VS 2008 How To Get All Files Into A Array

May 21, 2011

I have a folder and I would like all the files in that folder to get into a array.

But I dont know how to do it,

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VS 2008 Renaming Multiple Files / Array?

Aug 25, 2009

I have to rename a bunch of folders in different directories. What I would like to do is type in a directory and rename/move files into another directory. I have 4 txt files right know, one for the old file names, one for the new file names, and 2 for the directories.

I planed on importing the txt files into 4 arrays and then using the rename function to change the directory going through a loop.

Problem is I'm very very new to VB and have no idea how to import each line of the txt file into the array.

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VS 2008 - Creating Array Of Files Found In Folder?

Apr 17, 2010

I have following code somewhere in my VB.NET 2008 program to create an array of files found in a folder:
Dim objFolder As New IO.DirectoryInfo(strXMLImportPath)
Dim arrXMLFiles2Import As IO.FileInfo() = objFolder.GetFiles("*.xml")
[Code] .....

When setting "option strict" to on, I'm getting following error on the line:
Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'AddRange' can be called with these arguments:
'Public Sub AddRange(items() As Object)': Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'System.Array' to '1-dimensional array of Object'.
'Public Sub AddRange(value As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.ObjectCollection)': Value of type 'System.Array' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.ObjectCollection'.

Although everything works fine with option strict set to off, I'd like to correct this problem. Also note that array "arrXMLFiles2Import" is used later on in the program, so I can't change anything on that.

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Array Of File Names And An Array Of Files In Directory

Jun 8, 2009

I have an array of filenames, and an array of files in a directory. I use a for loop in a for loop to check if those files are in that directory. Look at the below code to illustrate my problem. [code]

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Get Files From Subfolders To An Array

Jun 16, 2010

Here I have a function that imports files from a folder and puts them into an array. The problem is: the files from the subfolders aren't included.


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Get Files Names Into Array?

Oct 31, 2009

What i'm trying to do is to open a dialog box which from there i will be able to select files and their names will go into an array.

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Getting Files From Subfolders To An Array?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a function that imports files from a folder and puts them into an array. The problem is: the files from the subfolders aren't included.

Public Function GetFilesByExtensions(ByVal strPath As String, ByVal colExtensions() As String) As IO.FileInfo()
Dim tmpCollection As New Collection
For Each strExtension As String In colExtensions


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Sorting An Array Of Files?

Jun 23, 2011

sorting list of files in a folder. Below is a snipet of code from a program. The logic is dependant on the files coming in in alphapetical order. I did post about this earlier but I got pulled away and did not get a chance to follow the thread all the way through. The code is complete and it works. However I know it is not guarenteed to pull in alphabetical order so as my final step I wanted to sort the list of files. I thoughr using the array.sort command might work but I am not sure how to use it.

sLine = SetupNames(0)
Dim di As
New IO.DirectoryInfo(sLine)


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Txt File Into Array Files?

Jan 19, 2011

What is the proper way or code for putting text files into an array? This is what I have:


It needs to go into: arrDates, arrCatagories, & arrAmount

This is what I think:

Dim Dates As String
Dim Catagories As String
Dim Amount as Decimal

Could I get a little feedback on my guess? Oh, and one more thing, do I put these in public or private?

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VS 2008 List Files In A Directory + Write The Result In A Text Files?

Dec 14, 2009

I am trying to create a program which will read the files that exist in a directory, and then write in a text file the specific information (full file name, date created)i have found several code in the site but i cant make it work, the machine i am running the code is XP and i am using VB2008.The code i have found is the following:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.String


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VS 2008 Create New Files Alongside Itself In The Program Files Area?

Jul 30, 2009

Having a slight permission problem with Win 7 I am guessing it will be the same on Vista but work fine on XP (yet to try)But my program is sitting in: C:Program FilesCompanyProgram And its trying to create new files alongside itself in the Program Files area but bombing out which I know is permissions. If I go there to create the file myself it comes up with a UAC prompt and when I hit allow it works fine but obv the program can't do that byiteslf so bombs out.Is there anyway I can over come that without the user having to grant admin rights to the program each time it starts or do I have to write data to another place?

