Use Show Event In Program?

Nov 8, 2011

I try tu use this msdn snipped to execute some code right after my form loads[code]...

But it seems that I am missing something. I get an errormessage that translated sounds like this:

The Handle requiere an WithEvents-Variable, which is defined in the contained type or its basis class... My Form is named Form1 so that should be ok. the error is marked in the second line of the code.

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When Program Executes Must Show An Notification That Program Is Running

May 1, 2009

I want to create a program that will run every start of computer and will check if it is 9:00 AM and can only be seen at the bottom right cornner besides the clock. When the program executes must show an notification that the program is running.

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Add LinkLables Programmatcially And Show Messagebox On Click Event

Aug 26, 2009

I am adding few LinkLabels dynamically during runtime. I have the IDs of all link labels added to the form. How can I show an error message when a particular linklabel is clicked?

For exmaple. Consider 5 Link labels as show below

Report 1
Report 2
Report 3
Report 4
Report 5

When LinkLable "Report 1" is clicked. I have to show a Message box which says "Report 1"

Note: I dont know how many link labels will be generated durig runtime.

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Enter Key Press Event Show How VB 6.0 Versus .NET 2005?

May 30, 2007

How I can hook on my entery tool forms when user press ENTER key to go on next Control which can be any control which is indexed by TabIndex?My client don't like to use TAB key to jump on next control, they like ENTER as well and we need to refactory all VB 6.0 projects in VB.NET 2005...

Private Sub txtField_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
KeyAscii = 0 SendKeys "{TAB}" End If End Sub

Of course above pice of code is just sample code how this is working in VB 6.0... How I can do something like this in VB.NET 2005?

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Javascript - How To Show Msgbox On Button Click Event

Jan 28, 2011

how to show msgbox on button click event if i have some disabled checkboxes and user forgot to check checkboxes. i m using Usercontrols How to show alert msgbox if user doesn't select atleast minimun 1 checkbox from checkboxes. if i have disabled some checkboxes on page load event then after user forgot to check checkboxes and click on button then still msgbox will popup "you haven't select checkboxes". to show msg box on button click event if i have disabled checkboxes and if user haven't select any of the checkbox [Code]

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Show Validation On Button Click Event When Have 200 Checkboxes?

Jan 28, 2011

How to show validation on button click event if i have 200 checkboxes and some of the checkboxes would be disabled and some are unchecked ... if user doesn't check any of the checkbox then validation control will display and user will be stay at the same page until they check any of the unchecked checkbox ..

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.net - Show Alert Message Box From The Global.asax (on Application_Error Event)

Apr 12, 2010

Normally I just redirect to a custom error page in on the Application_Error event, but I have a specific error for which I'd like to display an alert message while the user is still on the page which triggers the error. How can I make this happen?

I'm open to a modalpopup or any other type of error message, I just want to ensure the user stays on the page where they encounter the error.

This is in reference to this thread: [URL]

Here is the code I'm currently using:

Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
'Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs


View 2 Replies - Show Loading Message On SelectedIndexChanged Event Of Drop Down List

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying to show message "Loading..." when a user select an item in the dorp down list.

Mark up:

<asp:Label ID="lbl_LoadingMessage" runat="server" ></asp:Label>
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl_Chapter" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True">


The method I'm using above is not working. When I select a new item from the drop down list, it works as expected except the message "Loading..." is not showing at all.

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Forms :: DomainUpDown Class - Mouse Event To Show Tooltip?

Jun 10, 2011

Currently have created/extended the DomainUpDown class hoping I would be able to add one simple feature: I was hoping to be able to show a tooltip when the user mouses over the control that would show the next and previous item in the list. However the DomainUpDown class does not have a mouseenter event and overriding the mouseenter method does not seem functional. Is there something I am missing or do I just need to create my own MouseEnter event?

Private tips As New ToolTip With {.AutomaticDelay = 0, .AutoPopDelay = 0, .InitialDelay = 0, .ShowAlways = True, .ForeColor = Color.WhiteSmoke, .BackColor = Color.Black}
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Console.WriteLine("list entered") 'testing purposes, never is printed on mouse enter
tips.SetToolTip(Me, "Up = " & Me.Items(Me.SelectedIndex - 1).ToString & vbLf & "Down = " & Me.Items(Me.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString)
End Sub

View 1 Replies - Trigger An Event (clear Some Text Boxes)

Feb 27, 2011

I need to trigger an event (clear some text boxes) when I click on the "ok" button in the MessageBox. Below is the event triggered messagebox code. A box pops up with the included text and an "OK" button. The program appears at this point to stop and wait for the click on "OK" MessageBox.Show("Check -Sender Information-data")

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Retrieve Image From Web And Show In Picturebox On Listview Selection Event?

Aug 12, 2010

whats the quickest and least application hogging way to retrieve image from web and show in picturebox on listview selection event?

Heres the code i have already which produces app lag for abut 3-5 seconds per image loaded, i think as it stretches the image to fit into picturebox (which is needed)

vb Private Sub bwGetScreen_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles bwGetScreen.RunWorkerCompleted

For l As Integer = 0 To ListView2.Items.Count - 1 'start download selected If ListView2.Items(l).Selected = True Then Dim fileid As String = ListView2.Items(l).SubItems(5).Text.ToLower Dim recordid As String = ListView2.Items(l).SubItems(6).Text.ToLower + 1 urlpic = "§ion=screenshot&full=1&id=" & fileid.ToString() & "&record=" & recordid.ToString()


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Show User Form On A System Service Event Via IPC Remoting?

Jul 7, 2009

I am struggling with this issue for serveral days now.My application needs to work like wsus (windows updates) does. On a certain event triggered by a windows service working under SYSTEM account it needs to show a (second) form under the user context.The IPC Remoting works fine so I think my issue is in the threading.When I use form2.Show() form2 appears but the form freezes.When I use form2.ShowDialog() the form appears but I cannot get the focus on it.

