VS 2008 : Add A New Control Upon Tabpage Creation?

Jun 11, 2012

I want to make a new RichTextBox contorl when a new tab page is created. I also need that control to be the child of the tab page. I created a class for the tab control. And a class for the RichTextBox control. I dont know how to start this. I have made a class for the RTB because I figured I could override the sub new procedure but you can't so i just declared it as public and set what I needed it to do. But it doesn't work.

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VS 2008 Add A New Control Upon Tabpage Creation?

Nov 3, 2009

I want to make a new RichTextBox contorl when a new tab page is created. I also need that control to be the child of the tab page.

I created a class for the tab control. And a class for the RichTextBox control.

I dont know how to start this. I have made a class for the RTB because I figured I could override the sub new procedure but you can't so i just declared it as public and set what I needed it to do. But it doesn't work.

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Tabs - Tabpage Is Empty After Adding User Control To Tabpage

Jun 10, 2012

I am trying to display an usercontrol(has several panels one on top of the other panel) on tabpage. I am using below code to achieve this.


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VS 2008 Force The Creation Of A Handle Of A Control Before The Form That It Is Contained On Is Loaded?

Nov 24, 2011

I am just wondering how to force the creation of a handle of a control before the form that it is contained on is loaded... I have tried:


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Order Of Creation Or Adding To The Parent Control Determines Whether Or Not A Control's Dock Property Supersedes Another's

Jun 17, 2010

i frequently have troubles with the dock property. it seems that either the order of creation or adding to the parent control determines whether or not a control's dock property supersedes another's. e.g. a control with the dockstyle fill will overlap with another docked control on the same parent. does anyone know what the rules are to determine how docking will behave; particularly in dynamically created GUIs?

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Add Control To Program Tabpage?

Jun 5, 2012

I am trying to display an usercontrol(has a panel) on tabpage. I am using below code to achieve this.[code]...

The problem is that the control size is blown up when I run the application.

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Tabpage Controls Out Of Control?

Sep 15, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and recently a weird bug has appeared.In my forms I have a tab control with multiple tab pages. I can place a control on a tab page fine, but when I move it by way of clicking it and dragging it to another location, it leaves behind an outline of where it should be. Looking around, it has moved to the first tab page

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Force The Creation Of The Control(s) First?

Jun 11, 2010

I ran into a little problem where my thread(s) tries to access a control that may not be created yet. How can I check for this or is there a way to force the creation of the control(s) first and then go on or any other solution?

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Using System.Windows.Forms.TabPage To Store An Entire TabPage For Later Use?

Jan 8, 2009

I am using System.Windows.Forms.TabPage to store an entire TabPage for later use in My.Settings. Here is a brief description of the application.

I have a TabControl that has 3 tabs. One for user input, another tab for equipment settings, and then a final tab for Oven settings. On the user input tab, if the user de-selects the checkbox for Oven, the oven tab is saved to My.Settings and hidden.

I can then run the application without oven control. After running, lets say the user would like to re-run, this time with the oven. They go back to the input tab and re-select the Oven checkbox. However, the Oven tab doesn't re-appear. When stepping through the code, the is nothing stored in My.Settings for the oven tab page. Why not?

Also, I can open the application, and check, then uncheck the oven checkbox and the tab is hidden, then returns. I can do this all day. However, after running the tab will not return.

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Adding A MSRDPClient7 Control To A Tabpage?

Aug 17, 2010

I am having a bit of a problem adding an MSTSCLib.MsRdpClient7 control to a tabpage form.The code snippet at hand:

Dim t As TabPage = New TabPage
Dim rdpcount As Integer = 0
If Not rdp Is Nothing Then rdpcount = UBound(rdp)
Debug.Print("Current RDP count: " & rdpcount.ToString)


This code bombs on that last line with the following error:

System.InvalidCastException was unhandled

Message="Unable to cast COM object of type 'MSTSCLib.MsRdpClient7Class' to class type 'System.Windows.Forms.Control'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface."

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Create Control In A Tabpage When Running

Feb 18, 2010

How can i make a control in a tabpage when y program is running i got this [code]but this doesnt create it in the tabpage

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Forms :: MDI Interface With Tabpage Control

Feb 22, 2011

I'm struggling how to set up MDI interface where I have a tabpage control on the parent form. Each individual tab page should act as a parent to multiple child forms but within a tabcontrol there is no IsMdiContainer property like on the form.Is it possible to set a tabcontrol to act as a parent?

