VS 2005 Upload Data To Remote Database?

Mar 22, 2010

i write a program using vb 2005. This program collects data from Flight Simulator 2004 (altitude, speed, etc). These data should be uploaded periodically (every 10 secs) to a database which is installed to my website. The problem is that my hosting provider doesn't allow remote access to the database. Is there any way to put that data into the database?

ps. The strange with all the above is that i run a shareware program that can upload data collected from the flight to my database by simply adding the database name, user ir and password.

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Upload Photo Into The Database (sqlserver 2005)?

Dec 14, 2010

i need to upload photo into the database (sqlserver 2005)and also want to print it using crystal report..

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VS 2005 Accessing A Remote Access Database?

Jul 14, 2009

I have an issue with am access database source located on a remote computer.I tried using ADODB to access it, it works, but when I change( update insert or delete) the database on the remote computer, the changes is not reflected in my application

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Forms :: Can VB Read Data From The Disc And Upload It To A Database

Apr 28, 2009

I'm developing an application that will take the data from a cd. This cd stores a .csv file. Can VB read this data from the disc and upload it to a database? Im not sure exactly where to start looking. Can someone point me in the right direction, as to what compnents i should be looking at.

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Reading Data From A Remote Database

Jan 22, 2012

How to read data, submit queries from vb application to a remote machine running sql server. note: I have created a complete functional version of a stock control system with the database residing in the local machine. I just need the basic concept of interacting with remote databases that's all. Do we have to use sockets to read/send data ?

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Downloading Data From Remote Mysql Database

Dec 21, 2009

I'm looking into creating a program which will on program opening connect to a remote mysql database, download the data and store the data into a local file (keeping both in sync is the idea).

Getting a connection to the remote database is my first hurdle, and i'm not suceeding, i know i need to read through more info but if i could get this working it would help me tremendously.

I have attempted to connect using the mysql connector, using the server IP and port number ie. 199.002.999.000:3306 but it doesnt connect, it does connect locally ie. localhost but for some reason it won't connect to the remote server.

My other problem is that i cannot control the mysql server, i.e connections allowed remote etc, i think they're just enabled to accept connections from the server.

Is there a way to run a hidden browser script behind the scenes, download and run the file? I've tried looking for possible ways to acheive this, but have come up trumps so far.

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Get Data From A Remote Server / Mysql Database

Feb 13, 2009

i have a site that is running in php with a mysql db and i want creat a app wiht .net 2008 to return/send values to that database what is the best way to do that? i have think in this options:


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Retrieve / Update Data From Remote Database

Jul 22, 2011

I'm currently working on an application written in VB.net using Visual Studio. The app retrieves and updates data from a remote database. While debugging, I updated a particular row in the database and after messing around a bit managed to crash the app. Since then, whenever I fetch that particular row, the data that was previously updated continues to be retreived - regardless of what is actually in the database.

All other rows properly reflect the data in the database and are capable of being updated through the application as they should. However with this one particular row it continues to retrieve outdated data and locks up the application when I attempt to perform an update. Does Visual Studio create some sort of local copy of the database which was perhaps corrupted?

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Upload Multiple XML Files To A Remote Server?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm trying to upload multiple XML files to a remote server but I am having problems. My code will upload 1 or 2 files then it will pause for a while then error out saying "The operation has timed out". Here is the code that does the uploading:

Private Sub SendFiles()
Dim ediServer As String = "ftpservername"
Dim useFile, ediFileName, ediFile As String


Should I be creating a new request object inside a loop for each file like I am?

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2005 - Login With Database - Only Get Latest Data On Username And Password Column On My Database

Jan 14, 2011

I have code on log in form but it only get the latest data on username and password column on my database

Here is my code

Public Class Users
Dim MyLogIn As New myRecords

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


This is my connection:

Imports MySql.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Module myconnect


This is my record:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports MySql.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient


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VS 2005 Upload More Than 2GB Files?

Nov 18, 2009

i tried to upload a file more than 2GB size... into linux ftp server...

using System.IO
'Reading file into a byte array
Dim file As Byte()
file = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(p_FilePath)


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VS 2005 Upload/Download Via FTP?

Aug 13, 2010

How can I upload text files using FTP server e.g. [URL] (with username and password) in Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 express edition... ?

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Accessing Data Without Using Database (.Net 2005)

Jan 31, 2010

Is it possible to add, edit, view and delete records using a file only (instead of a database) and .Net 2005 (VB.Net/C#)? The concept is that a file that'll work more-or-less like a database. One can add, edit, view, delete and query data to and from the file. The file, either cannot be opened directly or data inside the file should be in some encrypted form so that even if the file is opened no one can comprehend it. Data inside the file can only be manipulated by a front end application i.e. .Net 2005.

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Add Data In SQL Server 2005 Database?

Mar 10, 2010

'm just a beginner who want to learn on manipulating SQL Server data using vb.net. I have already experienced manipulating data in ms access. So I just recycled the code that I used in here. But unfortunately I got this error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.And another problem is that, I'm not really sure if what I have inputted in the SqlConnection matches what is in SQL Server. Here is a screen shot of sql server management studio express:

Imorts system.data.sqlclient
Dim idnum As String


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VS 2005 Fetching Data From The Database?

