VS 2005 : Size Creates Warping Effect?

Mar 20, 2009

Ive been using this code for a user to pickup a picture box basicly, but if a form exceeds a certain size When you drag the picturebox it will warp around instead of smoothly being dragged, what is causing this?

Dim offset As Point
Dim bDragging As Boolean
Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseDown


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VS 2005 Changes Does Not Take Effect?

Aug 15, 2009

I have fields with " monday, tuesday,wed, thu, fri, sat and sun". I am trying to add the hours of each day on a separte field " week total hours "..Everything works fine but say if i make any changes again to "monday hours" it does not take effect on " tot hours "

eg.. mon 2hrs, tues 1 hrs, wed 1 hrs, thur 0, fri o, sat 0 and sun 0, then the total hours is 2+1+1 = 4 and it displays well ....but if i change ( mon= 1 ) then it should be 1+1+1 = 3 but it remains 4


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VS 2005 LockBits Has Different Effect?

Jan 13, 2010

I've made an Aero-style form header (see signature) and I wanted to speed it up, so I used LockBits, and it had a different effect. These two methods should do the same thing, right? Well, it doesn't. Image 1 is before LockBits, Image 2 is after. Using LockBits gives a streaking effect that I don't like.[code]

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VS 2005 User Control Rebuild Take Effect?

Mar 23, 2009

I am writing a custom control which is a textbox currency control. What is the best way if I make changes to my control to have my main project use the changed control?

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VS 2005 One RadioButton Check Change Doesn't Effect Others

Sep 3, 2010

I have 3 RadioButton on the form, and a button. in button click event i have the following line RadioButton1.Checked = False when the rb1 checked is set the false, none of the other two rb's are set to true.Which should happen by default (atleast i happens when i set the checked using mouse or keybd)

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VS 2005 Saving Image Changing Image Size And Canvas Size?

Dec 11, 2010

I use some code to successfully resize and save images - but I want to save the image to 800x800 px size on a canvas of 900x900px so it has a white border type thing around it.

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VS 2005 Form Size Scrollable?

Mar 19, 2011

I need to increase the size of my form and allow it to be scrollable vertically but I cant set my size any larger then 780 I have auto scroll set to true and from what I thought I understood I should be able to make the form longer and it would be scrollable Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong ?

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VS 2005 - Make The Browser Size Smaller?

Jul 16, 2009

using visual basic... well, its for my project...making a webpage i made a webpage with a drop down list...so when i click on the drop down list and click on the item there, a box will pop out i dont want the browser box to be the standard maximize internet explorer browser size or standard minimize internet explorer browser size...i want it to be in a A9 or A10 paper size the moment I select an item and it pops out...

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VS 2005 : Auto-size Image Of A Button?

Feb 15, 2011

Suppose if the user selects an image which is bigger than the size of the button, then i want it to autosize the image so that it fits the button I am providing an OpenFileDialog to the user to select the image for the button

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VS 2005 : Check Form Width Size?

Sep 3, 2011

I am using this code which I am checking with the form width size that if they are greater than 672, then do something....

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Me.Size.Width >= 672 Then
MessageBox.Show("the form size is greater than 672")


When the width size is no greater than 672, the messagebox will display that it says "the form size is greater than 672" which it sound didn't looks right for me. What I am trying to do is to check the width size that if they are greater than 672 then display the messagebox that says "the form size is greater than 672", otherwise if the width size is no greater than 672 which is equal, then display the messagebox that says "the form size is no greater than 672".

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VS 2005 Declare Size Of Array In Structure

Dec 11, 2009

I am upgrading a project from VB6 to VB.NET. Unfortunately, I cannot include the DLL or even the name of the DLL that I am using here, I am under a confidentiality agreement. However, I hope I can post enough info here to get this frustrating problem solved.

In VB.net: Code:

So, if I run it as such, it errors out while calling SetParameters saying
The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))

If I comment out the line m_Parameters.SProperties = New S_Properties(9) {...}, then it does not error out, however the function returns 0, which means it did not actually set the parameters to the device. Trying to ReDim SParameters(9) will also give the hresult error. Doing it with my example above, I put a watch on m_Parameters in both VB6 and VB.net and they look IDENTICAL. All data is the same. Why would I get this ArgumentException in VB.NET and not in VB6 when I am passing in the exact same arguments as in VB6?

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VS 2005 Make Picture Full Size?

Nov 17, 2009

Ok so I have my picture loading in my picture box on my form and resizing to fit box (smaller) I want the user to be able to move his mouse over the picture and have the picture displayed as full size, anyone know how to do this

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VS 2005 Re-adjust The Size Of Listboxes And The Form?

Jun 4, 2009

I have 3 listboxes on my form. Sometimes the items I add to the listboxes are cut off within the listbox since they are too long. In the case of that, I want all the listbox sizes to expand according to the length of the text. Once the size of the listboxes expands, I want the size of the form to expand to avoid any problems. How do I do this?

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VS 2005 Required On Getting Multiple Files Size

Jun 5, 2010

I need to get file size of some files, which i can get very easily by using FileInfo class.. As of now, I'm looping through all files in My Directory and then taking their file sized into a notepad.But the real problem for me is,Like this, I'm having around 100 Root directories, each contains ~ 1000 subdirectories and each sub directory contains ~ 80 files..Yes, I know, that, I can use a recursive function and loop through all dirs and sub dirs and thus the files.. which was taking huge efforts in terms of time.I want to know, If there was any other alternative, which will make my task more easier and efficient.

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VS 2005 Setting Maximum Size @ Run Time?

May 7, 2009

If you can set the height of a panel at run time

Me.Panel1.Height = 3 What is the correct syntax for setting maximum size (height)? Tried this several ways and been searching. I know this is simple.

