VS 2005 How To Write Sql Query

Jun 25, 2010

Every time I edit the query in the query builder, it return this error "The schema returned by the new query differs from the base query". (eg. I remove "address" from the sql command - SELECT customer, address)I'm trying to select data from different tables from different database, How do I write the sql query? How do I join those database and tables together? (e.g Select FROM table1.database1, table2.database2, table3.database3 and so on)

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How To Write SQL Query

Mar 29, 2010

I have been assigned to write a asp.net website that allows a user to enter a title of a book in a textbox, or a ISBN of a book in a separate textbox. A database is then supposed to be queried to find the book and the book as well as its price, author etc.. are to be output on a new page. I am at a complete loss as to how to write a query, where do I even go in Visual Studio 2008 to write it? I have the database itself stored in the website resource file.

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How To Write Linq Query For Xml In .net

Feb 3, 2010

I want to write a link query for my xml. Actually i dont know it.i have write some code here.

Dim query = _
From p In MyPermissionXml.Elements("menuNode").Descendants("menuNode") _
Where p.Attributes("title").ToString = "Company"

from where clause , i think it's wrong. how to represent an attribute here?

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Write SQL Query In LINQ?

Oct 18, 2011

How can I write this SQL query in VB.NET LINQ?


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How To Write A Scalar Query In .NET From A SQL Database

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to write VB.NET query without writing SQL stored procs. I have already gotten many dataset text queries to work. But I am having trouble with getting this scalar query to work. All I want to do is to get the result of this T-SQL query. How can I code this successfully? select (DateDiff(w, '1/1/' + '2011', getdate())) / 7 AS SELECTED_WEEK (What this code does is it returns the current week of the year). And will this query above return the value as an integer datatype or string?

I tried your answers but it gave me this exception error:

System.InvalidOperationException: ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Closed.

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How To Write This Into Linq To Object Query

Feb 24, 2010

from a list, which got 3 attributesI want to return a new list of that class where attribut1 recurrence in the list equals Xfor an example this;



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Streamwriter To Write SQL Query Results?

Mar 11, 2010

I have successfully run a simple sql query in vb.net and basically wanted to know how I can export the results from the query to a .txt file? All I really know is that I should be using StreamWriter. "SELECT column1, column2, from table1 where column1 = '1'" to a .txt file? Would it be best to first bind the data to a grid or can I skip that step?

View 6 Replies

Write A Query For The Calculation Of Stock?

Sep 3, 2009

I am using vb express and MsAccess as database. I am trying to write a query for the calculation of Stock.

My tables are as under:

PId PDate ItemId Description Price Quantity Amount
1 28/8/2009 1 Coca Cola Normal 1,00 10 10,00
2 28/8/2009 2 Coca Cola Zero 1,00 5 5,00


But i could not get the desired results.

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Write A Query Using Multi 'where' Conditions?

Apr 29, 2012

im trying to write a query using multi 'where' conditions however am having so difficulty making it suitable for vb, sql = "SELECT * FROM Room WHERE [Room Size]= '" & Noofppl.Text & "'" AND [Number of PC's] = '" & noofpcs.Text&"'"

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Write Result Of For Xml Raw Query To File

Nov 24, 2009

I have a for xml raw select query that returns a xml string in server2005 and i would like to write that string to a file using vb.net.

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How To Write An LDAP Query To List All Of The PCs In A Specific OU?

Sep 14, 2010

Im just trying to figure out how to write an LDAP query to list all of the PCs in a specific OU.

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VS 2008 : Write A Query To Bind It To DataGridView?

May 26, 2009

I have 2 tables:tblcode and tbltransaction tblCode with 2 fields:Code and Description with data like

Code Description
A test1
B test2
C test3

and tbltransaction with 4 fields:transactionID,UniqueID,Code,Value with data liketransactionID and UniqueID are the primary keys)
transactionID UniqueID Code Value

120 1 A 0
120 1 B 1

I want to write a query that outputs:

transactionID UniqueID test1 test2 test3
120 1 0 1 0

so because tblcode has 3 fields I have 3 columns which are test1, test2 and test3(the descriptions of Code A,B and C) i tried to use pivots but it didn't work for me since I don't know in advance the number of rows in tblcode?

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Write A Sql Query That Takes Information From A Database?

Oct 31, 2009

How can I write a sql query that takes information from a database, and then put in the text in a label?