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VS 2010 Control Creation And NullReferenceException?

Sep 9, 2011

i have issue with simple thing

Dim TblPans As List(Of TableLayoutPanel)
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
TblPans.Add(New TableLayoutPanel)


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Reference A Backgroundworker On A User Control That Is On A Tabpage?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a GUI that allows a user to add tabpages to a tab control. Everytime the user adds a tab, a user control is placed on the new tab. The user control has a background worker on it, as well as several other controls. My question is this: Can I access the backgroundworker specific to a tabpage? In other words, can I tell the program to use the backgroundworker found on tab index 0 to run a process, and then tell the backgroundworker on tab index 1 to run a different process?

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Removing Tabs With User Control From Tabpage

Nov 19, 2009

I have a application with a tabcontrol. I dynamically open new tabs on which there is a custom control which is made of a graph and a datagridview with data. I fill this from a csv file. when I open few tabs like this my application memory goes over 120 MB. When I remove the tab I call the dispose on the custom control and a dispose for the tab. But the memory stays where it was (120+MB). It goes down only if I minimize the program. And when I show it again its around 10MB.

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Dynamic Control Creation And Moving Of Those With Mouse?

Jan 22, 2012

I am trying to make a program that will include a drag/drop view where you can arrange objects around in a view and add/delete objects as needed (objects are actually controls I create dynamically), I have made some code which I include below.If I run this code it works but not the part when I click on a newly created control, then mousemove function is not used, I should be able to move controls using the mouse functions..but these do not work. I thought code like:

AddHandler logicif(i).MouseMove, AddressOf logicif_MouseMove

should work! Can anyone give me pointers on what I am missing?

Public Class Form1
Dim logicif(20) As Panel
Dim count = 0


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Forms :: Adding ListBox To A New TabPage During Run-time, Control Does Not Appear?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a tabgroup with 2 tabs. During runtime, I wish to add new ones. Though I can get the tabs added, I cannot seem to add the ListBox that is supposed to go with it.
In the code below, I added '*' to indicate a line I added to try and fix the problem, but (obviously) don't work.

Dim newTab As New TabPage("Group " + g.userLabel.ToString())
newTab.Name = "Tab" + g.userLabel.ToString


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[2005] Selecting The TabPage Where A Control Resides When Pressing The Tab Key?

Mar 8, 2009

I would want it that upon pressing the Tab key in the last control of the TabPage then it will go to the next tabpage and focus on the first control there that has its TabStop set to true. I could trap the Tab key in my current implementation but is there be an easier way?

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Customize The Tab Control The Tabpage Headers Shoud Fill The Tabcontrol Header?

Mar 13, 2009

I want to customize the tab control the tabpage headers shoud fill the tabcontrol header. if there are only two tab pages then the header should be divided into two parts and please give me good info about tabcontrol custonmization for better look and work

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Forms :: Customize The Tab Control The Tabpage Headers Shoud Fill The Tabcontrol Header?

Mar 13, 2009

I want to customize the tab control the tabpage headers shoud fill the tabcontrol header. if there are only two tab pages then the header should be divided into two parts

and give me good info about tabcontrol custonmization for better look and work

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[VB 2008] TabPage Tab With A Button On It?

Mar 6, 2009

I'd like to place a little clickable button on the tab of a TabPage

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VS 2008 - How To Bring TabPage To Focus

Jan 11, 2010

Much like you'd do a formname.show. I'd like to make a tabpage come to view. I've tried the tabpage#.show and it didnt bring it to focus.

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VS 2008 Print TabControl / TabPage?

Jul 27, 2009

In my form I have a TabControl that has 13 TabPages. I have been able to print the Entire form, but I would like to just print everything in various (not all) TabPages. Each of the TabPages have a several PictureBoxes and several Labels.

Where should I start to simply print the TabPage?

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Change TabPage Size And Form Size When Shift From One TabPAge To Another?

Nov 22, 2010

I Try so many times to change TabPage Size and Form Size when I shif from One TabPAge to another, This because every TabPAge consist of defrent volume of control which need to enlarge and reduce the size. But I couldn't make it.

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VS 2008 : Accessing Iframe On Creation?

