VS 2008 Listbox - Bypass The Max Size Limitation

Dec 23, 2009

I wanted to load a lot of items into the listbox and found out its limitation i.e I try to load 1000 lines of long words, it hit to the max. So my questions: Is it possible to bypass the max size limitation or is there other control that can handle better than listbox?


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File Size Limitation In VB 2010 Express?

Apr 21, 2011

Is there a limitation to the size of program that you can create in VB 2010 express? I ask because I am writing a program that asks a user for input, then checks that input to a list of possibilities in case statements.My code is a little over 5000 lines.

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VB Express 2008 Limitation?

Feb 18, 2010

I have both Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition and full blown Visual Stuido 2005. I create a simple Windows form that connects to an Access Database on both IDE's. I use the built in controls that are automatically added to the form to SAVE, UPDATE, and DELETE, and TRAVERSE records when you drag and drop a column from the dataset to the form. HOWEVER, I find that on the express edition when I click "Save" the changes are not applied back to the database!?! When I do the project in full blown VS2005, the changes are applied.

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VS 2008 - NumberUpDown Control Limitation

Dec 16, 2009

I am writing an app that includes the use of a NumberUpDaown control. I just stumbled onto what seems to be a 12 bit maximum limitation (FFF,4095). I've set the Maximum properties for 16 bits, 65535, but still see a 12 bit limitation. I suspect this is a MS limitation but I've found a description of this control which states it should be good for 16 bits.

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[2008] Form Height Limitation?

Feb 25, 2009

I'm working with a form that doesn't want to let me go above 884 for height when I'm working in the editor. I thought I figured this one out before but my memory could definitely be better. I've played around with a bunch of properties without success.opping controls on the form and locating them below the bottom limit doesn't do it. The form will go down as far as necessary to show the new control when you run the application but not when I'm in the editor. I want to be able to work in the editor on a form greater than 884 height

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2008] [ N00b] How To Bypass An Error

Mar 27, 2009

i have been making an application that uploads files to an FTP server, what i wanna know is if it runs it to a problem how can i make it bypass that for example.

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VS 2008 Bypass Datagridview Column?

Jan 18, 2010

My datagridview has four column while press tab, i want to column2 not to get focus.

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Sql Server - Face Database Limitation Issue In SQl Sever Express 2008?

Aug 4, 2011

im decide to develop Vb .net Application With Sql server Express 2008 ,but microsoft says they limit 4 GB Sze for per DB! So im developing my app for Single user Desktop pc , so what i do when the DB reached to the Maximum size? when the db size reached to maximum size , is it Good thing to create new DB and allow my vb.net application to work with both DB s ?

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VS 2008 Resize A Picturebox Dynamically Using .size.height And .size.width

Nov 20, 2009

Im trying to resize a picturebox dynamically using .size.height and .size.width Its not working. This is the error message: "Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment." Never used height and width before. Been trying to find the answer, but it seems beyond me. Im sure its easy. Anyone know whats wrong with this?


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VB 2008 Express/ Webpage To Fit The Size Of The Webbrowser1 Control Size?

Jul 13, 2010

I have wondered the solution to this question for many years! I doubt if anyone else knows much about it because the internet is absolutely zero help in this!

I have made a form1 with a webbrowser control on it. When the program is run it brings up the homepage (which is Google). However the homepage doesn't seem to fit inside the webbrowser control.

So I am hoping that someone could tell me how to make the (...I dunno how to ask this retarded question...) webpage fit completely (100%) inside the size of the webbrowser control. Meaning...I would like to see the entire webpage from the internet in the
size of the webbrowser control. To fill the entire size (whatever size I want).

Etc... if my webbrowser ontrol is seh, set to 600px by 400px, how can I program this so when it brings up the homepage (or any other page), it fills the entire size of the webbrowser control? Without any scrollbars. How to make the contents from the web
(or local) fill the size of the webbrowser - almost like a mini browser if you will.

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VS 2008 Form Size Compatible On Different Screen Size?

