VS 2008 : Dynamic Object Creation From Dll?

Jul 9, 2009

I am trying to get the hang of Dynamic loading of objects from assemblies on the same machine (But NOT part of the same project).In the sample below, Form1 implements an interface built as part of the .dll I placed in C:Release. I am trying to create a local instance of Form1, and Cast it as Iform, so that the local code can access the properties and methods exposed by the interface.The assumption here is that at runtime, local code will have access to the String name of a form, and an interface which is implemented by the form (and is compiled into the .dll as well as the client application), and that is it.

When I run this code, I get a exception: "Unable to cast object of type 'WindowsApplication1.Form1' to type 'WindowsApplication1.Iform'.

Public Function fApplicationObject() As Iform
Dim sLocation As String = "C:ReleaseWindowsApplication1.dll"
Dim sType As String = "WindowsApplication1.Form1"


I seem unable to dynamically load an object from a dll and then utilize an interface to access it's properties and such.

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Dynamic Table Creation From .net In Sql Server 2008?

Oct 19, 2010

Can i create a table with the input taken from user at runtime from vb.net.?

From vb.net in sqlserver 2008

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Dynamic Creation Of Textboxes

Mar 7, 2011

I have a form that requires 5 columns of textboxes that the user will populate. By design I will provide the first row but, the user will need the ability to add or delete subsequent rows. Is there an easy way to approach this requirement?

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Dynamic Form Creation In Asp.net C#?

Aug 12, 2011

I need some input refactoring an asp.net (c#) application that is basically a framework for creating dynamic forms (any forms). From a high level point of view, there is a table that has the forms, and then there is a table that has all the form fields, where it is one to many between the two. There is a validation table, where each field can have multiple types of validation, and it is a one to many from the form fields table to the validation table.

So the issue is that this application has been sold as the be-all-end-all customizable solution to all the clients. So, the idea is whatever form they want, we can build it jsut using DB configurations. The thing is, that is not always possible, because there is complex relationship between the fields, and complex relationship between the forms themselves. Also, there is only once codebase, and this is for multiple clients - all of whom host it on their own. There is very specific logic for each of the clients, and they are ALL in the same codebase, with no real separation. Sometimes it was too difficult to make it generic, so there are instances where it has hard coded logic (as in if formID = XXX then do _). You can also have nested forms, as in, one set of fields on its own within each form.

So usually, when one client requests a change, we make the change and deploy it to that client - but then another client requests a different change, and we make the change and deploy it for THAT client, but the change from the earlier client breaks it, and its a headache trying to debug, because EVERYTHING is dynamic. There is no way we can rollback the earlier change, because then the other client would be screwed.

Its not done in a real 3-tier architecture - its a web site with references to a DB class, and a class library. There is business logic in the web site itself, in the class library, and the database stored procs (Validation is done in the stored procs).

I think this is a bad model in general, because one of the things I heard one of the developers say is that anytime any client makes a change, we should deploy to everybody - but that is not realistic, if we have say 20 clients - there will need to be regression testing on EVERYTHING, since we don't know the impact...There are about 100 forms in total, and their is some similarity in them (not much). But I think the idea that a dynamic engine can solve ALL form requests was not realistic as well. Clients come up with the most weird requests. For example, they have this engine doing a regular data entry form AND a search form.

There is a lot of preserving state between pages, and it is all done using session variables, which is ok, except that it is not really tracked, and so sessions from the same user keep getting overwritten, and I think sessions should be got rid of.Should I really just rewrite the whole thing? This app is about 3 years old, and there has been lots of testing and things done, and serious business logic implemented, so I hate to get rid of all that (joel's advice). But its really a mess of a sphagetti code, and everything takes forever to do, and things break all the time because of minor changes.

I've been reading Martin Fowlers "Refactoring" and Michael Feathers "working effectively with legacy code" - and they are good, but I feel they were written for an application that was 'slightly' better architected, where it is still a 3-tiered architecture, and there is 'some' resemblance of logic..

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ASP.Net Dynamic Excel Creation From SQL Datasource?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a reguirement to enable the creation of excel workbooks from sql stored procedure. To do this I want to create a vb class to generate and save the excel files. Then and ASP.net page will enable opening the excel file via the browser or enable the user to download the file.The class should be able to be called from a vareity of pages within the web app and have the ability to handle 8 to 10 separate stored procedures that will return various data sets.

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Dynamic Creation Of ASP.NET Form Elements?

