorry, it gets ignored in my signature.Mods

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Install VS 2010 First,then Install VS2008?

Apr 15, 2010

Is it possible to install VS 2010 first,then install VS2008?i am asking this because in many cases(specially while installing the O.S) i see that after installing the higher version the lower version of O.S cant be installed....and if want to install linux then it might be installed after installing all the windows O.S starting from xp,then vista,then win7 and finally fedora 12..

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Upgraded Our Job Server To Windows Server 2008?

Sep 2, 2009

We recently upgraded our job server to Windows Server 2008. We have jobs we run manually in a folder (c:Custom Programs). Some programs are console programs others are have a gui. This one program has a gui.It also has a progress bar that shows the progress of the job when you click the go button. Of course it spawns a thread to do the processing. This thread creates a log file to write errors and other things too.

The problem is when the program goes to create the log file an access not authorized error is thrown. I checked the permission on the folder. All users are allowed to create/edit/append/execute. Pretty much everything except take ownership. Also, there's nothing that denies anything. So I see no reason why this isn't working. We can get this to work by using the run as administrator option when we first run the program. However, we don't view this as unacceptable solution. My only thought is the spawned thread isn't getting the same permission set as the program. Am I correct or does something think it's something else.


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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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Install Dll To GAC Through VB Install Script?

Mar 29, 2010

my vb experience is fairly limited - I've only used it when supporting legacy applications or for small tasks so apologies if what I'm asking seems simple. I wrote a small vb install script which creates a new folder on a users desktop, copies over relevant files from the install folder to the users new folder and creates a shortcut on the users desktop.

This works great for giving stuff to QA to test. However, there's one dll included in the install folder which is also in the users GAC. The code looks in the GAC first for this dll and only looks in the install folder if none exists in the GAC.

What I want to do is include a line in my install script to copy this dll to the users GAC as well as copying it to the installation folder.Is there anyway to do this in VB? I did find the following on one of the MS sites for installing into the GAC gacutil /i a.dll

Is it possible to run this through VB or is there a cleaner way of doing this?

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VS 2008 - Timer - Project A References Project B So Can Open A Large Form In Project B

May 5, 2010

For reasons that are beyond my control, I have three Projects. Projects A and B reference project C. Project A references project B so that it can open a large form in project B. I now need to open that large form from project C, but VB won't allow me to add a reference from C to B because that would create a circular dependency. I found a way around it, though. I created a Timer in A, and when I opened C from A, I passed in that timer. When the user performs a certain action, I enable the Timer from A, and this causes C to open B for me.

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Include Contact Project Into Another Project / Add More Items To Database / Forms In New Project?

May 6, 2009

I have a project that I have created, it something like a contact database.It is complete with its own sql server database, and controls and forms.I kinda of understand that I can include this project into another project.This is the tricky part,Can I include my contact project into another project and add more items to the database and forms in a new project?What I'm after is like using classes.My contact database would be like the base class, and the new project would be adding more features to that project.

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