Using TCP/IP - Application For Playing Back Recorded Clips From Dvr

Mar 2, 2010

I am developing and application for playing back recorded clips from dvr. There will be 10 persons reviewing the recorded clips all the time. When the person want to review a particular camera recorded clip, he will send a command through COM to my application. Then my application will read the data from COM and connect to dvr and send data to the dvr. If only 1 person is doing the operation my application works fine. If 10 persons continuously working, then my application is getting very slow and the response time back to the person is high which will make the person frustrated to use the software.

Now, when ever I receive data from COM I'm adding into arraylist and I'm processing one by one. I've 10 forms in my application and when ever I receive data from person1 I'll send that data to form1 and person2's data will be send to form2 and so on for processing. What could be the better way to write my application in order to make the response time to the user faster so that, they'll get the recorded clips faster?

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Send To Back At The End Of A Clips Playing But For Some Reason It's Not Working?

Apr 26, 2011

I have a media player that I'm trying to send to back at the end of a clips playing, but for some reason it's not working for me.this code is in form1 public class

If IntroMovie = True Then
VideoPlayer.uiMode = "None"
VideoPlayer.URL = ("C:Program FilesQuestGamesRiou And SiztovideosRiouIntroMovie.wmv")


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Saving And Playing Back Mouse Clicks?

Nov 21, 2009

How would I go about saving a persons mouse click. Here is how I would like my program to work: They open my program. They go into their program they want to record mouse clicks on, and they press F9. They click however many times, and it records each mouse click. They press F10 to stop recording. They can choose the delay, in milliseconds, between each mouse click. They get the data in a text box. They can save this info in a text file and use it alter if they want to, to play it back.

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VS 2008 : Recording Location Of Clicks And Playing Them Back?

May 10, 2009

Im trying to make a program that will automaticly do something for me so what i want it to do is record clicks from when u press f12 say for example till u press f11 then i want it to play them back when i click a button so it clicks automaticly in place where i recorded the clicks i also want it to play over and over again. Can anyone help me get started because im not sure where to start i dont know much about simulating mouse click and mousing mouse automatically and also i dont know how i would do the F12 and F11 thing.

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Application - Playing WIndows Sound

Sep 11, 2009

I want to have a applacation then wehen somthing happens (like, uhh a error message but without the message box.) what would be the code that plays the windows alert sounds, and one that applies to the current sound scheme i have running.

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Playing .mp4 Videos In A Windows Desktop Application

Aug 17, 2010

I'm looking to see if anyone has a good reference for a third-party add-in that will allow me to play .mp4 video files inside my program without a need to embed a web browser in my program.

I have no problem buying it (well that depends on the cost of course!), but I want that when I distribute it, I include their .dll files and it'll work on the user's computer without anything else needed.

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VS 2008 : Application To Get Any Sound Playing From Pc And Play It?

Dec 6, 2009

Is their a way for my application to get any sound playing from my pc and play it?

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Game Programming :: Playing Wave Files In An Application

Nov 20, 2008

I have a program that speaks wave files. This works problemless with the Soundplayer class with the following code:

Sub MyPlayWav(ByVal WavFileName As String, ByVal StartPos As Long, ByVal EndPos As Long)
Dim wp as new SoundPlayer
wp.SoundLocation = WavFileName
End sub

The soundplayer does however not seem to have a method to play the wave from position StartPos to position EndPos and achieving just that would mean quite a reduction in downloads of these files.

The soundplayer does have a stream object, and that does have a seek method, suggesting that there might be a way to accomplish this, but how?

I plan to include other media files as I am developping the project, and I guess I will be confronted with the same problem.

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Get A Screenshots Of Video Clips?

Feb 13, 2011

I'm running vb 2005. I need to take snapshots of video clip that are on my HD.

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IDE :: Embedded Video Clips In VB?

Jul 22, 2009

I am working on a VB application, where I have embedded some video clips using the Windows Media Player Active X control and have it set so on the form it will play one video file and then I get control back from the application.

The code that I have for when the form loads is: Do While Not System.IO.File.Exists("C:TempAU_N_015.wmv")

AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL =

However, I have a couple of different situations that I would like to be able to accomplish in this application that I am unable to figure out how to handle 1.) After the first video plays, I would like to play a second video (which is stored in a separate file) prior to user input 2.) After receiving user input, I would like to play video clips that will be conditionally set based on what the user does

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Play PictureBox With Recorded Location?

Oct 20, 2009

i m save location in listboxes Like this:

Private Sub Form1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseMove
End Sub

View 14 Replies

Play Two Audio Clips At Same Time?

Jul 2, 2009

I do get that I'm going to need to "thread" them separately, but I've been unsuccessful so far.

I get the audio clips to play, but when one starts, the other stops.

This is code that's playing the audio, derived from examples in preior postings[code]...

View 23 Replies

Saving A Recorded Video In VB 2008

Mar 1, 2012

How To Save A Recorded Video In VB 2008? I'm having a problem on my code um i can't seem to save the video that i have recorded in my project. everytime the dialog that allows me to save and when i check the destination where i saved the video it won't appear so i don't know if it really recorded or it just won't save. and also the filename. whenever i add new song in the listbox for the song list [Code]

View 6 Replies

Take Recorded Coordinates (x,y) And Place Them Into An Array?

Jul 22, 2011

How can I take recorded coordinates (x,y) and place them into an array? I have the variables set up and everything, but I am unsure how to declare the array for this purpose and how to take what I have in the array and graph the coordinates later on.

