VS 2008 Adding Timestamp To A File Name?

Nov 16, 2011

for it but couldn't find a solution. If you can link me a thread that answers this question, that'll work for me.

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FTP File And Folder Timestamp?

Sep 23, 2011

I am trying to connect ftp from my vb application code is

Dim ftpReq As FtpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("*****")
ftpReq.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails
ftpReq.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("***", "****")


My first issue is that ListDirectoryDetails appears to list the modified date/time instead of the create date/time. My second issue is that the date/time field appears to be limited in size to the point it lists the year or time but not both. I can live without the year but I must have time.

Is there anything I can do to guarantee I always get the time and ensure it is returning the create/date time instead of the modified date/time? If not, is there another way to get this information?

-r--w--r-- 1 root public 1602 Mar 11 13:31 file1.txt
-r--r--w-- 1 root public 2514276 Nov 05 2008 file2.txt

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Check The Timestamp Of A File (vb 2003)?

Jul 18, 2011

I have to load a data-file (articledata.txt) which is then being used into different other excels which filter out the needed data. After X hours the data-file will be updated, so now I'd like to inform the user that newer data is available (so they can refresh the excels).

I would think I can use the time-stamp of the file when I load it, save it, and then compare it (every X time?) with the time-stamp of the data-file to see whether it has been updated, but I have no idea how to get the timestamp out of the file.

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Force Update File Timestamp?

May 9, 2011

I am using the following code to copy a file:System.IO.File.Copy(strOldFile, strNewFile)

But the trouble is that the newly-created file inherits the old file's timestamp. Is there a way to force the timestamp to update?

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How To Update Timestamp On File When No Changes Made

Mar 4, 2010

When I click on the Save button in the interface it executes the SaveData() steps. But I am being told that I need to update the date stamp on the Access file. How I would make this change?

Private Sub ProblemTableBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click
(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs)
Handles ProblemTableBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub SaveData()
[Code] .....

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Get The Unix Timestamp In VB 2008?

Sep 18, 2010

I want to know if it is possible to get the Unix Timestamp in VB 2008? I have no idea on how to get it.

(Unix timestamp is the amound of seconds passed since 1 January 1970 00:00)

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VS 2008 - How To Put TimeStamp On Items When Entered

Jul 13, 2009

My boss wants a time stamp on items as they are entered, so far I can pull the current DateTime from the system. Problem is when it does this it has a # at either end for instance:
Dim dtNow As System.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now
When I put a break on this dtNow is #7/13/2009 10:48:46 PM#

Our back end is SQL and I have added a column of TimeStarted and I want this data to be input here, issue is SQL does not like the # symbols, how do i Trim these things off so that it will take the DateTime. I put the code in the form load event
Dim dtNow As System.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now
GetDataTable("Update AuditProducts Set TimeStart = '" & dtnow & "' where ID = '" & txtID.ToString & "'")
txtID is a hidden textbox used to pull the ID of the specific item that was just created. I went directly to the SQL server and placed this query without the # on the date time and it went in no probs.

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Insert A Date / Timestamp Before The Contents - Append To A Text File With .vbs?

Dec 1, 2011

I'm using this script to add text to a variety of .txt's on the fly: Const ForAppending = 8


So I'm sending text with the program launchy this .vbs (addln.vbs) - ("$$" c:ideas.txt) is what the argument is if I want to send to ideas.txt for example All I want to do is make it so I get the date and time right before whatever text I send to this text file. I don't think this would be too complicated.

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VS 2008 - Adding Second Line To Text File?

Jul 1, 2010

I am facing problem with a vb.net code, it adds a second line on the txt file why ?
Dim fs As New FileStream("pwp.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Dim s As New StreamWriter(fs)

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VS 2008 : Adding Frames To A Video File?

May 23, 2009

I want to make a screen recording program and I want to be able to add a picture to the video file every so often and the picture will be a frame. I already know how to capture the screen, so all I need to know how to do is capture a video of the screen.

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Getting The Timestamp Value Of A Ftp?

