IDE :: ClickOnce With Power Packs For Graphs

Apr 24, 2010

I have used the vb power pack for graphs and the following to files are included in the application files.


But the install only works on the machine it was built on, if I take them out it installs but no graphs. How can I get this to install on all machines?

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Where Is The VB 9.0 Power Packs

May 29, 2010

i got a program i ran that says unable to install bla bla microsoft.visualbasic.powerpacks.vs version be installed in the global assembly cache (GAC)first

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Upgrade And Power Packs?

Nov 16, 2009

I got a new laptop friday, it has windows 7 and its a 64 bit system. I installed visual studio 08. everything was fine until I opened one of my projects.Seems like the powerpacks drawing items no longer exist, there is only a pointer and reort viewer in the group now and all of the items that I have used in the past are keep my app from running.

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Deployment :: Visual Basic Power Packs?

Mar 24, 2009

I include the power packs in my app, and now I encounter problems when I try to deploy it to some other Win-XP machines which do not have Visual Studio (2008), although I include its DLL inside the installation package.The DLL is "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedVisual Basic Power Packs1.1Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll" and I'm just copying it into the installation path

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Power Packs Print Form Limitation Is 8 1/2 X 11 There A Way Around It

May 17, 2009

I am using the print form from power pack is there way to extend the limtation of 81/2 x 11.

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Detect Installed Power Packs In Target System?

Nov 18, 2010

I wanna detect the version of installed Visual Basic Power Packs in target system.How can I do it with Registry values (Windows from Win XP)?Or, How can I check the version of Visual Basic Power Packs assembly , e.g : how I can check the version of Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks assembly ?

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VS 2005 - Power Packs 3 Windows 2000 - Printforms

Dec 7, 2009

I am writing a program on my Windows XP computer at home and installed Power Packs 3 so I could take advantage of Printforms I copied the project to my flash drive and brought program to my office that has windows 2000, the program wouldnt load because Power Packs wasnt intalled. Windows 2000 wont allow Power Packs 3 so I installed Power Packs 2 hoping that would work. Its looking for version

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VS 2008 : Adding The Power Packs 9.0 In The Installation Setup?

Sep 24, 2011

I've just created a setup file for my application . Instead of using the click once process , I used the Create Install Free 4.14.5 program , in order to be able to specify some parameters that under click once I couldn't (like specifying installation folder etc) . The problem , however , is that now when I installed the application , an error message appears saying that the computer is missing the Visual Basic Power Packs 9.0 (which I indeed used in my application) . So , is there any way I can add it to my setup file ? That is in order to avoid making people manually downloading and installing it .

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Unable To Deploy Application With Visual Basic Power Packs

Mar 24, 2009

I include the power packs in my app, and now I encounter problems when I try to deploy it to some other Win-XP machines which do not have Visual Studio (2008), although I include its DLL inside the installation package. The DLL is "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedVisual Basic Power Packs1.1Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll" and I'm just copying it into the installation path. What am I missed?


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List All Power Off, Power On Computers In Local Network?

Jul 26, 2010

Im coding an application that needs to list all computers inside my LAN, and get the status of the machines ex. Power On, Power Off.. in order to Wake On Lan, or Turn it Off.. im using Visual Basic .Net.I all ready listed all machines, now i need to get the status of them..

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Location Of ClickOnce Installation And What Are The Restrictions Of ClickOnce Deployment?

Apr 11, 2009

Where is the location of ClickOnce Installation and what are the restrictions of ClickOnce Deployment?

remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback,

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USB Communications And .net Service Packs

Mar 15, 2009

I have a program to print to receipt printers and communicate with other pos hardware using the esc/pos commands and other pos device structures.It talks happily on LTP ports and COMM ports and for the last 3 years has worked well with USB printers, extracting information from the registry and connecting directly to the USB port.For all communication is uses direct calls to kernel32.dll via the win32api.The difficulty is the latest .net service packs have altered something in the communication. The USB side of the software fails to communicate on computers with .net 2 service pack 1 or above installed.

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Tab Control, Which Contains Two Different Graphs?

Jan 31, 2010

I have a form, with a tab control, which contains two different graphs. The graphs work fine, however, i want to be able to switch between the tabs, and be able to see the graphs!. Unfortunately, it seems to clear the graphs. Please can guide me as to how i could fix this.


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Chart Controls - Cannot Do Graphs

Dec 23, 2010

Somehow my 2008 does not have chart controls and it seems like i cant do graphs how do I get it. I've tried downloading it but my computer says I have to instal framework 3. Which I have.

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Drawing Of Functional Graphs?

Nov 18, 2011

how can i draw a graph of a function using visual 2010? eg graph of y=cos2x +5x

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Generate Different Graphs In VB 2008?

Oct 23, 2009

I want to generate different graphs in 2008. Please guide me i dont know how can i do that, where from i should start. I have different values which i want to show by graph. Like Service distruption time conventional scheme vs proposed schme. How can do this.Please guide me with sample code example. Can we make it in excel and how can we add it in or can we open excel in it?

