VS 2008 Adding User Values To A List Box?

Dec 10, 2009

I have 1 list view box that has 2 colums. one for the product and the other for the cost. My question is how would I allow a user to add values to that?

My basic layout is, There is a settings window that has about 10 rows of text boxes and 2 colums. I want the user to be able to type in multiple items and prices then hit save and exit for the products to save to a my.setting
and then use this my.setting to bring the users lists up in a list view box.

Since the product and the list price are paired I also need to keep them together in there pairs.

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Word 2007 Adding Adding Values To Combo List Box

Jun 7, 2011

I am trying to create a simple Word doc that when the user presses the button it takes the information in the boxes and tosses it into a template style paragraph. But my issue is that I have two combo list boxes as seen in the picture. I want to have two values in the drop down list as seen in the labels next to them but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do this in Word 2007. In Visual Studio this is much easier but I am work and need to snap this out for the folks at work. Is there an option that I can choose in the properties where I type in the values for each drop down or do I have to add them in at run time?

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Adding A Bunch Of Values To A List(Of T) Collection At Once?

Mar 12, 2010

I am creating an instance of a Generic List collection and I am surprised to find that I can't add more than one value to it at a time. I was thinking there was going to be something like what you can do with arrays, where you can add a group of values to it at creation. I saw the AddRange method, but that seems to add another collection to the end of this collection, which is not what I want. So my code is:


Dim MyList as New List(Of String)


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Convert An Array To List And Adding Values?

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to add a value to an array by converting it to a list [code]...

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.net - Adding New Object To Generit List Overwrites Previous Values?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a problem with a generic list, which consists of intances of a class i created. I am just amazed, each time I add a new object to the list, it overwrites the previous entries. Here is a code sample, i just can't beleive it. I am using visual studio 2010:

Dim translations As List(Of TranslatedValue) = New List(Of TranslatedValue)
If Session("ctlTexts") Is Nothing Then
Dim reader As IDataReader = DataAccessFunctions.db.GetDataReader("SELECT [ControlID], [ControlTextEN], [ControlTextDE], [ControlTextBG] FROM [dbo].[tbLanguage]", GetConnectionString)


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Multi Column List Box Array Resets Before Adding Next Values

Mar 13, 2010

When I implement this code, the first time the button is activated, the values are placed in the array, and displyed in the list box. However if the user then selects more days and times to add to the list box, and activates the button again, the previously added entries in the array are erased, and only the new entries are displayed. How can I prevent previous entries from being erased? If the user wants to add values, they need to be added to the existing values.[code]

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VS 2008 : Cmdadd_Click Doesn't Keep Adding Values

Mar 16, 2010

I have a form with 2 txt boxes (income and expenses)I should be able to add various entries into these fields - pressing the Add button after each entry. the values are then displayed in the appropriate labels. If expenses are greater than income - the value is outputted with red font.all of that seems to work, but the add button only allows me to add only the first initial value - no additions. Below is my code for the Add button:

Private Sub cmdadd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdadd.Click
'Adds values to approriate fields depending on whether it is income or expense
Dim profit As Double


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VS 2008 Adding Values From Array To DataTable Rows?

May 21, 2011

I am trying to add the returned values from an array to the rows in a data table: Here is my current code the values load properly into the list box but not the table, each row ends up with the same value.

current code not working correctly
Dim dtrow As DataRow
Dim lat As Double = CDbl(34.213209)


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VS 2008 Adding List To Textbox?

Nov 25, 2009

I am making a program that when you click a checkbox it will add a corresponding list of items to a textbox. The only problem is that I have lists that are about 20-30 lines long, and all I know how to do is items.add "item" I was wondering if any one knew a way that I could add a long list without out items.add.

Here is a sample

Private Sub CheckBoxes_CheckedChanged() Handles CheckBox3.CheckedChanged, _
CheckBox2.CheckedChanged, _


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VS 2008 Adding List View Item?

Mar 5, 2010

Dim NewsItem As New ListViewItem
NewsItem.Text = reader("Title")
NewsItem.Tag = reader("NewsID")

I'm looping though results in a db and adding items to my list view however i it's adding like tihs

ListViewItem: { Title showing here }
ListViewItem: { Another Title showing here }
ListViewItem: { And AnotherTitle showing here }
What am I doing wrong it should just read

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VS 2008 - Adding New User To Access Database

Jul 10, 2009

My aim is to try to add a new user to a access database. Im doing this using from a form named frmRegister. It seems like the code is working perfectly, and I get no expectations that indicate if any errors occurred. However, the user doesn't get added to the database.

The code I'm using is:
Public Class Register
Dim connectionString As String
Dim connection As OleDbConnection
Dim OLEDBAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter
Dim OLE As String
[Code] .....

