VS 2008 - Multiple File Move Via DragAndDrop

Jun 30, 2009

I'm going to try this again since last time I asked (a long time ago now) I didn't get many responses. Maybe someone who knew didn't see my post or maybe someone new is around who might know. I want to add a file drag and drop feature to my program that allows people to drag files onto my form and when the files are released on a path (that is stored in a listbox) it moves/copies the files to that folder. I have all that working but what my issue is that each file has to be handled individually.

Now, Windows can move multiple files all in a single group; it calculates time till completion based on the cumulative size of all the files and shows a progress bar in that way. Currently, all I can do is either let it happen, or show a progress bar for each file. Does anyone know how to get files in an array of files to drop to display like Windows does with multiple files when moving or copying.

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Drag And Drop - DragAndDrop Not Working On Controls?

May 16, 2012

I'm trying to make a program which uses drag & drop functionality, however, it only works when I drop something onto the form, not the controls. If I do try on the controls, I just get the 'Unavailable' cursor.

The AllowDrop property is set in the properties bar, and I also set it when the form loads.

Current code:

Public Class Main
Private Sub Main_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles Me.DragDrop


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VS 2008 - Move A File And Change The Name

Feb 24, 2010

How can i move a file to a folder and change the name of it

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VS 2008 : Move File Not Working?

Sep 9, 2009

How can I get the file NAME from the OpenFileDialog and make the Browse folder dialog to have the File NAME at the end of the folder destination?

1. I press "Browse for File"

2. I press "Browse for Folder"

3. After the directory for Browse for folder is shown, it will also include the file name taken from "Browse for file". I dont want it to replace the destination, but to add the File NAME to the folder destination.For example

"Browse for File" gives me the destination, C:Documents and SettingsOwnerDesktopFile.txt
"Browse for Folder" gives me C:Documents and SettingsOwnerDesktopNew Folder (3)

I want the File.txt text COPIED from "Browse for File" and PASTED on to the Destination of "Browse for Folder"

View 10 Replies

VS 2008 Move A File From Resources?

Sep 14, 2009

My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(My.Resources.NameOfFileinResources Application.StartupPath)Error1Value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to 'String'.

View 3 Replies

VS 2008 Move Functions To External File And Call Them?

May 27, 2009

Im not exactly sure how to word this question, but I will give it my best shot.In a new program I am starting I would like to put all the code from a button_click event into a file (many others as well into different files), kind of like a class file in the sence of it being external.lets say I have a button called btnadd and it has some validation code in it Private Sub btnadd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnadd.Click


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How To Move Multiple Pictureboxes

Oct 31, 2009

how to move 5 picture boxes at the same time. Like making them bounce on the walls of the form and each other.

Here is my Code

Public Class Form2
Dim xSpeed, ySpeed As Integer
Dim iClicks As Integer


The problem is that the picture boxes do move but, they move at the same time. For example if Pb1 hits the left side of the form all of the other Picture Boxes will to.

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Move And Delete Multiple Copies?

Jan 15, 2012

I have an external harddrive and I usually backup my desktop with a cleanup folder which I usually move to the external harddrive.

The problem is: when I search for a file (i.e. example.mp3) I will find multiple copies which are taking up way too much space.

Is there an app or some code that can search for an extension (i.e. .mp3) and if it finds more than one copy of the same file, it can delete the extra file?

The reason I ask is: I have around 1300 different mp3s on my external harddrive and most of them are extra copies of the same mp3. When I search for the extension mp3 and I want to move all of the mp3s to a single folder I am prompted way too many times for overwriting or keeping the same mp3 file.

I need an app that can force the move without prompting and delete the extra copies; so, I am left with only one copy of each.


mp3 files on external hard drive for backup:
song.mp3 > in one folder
song.mp3 > in another folder


View 12 Replies

Move Multiple Sprites Simultaneously?

Jun 18, 2011

Not wanting to hijack 45minutes thread, I thought I might spawn a thread of my own based on his question.

PlausiblyDamp was kind enough to provide some generic code, which I have modified and attached.

I have made a few alterations mostly around removing random objects, as the game in question (Space Invaders) has a set amount of aliens and set starting positions.

As a start I have limited the UpdatedPostion to horizontal movement as the aliens only go side to side unless they hit an edge.[code]...

View 15 Replies

Move Multiple Pictureboxs At The Same Time In One Dirction?

Sep 20, 2008

How do you move multiple Pictureboxs at the same time in one dirction like up down left right with arrow keys in visual basic 2005 express edition

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VS 2008 Multiple File Downloader - Only Download One File At A Time

Dec 25, 2009

i made downloader that will display the following items to the user. The Name of the file that the user is downloading The Url Were the file is being saved The Size of the file The speed at which the file is being downloaded And the Status. But the Problem is that the downloader can only download one file at a time. How can i make a multiple file downloader Which if the user wants to download 2 or 23 files he can.

