VS 2005 Find Default Gateway Of Computer?
Aug 28, 2009
I am writing a quick program to display the network information of a computer without having to run ipconfig or enter the TCP/IP settings on the network adapaters.I have managed to pull the computer name, local IP address and the external IP address, but I now need to get the default gateway, the subnet mask and the DNS resolvers.I have tried using the registry, but the key differs from computer to computer, so that method has been ruled out.
View 8 Replies
Sep 15, 2011
How can I obtain the default language settings of the computer using vb.net code?
View 1 Replies
Feb 18, 2011
I'm developing a software to determine my default gateway..
I am currently using this code with success[code]...
View 4 Replies
Jul 11, 2009
I am trying to dial a computer from another computer using Modem for sending files and messge.Follwoing is the code done in dialing computer
Text1.Text = "Test string from App1 "
Number$ = InputBox$("Enter phone number:", "Number$")
If Number$ = "" Then Exit Sub
Temp$ = Status
But after the dial tone, i am getting the exception "CTL_E_GETNOTSUPPORTED " at the line MSComm1.Output = Text1.Text?
View 6 Replies
Jul 29, 2009
I'm trying to get the computer default browser and once i get the browser executable i want to retrive its icon, how do i do that ?
View 5 Replies
Dec 9, 2011
Just started using the Windows Browser in one of my forms so the user can select a photo they need to load. This was surprisingly easy (This seems to be the norm in Basic, if you think it will be hard it isn't and visa versa). What I am struggling with is how to set the default location to 'Computer' rather than a disk letter and directory name. The photo is most likely to be on a card reader or Memory stick so the drive letter is likely to change.
I am guessing the command will be:
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = ???????
View 4 Replies
Jul 24, 2011
How would you work out the amount of ram that is in the computer
View 1 Replies
Mar 29, 2012
To get the computer name I wrote something like below:[code]This code works on the server machine but on the client machine its not working.Is there any another way to find the computer name.
View 3 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
How to findout computer / server name with vb.net codes. I want to use it in connection string
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Feb 1, 2011
I've created an attribute, similar to the ToolboxBitmapAttribute, that allows you to associate an Icon or Image to a class.
To associate an image, the resource file base name, a type (to find the assembly), and the name of the resource are passed to the attribute constructor. I then use the ResourceManager to get access to the resource:
Dim rm = New ResourceManager(ResourceFileBaseName, passedType.Assembly)
Dim obj = rm.GetObject(resourceName)
This is fine except that I want the option to pass just the resource name in the constructor, and omit the resource file base name. Then I would pick up the resource from the default resource file. When I say default resource file, I mean the one when you start Visual Studio, open the property pages and click the Resources tab.
The problem is, when developing in VB.Net, the base name is 'RootNamespace.Resources', and when developing in C#, the base name is 'Rootnamespace.Properties.Resources'.
Where can I programatically find the name of the default resource file?
What I can do is get a list of all resource names:
I can then look for a name that ends with Resources.resources and use that to build the resource file base name.
View 1 Replies
Sep 9, 2009
How would I find the default internet browser like IE, Or Firefox on any computer?
View 2 Replies
Jun 19, 2009
I am writing an application to gather, display and export system information for use with a Support Dept.Is there a performance difference between using WMI and My.Computer.X.X in VS 2005? Is one method better practice than the other?There are more lines with WMI, but am willing to write more if it's considered good practice over using My.Computer.X.X.
View 2 Replies
May 26, 2010
ok i got a hard question I have diferent computers, lets say 200 cps with all known mac address. i got 3 switches with 24 ports each. i want to know if i can be able to know the port No. and switch of a given computer given the mac address... some computer arent in the domain. how could i start puttin this into code
View 1 Replies
Aug 8, 2011
I have the following function to find a SQL Server instance. It works fine on local computer. Would you please tell me how to use this function to check an instance on other computer on a Local Area Network? I am using VS 2008 (.NET Framework 3.5) and SQL Server Express 2005.
Private Function MyInstanceFound(ByVal MyInstanceName As String) As Boolean
Dim InstanceFound As Boolean = False
Dim MC As ManagedComputer = New ManagedComputer()
View 1 Replies
Dec 29, 2009
How to findout computer / server name with vb.net codes.I want to use it in connection string
con = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=noor;" & _
"Initial Catalog=accounts;Integrated Security=True")
View 3 Replies
Jul 22, 2011
I used a StreamReader and StreamWriter with UTF-8 encoding to find and replace chars in files. Some of the chars were replaced with the Unicode default char of � OR �. I found that for this I should have used encoding 1252 so I'm set for future changes but how do I fix the files that have been cluttered with the default char? Is there a way to do this with StreamReader?
