Power Packs Print Form Limitation Is 8 1/2 X 11 There A Way Around It

May 17, 2009

I am using the print form from power pack is there way to extend the limtation of 81/2 x 11.

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Where Is The VB 9.0 Power Packs

May 29, 2010

i got a program i ran that says unable to install bla bla microsoft.visualbasic.powerpacks.vs version be installed in the global assembly cache (GAC)first

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Upgrade And Power Packs?

Nov 16, 2009

I got a new laptop friday, it has windows 7 and its a 64 bit system. I installed visual studio 08. everything was fine until I opened one of my projects.Seems like the powerpacks drawing items no longer exist, there is only a pointer and reort viewer in the group now and all of the items that I have used in the past are keep my app from running.

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IDE :: ClickOnce With Power Packs For Graphs

Apr 24, 2010

I have used the vb power pack for graphs and the following to files are included in the application files.


But the install only works on the machine it was built on, if I take them out it installs but no graphs. How can I get this to install on all machines?

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Deployment :: Visual Basic Power Packs?

Mar 24, 2009

I include the power packs in my app, and now I encounter problems when I try to deploy it to some other Win-XP machines which do not have Visual Studio (2008), although I include its DLL inside the installation package.The DLL is "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedVisual Basic Power Packs1.1Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll" and I'm just copying it into the installation path

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VS 2010 Use Print Form Power To Print A Windows Form From Console?

Jun 29, 2010

trying to print a Form that I created using a VB.Net console application. My console application creates an instance of a Windows Form and fills it with data. I then created an instance of the Print Form class from the Microsoft Power Pack and am trying to get the form I filled with data to print but no matter what I've tried it just prints the command console window.

Dim firstPage As New FrontPage 'Windows Form
Dim pf As New PrintForm 'Print Form Power Pack
firstPage.Visible = True


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Detect Installed Power Packs In Target System?

Nov 18, 2010

I wanna detect the version of installed Visual Basic Power Packs in target system.How can I do it with Registry values (Windows from Win XP)?Or, How can I check the version of Visual Basic Power Packs assembly , e.g : how I can check the version of Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks assembly ?

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VS 2005 - Power Packs 3 Windows 2000 - Printforms

Dec 7, 2009

I am writing a program on my Windows XP computer at home and installed Power Packs 3 so I could take advantage of Printforms I copied the project to my flash drive and brought program to my office that has windows 2000, the program wouldnt load because Power Packs wasnt intalled. Windows 2000 wont allow Power Packs 3 so I installed Power Packs 2 hoping that would work. Its looking for version

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VS 2008 : Adding The Power Packs 9.0 In The Installation Setup?

Sep 24, 2011

I've just created a setup file for my application . Instead of using the click once process , I used the Create Install Free 4.14.5 program , in order to be able to specify some parameters that under click once I couldn't (like specifying installation folder etc) . The problem , however , is that now when I installed the application , an error message appears saying that the computer is missing the Visual Basic Power Packs 9.0 (which I indeed used in my application) . So , is there any way I can add it to my setup file ? That is in order to avoid making people manually downloading and installing it .

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Unable To Deploy Application With Visual Basic Power Packs

Mar 24, 2009

I include the power packs in my app, and now I encounter problems when I try to deploy it to some other Win-XP machines which do not have Visual Studio (2008), although I include its DLL inside the installation package. The DLL is "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedVisual Basic Power Packs1.1Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll" and I'm just copying it into the installation path. What am I missed?


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VB Power Pack Print Form?

Dec 7, 2009

I created my program in VB 2005 on my XP machine at home and installed PP3 to take advantage of the printform component. It worsk great for my purposes and was easy to install and code.However when I brought my un-compiled code to my office which runs Win 2000 I got an error, saying I didnt have the correct version. I assumed it would be back ward compatible, never assume especially in programming.

So my question is can I just delete all references to printform component on my program and install power pack2 , which does support Win 2000 and XP then re-install print component.Or is there another way to make this work? I am not finding alot of information on the web other then Power pack 3 doesnt support Win 2000?