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 Error "WithEvents Variable 'Move' Conflicts With Event 'Move' In The Base Class 'Control' And Should Be Declared Shadows"

Sep 3, 2010

What does this error mean? I havent modified anything in the designer code, but its giving me an error? WithEvents variable 'Move' conflicts with event 'Move' in the base class 'Control' and should be declared 'Shadows'. The error relates to Friend WithEvents Move As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn

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Move Items From Inbetween Multiple Listboxes (4 Boxes)?

May 19, 2011

I'm having a problem with moving items between list boxes, i'm fine with moving an item from 1 list box to another but thats 2 boxes and i have 4. I basically want to know the code to move 1 item from a list box to any of my other 3 list boxes.

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Simulate Multiple Mouse Move And Click Events?

Oct 27, 2011

I wish to simulate multiple mouse move and click events for multiple mouse for emulation of mice in mouse mischief for a kinect project im working on. I want to emulate a mouse for each person on the kinect that is recognized using microsofts kinect sdk and be able to do a left mouse click for each person.

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VS 2008 (De)Serializing Multiple Objects Into One File

Dec 21, 2009

I am trying to create a load and save function for my customizable Menu/Tool/StatusStrip controls (see signature). Those three controls use a single AppearanceControl class, which is mainly just a large list of properties (Colors) which control the colors of the Menu/Tool/StatusStrip.

I want to be able to save and load the values of these properties so the user can store them and load others with ease. Serialization seemed the obvious answer, although I never used it before.

Now, there is a slight problem that I cannot serialize Colors, so I simply gave each Color property the XmlIgnore attribute, and created an Integer property that gets and sets the Color property (using Color.ToArgb and Color.FromArgb). This way I can serialize the color properties succesfully.

Then, there is another problem. The properties are not all in the AppearanceControl class. Instead, the AppearanceControl class has a large number of subclasses, which in turn contain the color properties.

As a small example, I may have this:

Public Class AppearanceControl
Private _toolStripColorProperties As ToolStripColorProperties
Private _menuStripColorProperties As MenuStripColorProperties


View 6 Replies

VS 2008 : Creating A File With Multiple Sections?

Jan 29, 2010

Is there a preferred method of creating a file with multiple sections? For example a program for a small retail business that might include different categories of sales, etc.I've come up with a primitive way of separating sections of a text file, which I can read and write right now, but I'm not confident that it will always work. I have a feeling it could produce an error down the road.

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Download Multiple File's Using Multithreading?

Jun 2, 2011

Public Class download
Public Event AmountDownloadedChanged(ByVal iNewProgress As String, ByVal rowno As Integer)


How I can download Multiple file's using multithreading and

How I will display progress report in Datagridview Column ("Progress")

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 : Find Multiple Words In Text File?

Mar 12, 2010

i have a text file which contain 149000 Words 1 Word Per LineI want to Search Words Who end with "sd" or something else i am using a listbox in which i load all text and then search for it i don't want to know how to search directly from text file listbox method take too much time?

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 Deleting Multiple Lines In A Text File?

Sep 20, 2009

I need to be able to search through a text file and find a line of text, then delete that line and the 7 previous lines and also the line following the searched line. Basically the program creates student records to a text file and asks if the user wants to mark the record for deletion then when the user exits the program, I want it to find the records mark for deletion and delete them.The records in the text file look like this:

Name: Some, Students, Name
Age: 20
Phone Number: (555) 555-5555


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VS 2008 Multiple Icons For EXE - Specify One Icon File For Projects?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm sick of my EXE files only looking decent in one view in explorer (ie List or Tiles etc) because I can only figure out how to specify one icon file for my projects so it has to be a specific size and if its too big it looks rubbish at smaller sizes in explorer, and vice versa if its too small. So how can I embed more than one icon file and make it automatically select the correct one to display in explorer depending on the view? I believe you can store more than one icon in an ICO file, so do you have to just combine the various size icons into one ICO and then explorer will automatically select the correct sized on? Or is it something you have to do within the VB project?

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VS 2008 Replacing Multiple Lines Of Text In A File

Jul 9, 2009

Sorry if this seems like I haven't searched, however I have. Maybe I'm not understanding something or maybe I just haven't found what I need. Anyway my question is this. How would I find multiple strings in a text file and replace them? So far I've been able to find out how to replace a single string with:


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[2008] Multiple Lines Of Txt File -> Single String?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a *.txt file which contains instructions and data, with its own comments (preceded by ! ), blank lines, and each instruction begining on a new line, but occassionally using two lines. Each instruction consists of several feilds seperated by a TAB. Finally each instruction ends in a comma. Only a few different instructions are there (10 different ones) but there are many of each. Spanning a good 2500 lines. Comments and blank lines are obviously of no interest to me. I merely need to read the instructions and the data that follows it.

