VS 2005 : Detect If Autoellipsis Is In Use On A Label?

Apr 4, 2009

I have a set of labels with autosize=false and autoellipsis=true.What I would like to do, on the MouseHover event for each of these labels, is to show a tooltip containing that label's text, but only if the ellipsis was necessary in that particular case (i.e. the text of the label was actually too big to fit).

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.net - AutoEllipsis In StatusStrip Label?

Sep 5, 2009

I'm coding a Windows Forms App that has a StatusStrip that displays status informations to the user, and hints when the mouse is over relevant things. However, when the program is on it's minimal window size, the text sometimes is bigger than the whole StatusStrip, and the label simply dissapears. There must be a workaround to this, ideally I'd like it to auto ellipsis when the text is bigger than the window allows. But how?

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Detect If The Text In The Label Is Longer Than The Label?

Nov 11, 2011

Is there any way to detect if the text in a label is longer than the label itself (assuming autosize is set to false)? I want to trim the text in a label so the last line is a finished sentence (everything after that sentence is removed). I hope you understand what I mean.

I want to go from this:"Hello. This is a test string. Most test stri..."

to"Hello. This is a test string."

Is there any easy way to do this?

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VS 2005 Mobile Application VB 2005 - Detect If An Instance Of App Is Already Running?

Feb 8, 2012

I am in process to develop an application for Windows Mobile 6.5 using Visual Basic 2005 and .NET Compact Framework. My problem is that I want to know if an instance of my application is already running and, in that case, I want to jump directly to that instance, without starting another one. I tried several solutions found on the internet but I think there are solution for desktop applications not for mobile applications because I have a lot of errors.

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Detect When Label Is Clicked Without Doing On Click Events For All?

Dec 29, 2009

Is there a way to detect when a label is clicked without doing on click events for all the labels? I want to be able to detect the click, find what has been clicked, then I can change the label since I'll know which one has been clicked.

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Can Make Label Automatically Detect Items Going In And Create A Vscrollbar

Jun 4, 2011

I have a program that outputs a series of items onto a form--an "invoice" if you would like. The problem is, when the user enters in more items than the invoice's size can handle the rest just disappears into the mysterious realm down at the bottom. Is there a way where I can make the label automatically detect items going in and create a vscrollbar or something similar so that it can accommodate it's size?

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VS 2005 - Function To Detect If The Program Is Being Run On Win 7

May 15, 2009

I have a function designed to detect if the program is being run on Win7. However, when it is run on a Win7 machine, it says it is NOT a Win7 machine. [Code]

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VS 2005 Detect Mousemove Control?

Aug 26, 2010

I did a research but I can't find what I wanted. How I can detect the mouse that if I have move it or not?

I hope this is the last things I needs for the day.

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[2005] Detect Multiple Keypresses?

Mar 4, 2009

I'm making a mario-like clone and I just finished the jumping code. The only problem is that moving while jumping is extremely hard because if you hold down the up key and right key at the same time, neither one activates.

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How Detect Folder Permissions In Vista With Net 2005

May 22, 2009

I have an app written on an xp pc which I want users to run on Vista

The app needs to delete a file on a portable drive in a particular folder

This folder was created on the xp machine and copied to the portable drive

The app will not delete a file in this folder on Vista but it will on xp

When I check folder security on vista (which does not exist on xp) I find that the folder does not have full control assigned

my app will write a file to that folder & delete it but will not delete a file put there from the xp pc

If I change the security in vista to full control it works

what I want to do is see if the folder has full control when the user selects it and advise them they need to alter security as I can not do it in the program

basically I want to advise them the moment they select the folder, not when it fails to delete the file after entering misc details in the app which are reuired before the file is deleted.

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VS 2005 - Detect And Get Valid HTML Tags?

Oct 22, 2010

How to detect and get the valid html tags?

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Detect The Insertion Of A Media(cd Or Flash) With 2005 Or 2008?

Jul 11, 2010

I need a code to notify my application when a device (flash drive, cd, etc.) is inserted and removed.

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[2005] Application - Voice Modem Basics - How To Detect When The Call Is Answered Though

Jan 30, 2009

I spent some time with data modems till I realized it's a voice modem that I'm going to need in my application. I see that there are some other commands for a voice modem, although nothing very elaborate. I would imagine you make the call as you would in a data modem ATDT etc and it looks like there is really just one command to send audio...


Not sure what this is all about except maybe just different standards? Still not sure about how to detect when the call is answered though. I won't be talking to another modem. Maybe the serial port itself has a pin change or something? You would think there would be a bit "somewhere" that the modem would generate when it quits ringing. I may have build my own outboard box to do this. (easy enough -- probably more reliable too -- modems sure need rebooting a lot it seems).

Here is the goal though --Voice modem calls out, call is answered, and I inject my audio from the PC sound card for a minute or so and then tell the modem to hangup.

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VB 2005 And Form Label Transparency?

Dec 17, 2005

I have just converted my first VB6 application to a VB Express version. I have a fair sized library that I would like to convert but I am having a severe problem with a very simple little game program that I selected for a trial conversion. The problem is this. I do a lot of graphic / art work in my GUI and heavily use labels with transparent backgrounds. When I converted to VB Exp 2005 the labels are no longer transparent but rather carry the background color attribute of the Form. Is this how MS implemented transparency in VB 2005? If so the product is of no use to me whatsoever. I checked the Labels attributes and they are set to transparent. But they are not being displayed as such.

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VS 2005 - Font Change Within Label

Mar 24, 2009

A co-worker is having a problem trying to display the time in a label. He wants the AM/PM to display smaller than the time numerals. Neither of us knows of any way to change the font size within the same label, so we tried using two labels. That works for the different sizes, but we can't seem to get the appearance to 'flow' correctly without overlapping the labels, and then part of the text gets cut off.

