Store Oracle TimeStamp Precision 6 In SQL Server DateTime?

Feb 16, 2012

I've a scenario where I've to move data from a Oracle Table to a SQL Server table. The column in Oracle is Timestamp(6) 6 being the precision. Now I cannot send the Oracle Data in string format. I pull the data straight from the Oracle Table, so cannot format it on oracle side. What I can do is format the data using VB6.Format to make it suitable for SQL Server DateTime. I'm doing this for Oracle Date to SQL Server Datetime

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Storing Oracle TimeStamp Precision 6 In SQL Server DateTime

Apr 20, 2011

I've a scenario where I've to move data from a Oracle Table to a SQL Server table. The column in Oracle is Timestamp(6) 6 being the precision. Now I cannot send the Oracle Data in string format. I pull the data straight from the Oracle Table, so cannot format it on oracle side. What I can do is format the data using VB6.Format to make it suitable for SQL Server DateTime. I'm doing this for Oracle Date to SQL Server Datetime. Can something similar be done for timestamp and Datetime.

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Retrieving The Oracle TimeStamp Field In .Net?

May 28, 2009

I need to begin working with milliseconds in .Net 3.0. The data will be returned from an Oracle Database and if I understand correctly Oracle can only store dates that use milliseconds as a TimeStamp. It does appears that the Date type in .Net can handle milliseconds but when I have tried to retrieve Timestamps from Oracle stored procedures in the past I ran into a nasty error. Can .Net handle the Oracle timestamp data type or do I need to bring it back as a VarChar and cast it to a date type?

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Store TIFF Files In Oracle?

Nov 11, 2009

I have an ASP.NET application ( codebehind) that has serious performance problems because of its storage of TIFF files in one server share. There are over a million .TIF files there now! The application tracks the scanned images of property with a corresponding row in an Oracle database table. We have this idea that it might be better to store the images themselves in a new Oracle table.

The alternative solution we are thinking of is to split up the server share into multiple folders by State (an OH folder, a WV folder, a VA folder, etc.) Seems like the database option might make more sense long-term, but how do we do it? Can a TIFF be stored in a BLOB column and then extracted back into TIFF format using .NET?

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Cannot Connect To Oracle Server

Apr 3, 2012

I receive the error below when running the following function. The catch says the line where it opens the connection (Me.OracleConn.Open()).

I have made sure that the server exists in the TNSNAMES.ora file.

Imports NetOracle = System.Data.OracleClient
Private Property OracleConn As NetOracle.OracleConnection
Private Function Connect_To_Oracle() As Boolean


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.net - Connect To Oracle DB From ASP.NET On Win 2003 Server

Feb 22, 2012

I have Visual Studio 2008 running from Windows XP. Our server is Windows 2003 Server.

On a different server, there is an Oracle database we want to connect to.

I've made the connection work from my local VS instance using with the following code:

Dim oradb As String = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" _


What do i need to do, to get my local Visual Studio 2008 project to connect to the oracle database?

What do i need to do, to get our server to allow the published .NET page to connect to the oracle database?

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Connect To Oracle 10g Server From Client Machines?

Mar 9, 2010

I have installed Oracle 10g in one of my office's computer. I want to keep this as database server. I am developing a .net project which will communicate with the database server from client machine and from the server machine. I success to communicate with oracle from server machine but not from client machine using the .net project. The connection code is as follows:

Public OraConn As ADODB.Connection
OraConn = New ADODB.Connection
OraConn.Provider = "OraOLEDB.Oracle"


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Connect Vb With Server Sql In Vb 2010 Without Installing Sql From Oracle As Done In Vb 6?

Sep 20, 2011

i want a step by step answer iam familiar with vb6 not with vb2010

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Move Records From An Oracle Database Into SQL Server?

May 22, 2010

A program reads the queue and calls a stored proc in SQL Server that processes and then inserts the message into another SQL Server table and then deletes the record from the oracle table.

We use a DataReader to read the records from Oracle and then call the stored proc for each of the records. The program seems to be a little slow. The stored procedure itself isn't slow. The SP by itself when called in a loop can process about 2000 records in 20 seconds. But when called from the .Net program, the execution time is about 5 records per second.I have seen that most of the time consumed is in calling the stored procedure and waiting for it to return.[code]...