Now, I have successfully used 'System.IO.StreamReader.ReadLine' to go through it line by line, picking out lines begining with certain strings (first 3 characters of a known instruction). All good, I can 'lift' out the lines of interest and store them, for them to be split up later (seperating their fields into instruction, data, etc..) and then into an array.

The problem is, since some of the data fields in these instructions are so long, it spans two lines, before it ends with a comma. Using the above method, I end up with two array entries for a single instruction, since I have stored individual lines rather than a complete instruction. The only similar situation I can tihnk of to explain this, is to pick out sentences in text, and store each one in a string. Of course these end with a period (full stop) but span two or more lines.

I am hesitant to post an example, since its formatting is rather strange, but it is generated that way from 3rd party software, so I cannot change that for my software application.Perhaps there is no 'graceful' way of doing this, meaning I would have to find a way of 'adding' the second line of the instruction, to the string of the first line. Or perhaps reading each line character by character, literally storing every number/letter until I reach a comma.

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VS 2008 - Print Multiple Pages Based Off Size Of File

May 2, 2010

I have a question regarding multiple page printing. I know that it has to do with e.HasMorePages. I know that there has to be a condition that sets that flag to true and back to false or you get caught in a never ending print page loop. However, I have no idea where in my simple little print block here to implement that. As you can see I'm just printing a readline. Sometimes the file extends past a single page though depending on circumstances.

Dim strReader As StreamReader
strReader = File.OpenText("auditlog.txt")
Dim x As Integer = 10
Dim y As Integer = 10
Do While strReader.Peek <> -1
e.Graphics.DrawString(strReader.ReadLine, New Font("Times New Roman", _
10, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, x, y)
y += 12

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VS 2008 : Make Multiple File Deleter In Visual Basic?

Oct 17, 2009

I'am try to make multiple file deleter in visual basic so here is my code.

Public Class Form7
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


But my problem is that if add two or more files it just deletes the last one on the list box. How can i make it delete a the files on the list box?

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DB/Reporting :: Move From An Access MDB File To An SQLExpress(2005) MDF File

Sep 19, 2009

Trying to move from an Access MDB file to an SQLExpress(2005) MDF file and getting lots of problems. I have model my MDF file Like my Access MDB file ,same file name,same number of columns, same columns property,same columns name, see out of the 13 columns 8 have default value, I think I am getting a syntax problem when inserting the data into the table, being new to SQL Express I don't know how to write the proper SQl syntax

See my code for inserting and updating (using Access.mdb) which I whoud like transpose to SQL

'// Insert a record into the database for the node.
sSql = "INSERT INTO [TreeViewItems] (bRoot, dLastModified, iImageIndex," & _
"iParentID, iSelectedImageIndex, iSort, sName, sFullName) VALUES " & _


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Access To A Server File Share To Move A File?

Apr 18, 2012

Im am writing a simple console app that will check and see that a file exists and then if does it will copy the file and move/paste the file into a new location. The file I'm checking exists as a file share on a server and I am wanting to move the file to a folder on a local machines C drive.

I'm working from my machine which is on the domain where the file exists and I'm logged in and have full admin rights on the domain. I can access the file share but when I run my app it gives an error saying access to to the file path is denied. My question is even if I'm on the network do I still need to provide username and password credentials to make this connection? If so how do I do this?


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Impersonation - File.Copy / File.Move With Different Credentials

Apr 2, 2009

Ideally I'd like to be able to copy/move between an accessible folder on my local drive and a network share that I don't have permission to access (but the application would). I am using impersonation to give me access to the files in the network share but using System.IO File.Move or File.Copy forces me to use the same credentials for each location. Is there a way around this?

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Move File From File System To Application Resources

Oct 21, 2009

I want to know if it's possible to move a file from the file system into my applications resources.And if so, how?

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Saving Data From A Text Field And Multiple Combo Boxes To A File On A Server In VB 2008?

Apr 28, 2010

saving data from a text field and multiple combo boxes to a file on a server in visual basic 2008

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File I/O And Registry :: Listing Multiple Regkeys Under Multiple Keys?

Jun 13, 2012

I am trying to list all printers (PrintersConnections) under all users (HKEY_USERS)

problem is I dont know the user name keys in advance and need to exclude .DEFAULT and *_CLASSES so first I need to list all key names (%usernamekey%) directly under HKEY_USERS then for all keys that lists lsit all keys under HKEY_USERS\%usernamekey%PrintersConnections

Here is the code I have so far but I get errors about object variable not set, I suspect because of the way I doing the for each and listing the key names and then doing it again

Private Sub DetectPrntrs()
Dim RemReg As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey


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