(Files too large for attaching here)
Rar format - [URL]
Zip format - [URL]

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VS 2008 - Adding Lines To Array List Position

May 12, 2009

I have this .txt file with 5 lines, let's say:
If I wanted to add those lines to an array list position, how would I do that?

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VS 2008 Adding Multiple User Controls To A Form?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a form that I will be using to keep track of data for computers I build and will eventually link into a database for configuration management, but for right now I'm just trying to get the basic form layout done and functional. I need this for to be customized for each job I do, that means I can have multiple computers, PC card, peripheral equipment, etc. So with that said basically what I have done is created a user control for each separate item that I want to add (i.e. computer, PC card, etc) that has all the fields and functions I require. When I want to add another computer I just add a tab and place my "computer" user control on it, no big deal...

My issue is when I want to add my "PC card" user control to that "computer" user control. What I am trying to do is to add the first user control(PC Card Info) I created under a button called "Add New PC Card" (which is part of the "computer" user control.)and that part works! What I want to do is keep added as many "pc card"user controls as I need and basically keep appending them under the last control on the bottom of the page (which is the "pc card" user control, that is a groupbox with a few drop down boxes and text boxes in it.)with a little spacing between them. The biggest problem I am having is when I add the first "PC Card" user control, it works.. but when I try to add another one and search the current page for all user controls under a certain point or with a specific name, I don't get any results.

I think I'm on the right track with the following code but I am running into 2 things I can't do that are critical to my needs. 1: I need to define the text of the user control I just added so I can uniquely identify it, so If I need to remove it I can and will also play a role later( I thought if there was some way in code to make my control # a variable that may work) 2: I need to know what to look for since I have a count that represents how many of that particular control exist on my form, that way I can name them properly, this will also allow me a method to delete the user control if desired.

Dim pccard As New PC_Card
Dim x As Integer
Dim name As String


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Adding A Column And Values To It On The Basis Of Some Existing Colum Values?

Jan 4, 2011

i have retrived this datatable from datasource and i want to add a more colum 'category'basedon the each value of each Role, like if role column has the value '90 daya client' then in the same row it should have a value 'DC' in the category column.n make a temporatry dt1 table but to add related values.

S.No First Name Last Name Role Date
1 Us er1Name User1Name 90 Day Client 11/01/2011
2 User1NameAtt1 User1NameAtt1 90 Day Client 11/01/2011


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VS 2008 - Changing User Control Values In Form?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a form which has a user control in it added dynamically. How can I change the values in that dynamically generated user control? All my functions are in a module and I will just call them in main form. So in module how can I find that user control and change its values? I tried writing a function in user control form. Like it has 10 txt box and I tried to pass a structure as argument in that user control form but I am unable to do so. when I tried to declare the structure outside function parameter in user control form it works well but not as function parameter..

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VS 2008 Saving And Loading Values That Are Entered By The User

Nov 13, 2009

The problem is this: I have two forms. One form and the other form do mathematical calculations. I want to save the values that the user inputs, so when the user quits the program and then starts it up again the values are still there. But when I open up the program, start typing in values, then calculate them, hit quit. Try to open up the program again, its giving me a message that the input file is invalid. When I click ok, the program doesn't crash, continues. But the values are not there at all. The other form I put exactly the same code, just changed the variables and it doesn't want to save the values at all! I wrote this code for saving and loading the values:


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VS 2008 User Values Added And Removed From Listview?

Mar 22, 2009

I have a list view with 2 columns (Prodduct and Price). I want the user to be able to add there own values to the listview and have them save so that they will always stay there.I would also like users to be able to delete specific items from the saved list.

The values added to the colums are paired, and must stay together, as one value would be a product and the other a price, So they must, stay together. as a pair

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VS 2008 - Finding Highest / Smallest Number From List Of Values

May 10, 2011

Create a program where the user can find the highest number and the smallest number from a list of values It needs to operate as follows: Enter a value (number) in the TextBox and click on a button [Add to list]. Once this is done, the program analyzes if the number is the highest entered or the smallest. To view which is the smallest and largest, a second button [highest and lowest] will populate fields (texboxes) with highest and lowest numbers. I've attached an image of what the program should look like.

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List.count While Adding Items To The List Increments Returns 0

Jul 20, 2011

I am attempting to read the results from a SQL query into a List(Of) and I can see the List.count while adding items to the List increments, however in another part of my code when I am attempting to read the List the List.Count returns 0. My List is as follows:


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VS 2008 Threadpool - Web Scrapper Which Loops User Set List Of URL

Feb 29, 2012

I am doing one web scraper which loops user set list of urls. Lists can be huge and that's why I need Threadpool for it.