Me.Panel1.MaximumSize.Height = 512

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[2005] Error : Specified Key Is Not A Valid Size For This Algorithm

Mar 1, 2009

I have found one sample for encrypting/decrypting text using System.Security.Cryptography library (Encrypt/Decrypt string VB.Net).
But there is an error when I try to compile it:


Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm

Where is an error? And what key I should use? Sample:

Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Private Shared Function Encrypt(ByVal strText As String, ByVal strEncrKey As String) As String
Dim IV() As Byte = {&H12, &H34, &H56, &H78, &H90, &HAB, &HCD, &HEF}


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IDE Code Font Size Sundently Changed (2005 SP1)?

Mar 29, 2009

im experiencin a werid issues, i was coding all normal then i closed the code went out to do other stuff (without shutting down the PC).after like one hour came back opened again my project and the code font size its smaller than it used to be (the default).

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VS 2005 Alter Columns Text Size In Code?

Jan 29, 2010

Mistakingly I have deployed an application on 20 laptops and discovered that one of the columns text size to 2 characters to small. How can I check and set this in code? If I can do it this way I don't need to get all the databases back and do it manually.

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VS 2005 Inheriting CheckBox, Override Auto-Size?

Mar 16, 2010

Why is .Net so adamant about AutoSize being true? Here's my

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class JBButton
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox


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VS 2005 Removing Resources, Doesn't Reduce The Size Of The .exe?

Apr 27, 2009

I have a big windows forms project I'm working on. This project has 3 pictures included as resource. I had 3 pictures of each 5mb, which resulted in a .exe file of 17mb. This had to be adressed, because thats a bit to much, so I downsized the pictures to about 100kb each. I've removed the big pictures, and inserted the new ones. But when I compile the project, the .exe file still is 17mb, and it won't get any smaller. I've tried to 'Clean Solution',

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VS 2005 - Font Size Of Labels Increases On Form Submission

Mar 18, 2009

I have created a page containing the Wizard control. It's a very simple one. User selects some data on the first page, clicks Next and then has a choice of Previous or Finish. When they click Finish the form is submitted but, for some reason, the font size of all my labels increases. There's nothing in the code of the Finish button that would do that.

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Structures - Fixed Size (Overall Size And Item Size)

Jun 8, 2011

Now all went well about from using the structure correctly. The working of the structure was perfect. How ever i missed Two important issues. The structure needed a fixed size of 10 items (9 in programming terms starting from 0) And also out of the 5 items allowed to be chosen as one of the member types for the structure a limit of 5 items of that particular type.


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VS 2005 - Form Resizing - Size Of Text Boxes Starts Decreasing

Mar 7, 2010

i have a button in my form which increases the font size of the form by 1. [Code] now when i increase the font size, after increasing by 3 the size of text boxes starts decreasing. this is how the form looks after size+5, when i open the form, the tabpage resize event is called 3 times.

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Control Creates Another Same Event?

Sep 29, 2010

i already finish this module but while doing 2nd module i notice that my 1st module doesnt work anymore, then i checked my code, i double click the control at design time and thats it instead it brings me to my actual code of that control, it brings me to another event, like this, this is where my original codes are placed:

Code: Private Sub lblSupplier_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub then, after the poblem occurs, the control created another event like this:
Code:Private Sub lblSupplier_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub notice the difference, they are the same click event but the other one has an "_1" at the end of click.

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Creates Two DateTime Objects?

Apr 13, 2011

1. Write a Visual Basic Console Application which creates two DateTime objects. One DateTime object should be used to store a value for date purchased. The second DateTime object should be used to store a value for date paid. See below for more information.2. Assign values to the two DateTime objects. See page 197 in your Doke & Williams book for help with this step.3. Use the toString method to display the two DateTime objects. See page 197 in your Doke & Williams book for help with this step.4. Compare the two dates to determine which date occurred first.


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Product That Creates Web Forms On Fly?

Jul 17, 2009

Anyone know of a product/solution that creates web forms on the fly? I want to allow my users to create their own web forms.

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Program That Creates New Objects?

Mar 30, 2012

I have a Car object that does a few things, but I need the program to create New Cars without having to write the code for every new one. Basically, the user checks some combination of Checkboxes and then pushes a button. And I need the program to create a New Car with a unique name for each combination of checked Checkboxes when the button is pushed.

For example, if Checkboxes 1,3,5 were all checked, it would create a New Car that had a different name than the New Car that is created when Checkboxes 1,2,3 are checked.

But I also need the program to be able to check when a New Car has already been assigned to some combination of checkboxes, so that it doesn't create a New Car every time that Checkbox 1,2,3 are checked and instead will use the Car that was already created.

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RangeBar Sample Creates Big Red X?

Jul 31, 2009

The sample program for the Chart Control is written in C#. It provides VB snippets but there appears to be a key piece of information missing or at least hidden. Can anyone explain to me what is needed to get the Chart Control working in VB.NET VS2008 Pro?Using the Chart Controls sample, I tried to create a RangeBar. The only thing showing is a big red X across the chart. Here's the code almost exactly as taken from the VB sample:

Private Sub ChartSample()
' Populate series data


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15 Minute Timer Creates Error

Oct 19, 2009

The program runs off a timer that execute the cndstart button every 15 minutes but then it throws out a variable not defined error "oleasMailItem" but if I take the timer out and click the cmdstart button then the application runs fine without errors and I don't know where I went wrong if I add the timer

Option Explicit
Dim MinCount As Integer

Private Sub cmdstart_Click()


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Code That Creates A Button Onto Form?

Mar 26, 2011

Is there code that creates a button onto the form? The button will not exist until the code is run.

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