May 12, 2012

I'm getting the timestamp value of an ftp file like this:

ftpRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetDateTimestamp



It returns:

213 20120512102159

I'm pretty sure 213 is the ftp status code, and then 20120512102159 would be 2012, 05(may), 12(12th), then probably HH MM SS... But this doesn't match my local system, so possibly the FTP server's local time?

Anyhow... This value is a string, am I missing some obvious value of just the date? Otherwise, how do I get this string as a datetime value?

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.net - Add A Timestamp To An Image?

Jan 14, 2011

In .Net/VB.Net, what is the best way to embed a timestamp (simple text like "2011/Jan/13 13:44") into a bitmap image?

I am loading images from a database, and they come without a timestamp embedded directly in the bitmap. What I am trying to do is add a timestamp to the image when I save it.

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ASP.NET VB - Add/use Timestamp On Sqldatabase?

Feb 18, 2012

I am currently developing a webpage, and I want to add date&time to my database whenever there is an entry on the database.

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Formatting A Timestamp String?

Dec 10, 2008

I'm having trouble getting a data stamp to format correctly in VB.NET I need a date stamp exactly like this:

December 10, 2008 at 1:27 PM In VB6, this works perfectly.

Format(Now, "MMMM d, yyyy at H:mm ampm")
I can get everything except the Timestamp in VB.NET.
Format(Now, "MMM, yyyy 'at' H:mm AMPM")
produces - December 10, 2008 at 13:13A12P12

I need 1:13 PM, not 13:13.I can't find anything to format the time to AM/PM vs. military time.I've tried String.Format with no luck either.

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Sql - VB: Formating Mysql Timestamp

Jul 12, 2011

I don't know how to format a timestamp in VB so it gets inserted into the MYSQL database in this format:


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Retrieving The Oracle TimeStamp Field In .Net?

May 28, 2009

I need to begin working with milliseconds in .Net 3.0. The data will be returned from an Oracle Database and if I understand correctly Oracle can only store dates that use milliseconds as a TimeStamp. It does appears that the Date type in .Net can handle milliseconds but when I have tried to retrieve Timestamps from Oracle stored procedures in the past I ran into a nasty error. Can .Net handle the Oracle timestamp data type or do I need to bring it back as a VarChar and cast it to a date type?

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Search Inside Dir Return With Timestamp?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a directory that I need to search. The search will look for all files inside that directory and all the subdirectories. The filenames will output on a listbox. The problem is when I run the search, it returns all the filenames plus the full path.[URL]..I only want to show the filename and if possible, the file creation date.

Listbox output should be:

Filename1.doc File created on 2007-10-02
Filename2.pdf File created on 2007-10-15
Filename3.xls File created on 2007-10-17

View 11 Replies

TimeStamp Validation Using Regular Expression?

Nov 24, 2009

I need to validate timeStamp - user input (Format 20091124052714 a.k.a YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)Thought I can use regular expression class object & use IsMatch funtion but not able to find any such regular expression.

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.net - Signature And Timestamp Order On A SOAP Header?

Jul 20, 2011

I've been developing a vb.net client that connects to a Webservice using SOAP. This Webservice needs the SOAP message to be signed and have a timestamp.To this point all is possible, using WSE 2.0 SP3 I've able to sign the message and include the Security tag into the SOAP Header and the timestamp tag is included too, as you can see in this sample:

This is what I send



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Creating A Table With Column Rowversion Or Timestamp?

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to create a table in VB, with the datatype or Rowversion(TimeStamp) for SqlCe.I can not set the .datatype to SqlDataType. Timestamp, gives an error, but I dont see it, main form just loads, bypassing all breakpoints.Is there a way to set the datatype using .net or am I going to have to do Sql Statements?

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Saving / Displaying TimeStamp Values In New Form

Apr 25, 2010

I'm creating a game using vb.net and whenever the user inputs something to my program it displays the time and the time displayed until the user inputs something again the the time changes. I have my program display each individual timestamp but I would like to know if I would be able to save the values and all display at the end of my game in a new form.

