Using Multiple Forms In A User Control And Passing Values Between Them?

Feb 6, 2012

I need a nudge in the right direction. I have a user control that has the main form and it calls a secondary form to gather some additional information in some cases. I need to pass the information back from the secondary form to the primary user control form so I can validate the data and save. In the secondary form, I have the following code:

Dim myFrm as new frmOperationComments
myFrm.OperationComments = [comments from form]
myFrm.OperationDate=[Date from form]

I have tried creating two public properties on the user control and setting them, I have created two properties in the user control form called OperationComments and OperationDate. I can set both of them, but when I close or hide the form and go back to the main user control form, the values for these properties or variables are not set. How do you set the values on the main form from a calling form within a user control?

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ADVERTISEMENT - Passing Values Between Web Forms?

May 1, 2011

Im trying to pass a value of a date control from form1 to form2.on form 1.aspx.vb:

Public ReadOnly Property Property1() As Date
Return StartDate.SelectedDate[code].....

Tried to assign the property to a string, it did not work either.

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Passing Values Between Forms

May 27, 2009

I think I'm getting hung up on syntax here. I've got 2 forms and am trying to pass a textbox value from the 1st form to the 2nd. The textbox value is an unique ID #, so it's an integer value in the database. The ID displays in the textbox just fine on the 1st form. When I try to access the value of this ID textbox in code in the 2nd form, I see that the value is empty, or equal to "". But I see a valid ID # on the 1st form. Here's the code that shows me that the textbox equals "".


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Passing Values Between Forms In VB?

Jun 4, 2012

solid rundown of how this process works using custom events &EventArgs, Im really having trouble wrapping my head around it

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Passing Var Multiple Forms

Jan 28, 2010

I have a "Open File" menu on form1 that reads the user input data from the selected file, stores them into variables, passes on the var. to my form2 and loads up my form2 with the user input data. My code works But when I close my form2 and button click form1 to open form2, I still see the same input data I want all my text boxes to be blank.

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Passing Values (integer) Between Forms?

May 1, 2012

My problem is that I have two forms, Form1 and Form2 ...on Form1 there is a TextBox called txtTotal (this contains the calculation of Ticket Prices, thus it's a numeric value) and on Form2 there is a TextBox called txtTotal2. All I want to do is get the same number that appears in txtTotal on Form1 to appear in txtTotal2 on Form2 .However whenever I try some of the help tips online such as using a declaring txtTotal as global or friend it dosn't work, and any other code iv tried attempts pass the textbox value as String which brings an error.

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Winforms - Passing Values Out Of Forms?

Sep 8, 2011

I have a very simple windows forms setup. Form1 has a progress bar and a button on it, when clicked the button opens Form2 which also has a button on it that launches Form3. On Form3 is a button which I want to use to raise an event back to Form1.To achieve this can I add an event handler on form1 that will listen for an event of the type raised in form3? Or do I have to pass references to form1 to form2 and then from form2 to form3?

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Forms :: Passing Values Into Controls Of Other Form?

Sep 30, 2011

I have to ask a stupid question:How to pass values from my form into the controls of other form?I made textbox and button in my form1 and Label into the form2 When I click the button, I want to pass the values of the my textbox in the form1 into the labels of my form2

I am a student and totally new to

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VS 2008 : Passing Values Between Forms Inside A DLL?

Aug 5, 2009

To start things up, I have a DLL called clsEmployeeModule, containing forms frmEmpInfo and frmAddEmpName. frmEmpInfo contains a textbox that when clicked displays the frmAddEmpName. Now the latter contains three textboxes (firstname, middlename and lastname) and a Save button. Once the user clicks Save, the values from the three textboxes will be concatenated and displayed as a full name back in the frmEmpInfo form.Below is the code snippet calling the frmAddEmpName:

Private Sub empname_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles empname.Click If genInfo_edit = True Then call_addempname.Text = "Edit Employee Name" End If call_addempname.Show() End Sub

And here's the code snippet from the frmAddEmpName:

Imports clsEmployeeModule Public Class frmAddEmpName Dim callempinfo As New clsEmployeeModule.frmEmpInfo Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click mnFname = firstname.Text


When I debugged the program, it showed that employee_fullname was successfully populated with the concatenated values -- however, that wasn't the case for the empname textbox.

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Passing Multiple Values In Crystal Report Parameter Field?

