VB2010 - Unable To Show DateTimePicker From SQL 2008

Mar 16, 2012

I am trying to show the date that stored in sql2008 in vb2010 by using datetimepicker.
Here is my code:
Private Sub Load_Project(ByVal cJobNo As String, ByVal nFlag As Integer)
Dim lnComboboxIndex As Integer
Dim lcSQL As String
'nFlag => 0-Edit 1-Copy Record
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Unable To Show Data In The Datagrid In The Report

May 21, 2009

I haves textboxes and a ddatagrid and a report. This is how I put the the data of the textboxes in my dataset and show the report, but I was unable to show my data in the datagrid in the report, how can I do? It�s not possible two datasource


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Show Datetimepicker.value Show In Datagrid?

Sep 8, 2010

i allready have date values in a datagridview and datasource is Access table

dim endindex as integer
datagrid.currentcell = nothing
dim table =mydataset.tables("Booking")


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Unable To Delete Records In VB2010 Express And Sql?

May 15, 2011

I have a program which I am converting from VB6 to VB2010 this is also my first venture into sql. I have read many of the examples to try to get to grips with deleting records including those in this forum by imcilhinney

My problem is that I want to delete all but one of the records when the user presses a button, everything goes well until the 'ExecuteNonQuery' is reached.


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VS 2010 Unable To Use Contextmenustrip And Datetimepicker (and His Events)?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a contextmenustrip containing a datetimepicker. Now the problem is that when I choose another date in the datetimepicker the event for that goes through without a problem BUT the event causes the contextmenustrip to go away. The problem is the contextmenustrip must stay shown. I solved the issue with contextmenustrip.show on the end of the event, this works but this has one big disadvantage. I loose all information about the sourcecontrol of the contextmenustrip, and this can't happen.A monthcalendar lets the contextmenustrip stay after his event, but a monthcalendar is too big what cause my menu to be clumsy.

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Show The Catpcha In Vb2010 Form?

Oct 15, 2011

im tried to make a vb creator to create account but how to show the captcha in my form?

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Unable To Load VB2010 Express Because Cannot Remove VS2010 Beta (Error 1402)

May 6, 2010

I have been trying to install VB2010 Express, which directs me to uninstall VS2010 Beta. I have been primarily successful in this, but I keep getting error 1402, as follows:Form "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Beta 2 Setup - Update Page":

Uninstalling Components:

[completed - check] Microsoft Office Development Tools for Visual Studio 2010 (x64)
[completed - check] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Beta 2
[pending - double bar] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools


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Show Up Datetimepicker Value In Mm/yyyy?

Mar 29, 2011

I want to know on how to show up datetimepicker value in mm/yyyy

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.net With Access - Click Datetimepicker And Will Show Dates?

Feb 8, 2010

1.I want to click the datetimepicker and textbox will display dates by dates,I want to know if I can do this. Example - textbox will display -> 2/10/2010,2/12/2010,2/25/2010.

2. Can I off the today default on the datetimepicker?

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VS 2005 Datetimepicker Show First Day Then Month And Then Year

Dec 31, 2010

problem 1: By default the textbox property of textbox is empty and if we want to show something so we change the text property of text box. right. Similarly is it possible for datetimepicker? i mean that date is always appear in datetimepicker both at run time and at design time, but i want that when my form is loaded so datetimepicker appears clear just like textbox is empty, and when i select some date then that date is display.


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Customize A DateTimePicker To Show Dates In Other Calendars Systems?

Apr 23, 2012

How to customize a DateTimePicker to show dates in other calendars systems ?

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Format - Show Up Datetimepicker Value In Which Hour & Minute Only To Display

Mar 4, 2011

how to show up datetimepicker value in which hour & minute only to display. e.g. (10:00 AM) There's no seconds to display.

View 14 Replies

Unable To Show Correct Log Id Number?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a form (FRMQUESTIONNAIRE). It contains, a listview table, a panel and picturebox, 2 combobox, 10 questions with 5 radio buttons each question ( A survey),A log number id (I just used Label in here) and 2 buttons ( save and skip).

Problem: When I click one item in listview table, the picture captured realted to the item click in listview table will be shown in panel beside it. However, the problem start to happen when the log ID is not appear accordingly based on user selection on listview table.