Mar 5, 2010

I developed a form application on my computer, but when it was used in another computer with different screen size, i was told the form didn't fit. Do I have to adjust the form size or any other ways to let the form compatible on different screen size? (could be different screen size or wide screen)

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VS 2008 Textbox's Size Depends On Form's Size?

Aug 22, 2011

So that's how I want it:

If I re-size the form, the textbox inside should be re-sized to fit the form, NOT DOCK!

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Listbox Datasource Sort By Size?

Apr 21, 2010

I started use this code:

ListBox1.DataSource = _


So i got the files on the listbox at debuging.

But can i sort them so the biggest is first?

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CreateParameter Limitation For Binary Value

Sep 10, 2009

I have a jpeg file in SQLSERVER need to read and write into BLOB field in Oracle It is a ASP application using ADODB.Connection. I have created a stored proc contains simple insert statement.

When I call stored proc with passing parameters. CreateParameter is restricting length to 2000 bytes when I pass binary data (jpeg contents) more than 2000 bytes.


set db1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
db1.CursorLocation = 3
db1.Open str_Conn


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Limitation Of Express Edition?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express and am having problems making an install.It has been suggested that the Express (free edition) only allows you to install only on computers that also have Visual Studio.Do I need the Full version to be able to distribute my application to a variety of computers?

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VS 2008 ListBox Opening Links From ListBox Returning Max List In Listbox?

Feb 13, 2010

1 when my listbox returns resaults it only brings back 10 how do I set it to return lets say 500

and question 2 is when I click on my links in listbox it's not opening webpage as I would expect it...

This is my code


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.Net 2010 Regarding Limitation On DLL Files/sizes?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a slightly unusual application that is optimally designed by doing the following. We have an application that references a number of graphic sets for unique artwork utilization. The application is in HD and the graphic sets are a bit large about 20 megs per set. We have found that the optimal design for this particular application is to create a unique .Resources file per set, compile this .Resources file into a .Dll file using Assembly Linker (AL.exe) and reference the .Dll via the application and load the graphics upon demand or selection actually of this unique set within the application.

Question is this as I have been unable to find any data on this aspect.

Is there a limitation on the number and size of .Dlls that a VB .Net application can reference?

Specifically, we will likely have 20-25 unique graphic sets reesulting in 20-25 unique .Dll files of about 20 megs per .Dll. On our deployment boxes for the applications, we have 2 GIGs of RAM so no issue there.

Just curious if anyone knows if I am breathing down the neck of an inherit limitation within VB .Net 2010 by creating the above monster.

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Adding Trial With Time Limitation In .net?

Mar 3, 2010

how can i add a trial with random serials or single serial and once it get registered expire it after 6-12 months....and also if user change its clock time to some day back it remains expire.....

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Limitation The Length Of Double Variable?

Mar 22, 2009

I need to truncate to sertain amount of decimals for example : dim x as double;x= 6.98455 textbox1.text = x that mean textbox1.text= 6.98455 I need textbox1.text= 6.99

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VS 2010 Crystal Reports UFL DLL Limitation?

Nov 20, 2011

Is there any kind of limitation on UFL Dlls that are being used on crystal reports? Such as connecting to webservices, using interops, etc?

the UFL dll is working fine, once i started debuging it i noticed that i could not call the webservice, not even create an instance of the SoapClient.I did test the SoapClient from an Exe and it did work fine, just not inside this dll.


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VS 2010 Interest Rate Limitation?

Feb 14, 2012

I am working on a program that takes a present value, multiplies it by an interest rate (between 1 and 25 percent), multiplies the resultant answer by a specified number of periods and produces a listbox breakdown of value accumulation for each period. I was doing just fine. UNTIL. yeah, until......I don't really know when...... I am trying to specify that the interest rate must be between .01 and .25 (user has to enter it as a decimal on the GUI) or a Message Error box pops up. However, it seems that everywhere I drop my code, it doesn'

Private Sub mnuClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuClear.Click


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.net WebService - Bypass Ssl Validation

Apr 6, 2009

Well im working agains a webservice that has a certificate that is not 100% correctly setup the certificate is setup for the domain [URL] and the api is located at [URL] now i cant connect to this webservice as i then get a WebException "Could Not establish trush relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. Now my question is there any way to bypass this check i use a normal Web Reference (2.0) not a Service Reference..