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VS 2008 Scan DriveFolder For Files And Store Folder Name And Files?

Apr 1, 2009

I need to scan either a drive are folder and search for .theme .VStyle and shellstyle.dll and there folder/subfolder names.The code scans for all .Theme files on the drive or in a folder, when it finds it it stores the folder name that file is in and also the name of the .theme .

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C# - Shared Files To Bytes Array?

Jan 29, 2010

I use this function to convert file to bytes array:

Public Function ConvertToBytes(ByVal path As String) As Byte()
Dim _tempByte() As Byte = Nothing
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) = True Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("File not exist", path )
Return Nothing
End If


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Collecting Upload Files Name To An Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to collect a string (filename) after it get's renamed if file exsit on upload into an array. No matter what I do I can't get it to display to a label. Been working over two weeks on the issue

Private Sub uploadfiles()
Dim uploads As HttpFileCollection
uploads = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files


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How To Copy Streamreader Files Into Array

Nov 29, 2009

I need to get data from one text file and use it for a calculation in another text file.The first file has the students' current grade and the second file has the students' overall GPA,.I need to get that current grade(named 'qp') out of the first streamreader so I can use it for my calculation but it only gives me the 'qp' of the last student in the first streamreader.[code]

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Keep Files Open Or Store In An Array?

Aug 25, 2009

I'm writing a program that reads randomized test questions from a text file. The text file includes information about how to set up the screen including which pictures, videos or buttons etc. to show for each question. The user responds to the questions and another text file is created logging the results. would it be better to read in all the data from the text file into an array to work with during the test, or should I just read the questions one at a time keeping the text file open while the user responds. The amount of data that would be read into an array for an average test would be about 200 lines which range from a single character to 20 sentences (whose length would of course vary).

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List Of Specific Files To Array?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a question about putting a list of files into an array. First of all I don't know if using an array is the best method to do this.[code]...

Now I want to put them into an array because I have to do something with each file (each file has to be converted to an XML, the code for that I have already written).[code]...

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Load Image Files In An Array?

Nov 29, 2010

I accomplished the task of creating a picture viewer that finds pictures in a directory,adds them to a listbox, and displays them in a picturebox at intervals using a timer. Now, I am trying to achieve a similar task using an array in a continuous timer-display fashion so that after the last image the process starts over from the first image again

Public Class Form1
im file(5) As System.IO.File
Dim num As Integer


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Refer To The My.resources Files As An Array?

Jul 13, 2009

In short my program plays a random embedded audio file when a timer runs out, is there a way to refer to the my.resources files as an array and use them that way rather than needing to know the exact file name of the resource?

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VS 2008 Binary Serialization - Save An Array Into My .bin File Then Read The Array Again

Nov 27, 2009

Can I save an array into my .bin file then read the array again just like a string or Integer??

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VS 2008 : Checking Existence Of Byte Array Inside Another Array?

Jun 2, 2010

is there is any direct method or function in array class that can check if any given byte array is a subarray of other array?or should i loop through the each byte of main array to see if smaller array exists in that or not?

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Http Post - Loop Through An Array Of Files

Apr 8, 2009

I have the following HTML form


This page works fine, but I have several files that need uploading. My question, Is there a way to do this from vb.net? Basicly what I'm looking to do is loop thru an array of files use the vb.net to do the http Post.

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VS 2010 - Playing Multiple Files From Array

Feb 26, 2011

I'm trying to make a "Simon" game with four buttons labeled 1-4. The game is supposed to read the numbers out loud, but i have a problem with that. I have 4 wav files from google text-to-speech, each named 1-4. I made an number generator that can return like this "42331", and the game is supposed to play 4.wav, 2.wav, 3.wav, 3.wav and 1.wav.

Here's what I got so far.
Public Class Form1
Dim rnd As New Random
Dim i = 0
Dim level As Integer = 5
Dim nums As String
[code] .....
It only plays 1.wav (the last in the sequence).

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VS 2008 Calculating Mode Of An Array/Specifics Of An Array?

Nov 17, 2009

I have an assignment, and one of the requirements are to take a list of colors in an array and determine which letter, of the first letters of every color in the array, appears the most. (Essentially the mode, if converted to numerical values).

