VS 2005 Using WithEvents With A Non-instantiated Class?

May 13, 2011

Can you raise events from a class that has only shared members and doesn't get instantiated? I originally had the class members non-shared and created instances of the class where I need them. I had the events being raised and everything worked as expected. But as the class members are actually application level and do not need instancing, I converted all members in the class to shared so they could be accessed from anywhere in the program without creating an instance of the class. But WithEvents requires the creation of a class instance. I've done that and it seems to work fine when using an instance. And since I need the events handled in only one class, I can create the instance in that class and let all other areas access the class directly, without creating an instance.

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Cannot Seem To Get Sub From An Instance Of Class Once Instantiated?

Sep 11, 2009

I think I just need a push in the right direction. I cannot seem to get my sub from an instance of my class, once instantiated, to run when I click on the button. My Code in the class is

When I click this:Private Sub btnBark_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBark.Click
End Sub


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Serialization For A Class Declared As WithEvents

May 9, 2009

Public WithEvents Tree as Tree. I am not able to Serialize the Tree class, but if i remove the "WithEvents" keyword, it works fine. Why? What should I do if I have to declare it with "WithEvents"?

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VS 2005 Experiencing WithEvents?

Feb 24, 2010

Protected WithEvents gel As New TabPage

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
gel.Text = ("Gel")

Private Sub Gel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gel.Click
MsgBox("test") So my problem is that if I click on the tabpage gel, nothing happens.

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Declare A WithEvents Class In Windows Form Designer Which Is Not Control Base

Jun 4, 2011

I am making a TabStrip control to hold a number of tabs just like TabControl, but only with the tabs, no page. The control has a "Tabs Collection", which stores a list of "Tab" class. "Tab" is not inherited from Control, but each tab has its events. So when the user add a "Tab" in the "Tabs Collection", each "Tab" instance should have a (Name) identifier, which user can access it in the code, and with WithEvents keyword so users can add event handlers to each "Tab". The expected out come should similar to this:

Friend TabStrip1 As TabStrip
Friend WithEvents t1 As Tab


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WithEvents Variable 'PreviousPage' Conflicts With Property 'PreviousPage' In The Base Class 'Page' And Should Be Declared 'Shadows'?

Feb 1, 2012

I am converting an application from vb.net 2003 to 2005. I got the following warning and need help how to resolve it. withEvents variable 'PreviousPage' conflicts with property 'PreviousPage' in the base class 'Page' and should be declared 'Shadows'

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VS 2008 Error "WithEvents Variable 'Move' Conflicts With Event 'Move' In The Base Class 'Control' And Should Be Declared Shadows"

Sep 3, 2010

What does this error mean? I havent modified anything in the designer code, but its giving me an error? WithEvents variable 'Move' conflicts with event 'Move' in the base class 'Control' and should be declared 'Shadows'. The error relates to Friend WithEvents Move As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn

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VS 2005 Class Contain Another Class Within It - Interface And Property?

Jul 29, 2010

I know that an interface can contain another interface within it.But;can a class contain another class within it?Can an interface contain another interface within it?

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Access Instance Already Instantiated?

Mar 31, 2010

I create an Instance of Access to view a report through my app.I would like to check if an Instance of Access has either already been opened by the user, or by the app. If so, use that instance.

Dim oAccess As Access.Application
Public Sub CreateAccessInstance()

As it stands now, It creates multple MSACCESS.EXE processes which are running until I exit the app.

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Where Does A Startup Form Get Instantiated

Sep 10, 2009

When developing a Windows Forms Application, I can see in the Application.Designer.vb file where Me.MainForm = Form1, but I can't find where/how Form1 actually gets newed-up.

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Wpf - Custom Control Can Only Be Instantiated Once?

Mar 8, 2012

I am new to WPF and custom controls.I have implemented a custom control in VB with WPF and MVVM based on Davids example: [URL]..I have a custom control libary and a reference to my project to implement my control.I implement my contol in the View via XAML:


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VS 2005 : Use The System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher Class In VS 2005?

Mar 6, 2008

I am attempting to use the System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher class in VS 2005 (see below) but get a error message for both the ManagementObjectSearcher class and queryObj As ManagementObject - Type ManagementObjectfSearcher is not defined and Type ManagementObject is not defined. how do I use this class in Visual Studio 2005?

