VS 2005 How To Take Picture Of Window

Mar 25, 2009

I have a Window Form app that I would like to take a picture of the complete main window. After that, I want to be able to somehow hide the actual window, and replace it with this snapshot, at which point I want to be able to move the picture around the screen, like rotating, etc.

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Store PDF File Into Sql Server 2005 And Display In A Picture Box On VB 2005 Window Form?

Mar 13, 2009

I am using memorystream to get and store images into sqlserver 2005 table image field. This process is working and I am able to display image in picture box. I need to be able to store PDF files into the same field and be able to display in a picture box.

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VS 2005 Setwindowpos For Top Most Window Making Window Size Zero?

Oct 5, 2011

I have the following function that should make the window always on top of other applications.

Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" _
(ByVal handle As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, _
ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long


The problem is that it reduces the window size so that you can only see the title bar and min/max/close buttons. Also, even that does not stay on top of other windows.

I have used this function before on a windows 7 machine (instead of xp which this one is on) and it worked fine.

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VS 2008 Get Window X And Y And Use It On A Picture?

Nov 8, 2009

How would i get the X and Y of the desktop and place it on a picture box

lets say my screen is 500 x 500(EXAMPLE)

I want my application to get the full (500 x 500) X and Y and an image of the desktop

Then place the X and Y To the picture box. Like this. Now the cords match when mouse is at lets say 100,100 on the picture. It will be 100, 100 on desktop.

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Tumbnail Control Viewer - View In Picture Box Instead Of Open A New Window In Other Application

Mar 11, 2010

I have a tumbnail Control box. Everytime my pictures load i click it will show in Image Viewer or photoshop can i view it in picture box instead of open a new window in other application?

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VB5 Scheduled Task - Obtain A Screen Picture For A Post Review Of The Running Window

Dec 31, 2009

I'am trying to write a program in order to obtain a screen picture for a post review of the running window that should be periodically executed with the tasks manager.


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Picture Box Refresh In Vb 2005?

Dec 21, 2009

picture box refresh issue in vb 2005

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VS 2005 Make The Picture Be On Top?

Nov 28, 2009

My program uses mouse over picture to show the picture in larger version, the problem is when i show the larger picture some of my comboboxes images are bleeding through the picture as well as another picture

How can you make the picture be on top??? if thats the correct terminology

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VS 2005 - Picture Box Over Control - Bleeding

Feb 4, 2010

I have a picture box that blows up (increasses in size) when user performs a mouse over. I noticed that it will be on top of most of my textboxes, but not all? I can set propertie to invisible to ones that bleed through but i cant seem to figure out WHY some bleed through and not others, I have checked all my property settings

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Game Programming :: 360 Picture Move VB 2005

May 13, 2008

im currently making(or trying) Turbo Tanks from vb Express edition 2005 and I cant get my tank to move a full 360. I can only make it move 90degrees make a object move 360 and btw is it possible to actually make this game from VB 2005 [URL]

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VS 2005 Make Picture Full Size?

Nov 17, 2009

Ok so I have my picture loading in my picture box on my form and resizing to fit box (smaller) I want the user to be able to move his mouse over the picture and have the picture displayed as full size, anyone know how to do this

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VS 2005 Setting A Picture As A Backround Image?

Aug 24, 2011

Im using Visual studio 2005 and I want to push a button which opens either olderbrowserdialog or openfiledialog(which ever works better) and select a picture when I Push Ok the picture I selected becomes the backround image of the form does anybody have idea on how to do this

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.net - Taking Photo Of Screen - Take A Picture Of The Entire Screen, Not Just The Focused Window?

Jul 6, 2011

Currently I have the following VB.NET code to make a screenshot of my desktop, but it only takes a picture of the active screen:

Public Function SaveScreen(ByVal theFile As String) As Boolean

The following code is how I execute the above function, if it makes any difference, which I don't think it does:


Now, I need to be able to take a picture of the entire screen, not just the focused window.

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Save And Retrive A Picture From A Database In Sqlserver 2005

Mar 11, 2010

i want to save a picture of employee in SQL server Database in my college project payroll system,

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VS 2005 - Picture Box To Change Depending On What Number Comes Up In A Textbox

Mar 20, 2010

I have a program where I want my picture box to change depending on what number comes up in a textbox. Lets just say, my picturebox is called PictureBox1. I'd imagine I'd use an IF statement followed by the path type in to change the picture. My question is how do I display a new picture in the picturebox? Whats the code used?

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VS 2005 Binding Navigator Position Item V Picture Box?

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to get a picture box to update with a new picture when I type in a number in the navigator position item box and hit enter. I have tried various methods, but I can't seem to get a combination that works in this way. Could anyone tell me if what I am trying to achieve is possible, and if so

This is the latest variation I tried (yeah, I know...) :

Private Sub BindingNavigatorPositionItem_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BindingNavigatorPositionItem.ModifiedChanged
Dim Picture As String


** note that the <fileLocn> is just truncated for the purposes of this post - it does actually have proper code, so that isn't the issue!