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Bypass The Loader Lock?

Mar 29, 2011

how would i bypass the loader lock. I know there is a way to disable it but im not sure how

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Unable To Bypass Keyloggers

May 30, 2011

There are keyloggers everywhere - for bank accounts, gaming accounts and etcetera. Low level keyboard hooks seem to be unable to bypass - and that would be dangerous. How would I try to ignore these keyboard hooks? Would sendkeys work? Or is there simply no way to do that?

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Memory Limitation On X86 Win 2003 SP2 Enterprise Edition

Aug 24, 2011

We are using VB.NET 2008. This program must run on a 32 bit operating system.

The machine where the program is running at is a 24 core machine which has 16 Gig of RAM.

It has a Win Server 2003, Enterprise Edition SP2, x86 based PC.

When the VB.NET program VM Size reaches about 1.3 Gig, it says "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown."

When I go to Task Manager and check the Processes, "Mem Usage" for this program is about 300 Meg and "VM Size" is 1,341,300.

These are the information from Accessories - System Tools - System


Total Physical Memory is 16.37 Gb.

Available physical memory is 14.46 Gb.

Total virtual memory is 17.74 Gb.

Available virtual memory is 15.73 Gb.

Can my VB.NET 32 bit program access more than 1.3 Gig of VM in Win 2003 SP2 Enterprise edition ? How can it do that ?

According to [URL] the memory limit on this kind of machine with x86 is 64 Gig.

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Power Packs Print Form Limitation Is 8 1/2 X 11 There A Way Around It

May 17, 2009

I am using the print form from power pack is there way to extend the limtation of 81/2 x 11.

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.net - Windows.Forms.Listbox Selected Item Font Size Is Changing?

Jan 4, 2011

I have inherited from a Windows.Forms.Listbox so I could override the OnPaint and OnDrawItem methods in an effort to highlight specific items and alternate backcolors. I am also skipping some DrawItem events to prevent flickering.Everything is working fine, however when I select items in the listbox, it looks like the font is shrinking or becoming more compressed.Then when I mouse leave, the font goes back to its normal size and appearance but the same items are still selected (which is correct). During debugging the font never changes nor do any of its properties, but it does end up looking different when the item is selected and the mousedown event just happened.

Public Sub New(ByVal relativityHighlightColor As System.Drawing.Color)
_relativityHighlightColor = relativityHighlightColor
Me.SetStyle( _
System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or


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Forms :: How To Bypass A Leave Event

Jan 30, 2009

I'm programming something and I have it set to where if you leave the text box blank then a message box comes up and tells you to enter a value to move on to the next text box [code]Now whats currently happening is if I click the exit button and leave the name text box blank the error i programmed will come up and tell me to enter a name. I want to be able to click the exit button while no text is entered in the name text box bypassing the error message.

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.net - Bypass Convert Dialog / Security Warnings?

Jul 13, 2010

Is there anyway to disable the vb.net (2008) express popup for converting older projects as well as the security warning to browse the project? I'm fairly new to vb.net so of course I download lots of examples to learn off of and it is BEYOND annoying to have to convert every demo and then click ok to browse the code.

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Bypass Child Form Closing In .NET To Get Same Behavior As VB6?

Oct 14, 2010

VB6 application MDI-Child architecture. Closing event is handled via QueryUnload event in both MDI and child form. Order of event trigger is MDI form closing(QueryUnload) event fires first followed by child form closing event(QueryUnload, I would like to call it as FormClosing itself as it is more comfortable and correct)Now after migration, order of event trigger is occuring in reverse. Child form closing event is firing first followed by MDI form closing event. We want to reverse the event triggering badly because of the logic written inside the closing events. Swapping the logic inside the events is not a viable option considering the huge changes we need to make (we have 31 vbprojects with 31 MDI forms and numerous child forms).

How I can make the MDI's closing event to be triggered first before child's closing event?

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