View 4 Replies
May 28, 2009
How can I get the path of the default media player? (The one used when clicking "Play all" in a music-specific folder in explorer, on Windows Vista or Windows 7)
View 1 Replies
Sep 10, 2011
How to find the default audio playback device
View 5 Replies
Jul 27, 2009
How can I find the default email application for any given computer?
Once I have done that:
How can I start a process with the email application and specify an email address in the "To" field and a comment in the "Subject" field?
View 6 Replies
Aug 1, 2008
I am trying to get the next available computer name based on a pre/sub fix e.g. "PC0001", atm I have a working solution from sql asset database.Anyone got an idea on how to convert the following from sql query to directorysearcher.filter?"Select TOP 1 Computername from computers where Computername LIKE '" & computerNamePrefix & "%' AND ISNUMERIC(right(ComputerName,4)) = 1 ORDER BY Computername DESC"At the moment I got the following
mySearcher.Filter = "(cn=*pc*)" mySearcher.Sort = New SortOption("Name", SortDirection.Descending)
View 2 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I have different computers, lets say 200 cps with all known mac address. i got 3 switches with 24 ports each. i want to know if i can be able to know the port No. and switch of a given computer given the mac address. some computer aren't in the domain. how could i start putting this into code.
View 1 Replies
Sep 28, 2010
How can I find the file that keeps my computer passwords such browsers IE? I want to reformat and have a lot of saved passwords sites
View 3 Replies
Jan 26, 2012
I am building a simple network browser that pings a specified range of IP addresses, and if a response is discovered, it gets the host name and MAC address of the device it pinged.My first question is how can I find the operating system of the device (if it's a computer)?My second question is, for devices that aren't computers e.g. a wireless printer or router, is there a way I can find out what type of device it is?
View 1 Replies
Apr 30, 2010
I created a hangman game and It works well when I debug, but when I publish and place it on my son computer, when you guess a letter wrong it shows an error and says it can't find the images. I just it is something that I'm doing wrong but I don't know what. Some of the thing that I have tried is including the images in resources. I believe that it has something to do with the startup path, the path that the images are looking for does not exist. The installer installs the program in the programs file
Private Sub ShowPicture()
Dim strImagePath As String
strImagePath = Application.StartupPath & "imagesfig" & intNumWrongTries + 1 & ".gif"
View 1 Replies
Sep 15, 2009
Find Gradient and Angle from 2 Data Co-ordinates.
Trying to find the gradient and then the angle.
The program will open a text file and the program will do its stuff.
The text file will be like: I have 2 co-ordinates (X, Y) just contain numbers.[code]...
View 5 Replies
Oct 13, 2011
how do you find the default temporary folder in windows xp, vista and windows 7?
View 1 Replies
Aug 20, 2010
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 writing a Windows Forms project and I'd like to know a way to step around 'default instances' of forms. I don't like default instances, they constantly get in my way, and working in a team it's causing some really annoying confusion about the object identity of which form is actual in focus at this moment. This means I need to go threw the entire project (big) and remove ALL references to any 'default instance' of a form. But this is difficult to do as there's no errors or anything, it basically requires me to search for every text of "MyFormType." and then checking if it's accessing a default instance and fix it like that.
It'd be nice if I could just turn it off or something so I could
1) easily find all erroneous lines of code
2) avoid the accidental use of it in the future by anyone on the team
View 1 Replies
Jun 2, 2012
using vb 2010 to find the fingerprint or digital ID of individual parts of a computer, specifically the motherboard? I have no idea where to begin and everything I can find on the net is written for C#.
View 2 Replies
May 25, 2010
ok i got a hard question I have diferent computers, lets say 200 cps with all known mac address.
i got 3 switches with 24 ports each. i want to know if i can be able to know the port No. and switch of a given computer given the mac address.some computer arent in the domain.
how could i start puttin this into code
View 9 Replies
Jun 12, 2010
I'm running windows 7 64 bit and using VS 2010. I'm trying to use the filesystem.getfiles to find a file on the computer and return the path for it. However, when I search C:/ and its subdirectories, it always throws an error: "A first chance exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred in mscorlib.dll"
I've looked everyone online and can't find a solution. I have administrator privileges and really I dont want people who use my app to have to adjust security settings for this to work. Is there not a way to search the C drive for a specific file and return its path? [Code]
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