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Write Case Sensitive Function In SQL Query?

Feb 25, 2009

How to write Case Sensitive Function In SQL Query?

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Write A Dynamic Sql Query That Fetches Data From Oracle 10g Database?

Jan 27, 2009

trying to write a dynamic sql query that fetches data from oracle 10g database. My Where criteria is giving me real problems but i guess it has to do with the oracle data format. The data column is a TIMESTAMP data type storing values like 25-JAN-09 AM. Am trying to get rows having the columns matching a specific date( ignoring the time values), my where looks like this

WHERE to_date(COMPLY_RUN_DASHBOARD_DATE,'DD-MON-RR')='" & Now.Date & "'"i get the following error :CheckError ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string

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IDE :: The Query Builder Failed - Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory

Mar 25, 2010

Whenever I try to modify "any" Dataset using the designer in a specfic projet, I get the error mentioned in the title. The designer works OK in other projects.Steps:

1. Open the the dataset.xsd from the solution explorer.

2. Right click in thedesigner and add Tableadapter.

3. Click the Next button twice to get to the "Enter SQL Statement" and click "Query Builder" button.

First Error Message: "The Query Builder Faied..." "The Parameter is Incorrect" Click OK and click the "Query Builder" button again...2nd Error Message: "The Query Builder Failed..." "Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory.This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

This one particular dataset has been editied a number of times. Furthermore, in this project, I now get this error in all three (3) datasets I have in the project. Is there a way to start a new prject, import the form andf class objects and create an entirely new set of datasets? I've tried this with no success.

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.net - Write A Linq To Sql Query To Find Records Where Field Name Can Match One Of Dynamic Number Of Strings?

Mar 21, 2012

I have users check off lab facilities in a UI. I want to use linq to fetch corresponding records for all of the labs that they have checked off. Basically,

Dim myRecs = (From l As EpiData In myDataContext.EPIDatas Where l.facility= _
one of the checked labs

So basically, I need to write a linq query where the "strings" to match are determined at runtime. Is there any way to do this easily? I know that there is a library out there called dynamic LINQ, but (1) it's in C# and I'm writing in VB (2) I'm really just looking for a single, simple solution for this single case.

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VS 2005 Write To A File?

Jan 4, 2010

I want to read through a flat file, find the line starting with the number I want, and edit that line.So if the file looked like


and I want to edit the value 4375 in line 02 (pos. 4-7) to be 4376.I know I can read it with a streamreader, and write to the end or entire file with streamwriter, but how can i read and write at the same time?

Downloading the entire file to a string and then recreating is NOT an option.

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VS 2005 Query Is Not Submitting?

May 10, 2012

My below code has to copy a table from access in to temp dataset and then i need to select some datas from the dataset... its workign fine up to copying in to dataset..but in the second part the query is not submitted.. im a beginner


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VS 2005 Simple Query With ADO.Net?

Jun 14, 2012

I am just starting to dive into the ADO.Net routines in VB.Net, have used ADO in VB6 forever just would like to make sure I am getting started on the right foot here.

'As I test I had hard coded the connection string here which I have removed from the post, I will switch it to a var that is read from a config file later.

Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = CN.CreateCommand
Cmd.CommandText = "Select * from tblusers where userid=@UserID"


btw I realize that I have not yet added a message for when the Userid is not found. I am more concerned with the method I am using to query the db and read the results as well as closing the objects afterwards.

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VS 2005 Update Query In .net?

Apr 1, 2009

I have an sqlserver 2000 database and i am able to add records and read from it but i cant modify existing records. My test table just hav user_id,Name, , Phone and State for columns.

updateSql = "UPDATE student " & _
"SET name = '" & Me.TextBox2.Text & "' " & _
"WHERE User_id = '" + Me.TextBox1.Text + "'"
cmd = New SqlCommand(updateSql, cn)

I cant get my update command to actually do anything.

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VS 2005 - How To Create File And Write To It

Mar 18, 2009

How do I make a file? Or someone choose a file they want to create but I know how to write to it.

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Can't Use Sum(NZ(field,0)) In A Query In VB 2005 For Access

Sep 1, 2008

I have a query which I test and work fine in Access[code]...

When I try it, it comes up with an error: "Undefined function 'Nz' in expression.

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VS 2005 Parameterized Query Update?