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Connect To Previous Other Databases Such As SQL Server, Oracle. But Getting An Error?

Jul 5, 2011

I am trying to Connect my Window Application to IBM_DB2 Database.I have used the same method to connect to previous other databases such as SQL Server, Oracle. But getting an error in DB2.

Dim cn As New OdbcConnection("dsn=Sample;uid=db2admin;pwd=password") 'Sample is DSN


Dim da As New OdbcDataAdapter("Select * from Employee", cn)[code]......

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Current Datetime Of Server

Nov 26, 2009

How to retrieve the current datetime of Server in LAN?

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Datetime In Sql Server Compact And Vb Dataset

Mar 15, 2010

So I created a table and one of the columns is is called currencydate, and has a datetime data type. Within my vb scripts, i've taken a filename and extracted the date components from it. an example filename is WER22402.10. The part in bold is the date meaning 24th February 2010.

I use the following function to extract the date values and convert it to a date type.

Private Function ConvertStringToDate(ByRef FileName) As Date
Dim S As String = FileName
S = S.Substring(4, 7)


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DateTime Nightmare With SQL Server 2005?

Mar 4, 2008

I have a DateTime field in database and DateTime variable in VB.The VB variable is holding the date as 25/03/2008 11:57but when i save it to DB it changes to 03/25/2008 11:57.What is the solution to this microsoft nightmare.

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Sql Server - Update DateTime Into Sql Db Throws?

May 31, 2011

I am trying to update a DateTime object into a datetime field of a sql (SQL Server 2000) database.I have the following function

Public Sub Update(ByVal lastlogin as DateTime)
Using slqupdate as SqlCommand = _connection.CreateCommand()
sqlupdate.CommandType = CommandType.Text


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Check The Server DateTime When The Application Launch?

Feb 10, 2011

how to check the server DateTime when the application launch. i want to make sure the user PC has the same DateTime as server when the user use the application. Reason being is some user may tend to change their DateTime backward and it causes a major confusion when it update in the server database. Below is my code....Both of the code giving problem and does not compare the date time to my pc datetime... how to check the the server datetime is same with the pc server time....

Public Sub GetServerDateTime()
Dim WMIScope As Management.ManagementScope
Dim WMIConnectionOptions As New Management.ConnectionOptions


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Datetime Is Incorrect When Send It To Sql Server 2005

Apr 23, 2009

i have problem about datetime i use os vista,sql server 2005, 2008 string is = "insert into ....... values('23/3/2009')" in program time is correct but when i go to sql server,it's show 23/3/2555 when i saw at os is 23/3/2009 i think this problem at sql server but i don't know how to fix it Do you understand me?

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Insert A Datetime Field Into The SQL Server Database?

Aug 12, 2011

I am not sure if this should be in the SQL or section.But, Basically I have a application from where I insert a datetime field into the SQL Server Database. Now for some reason the SQL server field(which is datetime) will not display AM/PM, I have referred this link where my code looks like this:

Dim dateToDisplay As DateTime = DateTime.Now dsNewRow.Item("date_created") = dateToDisplay.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")

I tried stepping into the code by debugging and it seems to be inserting the PM but is not displayed in the table QuotedateToDisplay#8/12/2011 6:01:06 PM#Date

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Sql Server - Conversion Failed SqlParameter And DateTime?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm changing old, vulnerable SqlCommands with SqlParameters but get a SqlException: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException {"Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string."}

on sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar:
Dim sqlString As String = _
"SELECT TOP 1 " & _
"fiSL " & _
"FROM " & _


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SQL Server 2005 - Convert DateTime To Hex Equivalent

Sep 14, 2011

How do I achieve the same in VB.NET which is so easily done in SQL Server.
Select Case(GetDate() as VarBinary(8)) --Gives the Current Time in Hex
How can I create the same string in VB.NET so that I can compare in SQL Server as such -
Select Case When GetDate()=Cast(0X00009F5E00D8DF7C As DateTime) Then 'True' Else 'False' End -- 0X00009F5E00D8DF7C Will be the value I get in VB.NET When I convert it Date.Now() To Hex