Service running under system account (in this example a simple console application)

Code:Imports ClassLibrary1Module Serv
Sub Main() Dim SDSIPC As Semaphore = CType(Activator.GetObject (GetType(ClientFromServer), "ipc://Client/SreeniRemoteObj"), Semaphore)


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Make Verify Answer Button Click Event Show Incorrect?

Feb 22, 2012

If strChoice = StrCapital, display CORRECT in the lblMsg Else, display INCORRECT

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VS 2010 - Graphics - Code Into The Form Loading Event It Wouldn't Show ?

May 11, 2012

I tried to make a menu for my game, but when I placed the code into the form loading event, it wouldn't show. Then I placed a button and moved the code into the button click event and it worked. Thus, I know the code shouldn't be wrong. How can you make the graphics( as in lines, rectangle,etc) show up when it starts up?

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Dequeue Data In Paint Event Of A UserControl To Show Continuously Moving Waveform?

May 11, 2011

Given this illustration and basic code, how do I dequeue and draw the data that has been inserted into the User Control's Preperty queue? The graph/chart will need to show anywhere from 1 to 120 seconds of data, with each second representing electrical waveform data that arrives each second with a variable amount of sample data..The timer interval will have to vary with the amount of incoming data so that it shows a continuously moving waveform from right to left and the rate of drawing keeps up with the amount of data arriving. (so the queue doesn't get backed up)

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Program Builded With VB6.0 - Run Uncertain Time - Program Will Crash - Oleaut32.dll Error Message (Error Code: 0x00048f9) In Event Viewer

May 5, 2011

The program has errorhandle and write log function, however, it could not catch the error message in the program.

The following error message in Event Viewer. Error Module: oleaut32.dll ,version 5.1.2600.5512, error code: 0x000048f9

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Show My Suggestion Box In Program?

Apr 10, 2010

Accidentally my code suggestion box [ the box when we start typing it shows us code suggestions ] is closed and i don't know how.

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.net - Hide / Show Program Window?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 for example i have running notepad.exe, can i hide notepad window, and then if i need it to show it again?

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Hide / Show Labels In Program?

Aug 23, 2011

I have this labels in my project[code]...

What's the best way to hide/show them?

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How To Show Program Version In Form

Jan 25, 2010

I'm using VS 2008 to create a is all working great, however I made a little code that should display the version of the the debug mode it works perfect, but when I run the .exe file it gives me the following (exception) error:Quote:

The program also says "Application identity is not set". What does this mean?


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Make A Slide Show On Program?

Aug 16, 2009

Make a slide show on visual Basic Please exact code

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No Values Show Up In Labels When The Program Is Ran?

Nov 17, 2009

I have designed a program that, when the "caclulate" button (btnCalc) is pressed, it asks the user for a file name, then pulls data from that file (file is a .txt of 100 decimals, one per line) and displays the Total, Average, Highest and Lowest. To do this, I have placed all the data into an array, and then used the array to get the information I need. All the code is in place, the only issue is that when the "calculate" button is pressed and the file name is entered, nothing happens.Need to figure out why the values are not displaying in my 4 labels (lblTotal, lblAverage, lblHighest, lblLowest)!!Here is the code:



(For the record, I know I could get the data in one pass, however, being a beginner, I like seeing each value computed separately.)

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Program To Show Time Tables?

Jan 3, 2010

I'm currently trying to create a program that includes a text box (to input a number into), a button and a list box that will display the times tables for the number that is entered into the text box.

The idea of the program is so that a user can enter a number into the text box, for example, the number 5 and all the times tables (up to 12) will be displayed[code]...

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Show Menu Editor In Program?

Feb 5, 2009

I am a beginner to Visual Basic.I have only created the menu items. show the code for open and copy?

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Forms :: Program To Show Ascii Code Used?

May 8, 2011

but I am trying out and is trying to make a program to show the ascii code for every key press I made.. here is the coding i used..

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _ System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
TextBox2.Text = e.KeyValue
End Sub

this one seems to work fine, but I noticed that regardless of whether I use "A" or "a", the ascii code shown is always 65. last i checked small letters have their own ascii code, so "a" should show a ascii of 97, not 65..

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Make Internet Browser Show Up In Program?

Oct 28, 2009

How can I make it so when you press a button, it opens a webpage?

Also, if I wanted to have a website for helps or hints, where could I put it? Like, a site for others to read info on my game which I could make, say.

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Making A Program Dock - Hide / Show

Apr 7, 2010

Alright, so what I'm looking to do is make a dock or some other thing that I can hide/show for programs. Kind of like a shortcut holder. how to approach the issue. I'm thinking maybe I could make a new button based on some settings in the VB thing, but that seems rather inconvenient. I was also wondering if anybody knew how to get the icons from shortcuts or the rest to use those as display pictures. "Victory is difficult to see beyond the devestation incurred in its pursuit."

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Program 2008 Won't Show All Integers In String

Jul 8, 2010

I have a code where I search a text file for for example: "2320018200000", then it looks it up and finds a line like this[code]...

I want it to put that entire line in a label, but for some reason it skips the "3 1604001Sf" in the start. [code]...

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Program To Show In The Text Box Invalid Entry?

Feb 25, 2012

(If a letter is entered it need the program to show in the text box invalid entry)

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Show / Hide Desktop Icons In Program?

Jul 24, 2008

Is there a way to Show/Hide the desktop icons in .NET?I tried manually editing the HideIcons subkey in the registry through code, but it didn't take for some reason.I also tried calls to Win API methods FindWindowA but i'm not the best at handling unmanaged code.

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