Nov 20, 2009

I'm trying to build a form which generates itself as it is used. I have created a really simplistic example, loosely related to what I'm trying to do below, but which demonstrates the problem.The user types a word in the text box, clicks the Button and a new TextBox is loaded into a Panel, with the value in the original TextBox that the user has entered. The user should then be able to type something else/the same and create another text box with that in it by clicking the button, basically permitting 0,1,..,n textboxes appearing above the "txtFeeder" TextBox on the form.The problem is that everytime you click the button, it doesn't add a new control, it seems to just update the one that has already been created with the new (incremental) ID. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if what I'm trying to do can't be done (which I find hard to believe)?Here's the .aspx...

<form id="frmMain" runat="server">
<asp:Panel ID="pnlAdded" runat="server"></asp:Panel>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtFeeder" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>[code].....

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Dynamic Creation Of Rdlc Reports?

Dec 16, 2010

How can i add columns to rdlc report at runtime in windows based application using vb.net

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Dynamic Control Creation And Moving Of Those With Mouse?

Jan 22, 2012

I am trying to make a program that will include a drag/drop view where you can arrange objects around in a view and add/delete objects as needed (objects are actually controls I create dynamically), I have made some code which I include below.If I run this code it works but not the part when I click on a newly created control, then mousemove function is not used, I should be able to move controls using the mouse functions..but these do not work. I thought code like:

AddHandler logicif(i).MouseMove, AddressOf logicif_MouseMove

should work! Can anyone give me pointers on what I am missing?

Public Class Form1
Dim logicif(20) As Panel
Dim count = 0


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Dynamic Creation Of Details View With A Web Panel?

Oct 27, 2010

Every time i enter set of values like Group Name,Group Abbreviation,URL in the text boxes and click the save button automatically its saves in the database and for each set of values a new details view has to be generated dynamically with a web panel and the header of the web panel should have the value of Group Name.


A new details view with web panel like the above has to be generated every time the save button is clicked.

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Dynamic Creation Of Picture Boxes, Buttons, And Labels For Each Item

Apr 7, 2011

I'm currently working on a program where I'm trying to dynamically create a picture box, a button, and a label for each item in a text file. Any ideas on how to do this? What I have: a plain text file with a list of numbers. Each number corresponds to a location. When that file is read, I want to create a picture box, a button, and a label related to each number. If I want to add something to the screen, all I Have to do is add a number to the file. So, lets say the file has. 1, 2

When the file loads, it will create a unique item on the display for each location. say pic1, button1, and label1 and pic2, button2, and label2. Right now, if I add something to the file, I have to go back into the editor and manually add everything. Which is a pain.

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Dynamic Menu Creation Not Working After Changing From VB 2003 To VB 2007?

Jul 12, 2009

I have started a new blank project for VB 2007. I have taken the old code (VB 2003) and added it to the project.The line marked below worked on the old VB, now it does not. I get the following error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Troubleshooting tips:

Use the "new" keyword to create an object instance.

Check to determine if the object is null before calling the method.I have tried several forms of using the "New" keyword and still get the error.

Public Sub BuildChooseFileMenuItems()
Dim k As Integer
Dim numChecked As Integer


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Dynamic Sql Table Creation - Create Sql Tables Based On User Need

Apr 20, 2012

i need to create sql tables based on user needs lets say a guy needs a table of 4 rows 5 columns other user needs 3 rows 3 columns each with different types so how is the best way for letting them choose like they write in a text box ( this will be the value of rows)4 and another text bvox the count of columns and i have those 2( rows and columns needed) numbers i create the table as is.based on those. by default i create type as varchar max then later on we must fill the table using datagrid.

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VS 2008 AddHandler To Dynamic Object?

Jun 3, 2009

I have some code to create dynamic serial port objects, now Im trying to add an event handler to the object so I can capture the dataReceived event. But the vb designer is saying ".datareceived" is not en event of 'object' in this case serialports(dComPortNum)

Public serialports(5) As Object
serialports(dComPortNum) = New SerialPort


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VS 2008 Create An Array Of Serial Ports - Deleting Dynamic Object

Jun 29, 2009

I have the following code to create an array of serial ports.


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Reducing .Net Code Using Inline Object Creation?

Apr 4, 2012

I have managed to crunch down a several line code to this

For Each gal In galleries
With New HtmlGenericControl("div")
.ID = gal.Header


I cannot find any where how to reference back to the object i am currently working with to add the control back to galleryContent' - Using plain me crashes the whole web server...Using does not offer the shorter hand of just using . - But it Using the only way to do it?