View 2 Replies - Manipulating The Date And Time From A Datetime Sql Server Type

Aug 25, 2011

I'm trying to create an auction site using My auction's start date & time and end date & time are stored in my sql server 2008 r2 database as datetime types. I'm using I'm trying to create a select statement in which I can query the date and time portion relative to the current date and time (so as to only display current ongoing auctions). I can successfully query the date portion using the Date.Now function, but the time is giving me a hassle. DateAndTime.Now doesn't work. I've even tried to separate the time and date in the database, but I still can't get an effective query. Here are two examples of code which I've tried:


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VS 2008 - How To Insert Null Value Into SQL Server DateTime Field

May 7, 2009

How can I achieve this. Insert Null Value into SQL Server DateTime Field?

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Bulk Insert From Datatable In To Oracle Using Oracle.DataAccess

Mar 4, 2010

I am reading a csv file in to a datatable in and making a few checks and appending an extra column. I then want to perform a bulk insert using microsofts Oracle.DataAccess (no choice in this) to an Oracle database. what would be the best way to perform this as there is no bulkImport like in SQLserver.

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Visual Basic With Oracle Provider Oledb For Oracle?

Dec 29, 2009

can you tell me,how can i add a provider for oracle(Microsoft Provider oledb for oracle).Actually i had Microsoft ODBC for oracle but i want to add a provider above mention.

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Sql Server - Getting Syntax Error Converting From Datetime Character String

Jan 28, 2011

I have the following code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Main
Protected WithEvents DataGridView1 As DataGridView


When I debug this, I put the line break on that line and look at the Table Value, which shows 0, but I know that there is data for that time frame.

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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C# - Store Session In SQL Server?

Oct 19, 2011

We want to store session in SQL Server. We have sessionState mode="SQLServer". I have been given a sample connectionstring as listed below. In this it is having both stateConnectionString and sqlConnectionString. Why do we need stateConnectionString when mode="SQLServer"?

<sessionState mode="SQLServer"
cookieless="false" timeout="20"
sqlConnectionString="data source=XXX-FFFF-sql2k8,2025;


Note 1: SQLServer mode stores session state in a SQL Server database. Using this mode ensures that session state is preserved if the Web application is restarted and also makes session state available to multiple Web servers in a Web farm. To use SQLServer mode, you must first be sure the ASP.NET session state database is installed on SQL Server. You can install the ASP.NET session state database using the Aspnet_regsql.exe tool

Note 2: StateServer mode stores session state in a process, referred to as the ASP.NET state service, that is separate from the ASP.NET worker process or IIS application pool. To use StateServer mode, you must first be sure the ASP.NET state service is running on the server used for the session store. To use StateServer mode in a Web farm, you must have the same encryption keys specified in the machineKey element of your Web configuration for all applications that are part of the Web farm.

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Store Image In Sql Server?

Apr 23, 2012

Here is my code:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim myfilelocation As String = "C:myPicturesmyimage.png"[code]...

Since the application is storing in database, how can I retrieve that code into the because I can't see it in database? You can see the image is getting its path location from my machine as local so I want to either put it somewhere where other computers in workgroup can able to get the images or how to tell other computers to store the image in my machine and to retrieve it from here.

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Store Sql Server Connection?

Mar 1, 2010

I am developing a database driven application and need to access the database often. What is the standard/best practice for storing the database connection. Do i need to create a public static variable? The main thing i was to avoid is passing the sqlconnection as a parameter in almost all of my function calls.

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Compare Forms Textbox.text Value Formatted As Longdate Into Sql Server Datetime Column?

Apr 6, 2010

Im trying to retrieve some rows from sql server having datetime column that matches the given value of the textbox in a form. The tables datetime column name is "DepDateDepositDate" and the textbox.text was formatted as longdate eg("Tuesday, April 06, 2010") I have this code below but it seems its not retrieving the data that i wanted.

Dim daBnkBok = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * From DepositRef Where Convert(varchar,DepDateDepositDate, 112) = '" & Convert.ToDateTime(clsGlobals.BankBook.bbDepDate.Text).Date & "' ", bbcons)

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Copy Store Procedure From One SQL Server To Another

Jul 27, 2010

Is it possible to code to copy store procedures from one SQL server to another SQL server in application without using SQL server replication?

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