We tried setting the padding to 0, but that still leaves a noticeable gap. We tried setting the background of the front label to transparent, but that didn't work for some reason. The left label (time) in right-aligned and the right label (AM/PM) is left-aligned, and that's as close as we can come.

Any way to either change the font size within one label or to overlap two labels without one obscuring part of the other? Or, maybe, a way to create a label so the text actually starts at the very edge of the label? (I'm doubting this last-I suspect the problem is that each character is defined, by the font, as occupying a 'block' of space.)

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VS 2005 - How To Remove Subitems In Label

Jun 8, 2012

I am currently working on my program to click on the listview items. I'm using listview mouseclick event to click on each listview item, I would like to know how I can get the messagebox to display to let me know that the subitems get remove in the label when I click on same checkboxes after when I add the subitems in the label?

Here's the
Private Sub listView1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
Dim item As String = listView1.HitTest(e.Location).Item.SubItems(1).Text
Dim a() As String = Nothing
a = label1.Text.Split(","c)
[Code] .....

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VS 2005 - How To Set Label As Transparent With Shockwave

Nov 22, 2009

I would like to set the label background to none where I could see the shockwave behind the label, but I couldn't be able to do that. How can I set label background to none so I would easily to see the shockwave?

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VS 2005 How To Add Listview Items In Label

May 27, 2012

I have got a problem with adding the listview items in the label, when I select the checkboxes in the listview I keep getting the same text to add in the label when one of the checkbox is ticked.

Private Sub listView1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
For i As Integer = 0 To listView1.CheckedItems.Count - 1
If label3.Text = "" Then


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VS 2005 Wingding Character In A Label?

May 21, 2009

I'm a seasoned (long time) MS Access VBA programmer working to learn VB.net. I had a wingding character in an Access app that I'm trying to use in VB.net, but have not found how to do it yet. After 2 hours with Google and still no answers, I thought I should try here before giving up. If I need to use GDI+, please point me to a step by step explaination. The ones I have seen so far expect too much prior knowledge in VB.net.

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[2005] Transparent Label Above Progress Bar?

Dec 7, 2008

How to make label transparent? I want to make the percent progress on top of the progress bar, I tried transparent but it didn't working.. It has white backgroundthe code is like this

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


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VS 2005 - ComboBox / Textbox And Label On 2 Forms

Apr 11, 2009

I have 2 forms. The first form has a label on it. The second form has a combo box, a text box, and a button on it. In the second form, when I select the label name that I want to edit, I type in what I want to change the label name to in the textbox and I click the button. Now this goes through flawlessly except I want the combobox item to change to the NEW label name. I've been able to do that but when I close the form in run-time and open it up again, the previous label name appears once again. Is it possible to make the combobox add the new label name and KEEP it in its collection?

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VS 2005 Finding Object - Label Of Progress Bar

Jan 12, 2010

I accidentally deleted my a statusStrip which housed my toolstrip progressbar and toolstrip label. Now I cant see the label of the progress bar????

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VS 2005 Label Font Changes On Form Load?

Mar 6, 2010

I have set my forms font as "Segoe UI, 14.25pt" and have just placed an single label on the form.

Upon placing the label by default it gets the forms font i.e Segoe UI, 14.25pt

i have placed the following code on the labels textchange event

Private Sub Label1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.TextChanged
Dim f As New Font(Me.Label1.Font, FontStyle.Italic)
Label1.Font = f
End Sub

Now when the form is loaded , i get a message box showing the labels font name as "Microsoft Sans Serif"

The labels font size also changes to 8 but it is italic.

Why is this happening? And why does the textchange event occur on the form load?

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VS 2005 Move Label To New Position Programmatically

Sep 13, 2009

how to move a label to new position programaticly I have tried:


None of these works, it's driving me crazy, in VB6 no problem, but VB2005 No hair left on my head, it's all on the floor

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VS 2005 Use A Variable From An InputBox And Place It On A Label?

Feb 6, 2010

I have an assignment that requires me to use a variable from an InputBox and place it on a label. That variable needs to be formatted using the P0 formatstring but results in the folowing error: Error2Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'String' to 'System.IFormatProvider'.

Here's my

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class MainForm


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VS 2005 Viewing Label Controls At The Front End?

Oct 6, 2009

I have some buttons, labels, datagrids, radiobuttons etc. on the front end of an application. Can anyone tell me how to make all the labels visible in the design view even if the focus is removed from those controls. The problem is once the focus is removed from the labels they do not appear in the screen.

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[2005] Label Control Accepting Focus?

Feb 18, 2009

there is an textbox, an label and an button on my form. In the click event of the button i wrote label1.focus().ow when i click on the button the focus is being set to the label instead of the textbox, even though the tabindex of the textbox is 1 than compared to 0 of the lablel.

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VS 2005 - Make A Quiz In VB - Label - Textbox And Two Buttons ?

Oct 13, 2009

Im trying to make a simple quiz in visual basic all it has is a label a textbox and two buttons. one of the buttons if for checking if the answer is rite while the other is to go to the next question. i want to make it so when the next question button is clicked the label changes to the next question and the textbox is cleared and then when i press check it checks the answer.

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VS 2005 Set Label Text While Looping Through Date Range

Oct 2, 2010

in a form I need to set the text of labels while looping through a range of dates set by a start date and an end date. Right now I have come up with this code,


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VS 2005 Showing Continious Date Time On A Label?

Sep 5, 2009

How do I show a continuous time stamp on a label in windows form.

I am using vs.2005 - vb language

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