.net - Adding New Object To Generit List Overwrites Previous Values?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a problem with a generic list, which consists of intances of a class i created. I am just amazed, each time I add a new object to the list, it overwrites the previous entries. Here is a code sample, i just can't beleive it. I am using visual studio 2010:

Dim translations As List(Of TranslatedValue) = New List(Of TranslatedValue)
If Session("ctlTexts") Is Nothing Then
Dim reader As IDataReader = DataAccessFunctions.db.GetDataReader("SELECT [ControlID], [ControlTextEN], [ControlTextDE], [ControlTextBG] FROM [dbo].[tbLanguage]", GetConnectionString)


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Word 2007 Adding Adding Values To Combo List Box

Jun 7, 2011

I am trying to create a simple Word doc that when the user presses the button it takes the information in the boxes and tosses it into a template style paragraph. But my issue is that I have two combo list boxes as seen in the picture. I want to have two values in the drop down list as seen in the labels next to them but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do this in Word 2007. In Visual Studio this is much easier but I am work and need to snap this out for the folks at work. Is there an option that I can choose in the properties where I type in the values for each drop down or do I have to add them in at run time?

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Why Is List.add() Adding Items To Object AND Source Object As Well

Jun 15, 2011

I need to be able to add elements to a copy of mylist.testlist without modifying the global mylist object. (Which seems to be happening via the below code.)When I am working on x, which should be a totally separate object, mylist is getting modified as well. How can I fix this? I have worked with lists extensively and never seen this behavior before. I have tested and reproduced the problem in .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.0 on Win 7 Pro 32bit.

Source Code:

Public Class Form1
Public mylist As New test
Sub Main()


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List To Update Every Time And Show The Values Each Time To Which The Previous Value Is Added To The New Calculation?

Jun 22, 2010

The idea with this form is to add the futures which is calculated when the button is pushed but I need the list to update every time and show the values each time to which the previous value is added to the new calculation, e.g. of what it should look like in listbox:

Year 1: $1,290.93
Year 2: $2,724.32
Year 3: $4,350.76

I have been working on this a while and I am at a standstill, I was given a function to clear the form everytime it calculates but I don't know how to implement it, I am new to VB. Here is what I have so far:

Public Class frmFutureValue
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click


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VS 2010 "Object Reference" Error When Adding Object To List (Of T) Property

Apr 25, 2011

I have a class that has a property that I declare like this:

Private _DirectoryList As List(Of FileDirectoryInfo) ''' <summary> ''' Array of directories. ''' </summary> ''' <value>Object</value> ''' <returns>Directory array list</returns> ''' <remarks>N/A</remarks> Public Property Directory As List(Of FileDirectoryInfo) Get Return _DirectoryList End Get Set(ByVal value As List(Of FileDirectoryInfo)) _DirectoryList = value End Set End Property


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Adding Items To A List (of Object)?

Mar 28, 2010

I have some code that adds items to a List(of Object).

Here's my original code

Dim BeaconStoryList as New List(Of My.StoryType)
Dim BeaconStory as New My.StoryType
Dim NewStories() as New Foriegn.StoryType = GetStories


But as soon as the code assigned "Chicken" to BeaconStory.Title, then BeaconStoryList(0).Title would also change to "Chicken".

With my second version of the code this did not happen.

It's as though it was placing pointers into the elements of the array rather than values. If that is the case, however, then why does my second version of the code work - I'm still passing in the same thing - aren't I?

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Adding To A Currently-null List (Of Object)

Aug 5, 2011

I am not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I need some guidance from people smarter than me...

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Adding A Bunch Of Values To A List(Of T) Collection At Once?

Mar 12, 2010

I am creating an instance of a Generic List collection and I am surprised to find that I can't add more than one value to it at a time. I was thinking there was going to be something like what you can do with arrays, where you can add a group of values to it at creation. I saw the AddRange method, but that seems to add another collection to the end of this collection, which is not what I want. So my code is:


Dim MyList as New List(Of String)


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Convert An Array To List And Adding Values?

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to add a value to an array by converting it to a list [code]...

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VS 2008 Adding User Values To A List Box?

Dec 10, 2009

I have 1 list view box that has 2 colums. one for the product and the other for the cost. My question is how would I allow a user to add values to that?

My basic layout is, There is a settings window that has about 10 rows of text boxes and 2 colums. I want the user to be able to type in multiple items and prices then hit save and exit for the products to save to a my.setting
and then use this my.setting to bring the users lists up in a list view box.

Since the product and the list price are paired I also need to keep them together in there pairs.