Dim searcher As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher( _
"rootCIMV2", _
"SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct")


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Change The Upperbound Of An Array Once It Has Been Instantiated?

Jun 15, 2009

Is it possible to change the upperbound of an array once it has been instantiated? I want to change the upperbound in an array so it matches the number of items that hold a value.

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Instantiated OCX Object Has No Event Fired?

Jan 6, 2011

problem with no event fired after the wrapped ocx object with aximp sent out the message in a console application testing.

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Oop - Particular Object May Be Instantiated Only Once During Program Execution?

Dec 27, 2009

VB.NET: What is the best way to ensure that a particular object may be instantiated only once during program execution?

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Using A Cookie / Session Instantiated By Another Application?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a customer intranet (ASP.NET / VB) thats instantiating an asp.net session checking various things in the dblogin process. The Intranet has various sub-systems.The marketing sub-system requires an app_role to be assigned to the Intranet user for them to view the section.I need to create a new booking form for this section but the code appears to use a generic form which is use throughout the site in various other sections. So its not a good idea to ammend what is currently there.Create a new application in C# / ASP.NET and also in IIS. (rather than a new site, create an app within the Intranet site in IIS)Will I be able to check for the session thats currenting set in the cookie?If the session is open then the user is able to see the Intranet and I assume I will need to do some checks for the app_role too.I am simply going to put the URL for the app in the menu for marketing and then do another check just incase someone gives the URL to someone who doesnt have access to the menu.Will i be able to check and use the cookie thats been instantiated by another application?

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.net - Release A File Lock On A COM DLL That Has Been Instantiated Via `CreateObject`?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a .Net 4 WinForms app that generates a DLL, calls CreateObject on the generated DLL then calls one of several methods that the DLL contains. The DLL is eventually used by a separate app. This WinForms app is just to generate and test the DLL hence why it can generate the DLL multiple times.The problem lies in the fact that calling CreateObject on the DLL locks the file to the process. The next time the DLL is generated it can't overwrite the previous DLL file on disk without closing the app completely and starting it again.

I've tried Marshal.ReleaseComObject, executing the CreateObject in a separate AppDomain, even setting the variable holding the COM object to a different COM object via CreateObject, manually calling GC.Collect() and a whole host of other things but none result in unlocking the file.The code flow is basically (simplified and generic names, etc.):

' Compile and generate DLL that is COM enabled and works fine
Dim foo As Object = CreateObject("Bar.Foo")


is there a way to release a file lock on a COM DLL that has been instantiated via CreateObject without killing the process?

Note: this is a continuation of this original issue. I now have the DLL registering without locking the file but now the issue is with the CreateObject call not the DLL registration.

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C# - All Disposable Objects Instantiated Within A Using Block Disposed?

Feb 17, 2010

This is a question I have asked myself many times in the past as I nested using statements 5 deep. Reading the docs and finding no mention either way regarding other disposables instantiated within the block I decided it was a good Q for SO archives.


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Classic Program Instantiated Excel Won't Close On Quit

Jul 31, 2009

This runs correctly, but Excel remains active after close.

If I don't create the range objects below, everything seems to work (with no output of course). Does anyone have any idea on how to keep Excel from staying in memory. Also... in the tests I'm running, I do not make the application visible.[code]...

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Getting Button Events From Multiple Manually Instantiated Controls

Aug 30, 2011

I have created a simple custom control - we will call it a "panel with buttons". Here is how I instantiate it:


So what I wind up with are multiple instances of my panel. Each of these panels has a button on it called Button1.
My question is - how do I capture this button event in a way that I will know which panel index it came from?

In the custom control there is only the Button1_click event - and when I click on it in any of the multiple panels I manually instantiated the event does occur, but how I can tell which one of my instantiated buttons were clicked...

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IDE :: Format Order Of Controls Instantiated By Code During Run Time

Feb 3, 2009

I am working on an application that requires buttons and links to be added during run time, it's a bit like a flow chart. The buttons are used to display information similar to a multi line text box, but I also use the click, double click and mouse events for these buttons. The links are drawn as label controls. My problem is that I want to control the format order of these controls with the buttons always being on the top layer and the labels one layer back so that when labels are added they aways pass behind the buttons. If this was done at design time it is very easy to use the menu Format > Order to get overlapping controls displayed the way I want. But, the controls placed on the form at run time do not have a Format or Order property.