Aug 15, 2009

In a windows form i want to fetch data for the combobox1,combobox2,combobox3 and combobox4 from the BankAccount table and fetch data for combobox5 from the TransferMoney table and fill the dropdown list of these combobox's at the form load event.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


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[2005] Adding Data From A Database

Feb 26, 2009

This is written in.NET 1.1 and connected to a SQL 2000 Server Database


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Add A Remote SQLServer Database To My Database Explorer Window In 2010 Express?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm trying to use LINQ to SQL in Visual Basic 2010 Express.

It allows me to create the .dbml file, but in order to drag items from the Database Explorer window to the design surface, I first have to get my database listed in the Database Explorer!(this is a remote SQL Server database - not a local .mdf)

I already have a good, working connection string to the remote SQL Server database, but that doesn't help me when I'm trying to generate the DBML at design time.

Can anyone tell me how to get my remote SQL Server database identified in the Database Explorere window? When I try the "Add Connection", I am limited to Access, SQL Server Compact, or SQL Server Database File. If I try to enter the IP address & port of my DB Host I get a 'database file does not exist' message. Doesn't seem to want to let me point to a remote DB server...

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Upload File In Sql Sever 2005 Using .net?

May 18, 2009

i have to upload resume on submit button click..how to add that file in database..and retrivw when selected by recuriters..

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.net And Ms Sql 2005 Couldn't Insert Data Into Database?

Sep 2, 2009

currently im stuck at the part where user enter data through form and form pass it to database.but it is just not working.there is a patient database with id,nric,name ,dob,address,telephone, dateofregister fields.Can anyone help me to point out where i did mistake in this coding?

Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Addpatient
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter


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Data Doesn't Delete From Database, Vb 2005?

Jul 14, 2009

in my form..there's a couple of textboxes..these textboxes display data from the database using databinding method..

when i click on my delete button to delete the data displayed in those textboxes...the data will be gone from the textboxes...but when i check my database..the data is still there....what happen??..how do i delete the data from the textboxes..AS WELL AS from the database?

here's my delete button code

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
Dim intresult As Integer


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Ms Sql 2005 Couldnt Insert Data Into Database?

Nov 3, 2007

ms sql and been learning by browsing through many online tutorials and guides to complete a system.currently im stuck at the part where user enter data through form and form pass it to database.but it is just not working.there is a patient database with id,nric,name ,dob,address,telephone, dateofregister fields

Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Addpatient
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter


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VS 2005 - Encrypting Data Before Entering It To Database

Jan 19, 2010

I did a code to insert a data into a mdb database but I want the data to be saved in the database in an encrypted manner.

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VS 2005 Data In Textbox Which Connect To Database?

Aug 21, 2011

currently i am create windows application form for staff registration for my assignment, this form is contain textbox which are connected to database.Every time i run this form ,i can see data in the textbox ,which is from column in my table database.My question is how i can make the textbox is blank every time i run my staff registration form.I dont want that data which i save in database is been seen because this form is use to add new data in database.i am using visual studio 2005 and sql 2005.Here i attach some picture when i run my form application, there is data in every textbox.

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VS 2005 Event For When Data Is Loaded From Database?

Mar 19, 2009

i have a textbox that i want to format the value and i placed it in the Validated event.. it works ok when a user enters a value but when data is being loaded from database, it doesn't format.

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VS 2005 Fetch Data From The Database(access)

Sep 11, 2009

I have this form: Attachment 73106 In this form,I want to fetch data from the database(access). Initially when the form loads,the balance field remains disabled. But when i select a data from the dropdownlist of the account number then i want the corresponding data of the balance field from the database is shown in the balance filed of the form and the textbox becomes enabled since it is containing the data. I did this at the form load event:


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VS 2005 Retrieving Data From A Database Connection?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a database (Seeds1) that is connected to my project. I have gone in manually and entered data in to my database which is an Access. How do I retrieve information from my database into my program.

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VS 2005 Saving Data Not Working In Database?

Oct 3, 2009

I have created a access database and have sucsessfully connected to it.I have three records in it (just for testing) and have got the BindingNavigator to connect to it as well.I can move through the (3) records that I have previously entered, and when I click on the Add Record button it zero's the text fields that I have displayed.When I enter NEW DATA it does not SAVE it.

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VS 2005 Transfering Data From One Part To Other Of Database To Other?

Jul 19, 2009

The form is like this:A database contains six columns:"From Bank","From Account","From Balance","To Bank","To Account","To Balance"On transfer button click,The balanced will be transfered and added to the "To Balance" of "To Account"i did the code for form load but i cant get throught the transfer money

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


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VS 2005 - Upload File (Image) To New Directory

Feb 24, 2010

What I'm trying to do is upload a file (image) to (possibly) a new directory. My logic is as follows;
If NOT Directory("[URL]" + UserID).Exists
CreateDirectory("[URL]" + UserID)
UploadImage("[URL]" + UserID, Image)
UploadImage("[URL]" + UserID, Image)
End If
Is there a way to do this with WebClient or HttpWebRequest?

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DB/Reporting :: Using Service-based Database As Remote Database?

Sep 20, 2011

Recently working in vb 2010 express. I'm using service-based database which is based on SQL Server. This database will be deployed at the server. Is it possible that multiple vb.net programs, which are installed in remote computers or client computers in the same network, connect to this database simultaneously? Does the service-based database support multiple connections?

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