My code so far (Scrape code missing)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim ThreadingEvents(20) As ManualResetEvent
Dim iCounter As Integer = 0
For Each item As Object In ListBox1.Items
[Code] .....

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See If The Values A User Inputs Into 2 Textboxs Equals The Values Assigned To A Picture?

Apr 21, 2010

I want to be able to see if the values a user inputs into 2 textboxs equals the values assigned to a picture. I put these values in the picture's name and tag. Also the picturebox is getting the image from a random function correlating to an imagelist. How would i go about thisI thought of maybe using a checkbox and coding

If picturebox1.image.tag = ("12") _
and textbox1.text = 1 _
and textbox2.text = 2 Then
checkbox1.checked = true

unfortunatly when i debug it says the picturebox1.image.tag = Nothing

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Get The User Input Values In Any Window And Set The Values Into Richtextbox ?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a winform with richtextbox. I want to get the user input values in any window like chat programs(msn,yahoo,gtalk), Ms Word,...etc, and set the values into richtextbox?

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Make Values Of Checked List Box Contain 2 Values?

Sep 13, 2011

[url]...base on the thread ive linked.

i am able to pass the checked value of the checked list box to a list box

my current problem is

i am going to save the values [ for instance mat_name ] on the listbox in the database

but i need the id [ for instance mat_id ] of that value

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VS 2008 Adding Class Object To List Or Array In A Different Class

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to create an list or an array of a class.Here is my "Ingredient" class that I am trying to create a list of:[code]In my "recipe" class, I am want to create a list (or array) and I am drawing a big blank on how to do it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Converting A User Generated List Box To An Array And Then Generating A User Defined Number Of Random Strings And Placing It In A Textbox?

Apr 28, 2007

I'm converting a user generated list box to an array and then generating a user defined number of random strings and placing it in a textbox.The code I have works fine as it will generate the number of random strings the user wants, except sometimes a line is blank at the top of the list but is counted as a string.

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Adding Hex Values?

Feb 12, 2009

I have a program that generates a daily hex code. What I am trying to do is get the number of days since the start of the year which I can do using the following

Dim dtStartDate As Date = "1/1/2010"
Dim tsTimeSpan As TimeSpan
Dim iNumberOfDays As Integer
tsTimeSpan = Now.Subtract(dtStartDate)
iNumberOfDays = tsTimeSpan.Days

Then starting from zero (January 1st) increment the code by the hex value "FF6086A" up to the current number of days. So if done correctly the code for March 17th should be BD0A7F78.

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Adding The Hex Values?

Mar 17, 2010

I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea of how I could accomplish this because I seem to be having a problem with arithmetic overflows:I have a program that generates a daily hex code. What I am trying to do is get the number of days since the start of the year which I can do using the following

Dim dtStartDate As Date = "1/1/2010"
Dim tsTimeSpan As TimeSpan
Dim iNumberOfDays As Integer
tsTimeSpan = Now.Subtract(dtStartDate)
iNumberOfDays = tsTimeSpan.Days

Then starting from zero (January 1st) increment the code by the hex value "FF6086A" up to the current number of days. So if done correctly the code for March 17th should be BD0A7F78.

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Adding Text Box Values?

Jul 28, 2011

i am writing a golf score program and i have 18 text boxes. i also have a text box that will calculate the total of all of the 18 other text boxes. what would be the best way to add these text boxes? i have already written code to only except numbers 1 thru 8 for each text box.i started with some code like this:

TextBoxTotal.Text = CInt(TextBoxHole1.Text) + CInt(TextBoxHole2.Text) + CInt(TextBoxHole3.Text)

but if there is no value in one of the text boxes i get an error:Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.so i am guessing i need to check for empty strings and then ignore them

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Adding Values Of Two Arrays?

Apr 26, 2012

I'm making an application in school where I have to display the values of domestic, international, and total sales of company "Conway Enterprises." Everything seems to be working except it is not displaying the totalCompany sales as a currency. I'm sure it's probably an easy fix but I've been searching the internet and re-reading my book for awhile with no results. Below is the code, as I said everything seems to be working fine aside from adding the two array values and then displaying them as currency.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


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Adding Values To A Combo

Apr 3, 2011

I have two comboboxes in my form (cbAdresse & cbVerwaltung). Choosing the value in the first combo, i get the value from the table into the textbox txtAdID. Now i try to use the value in the txtAdID as the parameter for the SQL command selecting the values from the table (tblVerwaltung). These values must be added to the second combo (cbVerwaltung). So i use the following code for the SQL Compact Client:[code]Using this code i get the following value in my combo cbVerwaltung: "System.Data.DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor".[code]

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