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Detecting Installed Excel Version (and Service Packs)?

May 13, 2009

I need to be able to detect which version of Excel I have installed in my machine from some .NET code I'm developing. I'm currently using Application.Version for that, but it doesn't give me information about Service Packs.

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VS 2008 SimpleShape Events Not Working In VBPower Packs

Apr 5, 2010

Here is a simple class I coded inheriting SimpleShape in VBPower Packs. The events are not firing. What might be the reason? I checked the property "CanRaiseEvents" and it says "True"


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Adding A Dynamic Charts And Graphs?

May 11, 2011

i am working on a windows application. i want to incorporate the dynamic graphs and charts in the application.

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Generate Dynamical Graphs In Program?

Jan 26, 2009

I want to generate a dynamical graph or bar chart X vs Y . Please send me a example I can manage the rest

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How To Plot Graphs Using MS Chart Control

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to plot a graph in VB.Net, using MS Chart Control. I'm receiving streaming data, distance vs X data (Sine wave) and Z data (Cosine wave) every 1 msec. maximum data points varies from 2000 to 5000. I would like to plot this streaming data on a graph, distance on x-axis and two series X data and Z data on Y axix.

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VS 2008 X-Axis For Graphs In Excel?

Nov 9, 2010

I have successfully created excel application, workbook, worksheet and graphs in excel through, but I am not able to choose which data to plot on teh x-axis when I plot graphs.I don't really know how to do this even in excel itself, and googling did not help at to create a graph with desired values on the x axis in excel through, that would be nice.

range1 = Data.Range("A1", "B" & (t2 - t1) / i)

This is my code, since I have index (t2-t1)/i as the index of the data I want to plot on the y-axis, and I want to plot all A1 values on the x-axis.

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VS 2010 Tabpages - Decimals And Graphs

Sep 28, 2010

Tabpages: Using a button, how do I go from tabpage1 to tabpage2? I have it kind of sorted, only not: Button click tabpage1 send to back() or hide() tabpage2 show() The problem with this, is it does not actually turn the page, and the tabpage1 tab still shows at the top. Decimals: Epically basic, I guess. I have calculations that does, for example: 10/6 = 1.666666666667 How do I get it to say 1.667 only?

And Lastly, Graphs: I have a line graph. I have fixed series as a envelope for the variable series to sit in. Again, epically basic - How do I make a series that draws a line for a variable?

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Draw Graphs To Display Data Of Listview?

Jan 26, 2010

I am using vb express and want to display graphs for the data displayed in listview through queries. For example I display data in Listview with the following query:

Dim cmdText As String = "SELECT IncomeMode, SUM(AmountPaid) AS Amount FROM DailyIncome WHERE DIDate Between @START and @END Group By IncomeMode"

I have downloaded Ms Charts for How I can code to draw the graph of the result of above query displayed in Listview .

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Preparing Multiple Line Graphs With VBA Code

Jun 25, 2009

This is one of my first steps into the magnificient world of visual basic. I looked on many forums, but most of the time the questions asked are much more complex than mine. I am looking for a piece of code for the preparation of multiple graphs in excel 2003.


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Chart Control - Creating Graphs Using Crunched Data Stored In Array List

May 7, 2010

Recently I have learned visual basic 2008 express edition and developed programs for data crunching and analysis. The VB 2008 express edition has microsoft visual studio 2008 v. 9.0.30729.1 SP and .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1. Now I want to create x-Y (date-Y value) graphs using the crunched data stored in an array list simulating a data base access. I download and installed the "Microsoft Chart Control for .NET Framework " and try to learn to use it within the VB 2008 express edition using the tutorial. It seems that the chart control did not get installed?

1. Do I need at VB 2008 professional to allow using the chart control?
2. Why after installing chart control, there is no change on the items under the NET components within the Toolbox>ChooseItem>.
3. How do I get to use the chart control under VB 2008 express edition.
4. Any code available to generate versatile graphics without using the chart control? Because the chart control has tons of classes already it seems the best is to just use the existing and downloadable chart control?

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Noticing A "mysterious" Change To Text Files Used For Graphs Using Zedgraph Libraries?

Jan 4, 2010

I am noticing a "mysterious" change to text files used for graphs using Zedgraph libraries.In a 100-line data set, about four to five records inexplicably "disappear"! These are the SAME files which only 24 hours earlier showed the complete set and were successfully read.

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Component Id For VB Power Pack 3.0?

Jul 12, 2010

component id for Visual Basic Power Pack 3.0.I need to determine if or not it is installed on my system for my setup.

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How To Control Power To A USB Port

Jul 12, 2009

I have a simple USB fan that just runs on the power from the USB port. I want to be able to turn of and on the fan from a simple application.

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Monitor The Power Consumption?

Sep 18, 2009

I am looking to record information about the computers power consumption over time, is there any way I could do this using vb, I can get the current voltage from the processor but do not know the current therefore can not work out the wattage. I know of application which do have power consumption recorders but I would like to create my own.

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