The code I have is the following:
(in timer1=tmrReadInputs):
For I = 0 To 3
If (Convert.ToInt32(DataValue) And CInt((2 ^ I))) <> 0 Then
lblBitVal(I).Text = "1"
lblBitVal(I).Text = "0"
TextBox1.Text = Trim(Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss tt"))
End If
Next I

So when the value changes from 1 to 0, the textbox displays the time. How can I save the different time stamp values? I heard StreamWriter can work but I keep trying that and it doesn't work

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VB: Macro In Outlook To Copy The Contain Of A Sent Email With The Timestamp

May 23, 2008

I'd like to create a macro in Outlook but I have to admit I don't really know VB...Many times the day, I have to send an email and paste the contain with timestamp in a log file.The steps are:

send the email go to the "sent items" folder select the last mail sent click forward edit it from the beginning of the timestamp to the end copy close the closeThe simplest way for me to do it would be to have "send and copy" button beside the "send" button which would do it automatically.I am sorry to ask the whole code but I don't even know how to select the "sent folder".

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Store Oracle TimeStamp Precision 6 In SQL Server DateTime?

Feb 16, 2012

I've a scenario where I've to move data from a Oracle Table to a SQL Server table. The column in Oracle is Timestamp(6) 6 being the precision. Now I cannot send the Oracle Data in string format. I pull the data straight from the Oracle Table, so cannot format it on oracle side. What I can do is format the data using VB6.Format to make it suitable for SQL Server DateTime. I'm doing this for Oracle Date to SQL Server Datetime

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Storing Oracle TimeStamp Precision 6 In SQL Server DateTime

Apr 20, 2011

I've a scenario where I've to move data from a Oracle Table to a SQL Server table. The column in Oracle is Timestamp(6) 6 being the precision. Now I cannot send the Oracle Data in string format. I pull the data straight from the Oracle Table, so cannot format it on oracle side. What I can do is format the data using VB6.Format to make it suitable for SQL Server DateTime. I'm doing this for Oracle Date to SQL Server Datetime. Can something similar be done for timestamp and Datetime.

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Storing Timestamp To Session And Counting Time Difference?

Mar 13, 2009

I am counting how many seconds it takes to go from aspx page 1 to page 2. This time is not reflecting a real clock.. Where is the bug?on page 1 I have:

Sesion("sessioncreated") = Now.Ticks
n page 2 I have:
Dim diff As Long = 0


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Conversion - Convert A Unix Timestamp To A Human Readable Date

Feb 26, 2009

How can I convert a (unix) timestamp (which I get from a web service as integer) to a human readable date?

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File I/O And Registry :: Getting A File Name And Adding It To A File?

Aug 17, 2011

If you take a look at my code

Private Sub CompileToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CompileToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim SaveFile As New SaveFileDialog


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Adding To An Xml File With VB?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm trying to add values to an xml file from vb without replacing anything using xmldocumentfragment. I want the ID's of each entry to increment, but when i run the code now all values get replaced.Here is the code:

Dim name = Page.Request.Form("name")
Response.Write("Team " & "'" & Request.Form("name") & "'" & " has been created.")
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("python.exe", "d:hg-scriptsadmin


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Adding A TAg To An Image File?

Mar 28, 2009

Is it possible to save an image filewith a tag (string) attached to it that can be read in a second time?

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Adding And Using A File To A Solution?

Jan 22, 2011

I recently built a program in VB 2010 that calls an image file from my hard drive. I have found that by deleting or moving the file causes the program to shut down.The code to call the image is as follows:

aTileSheet.LoadBitmap("C:Documents and Settingsimagefile.jpg", 32, 32)

I remember when I was working with C#, there was a way to add a file (such as a Jpeg) to the solution itself.While I can add a file with the "Add Existing Item" command, I am at a loss for how to use it from the solution. If there is some way to add an outside file so that it will be a part of the program after building it, or if this is even possible, I using s dynamicbitmap command (as found from this website ) to use the image. If this effects the results, let me know that too.

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