Jun 22, 2010

passing multiple values in a parameter field in crystal report viewer, I already set it to allow multiple values. When the code below executed it only displays the last record and not all of the records that appeared. here's my codereally need this one! Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
dt = New DataTable
sda = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM KEMPMASTER", sqlcon)


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Forms :: Passing Values Between Forms

Jul 23, 2009

My scenerio is a form with a button, when clicked opens a form dialog. The dialog allows the user to enter a text box. I want to read the value of the text box from the main form into a variable to be used with an SQL statement. The following code is used to create a new instance of the form dialog if one does not exist:-


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Passing User Object Between Forms?

Mar 6, 2011

I am having some difficulty getting my head around passing objects between forms and hoped someone might put me on the right track... I have five forms: frmMain, frmLogin, rmAdminMode, frmUserMode, frmUserMode, frmUserModeDeepThere are two main use-cases: admin mode and user mode.Admin Mode: As the project starts it runs frmMain. Clicking a button stops the autologin (simple timer) and will invoke frmLogin (using .ShowDialog). The user is prompted for the users' ID number (four digits) and pass-code (again four digits).frmLogin will query a back-end database to authorise or reject the login attempt (this bit is all working fine) and then return control to frmMain. If the user is a valid admin frmMain will then invoke frmAdminMode.

frmMain -> frmLogin
<- frmLogin
-> frmAdminMode


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Passing Values Between Forms And Presenting Sql Data In Datagrid View

Jun 10, 2011

I have two forms and I am running a sql query to provide a set of variables in my first form that I need to pass to my second form. Here is the code that I have:[code]to form 2 which then shows the data retrieved from a sql query in the load event to a datagrid view.

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Passing Structured Array To User Control ASCX Is

Jan 12, 2009

Code:I have this issue 2.0 MSVS 2005 ' I said user control, I mean web control ascx page in

2 X as Integer
3 M as double
4 Z as string


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Pass Textbox Values Across Multiple Forms?

Nov 4, 2009

I have about 10 boxes on my form1 that the user will populate, I am looking for a "Best Practice solution to pass the values across to form2 and form3. Would like the user to be able to edit the value on either form and have the chnage carry over to the other forms.

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VS 2008 Adjusting Values Across Multiple Forms?

Dec 24, 2011

I'm trying to make a string inputted on a separate form's text box adjust the value of a string on another form. Is there a way to do this rather than exporting the data to a file and retrieving it on the other form?

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User Popping Up Multiple Forms (IM's)?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm working on a client using instant messages. I don't want the same user popping up multiple forms (IM's).Need 1 user in it's own form, and a new user to popup a seperate form.

Public Function createIMWindow(ByVal strUser As String, ByVal strMsg As String)
If frm_IM.txtWho.Text = strUser Then
Dim myFont As New Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)
frm_IM.Text = strUser & " - Instant Message"
frm_IM.RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = Len(frm_IM.RichTextBox1.Text)


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Forms :: Show Execution Time To The User Before Values Comes To The Datagrid?

Dec 26, 2009

Windows Application
Front End:
Backend: Oracle 10g

I am executing the sql query to fetch values and showing it in my datagrid..and when i do that it works perfectly fine...and problem is that it takes 10 min for my datagrid to in between i want to show the execution time to the user in another form till my query processing completes..


Dim oradb As String = "Data Source=zorb;User Id=baady;Password=zacky;"
Dim conn As New OracleConnection(oradb) ' VB.NET

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VS 2008 Displaying User Currently Logged Across Multiple Forms?

Dec 12, 2010

I am trying to display(in a status strip label) the user name of a user that is currently logged in across multiple forms. The initial form is a log in screen that queries an SQL database for the user name,password,and user type. If the query returns a match,then a different form is displayed based on the user type. How do I retain the user name of the user that is currently logged and display it in the label?
BTW,it's a point of sale program.

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VS 2008 - Changing User Control Values In Form?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a form which has a user control in it added dynamically. How can I change the values in that dynamically generated user control? All my functions are in a module and I will just call them in main form. So in module how can I find that user control and change its values? I tried writing a function in user control form. Like it has 10 txt box and I tried to pass a structure as argument in that user control form but I am unable to do so. when I tried to declare the structure outside function parameter in user control form it works well but not as function parameter..

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Forms :: How To Return Selected Values To Custom Control

Feb 17, 2011

I'm learning .NET and I've got a question about user controls. I'm using VS 2010.. I've created an user control, which contains a textbox (code), a button and a label. When you fill in the textbox, the system searches of the codes exists, if so, the description is showed in the label, else it's cleared. When you click the button, a form opens with a datagrid where you can select a code. When you select a code in the datagrid, the code textbox should be filled in with the selected code. How do you return the selected value to the custom control? I've created a public property in the custom control, but i can't access it.