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File I/O And Registry :: Copying Multiple Files From An Array?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm trying to copy multiple files from a directory, put them into an array, then copy just the 30 newest files(I haven't coded the 30 newest loop yet). I added a list box to the following code just to ensure the all the files are storing into the array properly... they are. When it try's to copy, it renames the first file to .log, then tells me that the .log file already exist. How do I get it to copy and keep the source file name in the destination folder Eventually I'll loop this and grab only 30 of the files.

Here's the code I'm playing with:
Private Sub transferButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles transferButton.Click


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Process Array Check - Encrypt/decrypt .dat Files?

Jan 12, 2009

Lets get down to it, Basically, I'm making a kind of "Anti-Hack" for a project I'm working on.The basis of the "Anti-Hack" is the check processes for names of known Memory Editors, For example, one memory editor I am scanning for is Cheat Engine.exe, I am using this code to scan for it, then I use the result to activate a different piece of code.

If Process.GetProcessesByName("Cheat Engine").Length = 0 The
'It's OK
<Removed for obvious reasons>
End If

Basically, I don't want my code to look like a library of If statements when the only thing I am changing is the process name, what I want to do, is have an encrypted .dat file with an array or list of known tools. I want to then go through the array/list and keep checking for instances of them running.I know nothing of how to encrypt/decrypt .dat files through VB. (I'm not an expert at it atm )I am open to other ways (Easier ways) of doing this, like a Class with a list of names etc.

**NOTE** I would rather it be a separate file as the program features an Auto-Update feature, so it will be easier to update the list.

**IMPORTANT**Also, I would like to know how to hide my process, so it cant simply be ended, It may sound suspicious but people will be able to just close it and start hacking T_T, Unless there is another way, I would appreciate it (Like making it so it cant be ended etc.)**IMPORTANT.

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Writing And Reading Simple Structures From Files Into An Array

Dec 23, 2010

I coded anything but I remember when using VB6 or Pascal/Delphi we used to define records/ structures with fixed length fields, then write those structures to a file knowing that they would always be the same length. You could then open a particular record within the file or simply find out how many records existed by reading the file length.From what I understand, it seems that such methods are depreciated in VB.NET and such structures are written as a stream.Does it now mean that we can define things like variable length strings and not need to worry about buffers or boundaries?Is it possible to read through such files and pick out individual records? Are there methods of determining how many records that exist in a file? What I'm looking to do is simply store multiple records of a structure in a file then retrieve them into an array so I can manipulate their order by sorting the array and search within the array. This is only a learning project so it is unlikely that the resultant array is going to be large, although if this is not generaly a good method of doing this then it might be interesting to fidn out what is. So far, I have read that they way to write a structure to a file is to "serialises" it and then write the bytes - is this correct?[code]

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VS 2008 How To Differentiate System Files From Other Files

Apr 26, 2012

Dim fc = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Destination).Countto get the no of files from the directory D:Images9 (Destination=”D:Images9”). It returns the count including the system files present in that directory ex: Thumbs.db How can I avoid thihow to find (search) a particular file in the specified directory.

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Array Picturebox That Depends Of The Number Of Files In A Selected Folder?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm filling a FlowLayoutPanel with an array picturebox that depends of the number of files in a selected folder. The problem is that images appear stretched, and I want to keep the aspect ratio. Resizeimage is the resizing rutine and works fine. The clicked image wil be shown in a picturebox with a new sise (bigger).

Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click


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Create Multi-dimension Array From Multiple Text Files?

Sep 28, 2011

I'll explain what I'm working to eliminate the assumptions of a brute forcer. I'm working a Random SQL Data generator. What I need is a way to create a multi-dimensional array from multiple word lists, 1 dimension per word list. I have tried a few different things and nothing I've tried works. However, I have got it to work with a single word list and an array of 1. I figured there is a more efficient way of doing this than writing a massive block of select case and using multiple 1 dimensional arrays, this would end up very messy and inefficient it seems.No this is not for homework, this is for personal learning use only.I would post my code, but like I said, nothing I've tried comes close to working.

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