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NullReferenceException Error Adding Object To A List

Jun 20, 2012

I'm trying to add objects from a class I created using data from an excel worksheet to a list using a for loop [code]When I run it I receive "System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Multi Column List Box Array Resets Before Adding Next Values

Mar 13, 2010

When I implement this code, the first time the button is activated, the values are placed in the array, and displyed in the list box. However if the user then selects more days and times to add to the list box, and activates the button again, the previously added entries in the array are erased, and only the new entries are displayed. How can I prevent previous entries from being erased? If the user wants to add values, they need to be added to the existing values.[code]

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List Object Members And Values?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a 3rd party object that gets passed to one of my methods. The object contains 20 or so string members. How can I easily list all of the string names and their values?

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Adding Sum Of 2 Textboxes To Previous Sum Of Txtboxes

Jul 12, 2011

how to use visual basic and i am trying to create a dice rolling game where the winner is determined by who rolled the highest number within three throws i however cant seem to figure out how to add the the sum of the 1st roll to the 2nd one let alone add the sum of both the 1st roll and and 2nd roll to the third roll this is [Code]

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VS 2008 Adding Class Object To List Or Array In A Different Class

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to create an list or an array of a class.Here is my "Ingredient" class that I am trying to create a list of:[code]In my "recipe" class, I am want to create a list (or array) and I am drawing a big blank on how to do it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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List Of T Find Date Or Other Property In A Object In The List - Then Return Found Object?

Sep 3, 2009

After reading all the examples for list of T exists and Find and find first, none show how to handle multi-property objects. Below is bare bones example maybe someone could flesh out to show how this should be done.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim DatePriceList As New List(Of DateAndPrice)
DatePriceList.Add(New DateAndPrice(Date.Parse("1/1/2000"), 10.12))
DatePriceList.Add(New DateAndPrice(Date.Parse("1/2/2000"), 11.12))


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Sql - Show Previous Day Values In Query?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a table which fields are Date, No, Turnover, TotalWin, Opencredit, Handpay, Billin, gamesplayed and I am trying to write sql in vb.net that will show me previous day value but I cant. Here is what I am trying to do.


Ok Thomas I am not able to give correct answer to your question because first time in my Life I am trying to write sql. I was doing this with MSAccess and it was easy. Now I am getting pretty simple error I think with this code but I can't find solution again. What is wrong.

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Display A List (Of Object) Which Has Single Objects And Child List (Of Object)?

Sep 6, 2011

Limited to using v2.0 of .Net framework (we use VB.net) due to environmental constraints on our servers.I've got an ASP.net webpage which pulls data from a webservice that performs checks on user accounts in active directory. Operators can check multiple accounts at one time using the web interface. The webservice returns a list(of AccountCheck) objects which themselves contain single properties like username, email address, and List(of AccountError) objects which contain multiple properties.[code]What I want to do is using some kind of repeater, create multiple panels or divs which contain labels showing the username, email etc, and a gridview which has the accounterror list bound to it to show all the errors. The users could be checking 2, 5, 7 accounts at once, and is dynamic.

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Adding Text To Multiline Textbox Without Erasing Previous Contents

Apr 28, 2011

how do i add text to a multiline textbox without erasing what is already in there?

Lets say the textbox already has...

"Visual basic is "

and then i want to add the word "fun" to the textbox without erasing "Visual basic is "

after adding "fun" i want it to read.... "Visual basic is fun"

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.net - Re-Call A String/Object From Previous Sub?

May 23, 2011

Is it possible to recall a string or object that was stored in a previous sub? The below code gives you an idea as to what I am trying to do.

Sub StoreUserData()
Dim StorName as Object
Sub WriteUserFile()
'Recall StorName here
End Sub

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Populating A Listbox With Totals From Previous Forms Within A Project & Adding Sales Tax?

Apr 12, 2009

is there any way to populate a listbox with totals data from previous pages? I'm working on a project for a class where the final form needs to have all the totals from the previous 3 pages (each page has one total each), in some capacity (so I do not necessarily need to use a listbox if there is an easier way to do this).One thing about the previous 3 forms, two are set up in radiobuttons and one is set up w/a checkbox format (but I will likely change the radiobuttons over to checkboxes as a later revision).I just can't figure out how to populate the listbox with info from a previous form, I keep thinking load events, but that doesn't take into account which options might be taken from previous forms.once the totals from the previous forms have been added to the final form I will need to add a 7% sales tax. I assume that something such an if then statement will take care of that though.Just wanted to run that everyone here at the forum just in case there is a better way to do that.

