VS 2005 Determine If DataRow Has Been Set To Added?

Jun 24, 2010

When a user clicks on the add button I do this:-oledrTest = oledstest.tables(0).newrowOn the save I need to know whether they have clicked on the add button or the edit button. In the passed I have set a variable to 1 for add and 2 for edit and on the save if its a 1 I do oledstest.tables(0).add(oledrtest).

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Catch The New Added Datarow Event?

Feb 21, 2010

How do I catch the new added datarow event? I'm using a dataset and bindingsource. I've tested Bindingsource's ListChanged event but it is a bit problematic. For example when I use those codes in the ListChanged event:

If e.ListChangedType = System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType.ItemAdded Then
MessageBox.Show("Record was added..."
End If

... records are added twice. If there is an another event for it?

View 21 Replies

C# - Determine Which DataRow Bound To DataGridViewRow?

Oct 25, 2010

When I use a DataTable as a DataGridView's DataSource, I often have to find which row(s) a user has selected and read specific values from the DataTable (not the DataGridView). I wanted to know if there is any reliable way of determining which DataRow a DataGridViewRow is bound to especially when the user has sorted the DataGridView on a column other than the default order.

Currently, I use code of this sort:
Dim sorting = ""
If DataGrid.SortOrder <> SortOrder.None Then
'get the actual row if the results are sorted'
sorting = "[" & DataGrid.SortedColumn.Name & "]" &
[Code] .....

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Determine If Datarow Column Exists?

Nov 14, 2008

I have a function in VS2008 VB.NET that creates a dataset and reads field values from that were loaded from a SQL Server 2008 database tables. The tables are from varied sources and in some cases particular column/field names are different. Some use a long name; others use a short name. I need to determine whether a short name or a long name is being used.Pseudo code:If row("ShortName") Exists then ReadDataFrom r("ShortName").ToStringElse ReadDataFrom r("LongName").ToStringEnd If

How would I determine if a particular column name exist in a dataset or datarow?

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VS 2005 DataGridView With DataRow?

Oct 15, 2009

I want to know how can I map the data inside datarow() into datagridview???

Here is detail:I have a dataTable which contains data from DB.I use a search function to search this table.

Dim dRow() as DataRow = dtStudent.Select("sID='" & txtsID.Text.Trim & "'")
If dRow.Length <> 0 Then
' This not working!!
' dgView.DataSource = dRow(0)


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VS 2005 Get DataRow (myList) To Start On A New Line After

Sep 27, 2011

I cant see to get my DataRow (myList) to start on a new line after my column names. It starts at the end of my column names

Not sure how to correctly get this line:


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VS 2005 Generic List Of Datarow Not Binding Correctly To Datagridview?

Apr 8, 2010

So I have the following

With Me.dgv
.AutoGenerateColumns = False
.DataSource = Info.PESList


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VS 2005 - Print The Entire Datarow At A Time And Then Loop Through All The Rows Present In The Datatable?

Mar 26, 2010

I have created a datatable and now i need to print it,so i did the following:

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage

Dim xPos As Single = 20


The code works fine.But in the above code as you can see that i am printing the each rows content of the datatable one by one and after printing all the contents of a single row i am looping the code again for printing each and every row present in the datatable. So i want to know that inspite of printing each and every data present in the row of the datatable,is it possible to print the entire datarow at a time and then loop through all the rows present in the datatable?

View 20 Replies

Determine Which Program Is Using A File In 2005?

Jun 1, 2009

Is there a way to get the program that is locking a file, in vb 2005?

For instance, when I try to open a file that is already opened by another program, can I get the name of the process/program that has locked this file?

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VS 2005 Determine File Association?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to use Adobe's command line parameters to launch a PDF file with a user's search term passed in automatically. Unfortunately, Adobe's syntax for this command requires me to start Acrobat.exe (or AcroRdr32.exe) and pass in parameters, including the PDF file name.I have users that might have any version of Adobe Acrobat from 5.0 up, or they might be using Adobe Reader version 5.0 and up. I know when I double-click a PDF file, Windows has an association with that file that points to wherever Acrobat.exe (etc...) is installed to launch the program. How can I get access to that information?I've looked in the registry at"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.pdf", but don't see much in there that would lead me to "c:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 8.0Acrobat.exe" or wherever the program is installed. Does anyone know how I can access this information?

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[2005] Determine Whether A Region Is Nonexistent?

Mar 2, 2009

I'm making a program to detect polygon intersections, and it's all set up. I just need to know... how do you determine whether a region is of size zero?

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VS 2005 Dynamically Added Control - Events?

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to create a program, where the user click a button and this will add a custom control and then drag and drop them on the form.

What I want to be able to do is add multiple controls (by clicking this button) and for them all to have the same events. So basically they can add as many as they like of this control and then click on it and drag it anywhere.I know in vb6 there was the use of the control index but I am not sure how to do this in Visual Studio 2005?