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[2008] Form Height Limitation?

Feb 25, 2009

I'm working with a form that doesn't want to let me go above 884 for height when I'm working in the editor. I thought I figured this one out before but my memory could definitely be better. I've played around with a bunch of properties without success.opping controls on the form and locating them below the bottom limit doesn't do it. The form will go down as far as necessary to show the new control when you run the application but not when I'm in the editor. I want to be able to work in the editor on a form greater than 884 height

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List All Power Off, Power On Computers In Local Network?

Jul 26, 2010

Im coding an application that needs to list all computers inside my LAN, and get the status of the machines ex. Power On, Power Off.. in order to Wake On Lan, or Turn it Off.. im using Visual Basic .Net.I all ready listed all machines, now i need to get the status of them..

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Power Point Slides Or Splash Screens In Form?

Apr 1, 2011

I have some apppliction....interface is good but its not that advance in visual style...so i manage to implement power point slide in web browser (webbrowser.navigate "pps "to twick the look of the program...but when im changing the tabs or opening other windows and then go back to tab where is pps it wont refresh properly.(web browser spec. fill)And i got flickering when im changing tabs or pages.

1.Is it because i have slow comp?

2.Or it have another way (faster) to implement power point slides in application instead of the web browser?

3.Or in general the visual basic is a poor program(when u talking about visual stile) that have some limitations and works very slow when u implementing some visual staff?

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Vb Mail Order - Calculating The Percentages - Print Button Allows The User To Print The Form

Apr 8, 2011

I have been able to do the exercise's in the first 2 chapters and half the exercise's in the third chapter of the text book (programming in visual basic 2008, Julia Case Bradley & Anita C. Millspaugh). but this one is making my head want to explode. please point me in the right direction with this.

Heres the problem. The company has instituted a bonus program to give its employees an incentive to sell more. For every dollar the store makes in a four-week period, the employees receive 2 percent of sales. The amount of bonus each employee receives is based upon the percentage of hours he or she worked during the bonus period (a total of 160 hours). The Calculate button will determine the bonus earned by this employee, and the Clear button will clear only the name, hours-worked, and bonus amount fields. A Print button allows the user to print the form. Do not allow missing or bad input data to cancel the program; instead display a message to the user.

Here's my code so far. its giving me the wrong results. i have tried many different ways,(hence the commented code) but I just dont know where im going wrong.

Public Class VB_Sales

Const BONUSHOURS As Decimal = 160


Attached image(s)

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Add A Simple Print Button In Vb 2008 To Allow Print The Form?

Sep 24, 2011

How do i add a simple print button in vb 2008 to allow me to print the form?

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Without Using Third Party Active X Controls To Embed A Power Point Slide Show In A Form If Office Is Installed On The Client Computers

Sep 16, 2010

I am looking for away to include a power point slide show inside a form in vb.net 2005. Office 2007 will be installe on all of the client machines which run the program. I have found ways to launch and control a power point slide show in an exteral window, but no way to attcah it and place it on the form window.

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USB Communications And .net Service Packs

Mar 15, 2009

I have a program to print to receipt printers and communicate with other pos hardware using the esc/pos commands and other pos device structures.It talks happily on LTP ports and COMM ports and for the last 3 years has worked well with USB printers, extracting information from the registry and connecting directly to the USB port.For all communication is uses direct calls to kernel32.dll via the win32api.The difficulty is the latest .net service packs have altered something in the communication. The USB side of the software fails to communicate on computers with .net 2 service pack 1 or above installed.

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Print A Win Form Of .net After Print Preview?

May 3, 2010

How to Print a Win form of VB.net after Print Preview?

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CreateParameter Limitation For Binary Value

Sep 10, 2009

I have a jpeg file in SQLSERVER need to read and write into BLOB field in Oracle It is a ASP application using ADODB.Connection. I have created a stored proc contains simple insert statement.