Mar 9, 2011

I have been using GreaseMonkey for Firefox for about a year now and I find it wonderful, but I am really prefer using VB over JS and I would like to do some stuff that is on my computer along, not on the internet.I wrote some script for GM that read the contents of an iframe, and GM allows you to "include" which addresses the script runs on. This is really nice because it keeps the script from running where you don't want it to, AND it allows cross-domain support for communication between dom elements (in a round-about way).

I want to get away from using GM because I like some of the stuff I have already done in VB over the last 10 years and dont want to rewrite it all. So really I want to go back to my old stuff and learn how to get this functionality from VS2008.What I am specifically looking for is HOW in the world does GM listen for the creation on the window objects and run some script on it when it is finished?

Lets say I have a few webbrowser objects or other non-active xml, html or dom objects in my project. I want to retrieve info with one, send info with another, and display info with the actual webbrowser object.It sounds weird and I bet it could be used maliciously, but I mean no harm. Like I said, Ive been doing it for a year in GM already. I know .net really tries to prevent this kind of stuff cross-domain, but I figure if GM can do it, anybody can. The question is just how.

I understand how to access dom elements and all that, and I have some skill listening for events. I am just a little lost on how to combine the two in this situation. Grabbing an iframe is simple, and I realize I cant (shouldnt be able to) read it when I am acting in the parent object's domain. How do I sequester the iframe window away from its parent object once its loaded, or at the point before it loads its content so I can read it or more specifically add an event listener so I know when its finished loading? This seems super simple, my brain must just be addled.

I want to listen for the creation of the iframe from the project level, and I want to be informed of the document load from project level. I dont want to listen or do anything from the parent window object, so I really want the iframe sequestered as much as possible. Assume all iframes I will be dealing with are not of the same domain as the parent object.

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VS 2008 : Dynamic Object Creation From Dll?

Jul 9, 2009

I am trying to get the hang of Dynamic loading of objects from assemblies on the same machine (But NOT part of the same project).In the sample below, Form1 implements an interface built as part of the .dll I placed in C:Release. I am trying to create a local instance of Form1, and Cast it as Iform, so that the local code can access the properties and methods exposed by the interface.The assumption here is that at runtime, local code will have access to the String name of a form, and an interface which is implemented by the form (and is compiled into the .dll as well as the client application), and that is it.

When I run this code, I get a exception: "Unable to cast object of type 'WindowsApplication1.Form1' to type 'WindowsApplication1.Iform'.

Public Function fApplicationObject() As Iform
Dim sLocation As String = "C:ReleaseWindowsApplication1.dll"
Dim sType As String = "WindowsApplication1.Form1"


I seem unable to dynamically load an object from a dll and then utilize an interface to access it's properties and such.

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VS 2008 Directory & Folder Creation?

Aug 10, 2011

IVS 2008 [RESOLVED] Directory & Folder Creation

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VS 2008 - Perform Click When A Button Is On Other Tabpage?

Jul 29, 2010

why can't I performCllick using a button which is on other tabpage. I tried those two so far but nothing happens:

DirectCast(My.Application.OpenForms("record"), record).btnAdd.PerformClick()

it must be simple I just can't do it because I need to get this done when I am in other tab

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VS 2008 : Determine If A Tabpage Of A Tabcontrol Is Being Hovered Over?

Oct 29, 2009

determine if a tabpage of a tabcontrol is being hovered over.I wanna set a property to true if it is hovered over and if it is I will then highlight it.this is what I have

Private _MouseHover As Boolean
Public Property IsMouseHovered() As Boolean


this clearly will put it over any tab page I need to make the property specific for each tab page.

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.net - Database Path For Stream DB Creation 2008 R2?

Nov 25, 2010

I have create a Stored procedure which is creates the Streaming Data Base.This SP needs to have the path on which will put the mdf files (and some other things).Until now i was run this procedure after i first create the above mentioned path.Now i want to run the same procedure without interference in the server.So I give the following path in order the procedure to execut it and understand where i want to give the path guide.


The stored procedure takes the path and tries to go to the folder of 'SQL' in order to do her job.But in this point i receive an error which says:CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created, Check related errors.

-I'm Cheking the way of puting the path and it is absolutelly right, I mean accepted from the server machine and from the client machine as well.

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