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.net - Can The Select Extension Method Project To A List Of Instantiated Objects

Mar 24, 2011

I have two lists declared as follows:

Dim lstDBItems As New List(Of DBItem)
Dim lstAppItems As New List(Of AppItem)

I am trying to do something like this:

I've a function which returns List(Of AppItem):

Function GetAppItems() As List(Of AppItem)
End Function

In the above function I populate lstDBItems and then write the return statement like follows:

Return lstDBItems.Select(Function(x)
dim oItem As New AppItem()
oItem.Property1 = x.DbProperty1


The weird thing is the code compiles, but on rumtime I get a type case error.

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.net - Friend WithEvents In VB Vs Private In C#

Dec 17, 2009

Who knows, why in vb.net WinForm projects the designer by default use the Friend WithEvents attributes and in C# - private ones.

By ex, in a form.designer.


private Label Label1;


Friend WithEvents Label1 as Label;

For WithEvents is more or less clear(for using Handles, apparently). But why Friend in VB and private in C#...

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Adding The Withevents Variable?

Jul 11, 2011

i have the folowing co

For x = 0 To 7 Step 1
For i = 0 To 7 Step 1
Dim rectangleShape1 As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.RectangleShape() 'create a new object to assign to the array location
board(x, i) = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.RectangleShape() 'create the new object in the array


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Clarification For WithEvents Handlers

Feb 11, 2010

When you declare an object 'WithEvents' and then utilize the "Handles" clause at the end of your event methods, how does Visual Basic manage a reference change for the object? In other words, if the withevents var is set to ObjectA, then later I switch it to ObjectB (or nothing), does Visual Basic automatically both remove those handler methods from ObjectA, and attach them to ObjectB? Or do I still have a ObjectA's events being handled behind the scenes?

I ask this because if instead you use AddHandler for an object, and then switch your reference, unless you removed the handler before switching, your original object is still handled (at least I'm pretty sure that's how it works).

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Events - .NET: WithEvents Not Working?

Apr 21, 2010

I have the following classes: Public Class Email


If a create a wrong email lets say "email" the exception is correctly cached and a message is showed however is i input a valid email the event is not raised, the object is being created but no message is shown and no error or exception is thrown i suspect it has something to do with using "myemail = new Email(email)" but i have seen examples of using new with withevents with no problem.

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Local Variable / WithEvents

May 17, 2010

Does anyone know why a local variable cannot be declared WithEvents?T

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Multiple ChildForms With WithEvents?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to create multiple instances of a child form. This form has an event that feeds a string variable back to the parent so I'm declaring it with WithEvents which is declared outside of the Sub - meaning multiple clicks will not open multiple forms.

another method of doing this while keeping the event?:

Dim WithEvents FRestoreDB As New FormRestoreDB()
Private Sub BtnOpenDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnOpenDB.Click


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Set To Nothing(in Dispose()) All WithEvents Fields?

Feb 24, 2010

Is it necessary to set to Nothing(in Dispose()) all WithEvents fields?

Apparently Handles keyword adds handlers to such fields, but does not remove it until this field is not Nothing, and this can generate memory leaks?!.

This should be specially actual on cases like

class Foo
Private WithEvents _bar as Bar


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VS 2010 Threading WithEvents?

Sep 7, 2011

I have an application that performs a lot of busy work. All of the work is performed using a BackgroundWorker and the point of execution is the DoWork Event of the BackgroundWorker.On the UI thread, before the workload begins, I display a PictureBox that contains an animated GIF that illustrates progress; for the most part this works fine and the UI thread is not paused or slowed while the BackgroundWorker does its job. There is however, one instance where the UI thread is impacted by the work being done and it defeats the whole purpose of putting this work in a separate thread. In this application, the user must wait until the work completes before they can move to the next step, so my sole reason for moving this all to a BackgroundWorker was so that I could display a smooth, uninterrupted progress indicator on the UI thread while this work was being done, so that the user could see that something was happening.

The case where the work being done is impacting the UI thread (pausing/delaying the PictureBox animation) deals with a referenced COM object.


All of the COM object event handlers and subsequent functions are appropriately using Delegates, but I am not sure why the ProcessFiles method would cause the UI thread to hang while the work completes; I thought that was the whole purpose of the BackgroundWorker.

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