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Asp.net Mvc - Dynamic Object Properties In A MVC Helper On Entity Framework Object

Jul 20, 2009

I want to build a MVC helper function for which I pass a Entity Framework object and have it build a select. Generally speaking I tried something like this:

Public Function RenderSelect(ByVal helper As HtmlHelper, ByVal sSelectName As String, ByVal aItmes As Array, Optional ByVal sTitleKeyName As String = "name", Optional ByVal sValueKeyName As String = "id") As String
' open select


However, it isn't working. It would be great to have a way to do this and pass the current entity object.

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Dynamic Object Properties In A MVC Helper On A Entity Framework Object?

Oct 26, 2010

Dynamic Object Properties in a MVC Helper on a Entity Framework object

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Dynamic SQL To Dynamic LINQ In .NET With MS SQL Server 2008?

May 24, 2010

I need to represent the following query using LINQ:

DECLARE @PurchasedInventoryItemID Int = 2
DECLARE @PurchasedInventorySectionID Int = 0
DECLARE @PurchasedInventoryItem_PurchasingCategoryID Int = 3
DECLARE @PurchasedInventorySection_PurchasingCategoryID Int = 0


Now, I know that a query in .NET doesnt look like this, this is my test in the SQL Design Studio. Naturally VB.NET variables will be used in place of the SQL local variables.My problem is this: All of the conditions after "WHERE" are optional. In that a query might be made that uses one, some, all, or none of the conditions. V.PropertyID and V.Value can also appear any number of times.In VB.NET I can make this query easy enough by simply concatenating strings, and using a loop to append the "V.PropertyID/V.Value" conditions.I can also make a Stored Procedure in MS SQL, which is easy enough.However, I want to accomplish this using LINQ.

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VS 2008 Dynamic Timer In A Dynamic Form

Feb 19, 2010

Ive managed to dynamically create a form, and dynamically create a timer, but i have not been able to create the timer on the dynamic form. Specifically, i need to be able to have the timer itself create another form with a timer. (I realize that this would create a new form every interval on the timer, that is what i want to do)

1. A way to add the timer to the dynamic form, and maintain the timer sub on my main form.

2. A way to create the whole thing over (dynamic form and timer) through the previous dynamic form and timer.

I was thinking i could use a collection/array to store the forms and timers, but i'm still having trouble figuring out how to add entire forms or timers into a list. (A timer is not considered a control, so i cant use a controlcollection...)

Heres my code;

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim frm As New Form


*EDIT* Btw, my idea was to use i as a variable that increases every time a form is created, then insert the form into the array, with i as the integer. i just need to know how to create a new form with a different name each time. (as with timers)

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Silverlight VB AddHandler To Dynamic Object?

Dec 16, 2011

We are migrating an application from C# to VB to meet our project's needs but stumbled upon a problem with event handling in VB.

The application uses a COM Wrapper access a scanner in Silverlight. The object is created dynamically in the code, and an event is added to "AcquirePage". This requires elevated trust of course.

Code in C#:

dynamic TwainSession;
TwainSession.AcquirePage += new AcquirePageDelegate(AcquirePageEventHandler);

As the only real "equivalent" of dynamic in VB is Object, we use:

Private TwainSession As Object

Everything is fine up to the point we want to handle an event of this Object. Because we are in Silverlight, we cannot have knowledge of the Object's structure or events, hence the need to create it dynamically. In C# we simply use "+=" to add a handler to an event but:

AddHandler TwainSession.AcquirePage, AddressOf AcquirePageEventHandler

In VB gives: 'AcquirePage' is not an event of 'Object'

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Create Dynamic Content Flash Object On Fly Using ASP.Net?

Feb 13, 2012

How to create an aspx page with a Flash object inside? And how to change the content of the Flash object?[code]...

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Has Object In VB 2010 Received The Same Optimalization As Dynamic In C# 4.0?

Apr 13, 2010

Some people have argued that the C# 4.0 feature introduced with the dynamic keyword is the same as the "everything is an Object" feature of VB. However, any call on a dynamic variable will be translated into a delegate once and from then on, the delegate will be called. In VB, when using Object, no caching is applied and each call on a non-typed method involves a whole lot of under-the-hood reflection, sometimes totaling a whopping 400-fold performance penalty.

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VS 2008 : Accessing Iframe On Creation?