What I reckon start of the problem: - Previously The listview table(listview1) in frmquestionnaire was in frmqlist(another form). But to suit user requirement, it has to combined with frmquestionnaire. In frmqlist, I use a label Image. This form contains the similar details in frmquestionanire except there are no 2 combobox, 10 questions with 5 radio buttons each question ( A survey),A log number id (I just used Label in here) and 2 buttons ( save and skip) But it have a button(Proceed to survey). Having said that, when user click an item in listview(Frmqlist), the picture will be shown beside it. User will click button proceed to survey and frmquestionnaire will pop up. Here, It shows the correct Log ID based on user selection in frmqlist.

But now....

I have combine everything in frmquestionnaire. I am facing as the LOG ID is not showing according to the selection. As a result, I can't save the questionnaire answer as well as this log will be used to save in database.


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Using ShowWindow() Unable To Show Window?

Mar 28, 2011

I am writing a simple code that will hide a window, or show a window if it has been hidden. I am using showwindow() to do so.

Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal nCmdShow As SHOW_WINDOW) As Boolean
<Flags()> Private Enum SHOW_WINDOW As Integer
SW_HIDE = 0[code].....

however the above will not bring/show the window that has been hidden.I assume showwindow works differently than how I expect to make it work? what is the proper way?

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WaitForExit - Unable To Show Progress Bar?

May 25, 2012

I have a problem to display the progress bar when use the .WaitForExit() command to wait for the batch file running.

My code as below:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.
[Code] .....

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Databinding - Unable To Show The Values In The Textbox?

Jul 25, 2009

I have a form with lots of textbox, and a dateTimePicker. All of these controls are binded to a JoinTableDataBindingSource. So when I wanted to insert a new value or update the values, I have to rebind all these controls to the respective tableBindingSource.So after saving all the values to database, I rebind them again to the JoinTableBindingSource to display the values accordingly.

All these works perfectly until I tried to bind the DateTimePicker. I am able to show the Date, insert new values to Date, and updating date.However, after all the binding and rebinding,whenever I tried to call tblJoinTruckTableAdapter.Fill (me.dataset. tblJoinTruck), All the textbox.Text becomes "Nothing". I am unable to show the values in the textbox.

Everything works when I commented off the binding and rebinding of dateTimePicker. I seriously have no idea what had happen.Below is the binding and rebinding of my dateTimePicker.'I have clear the databinding before adding this to point it back to its respective table.

New Binding("Value", TblTruckBindingSource, "dtTareDateTime"))

'After inserting or updating the values, I clear the binding and rebind it back to tblJoinTable.

dtpTareDate.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Value", TblJoinTruckBindingSource, "dtTareDateTime"))[code].....

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Show Me Small Lines Of Code That The Users Are Unable To Move To Form?

May 23, 2009

show me small lines of code that the users are unable to move to form?

i already search on google and i found some code.. but it compose of many-many lines of code and i cant understand... i want a small lines of code..

View 11 Replies

Conversion From VB 2008 To VB2010?

Oct 4, 2011

I created a program using VB 2008 to aid me on design work-related calculations that uses Access mdb file for displaying info. and calculations. But I experienced an alarming problem when I converted it to VB 2010 The program execution works in VB 2010 but it can't display the data from an mdb database file.

To simplify and simulate the problem, I created a simple identical program in VB 2008 and VB 2010 showing a window that displays a data extracted from an mdb database file. Both programs run as intended in each environment. When I open the VB 2008 created program under VB 2010, VB 2010 converts it and when I run the program, it doesn't display the data at all.

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Speed Up VB 2008/VB2010?

Apr 26, 2012

-Add /nosplash to shortcut by right click short cut, click properties and in target, put a space and add it.

-Disable F1. (Environment->Keyboard)
-Disable "Animate environment tools" (Environment->General).
-Disable Start Page (Environment->Startup).


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VS 2008 Datetime Utc Format And A Vb2010

Mar 9, 2010

It's been years since I've had to bother you with my silly questions but those had to do with VB 6. First of all, if I download the VS2010 Express edition will it replace all of my VS2008 edition, or will it be a separate entity. Also, the books I'm studying from are all 2008 -- will they still work on 2010?