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VS 2010 Does 'Dim Var As New Object' Delete Previous Instances Of The Same 'var'?

Oct 12, 2011

I am just getting started with VB.NET - what I couldn't find in my book is whether a new instance of an object with the same variable-name will delete the previously stored values - or will that somehow remain in memory?This is the scenario:

I open a data file and load the contents in 'Dim var As New dataObject'what happens when I again open another file and the same line is encountered:Dim var As New dataObject'

Hope the question is clear p.s. the dataObject is a simple structure with a bunch of variables in it - nothing fancy.

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Cast A List Of Object To List Of Interface That Object Implements?

May 19, 2009

I am working in VB.net and have a Class, Foo, that implements an interface, IBar.I have a List of Foo's, but I need to pass a list of IBar's into a function, but I keep getting casting errors, even when I use DirectCast.My code is [code]MainWorks works, but it would be really annoying and inefficient to have to do that everywhere I want to call this function.

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Back To Previous Page Loses Request Object?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a need for a button to take the user back to their previous page.Because of how this page is accessed, the only way to do this is with javascript using history.back()

This part works perfectly apart from the fact when a user goes to click a button on the page they have gone to back to, I get the error that Request.QueryString is not supported in this context.I'm guessing the Request object is lost when javascript is directing the user to the previous page.I cannot use Request.UrlReffer either because the the nature of the back button. (it causes a loop at times).

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VS 2008 Displays A List Of Previous Draws

Apr 7, 2010

In my application for checking Irish Lottery numbers I have a form which displays a list of previous draws. The form contains a listview which is populated from a setting in my.settings as follows: [code] I would like to replace "Wednesday" with "Wed" before adding the item to the listview. I have tried using strings.replace to acheive this in various parts of the above code but each time the code runs the listview still displays the full day.

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C# - Datatype For Multidimensional Array That Keeps Growing Depending On The Previous Values Of Cells?

Jan 20, 2012

I am looking for an elegant datatype and method to handle this problem below in Java or dot Net environment (C# or VB.net)It is a (r x c) matrix of numbers (integers). The 1st column values is a 1D array (range of numbers). The 2nd column takes a different range of values for each of the 1st column value (so, its basically a 2D jagged-array). The 3rd column has a range of value for each pair of 1st and 2nd column values.(when the 1st and 2nd column is fixed with a value, the 3rd column takes a range of values). The number of columns is not fixed and depends on the user input. It can go up to 20 or even more

How do you handle this problem efficiently in java or C# or VB.net.I am linking an image to the equation that I want to program. , in-which C and S are some constants. i=1,2,3...r (number of rows) and k-1=0,1,2,3..c (number of cols). The range of R(i,k-1) depends on maximum and minimum values and MAY also depend on previous values from R(1,k),R(2,k)...R(i-1,k-1) according to the equation. The initial known values are fixed integers (not in a range) for R(1,c), R(2,c),...,R(r,c)

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Add Item To Generic List Change Value Of All Previous Added Items To Last?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm writing code some that is supposed to be creating a list of objects pulled from a data base. The list returned has every item containing the value of the last one added. When I debug the code is VS2008 I can see each time that the list.add is performed every other item in the list being changed to the one just added. Here is the code I running. The line containing ListAKAs.Add(itemAKA) is the one where the entire list of objects is changed to be identical to the one just added.[code]....

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Adding A Column And Values To It On The Basis Of Some Existing Colum Values?

Jan 4, 2011

i have retrived this datatable from datasource and i want to add a more colum 'category'basedon the each value of each Role, like if role column has the value '90 daya client' then in the same row it should have a value 'DC' in the category column.n make a temporatry dt1 table but to add related values.

S.No First Name Last Name Role Date
1 Us er1Name User1Name 90 Day Client 11/01/2011
2 User1NameAtt1 User1NameAtt1 90 Day Client 11/01/2011


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C# - Library Or Code Snippet For AutoComplete In Text Control Based On The Previous User Entered Values?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm looking for a library for Autocomplete support in text controls which remembers all previous entries of the user and provide auto-complete support for it.For example for "recent files" I use [URL] and it works great. Do you know something like that for this purpose?

UPDATE : This is a .NET Winforms application and I'm using normal Text Control.

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IDE :: In Datagridview, Read Only=True When Add A Row, It Is Copying Previous Row Data To New Row And Blank The Previous Row?

Jul 16, 2011

In Datagridview, Set as DatagridView1.ReadOnly=True,


When i tried to add a Row, it is copying previous Row data to new row,and also blank the previous row, why?Like Insert Row, Why...?

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