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VS 2010 Multiple Forms In Tab Control And Just Shown

Mar 2, 2012

I have been going a couple of directions as I learn and try to figure out more. Basically, I have a form that has a tab control that contains 6 tabs and tons of controls on each tab. They are like Orders, Invoice, Customer Info, Quotes... What I would ultimately like to do is have individual forms that fit into the tab with a parent/child relationship as well as be able to not use them in a parent/child type of relationship so that they can be used as stand alone forms.

I have done something like this, but the form moves around. I would like to lock it into the top left so that everything lines up.

Dim frm As New Form2
SetParent(frm.Handle, tab1.Handle)

I also have to pass values from sibling to sibling, but I think that I can handle that if I can come up with a good format.

So overall, I would to have forms that could be in a tab or just displayed as a child not in the tab.

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Add User Control Multiple Times In Runtime On A Webpage In ASP.NET?

Jun 28, 2011

i'm having one user control in ,i just want to add the user control multiple times in a single web page in runtime in a separate table. How to do this?

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Forms :: Get Value Of Combo Box From One User Control To Another

Aug 28, 2009

i am using 2005 to developed desktop application ,I am having two windows form user control , the first control name con.vb containing the design and code for connecting to database and getting a list of my project values in combo box.Now the second user control report.vb which i am using to generate some reports , since the code behind is using connection to connect to various project database , so i want to get the value of First user control into another how i can get the i have tried the below but its giving me error in run time but no error in design or code behind [code]

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Embedding A Windows Forms User Control

Mar 16, 2009

I can't get this to work get a funny icon in the top left corner of the are where the user control is suppose to appear, here is my html markup.[code]

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Forms :: Filling Listbox Within User Control

Feb 9, 2009

I created a user control with a listbox in it and a public property ListItem()
Public Property ListItem() As String
Return _ListItem
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_ListItem = value
End Set
End Property

On FormLoad I wish to fill the Usercontrol Listbox with the values that the user supplies.
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim u As New UserControl1()
u.ListItem = "hello"
End Sub
The Listbox does get filled.

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Forms :: Node Displayed Multiple Times In Treeview Control?

Apr 2, 2009

I'm developing a windows application. I have a form in which there is a list box and a treeview control. My purpose is to fill treeview according to list item clicks. This is done using a pair of subroutines called ReloadPermissions and FillMenuItem:

Private Sub ReloadPermissions()
Dim p As New Permissions
Dim i As Integer
Dim it As TreeNode
Dim el As New List(Of String)


There are only two subroutines in which nodes are added to treeview control, and they are subroutines above. The problem is that whenever list item is clicked, node count displayed in treeview is increased!!! I checked number of nodes before and after call to tvPermissions.Nodes.Clear() using MsgBox. Results show that number of nodes isn't increased (1 before call, 0 after call, again 1 after ReloadPermissions() is called), but what is displayed doesn't show such a behavior! Refreshing window by putting it under other windows or call to tvPermissions.Refresh() has no effect.

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Creating User Control - Reuse In Different Windows Forms ?

Apr 15, 2010

In my project i added a User Control so that i can reuse in different Windows forms.I designed and coded the UserControl1 according to my need and now i want to use it in Form2 but i cant understand how to do it?

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Forms :: Dynamically Load User Control In A Form?

Apr 26, 2011

I dynamically load a user control in a form (Form 1).

In my user control there are two things :

a Textbox (TxtBox1) and a Command Button

WHen the button is clicked, it opens a new form (Form 2) Form2.ShowDialog()

My question is, in Form 2, how can i set a value to TxtBox1 of the user control?

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VS 2008 User Control Complication With Windows Forms?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a program that I am creating in a windows form to track information about computers that I build for each project I do. The way I have my form layout is two buttons on the top of the form(1 for adding a computer and the 2nd to remove a computer) I then have a Tab window where when I want to add a computer I use the "Add button" click event to create a new tab and add a user control "Computer" that I created that contains all of the default fields that I desire (i.e. serial numbers os type, product key etc.) The "Computer" user control also contains two buttons (1 for adding a PC Card and the 2nd to remove a PC Card) The PC Card is another user control that I have created that has all of the desired fields I require for PC Cards. I am able to add new computers with no problem and name the tab

Dim b As New Computer
Dim x As String = Me.TabEquip.TabCount - 2
Dim tab As New TabPage("Computer" + x)


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