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VS 2008 DateTimePicker?

Mar 14, 2011

Does anyone know what is the best way to check has datetimepicker been clicked and value selected before saving and updating database. I am working on a database app and database field for "Date" does not allow null so in order for app to work properly i would like before saving to check if the date is selected and if not to create warning for user. I have created that for "Name" and other columns, but those are text boxes so I had no problem with that. I could change the database field for "Date" to allow null, but that the easyer way and not what I really want. If someone has solution for problem

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VB 2008 (VB2010) Getting Support For Windows 7 Libraries?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm upgrading a VB6 project that uses the DriveListBox and DirListBox controls to select one or more folders. They're not available in VB 2008 except via the Compatibility DLL, so I'm thinking about using the Windows 7 Libraries concept instead. But I don't see support for libraries anywhere; does it exist in VB2008, or will it be in VB 2010?

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VB 2008 On Using Dates And DateTimePicker?

Apr 14, 2010

I am using visual basic 2008 and I am trying to create a form.


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VS 2008 - DateTimePicker Not Displaying Value

Jul 31, 2009

I am having trouble with the datetimepicker. I use this and I tried as many as I could but didn't get a proper result, this one is the closest, so atleast while debugging I can see it having the right value:
datePContBDay.Value = dsn.Tables(0).Rows(0)("PContDOB")
But all it shows is todays date, don't know why?

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VS 2008 DateTimePicker Format?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a form with a DateTimePicker and want to convert the user selected date into ddmmyy and then display the result in a label on the form.


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VS 2008 Datetimepicker Value Needs 2 Digit Day

Nov 11, 2009

How can I get the datetimepicker value to have a 2 digit day EX. If it was November 6, 2009 the value is showing as 11/6/2009 but I need it to be 11/06/2009

I have a search that searches by date and Im using the datetimepicker. the date format in from my sql database is in MM/DD/YYYY not MM/D/YYYY So my results come up ok if the day is a 2 digit day normally (ex. 11/20/2009)but if its a single date (11/6/2009) I don't get any results because it is looking for 11/06/2009 I don't see how I can get the value of datetimepicker to be MM/DD/YYYY Even if i set the custom format to MM/dd/yyyy the value is showing up as MM/d/yyyy

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Fresh Installed VB2010 And A Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm not sure if I should post this on this thread or in the Database section but I'm using VB2010 so I posted this unto this. I have a fresh installed VB2010 and a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.And I can't seem to connect my database to VS2010. I've been searching the net but I can't seem to find the solution to my problem.

I have attached my SQL Server Configuration and the error message I got in VS2010.

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VS 2008 - Any Way To Disable Dates On DateTimePicker?

May 2, 2011

I am working VB.NET 08 Access Database. I have Two "DateTimePicker" controls one is "StartDate" and one is "Enddate". Now I am selecting Startdate like May 1st OK. Now when I select Enddate control this calender shows only Equal or Greater than dates should be Enable. EndDate should be Always Greater than Equal Date. That's why when ever user selects the Enddate Before May 1st dates should be disable..

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VS 2008 Adding To DateTimePicker Control?

Nov 26, 2010

Wasn't really sure what to name this thread or how to explain it. I have a form with a dateTimePicker control on, textbox for days, button and label, when the button is pressed I'd like the amount of days put into the textbox to be added to the value in the datetimpicker then the result being put into the label.

E.g. Select 26th November in the DTP, then put 6 into the textbox, press the button then have 2nd December come out in the label. I've tried a few things but all fails and just gives me back the original value in the DTP.

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VS 2008 DateTimePicker Highlighting Disappeared

Jan 12, 2012

We have this custom DateTimePicker in our project where you can alter the BackColor and so on. But normally, when you click on the month of a DateTimePicker, it gets highlighted and you can change it with for example the arrow buttons on your keyboard or by typing a different number. Now the problem is that in our DateTimePicker, the highlighting doesn't happen anymore. When you click on for example month, you'll be able to change month but you don't see wether you selected month or something else.

This is the code we have (it's old code from way before I even started working here):

Public Class ucBaseDateTimePicker
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker
' true, when no date shall be displayed (empty DateTimePicker)


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