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VS 2005 Display The Value Of Variable As Tooltip Text On Picture?

Jan 4, 2010

How to display the value of variable abc as tooltip text on picture1

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VS 2005 Debugging In Immediate Window

Mar 8, 2011

Trying to debug a Windows application, in the Immediate Window, if I type the following:?UBound( I see a tooltip showing the syntax of UBound, but when I complete the statement as ?UBound(CBa) where CBa is the name of an array, I get the response: Name 'UBound' is not declared. Strangely enough, the UBound function is referenced in the code prior to the breakpoint, and works correctly. Why can't I use it in the Immediate Window? I have the same problem with the Len function, it says it's not declared.

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VS 2005 Screenshot Of Everything But Window?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm making some Aero-style transparent forms (signature), and they work just fine. However, to get a screenshot of the area behind the form using Graphics. CopyFromScreen(), the form has to be less than 100% Opacity, so CopyFromScreen doesn't include the window in the picture. This also means that when you have more than one open, they see through each other.

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VS 2005 Change Image In Picture Box To Simulate Coloured Squares Lighting Up

Dec 15, 2010

I am making a game based on "Simon" where the computer creates a sequence and the user then has to then replicate it. To create and show the sequence I am generating random numbers between 1 and 4 then based on what numbers come out I change the image in a picture box to simulate coloured squares lighting up. The problem however that I think I am having is that the loop I made is executing too fast as all I see when I run the program is the last light in the sequence. For example is the sequence generated was 2341 all I see light up is square 1. I have stepped into the program and it goes through everything correctly so the only thing I can think of is that it runs too fast to see? [code]

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VS 2005 Enable Only Active Window?

Apr 22, 2010

Say I have a mdi child form open. The user should either click the buttons 'ok' or 'cancel' to access any other forms in the application.

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VS 2005 Find The Right Terminal Window?

Apr 26, 2010

we use a terminal emulator called facetwin to run our main unix based applicationswe want to attach a small document scanner and magnetic strip reader to the system this runs oncurrently we have a magnetic reader that emulates a keyboard so it sends keystrokes back to the unix app. however the new scanner does not.i can get around this by having the unix app send a special command that facetwin understands so it tells the local windows machine to run my vb application that controls the small document scannermy vb app then sendkey's back the relevant info.this is all great and works fine, yet i have a problemthere are 3copies of facetwin running at anyone time all are logged in as the same user but maybe processing diferent things.

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VS 2005 How To Draw On Another Process Window

Sep 3, 2009

i am trying to write a code who find a window and draw line or string on it but nothing found yet,the process can aslo be a game so did it required to use 'Direct3dx' i try something like this but not woking...


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VS 2005 Window Bring To Front

Oct 24, 2009

So I have this code to make a "windows taskbar". When you click on an item, it's supposed to bring that window to the front. The only problem is that's not happening. When I use Debug.WriteLine, it has the right window title, except it doesn't come to the front. What's wrong? There is no EntryPointNotFoundException or anything, it just doesn't bring the window to the front.


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VS 2005 Zoom Magnifier Window?

Oct 25, 2009

How would i go about making a zoom magnifier window, similar to the one in Snag it?The main form would have a picturebox with a image loaded, a second smaller form would act a as magnifying window, magnifying the image from form1 and refreshing to reflect the new location of the cursor when it is moved across form 1.

Would i need to take a screen shot of a area around the cursor then load it into the second form and refresh the screen shot every time the cursor moves or is there a procedure already to do this?

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Putting 2005 Directly Onto Window 7 Vs Virtual XP

Dec 12, 2009

I recently put my Visual Basic 2005 onto Virtual XP ( which is a part of Windows 7). Should I put it directly onto Windows 7?

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VS 2005 Take And Save Screenshots Of The Current Window?

Oct 28, 2009

how to take and save screenshots of the current window or whole screen which ever is simpler.

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VS 2005 HTTP POST From Window App To A Webpage?

Aug 3, 2009

how can i do a HTTP POST in my window application to a web page?

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VS 2005 What Command Is It To Get Window Position Coordinates

Jul 7, 2009

If TextBox1.Text has atleast one number 0 or 1 or 2 or 0 (it may have text too, with numbers) then End If Also what command is it to get window position coordinates and what winpos[x] and winpos[y] are. All I found was setwindowpos

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Watch Window In Visual BASIC 2005?

Oct 23, 2009

I am trying to add a watch window in Visual Basic 2005 (version 8.005)

When I select "Debug" and then "Windows" from the menu, no "Watch" option shows up.

I am new to VB 2005.

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