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VS 2005 XML - Node Added By Ref To A Generic List

Nov 29, 2010

I have an XML node which I am adding to a generic list of xml nodes:


Now whenever I change the node afterwards, all members of the list turn into copies of the node. Why would the list keep track of this and more importantly how am I supposed to 'detach' my work node from that list?

View 3 Replies

VS 2005 Determine File Location Of Streamwriter?

May 14, 2009

I need to process a text file created by a Streamwriter. I have the Streamwriter object but the file location is determined by the user. The problem is, I need to process *the file* not the contents-so I need the location.

Steamwriter doesn't seem to have a Location or File property. Or am I just missing it? How can I tell what file a Streamwriter object is writing to?

View 7 Replies

[2005] How To Determine If Databound Controls Have Changed

Feb 27, 2009

I have a form with several databound controls. Certain users will be able to change the data in these fields. Is there a way to check whether the data in any databound control has changed? I would like to do this so that I can enable an UPDATE button and flag a warning to the user that they must save their changes.

View 9 Replies

VS 2005 Sort Data New Column Added To DataTable?

Feb 21, 2011

I am creating a datatable and then adding a column to it which is filled with data from existing column and parsed into correct format DateSold is my existing column from my datafile and I create NewDateSold by adding the column to the existing table and then parsing the information in date format.

This is added to a binding source which then is used to populate a combobox I want to be able to sort the combo box by NewDateSold Desc I was able to this on the original column by simply using the "order By" in my query, it seems now that I added new column it is no longer sorted? I am finding different solution such as using dataview and wish to know the best way to do this

View 14 Replies

VS 2005 : Determine If UDP Message Was Successfully Received On The Other Endpoint?

Sep 24, 2009

I just want to make sure if the UDP sent was received successfully, what could be some methods to do such? Its just for chatting on a local network.

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VS 2005 - Compressing A Dataset Converted To XML Using The GZipStream Class Added In 2.0

Mar 25, 2009

I am compressing a dataset converted to XML using the GZipStream class added in 2.0. There are a few things bothering me about this. Here's the code I am using to decompress the XML file:

Using inFile As New System.IO.FileStream(flnm, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.Read)
Dim zStrm As New System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(inFile, IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Decompress)
Dim buff(999) As Byte


This seems inordinately awkward, as I am taking the stream, reading it out into byte buffers, then writing those byte buffers to a memory stream that is then passed to the dataset.ReadXml() method. The reason for this seems to have to do with what is happening in the line colored red. That line is adding a closing > onto the end of the stream. Without that, ReadXml complains about an unclosed dataset. I found out that the > was missing by writing the stream into a string and pasting the string into WordPad. Without that missing >, it appears that I wouldn't need to be using that memory stream at all, and could simply pass in the GZipStream to ReadXML, but as far as I can tell, it's impossible to look at the GZipStream to be sure that the > is not there, and it may be impossible to add it (I haven't tried).

So why is the > missing? Here's the code used to create the file that is being read into the filestream in the above

VB Using ms As New System.IO.FileStream(flnm, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.Write)
Dim zStrm As New System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(ms, IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Compress)

ds.WriteXml(zStrm, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema)
End Using

The real kicker to all of this is that while I was dissecting the first chunk of code, I added a line to check for cnt<1000. My intention was to see the last buffer that was being written into the memory stream to see whether the final > was actually there, or not. To my surprise, I reached the cnt<1000 twice. That means that one read did not read a full 1000 bytes, but read only 675. The next three or four reads were a full 1000 bytes, then the final read was just a few hundred bytes. It is my understanding that Read will return a full buffer if there are that many bytes left to read, and there were, so why did it return only a partial buffer? That suggests that there might be a hole in my XML, though with a half meg file, it's a bit much to read through it looking for something missing. However, the XML that was returned was turned into a dataset that I then merged into some existing data using code that has been working with uncompressed XML files, and I got an error that I should never have received. That may indicate that the XML was, in fact, missing something, though I will have to study the matter further to figure out whether or not that is the case. My major question has to do with the missing '>' at the very end of the file.

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VS 2005 : Determine Whether Processes Have Been Opened Or Closed During A Given Time Frame?

Feb 11, 2010

Is there a way to determine whether processes have been opened or closed during a given time frame? I'm working on code that will take an initial copy of your processes list, and then based on a timer, continue to take copies, which will compared to the initial processes list to determine which processes have been opened or closed until the timer ends. I'm capturing the processes list's in an Array list.

Dim processesList As String //Initial processes list
Dim processActivity As String //Opened or Closed processes
Dim processesAtStart As New ArrayList // Initial processes as ArrayList (To Compare)
Dim processesCheck As New ArrayList // Latest processes as ArrayList (To Compare)


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VS 2005 Determine And Alert User While Entering Password To Login?