May 15, 2009

As you may have seen in my other post, I have to switch over an all text SQL statement based database interaction program to using parameterized queries instead.I remember doing it this way in college but I don't seem to be able to recall one part of it. The program I wrote back then and some code samples here both point to doing the code as I did so far:

m_strSQL &= ",[LAST NAME] = @strLName"
Dim upCMD As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(m_strSQL, m_Connection)
upCMD.Parameters.Add("@strFName", OleDb.OleDbType.Char, 30, "[First Name]")


it ran the SQL statement and that's that. Can I just do that with a parameterized query too without using the adapter.update()? And for bonus points, why the heck did I use that command in my old college program cuz I sure don't know?

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VS 2005 Query Under Form Under Working?

Dec 30, 2009

With DataAdapter i passed a query and this is working....

Dim strSQL1 As String = "SELECT tbl_Items.GroupName, tbl_Items.ItemName, tbl_quantity.Quantity, tbl_quantity.QtyDate FROM (tbl_Items INNER JOIN tbl_quantity ON tbl_Items.ItemID = tbl_quantity.ItemID)WHERE(tbl_quantity.QtyDate = #12/29/2009#)"
Dim da1 As New OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL1, DataConn)
Dim dt1 As New DataTable

But when i give the date as this, not working...

Dim tmpDate As DateTime
tmpDate = System.DateTime.Now.Date
Dim strSQL1 As String = "SELECT tbl_Items.GroupName, tbl_Items.ItemName, tbl_quantity.Quantity, tbl_quantity.QtyDate FROM (tbl_Items INNER JOIN tbl_quantity ON tbl_Items.ItemID = tbl_quantity.ItemID)WHERE(tbl_quantity.QtyDate = " & tmpDate & " )"

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VS 2005 Table Adapter Query

Nov 18, 2009

From Previous Forum Post: Table Adapter Parameterized Query.I added a query. FillByDate using Table Adapter which takes a date as input from the code. The query I have set is the following: [code] lastdate (string object) is a date (inside double quote) provided in the code. The code does not generate error but I get a screen which asks the date as input despite the fact that it has already been provided in the code. [code]

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VS 2005 WMI Query - SQL Server Startup

Jan 5, 2011

I'm writing a program that will be able to start a window service (SQL Server) on demand. Some of our servers have both SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 installed. I'd like to run a WMI query on the server (either local or remote) to determine how many instances of SQL are installed, and then start the latest version of SQL server. Install paths to SQL instances / configs can be different due to SAN configuration, so I need to use a WMI query to get the services.

I was using the following query- "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name LIKE '%MSSQL$%' OR Caption = 'MSSQLSERVER' OR Name = 'SQLSERVERAGENT' OR Name LIKE '%SQLAgent$%'" This returns a bunch of SQL services, so I decided to cut it down- "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name LIKE '%MSSQLSERVER%' OR Caption = 'MSSQLSERVER'" But that query still returns other services (i.e. FullText, Active Directory Helper, etc.) that I don't want. Is it possible to create a WMI query to only look for MSSQLSERVER and SQL Server Agent services? Am I missing something?

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Can't Write In Access 2003 / 2007 DB In VB 2005

Jun 29, 2009

I'm developing a app in VB 2005 to connect to a Access 2003/2007 DB, I manage to connect to it but I can't write to it, do I have to enable something to make it work?

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VS 2005 - How To Write Line Into Text File (CFG)

May 17, 2011

I want to write a line into a text/.cfg file. The line is = name "ishtiak". I need a sapce between name & "ishtiak". The text "ishtiak" is loading from a textbox called textbox1. I dont want in the text box my name like this "ishtiak" it will be without "" like this ishtiak
but in the text file it will add "" before & after my name.

So the question is
1. How to add space between name & "ishtiak"? like this = name "ishtiak"
2. My textbox text will be ishtiak,but it will be written like this "ishtiak"

Here is My Project Screen & Project Code
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim thefile As String = "C:append.cfg"
Dim lines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:append.cfg")
lines(4) = "name" & TextBox1.Text
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("C:append.cfg", lines)
End Sub

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VS 2005 - Way To Keep Up To Date With Things - Write PDA And ASP.Net Apps

Feb 3, 2011

I am a software developer developing in VS2005. I write mainly VB.Net application but also write PDA and ASP.Net apps. I am still using .Net Framework 2.0. Can anyone suggest and sites where I can keep up to date with things?

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