Here is the relevant
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text + 1


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Can VB Play Clips Of Randomly Chosen Avi Files

Apr 3, 2011

Can a media player written in VB be modified to do this: randomly choose an avi file from a directory or subdirectory, choose a random starting point within that file and then play a clip of a random length (within user defined parameters) then without prompting repeat this sequence?

I would like just such a media player but there doesn't appear to be one already out there so my only other option is to write one myself. I know nothing about VB and last programmed in BASIC in the 90s. Before I invest time and effort in learning VB I need to know if it can actualy do this at all.

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Pass A Variable From Flash Movie Clips?

Jun 22, 2009

how to pass a variable from VB.NET to a flash movie clips?inside the movie clips there is a textbox. the movie clips has a name of layer_mc.Because the layer_mc is under symbol definitions. i know how to pass variable to scene 1 and display it but it doesn't work on layer_mc.

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Play Multiple Sound Clips Simultaneously?

Feb 6, 2010

I have been using the My.Computer.Audio.Play method for sounds in my program for a very long time, but now I have reached a point where the program needs to be able to play more than one sound at a time. What is the best (and preferably simplest) way to do this?

View 8 Replies

Get Media Playing Now Playing Using Sendmessege / Wmp.dll?

Jan 22, 2010

How I can get the Media playing now playing using Sendmessege or wmp.dll?

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Communications :: WinSocket - Transfer Recorded WAV Files Between Computers

Mar 27, 2012

I need to transfer Recorded WAV Files betwenn computers. Now I want to transfer C:/Rec/Record.wav from Client to Server, then back, without the client that sent it take it. I know how to do that, the only problem is sending it. How do I do file transfer in winsock vb 10-11?

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Record A Screen And Then Output Recorded Frames In Avi File?

Feb 23, 2010

How you record a screen and then output the recorded frames in a .avi file or .wmv, doesn't really matter what kind of file.

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VS 2008 : Have A Label's Text Recorded Into A Database When Button Is Clicked?

Apr 14, 2009

I would like to have a label's text recorded into a database when my button is clicked. I do not yet understand the database connection. I have created the db, and have the following

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Conn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5; Data Source=c: empTestDB.sdf;"
Dim tConnection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(Conn)


When I try to test this the .ExecuteNonQuery() becomes highlighted and says the given type name is unrecognized. My table is setup as table1 and the only 2 columns are datetime and temperature. I want the label text to go to temperature and I would like somehow the time the temperature was taken to go into the datetime field. I had the provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0, but I changed it since I thought this was the one to use.

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Listen To Recorded Material But Not Necessarily In Real Time - Copy File In Use

Oct 15, 2009

I have an application that continously records audio for several hours. I want to be able to listen to recorded material but not necessarily in real time. I have tried to just copy the file being recorded to a new file with overwrite and the copy obviously gets done (filesize changes) but when I try to listen to the copied file my player just 'blinks' and nothing more happens. If I however close the recording, the copy also gets playable. My idea is that copying a file in use just creates another file in use. If this is the case how can I close the copied file?

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SQL - Take A Back Up Of The Database From My Application?

Dec 12, 2009

I have an mdf file in the 3.5 project I am working on. I wanted to write an stored procedure that will create a back up of the db in a selected location. How can I take a back up of the database from my application? I want the user to take a back up of the database manually.

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VS 2008 : Get Back Application 3.5 To 2.0?

Nov 12, 2010

how to get back application 3.5 to 2.0 i set my apps to 3.5 almost done... but i want dontnet 2.0 to use.

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Application To Go Back / Forward On Internet Browser

Sep 9, 2011

I want to make application which will go back and go forward on internet browser in program.
I want: When I will click button1 then internet browser go back and go forward and so on all time. Click(button1) --> GoBack Browser - here must be break - 15 seconds --> GoForward Browser --> do it all again and again.

I do only it:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
[Code] .....

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Create A Back Button For Windows Application?

Nov 10, 2011

I am trying to create a back button for a Windows Application to go from one form to it's previous form.

I know how to go to the next form, just can't figure out the other way.

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VS 2008 Application.StartupPath(), Back/up A Level Into Another?

Jul 5, 2010

been banging my head on this, i need to get the applications path, then go up 1 folder then into another. As i have a main app and sub apps.

So were Application.StartupPath()is for example:"C: Main app folderSub app folder"How do i then go up a folder to"C: Main app folder"I Know it needs some string removal using on it but i can seem to get it right, after which i could then use Application.StartupPath() 'string removal here" & " ools"to navigate to another sub apps folder etc.

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Making Application Send Back Random Stuff

Feb 26, 2010

Iw ould like to know how to make it so every time you click on a button a different outcome can happen from the opens i gave the application.such as: when i click button 1.i will want it to either close the application or show a textbox but the outcome should be random out of the two.Like a dice if you get 1, 2, 3 the application will execute command "Me.close()" but if it rolls 4, 5, 6 it will execute the command "textbox1. show()"

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Force A User To Log Back Into To An Application If No Activity Is Detected For X Minutes?

Apr 22, 2010

I would like to try and implement a feature wherby once you have logged into an application (straightforward winforms application) and had your credetials verified the application would then force you to log on again if no activity had been detected in the application for a certain number of minutes. In essence I want to provide some extra security for those occasions when users get up and wander away from their machines for prolonged periods.

I have all the logic for logging into the application, it's just the checking for no activity over a given period and then forcing the user to log back in again that I'm not having much luck with.

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Implement Send To Back And Brig To Front In Windows Application?

May 11, 2009

I am Developing one designing this i have to implement Bring to front and sent to back properties.

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