Mar 13, 2010

I have created an application which asks the user to enter password to login.Now how can i inform the user(if his caps button is on) that his caps button is on while he is entering his password?

View 3 Replies

VS 2005 Added A Few Items In Combobox Dropdown List At Form Load Event

Aug 7, 2009

I added a few items in the combobox dropdown list at the form load event. [code] At the runtime I dont want to allow the user to write something in the combobox as a text.The user can only select an item from the dropdown list of the combobox.

View 13 Replies

Updating A Datarow With Another Datarow?

Apr 28, 2010

I have two datatables with similar structures that I want to make one existing row to be updated from another datatable.

For example, "tableA" has three columns: "one", "two", and "three"; with "one" being the primary key...

and "tableB" has three columns as well: "one", "two", and "three"; with "one" being the primary key.

Say there is a row on tableA that is different than a row on tableB (with a matching primary key). What I wanted to do, as efficiently as possible, is to take the that row from tableB and replace the one on tableA so it'll be modified.

I'm not sure if there's an easier way of doing that instead of using loops for setting the row's items.

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Control Added On The Fly Is Added To The Wrong Location Of An Auto-scroll Panel?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a program that adds controls on the fly to an auto-scroll panel. When the panel is scrolled (viewing the bottom of the panel for example) and a control is added, it looks like it is added assuming the top left corner of the panel is still at 0,0 when in fact it may be 0,500. To see what I am talking about, create an empty "Windows Forms Application" project and insert the below code into it.

Friend WithEvents Panel1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents btnAdd As System.Windows.Forms.Button
Dim ButtonCount As Integer


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Dynamic Added Textbox To Status Bar And Added Event

Jun 10, 2009

i have multiple forms in a project and all have statusbar. there is no way to add textbox on status bar but in my previous thread i got the help to add the text box. i created a function in module so that i call that function from all the forms on load and add the textbox on status bar and also add the event on textchange. the function to be called on event change is in individual form (at present)[code]

View 11 Replies

VB 2005 - Register Form - Store The Added Username And Pasword To The Login Form?

Mar 11, 2010

i have a main menu on my program which has the option of registering. I have enter name and password ..and a button Confirm

i want to be able to store the added username and pasword to the login form so that it will work...

what must i do? also where would this data be stored...

View 4 Replies

Original DataTable Object Has Columns Added When Variable Has Columns Added?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a datatable property called prpParametersTable in a class called clsBatch. I have a procedure that sets a datatable variable called dtP equal to prpParametersTable at the beginning of the procedure. I then add three new columns to dtP.Here is my problem. When I add the three new columns to dtP my original table prpParametersTable also gets those columns added to it, why? I only want to add the three columns to dtP and not prpParametersTable. How can I do that?

Private Function prvfnc_InsertBatchParameters(ByRef cnn As SqlConnection, ByRef trans As SqlTransaction) As String
' set new columns that have BatchID, Insert DateTime, and UserID for the SQLBulkCopy method below
Dim clm As DataColumn
Dim dtP As DataTable = clsBatch.prpParametersTable


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Get Next Datarow?

Jun 29, 2010

I am trying to look at the next datarow in a datatable such as For Each dr in dt.rows

type = dr("Type")
type2 = dr("Type")

how can this be the next record? Of course, I would need to write an exception for the last record...

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Set The Value Of The Dtp From A Datarow?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a form with a datetimepicker. On load of the form, I set the value of the dtp from a datarow, with the following vb.net dtpRequiredDate.Value = dr.Item("RequiredDate")

This works fine. But when the form is loaded subsequent times in the session (form is not disposed on closing, shown as dialog), when presented to the user it just shows todays date, not that set by the above code. Stepping through code, the Onload code runs, and the dtp is set by the above code. Checking the value in debug at this point, the value of the dtp is correct. There is no further code in onload. But by the time it is displayed to the user shows todays date again. I have set a break point on the valuechanged of the dtp but it never fires again after it has been set by the above code.

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.net - DataRow Is Not Changed

Oct 4, 2011

Can anyone explain exactly why Method 1 in the following code does not alter the DataTable where the other 2 methods do? It's obviously some kind of referencing issue, but why exactly?


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Adding A New Datarow?

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to add new operators (their name, category, password etc) to a dataset called "operators". (Though I could be adding any new datarow to it's relevent dataset). My program has allowed for the entry of all relevent data and filtered it to make sure it is acceptable. The user has pressed the UPDATE button and my program must now add the new datarow. (My code is in bold!).

I assume that I must first establish a connection to my database, so I start with :-

Dim Conn As New OleDbConnection(ConnectionString)

'I feel that something is needed here to reference OleDbDataAdapter - but what?

Conn.Open() 'Is this line needed?
Dim DSetOPERATORS As New DataSet("operators")
Dim DRowOPERATORS As DataRow = DSetOperators.Tables("operators").NewRow


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