Mar 9, 2011

I have been using GreaseMonkey for Firefox for about a year now and I find it wonderful, but I am really prefer using VB over JS and I would like to do some stuff that is on my computer along, not on the internet.I wrote some script for GM that read the contents of an iframe, and GM allows you to "include" which addresses the script runs on. This is really nice because it keeps the script from running where you don't want it to, AND it allows cross-domain support for communication between dom elements (in a round-about way).

I want to get away from using GM because I like some of the stuff I have already done in VB over the last 10 years and dont want to rewrite it all. So really I want to go back to my old stuff and learn how to get this functionality from VS2008.What I am specifically looking for is HOW in the world does GM listen for the creation on the window objects and run some script on it when it is finished?

Lets say I have a few webbrowser objects or other non-active xml, html or dom objects in my project. I want to retrieve info with one, send info with another, and display info with the actual webbrowser object.It sounds weird and I bet it could be used maliciously, but I mean no harm. Like I said, Ive been doing it for a year in GM already. I know .net really tries to prevent this kind of stuff cross-domain, but I figure if GM can do it, anybody can. The question is just how.

I understand how to access dom elements and all that, and I have some skill listening for events. I am just a little lost on how to combine the two in this situation. Grabbing an iframe is simple, and I realize I cant (shouldnt be able to) read it when I am acting in the parent object's domain. How do I sequester the iframe window away from its parent object once its loaded, or at the point before it loads its content so I can read it or more specifically add an event listener so I know when its finished loading? This seems super simple, my brain must just be addled.

I want to listen for the creation of the iframe from the project level, and I want to be informed of the document load from project level. I dont want to listen or do anything from the parent window object, so I really want the iframe sequestered as much as possible. Assume all iframes I will be dealing with are not of the same domain as the parent object.

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VS 2008 : Add A New Control Upon Tabpage Creation?

Jun 11, 2012

I want to make a new RichTextBox contorl when a new tab page is created. I also need that control to be the child of the tab page. I created a class for the tab control. And a class for the RichTextBox control. I dont know how to start this. I have made a class for the RTB because I figured I could override the sub new procedure but you can't so i just declared it as public and set what I needed it to do. But it doesn't work.

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VS 2008 Add A New Control Upon Tabpage Creation?

Nov 3, 2009

I want to make a new RichTextBox contorl when a new tab page is created. I also need that control to be the child of the tab page.

I created a class for the tab control. And a class for the RichTextBox control.

I dont know how to start this. I have made a class for the RTB because I figured I could override the sub new procedure but you can't so i just declared it as public and set what I needed it to do. But it doesn't work.

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VS 2008 Directory & Folder Creation?

Aug 10, 2011

IVS 2008 [RESOLVED] Directory & Folder Creation

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Dynamic XmlSerializer That Identifies Object Type From Xml-serialization?

Feb 3, 2011

Is there any way to create an XmlSerializer that stores along with the serialized data the data type, then when deserializing, it automatically identifies the type of the serialized object and creates an object of that type (returned as object).

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.net - Database Path For Stream DB Creation 2008 R2?

Nov 25, 2010

I have create a Stored procedure which is creates the Streaming Data Base.This SP needs to have the path on which will put the mdf files (and some other things).Until now i was run this procedure after i first create the above mentioned path.Now i want to run the same procedure without interference in the server.So I give the following path in order the procedure to execut it and understand where i want to give the path guide.


The stored procedure takes the path and tries to go to the folder of 'SQL' in order to do her job.But in this point i receive an error which says:CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created, Check related errors.

-I'm Cheking the way of puting the path and it is absolutelly right, I mean accepted from the server machine and from the client machine as well.

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VS 2008 - Read Only File Creation Time

Jun 22, 2011

I have a ERP system which create a PDF file and write it to the disk when the invoice is beeing created. On the other side a have an .NET app, which every 10 minutes read data in that folder and automatically send an e-mail to my customer with the invoice attached.The problem is that sometimes, when .NET app try to read a file which currently is beeing created -> The file is damaged. How to avoid such a situation? Is there a way to e.g. read only file creation time, and if it's "younger" than 5 seconds order app to wait a while?

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Dynamic Way Of Loading The Information From The XML File Into A Specific Object Property?

Aug 11, 2010

I currently have a XML file for an application I am developing. I have built a a XMLFile.GetContent function to read my XML File and load the content into a set of specific objects. These objects are then added to a collection and passed back to the main code to be loaded into the memory of the application.I am looking for a dynamic way of loading the information from the XML file into a specific Object Property. I have added comments to the function to show what I want to make dynamic.Content of XML File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

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