When I call stored proc with passing parameters. CreateParameter is restricting length to 2000 bytes when I pass binary data (jpeg contents) more than 2000 bytes.


set db1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
db1.CursorLocation = 3
db1.Open str_Conn


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Limitation Of Express Edition?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express and am having problems making an install.It has been suggested that the Express (free edition) only allows you to install only on computers that also have Visual Studio.Do I need the Full version to be able to distribute my application to a variety of computers?

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VB Express 2008 Limitation?

Feb 18, 2010

I have both Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition and full blown Visual Stuido 2005. I create a simple Windows form that connects to an Access Database on both IDE's. I use the built in controls that are automatically added to the form to SAVE, UPDATE, and DELETE, and TRAVERSE records when you drag and drop a column from the dataset to the form. HOWEVER, I find that on the express edition when I click "Save" the changes are not applied back to the database!?! When I do the project in full blown VS2005, the changes are applied.

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Detecting Installed Excel Version (and Service Packs)?

May 13, 2009

I need to be able to detect which version of Excel I have installed in my machine from some .NET code I'm developing. I'm currently using Application.Version for that, but it doesn't give me information about Service Packs.

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VS 2008 SimpleShape Events Not Working In VBPower Packs

Apr 5, 2010

Here is a simple class I coded inheriting SimpleShape in VBPower Packs. The events are not firing. What might be the reason? I checked the property "CanRaiseEvents" and it says "True"


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.Net 2010 Regarding Limitation On DLL Files/sizes?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a slightly unusual application that is optimally designed by doing the following. We have an application that references a number of graphic sets for unique artwork utilization. The application is in HD and the graphic sets are a bit large about 20 megs per set. We have found that the optimal design for this particular application is to create a unique .Resources file per set, compile this .Resources file into a .Dll file using Assembly Linker (AL.exe) and reference the .Dll via the application and load the graphics upon demand or selection actually of this unique set within the application.

Question is this as I have been unable to find any data on this aspect.

Is there a limitation on the number and size of .Dlls that a VB .Net application can reference?

Specifically, we will likely have 20-25 unique graphic sets reesulting in 20-25 unique .Dll files of about 20 megs per .Dll. On our deployment boxes for the applications, we have 2 GIGs of RAM so no issue there.

Just curious if anyone knows if I am breathing down the neck of an inherit limitation within VB .Net 2010 by creating the above monster.

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Adding Trial With Time Limitation In .net?

Mar 3, 2010

how can i add a trial with random serials or single serial and once it get registered expire it after 6-12 months....and also if user change its clock time to some day back it remains expire.....

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Limitation The Length Of Double Variable?

Mar 22, 2009

I need to truncate to sertain amount of decimals for example : dim x as double;x= 6.98455 textbox1.text = x that mean textbox1.text= 6.98455 I need textbox1.text= 6.99

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VS 2008 - NumberUpDown Control Limitation

Dec 16, 2009

I am writing an app that includes the use of a NumberUpDaown control. I just stumbled onto what seems to be a 12 bit maximum limitation (FFF,4095). I've set the Maximum properties for 16 bits, 65535, but still see a 12 bit limitation. I suspect this is a MS limitation but I've found a description of this control which states it should be good for 16 bits.

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VS 2010 Crystal Reports UFL DLL Limitation?

Nov 20, 2011

Is there any kind of limitation on UFL Dlls that are being used on crystal reports? Such as connecting to webservices, using interops, etc?

the UFL dll is working fine, once i started debuging it i noticed that i could not call the webservice, not even create an instance of the SoapClient.I did test the SoapClient from an Exe and it did work fine, just not inside this dll.


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VS 2010 Interest Rate Limitation?

Feb 14, 2012

I am working on a program that takes a present value, multiplies it by an interest rate (between 1 and 25 percent), multiplies the resultant answer by a specified number of periods and produces a listbox breakdown of value accumulation for each period. I was doing just fine. UNTIL. yeah, until......I don't really know when...... I am trying to specify that the interest rate must be between .01 and .25 (user has to enter it as a decimal on the GUI) or a Message Error box pops up. However, it seems that everywhere I drop my code, it doesn'

Private Sub mnuClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuClear.Click


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